A Quick but Helpful Guide to Running With Flat Feet


23 March 2019


running with flat feet

Maybe your doctor’s told you running just isn’t in your cards. But you really don’t believe that.

You see the open road or the winding trails and your heart wants to soar. But every time you try, your feet just hurt too much.

About 20% of us have flat feet. And doctors are often too quick to dismiss us as invalids.

The truth is, you can run with flat feet. Some of the top athletes in the world have flat feet. It just takes some strength work and adaptation.

Here’s our quick guide to running with flat feet.

1. What Makes a Flat Foot?

Flat feet makes it sound like you have platypus feet. This isn’t the case.

People with flat feet have what we call “fallen arches” or pes planus. Your feet aren’t just flapping around like two sheets of paper.

We have three arches in each foot. Two on either side of the foot, the inside arch being the most prominent general, and in the very center of the foot.

These arches act as natural shock absorbers. When you run, they absorb some of the energy and then spring back, helping you move.

When the ligaments and muscles in these arches lose strength, they quit working properly. Sometimes this loss of strength is due to injury sometimes it’s hereditary.

Either way, collapsing arches aren’t how feet are supposed to work.

2. Over-Pronation:

If you’ve been in the running field for very long, you’ll have heard two terms: over-pronation and under-pronation. Often, running shoe sites will ask you about your pronation when helping you choose a shoe.

Most people with flat feet over-pronate. This means their feet and leg turns inward when they impact the ground.

If your quads and posterior tibialis aren’t strong enough, you could cause a number of injuries after a time. Ignoring over-pronation could eventually end a running career.

3. Do I Need Arch Support for Flat Feet?

The answer to this question is case-based. It probably wouldn’t hurt to support the arches in your flat feet. Especially if you’re running long miles like a marathoner or ultramarathoner, your feet will get tired and you’ll want that extra arch support.

But whether you “need” to support your arches really depends on how strong your feet and legs are. You could have a strong tibialis that’s just lengthened. This means you still have no arch, but can handle neutral shoes.

But that’s probably not the case for most people. Unless you’re specifically strengthening the right muscles, and you should see a physical therapist to figure out which ones, you’re not going to be strong enough for neutral shoes.

This means you should wear stability or motion control shoes. These shoes include a bost in the medial arch of dense foam. When you contact the ground, it essentially forces your foot into a natural arch position preventing overpronation.

Running With Flat Feet is Totally Possible:

If your doctor says that running with flat feet is impossible, get another doctor or see a sports doc. You’re going to just lose out on your runner’s high if you don’t.

What have you found to work with flat feet? Let us know in the comments below.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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4 Must-Have Characters In All Men’s Leather Belts

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As an artist paints on a blank canvas, the designers create a unique narrative through the artwork on the jerseys. For example, the jersey of a football club may display the city's skyline or historical symbols, thereby representing the city's identity. On the other hand, a basketball jersey may use vibrant colors and abstract patterns to signify the team's energy and dynamism. Through such artistic representations, jerseys become more than just sportswear—they transform into wearable art. Customization: Personalising Your Canvas With the advancement of technology, it has become possible for individuals to personalize their jerseys, allowing them to express their unique style and taste. They can choose the color palette, incorporate patterns, and even include personal logos. This customization process turns the jersey into a personalized canvas where individuals can portray their creativity. 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The artwork on these jerseys ranges from abstract patterns and graffiti to traditional art forms, providing a unique platform for artists to showcase their talent. Jersey-Themed Art Exhibits: These exhibits feature jerseys transformed into breathtaking artwork. The artists use various techniques such as painting, embroidery, and digital art to turn jerseys into a piece of art. These exhibits highlight the artistic potential of jerseys and push the boundaries of what can be achieved with this unique canvas. The Emergence of Eco-Friendly Jerseys: Another exciting development in the world of jersey artistry is the introduction of eco-friendly materials. Many sports teams are becoming increasingly conscious of their environmental impact and exploring sustainable jersey options. From using recycled materials to embracing plant-based dyes for their designs, these initiatives reflect a growing commitment towards sustainability in the sports industry. Technological Advancements in Jersey Design: With the advent of new technology, jerseys have the potential to be more interactive and immersive. Imagine a jersey that changes its design based on the wearer's mood or a jersey that displays real-time stats of a player during a game. While these ideas seem far-fetched, they are not completely out of the realm of possibility, given the current pace of technological advancement. The Future of Jerseys as a Canvas The use of jerseys as a canvas is a trend that will likely continue and evolve. As more artists and designers realize the potential of jerseys, we can expect to see more innovative and creative designs. Furthermore, with the growth of digital technology and the rise of virtual reality, there's potential for digital jerseys that can display moving images and interactive elements. The future holds exciting possibilities for jersey design. In a world where individuality and personal expression are valued, the idea of personalized jerseys as a wearable canvas will undoubtedly gain more traction. As the realms of fashion, art, and sport increasingly converge, we may also witness an emergence of designer sportswear lines, creating an even more symbiotic relationship between these spheres. Read Also: How To Pick The Best Towels Misconceptions about Elevator Shoes for Men What to Buy To Dramatically Improve Your Footwear Game

Hair Damage

Possible Causes of Hair Damage When Visiting a Salon

You see your hairdresser regularly because you want to style your hair. You want to be fabulous for a special event, or you want to make it easy to fix your hair before you leave the house. You might also want to try out new trends that might look good on you. In most cases, you leave the salon feeling good about the results. You even brag about your transformation to your friends. Sadly, it is not always the case. There could be instances where you end up with damaged hair. Here are the most common problems experienced by people visiting a salon and why there is a rise in the number of hair damage claims. Bleaching You need to bleach your hair to prepare it for new hair color. There needs to be an appropriate mixture of all ingredients before bleaching; otherwise, it could severely damage your hair and scalp. During the process, your cuticles open to remove the pigments of the hair. As a result, split ends could happen as moisture is absent. If not done the right way, your hair could have severe damage. Hair color You dye your hair because you want to achieve a new look. Unfortunately, hair dyes contain chemicals that could be damaging to your hair. Quality hairdressers know what to do to come up with the right mixture to avoid hair damage. If not done right, it could be painful during and after the process. Perm Perming alters the structure of the hair to curl or straighten it. The involvement of harsh chemicals could lead to severe damage. These chemicals break the bond in the hair and rejoin them differently to achieve the desired look. In the process, your hair shaft weakens and makes the hair porous. Hairdressers know how to achieve a good look without severely damaging the hair. Too much shampoo Using shampoo now and then helps in cleaning your hair. It also helps achieve a beautiful glow. The problem is some hairdressers overuse shampoo at the salon. As a result, the natural oils in your hair start disappearing from your scalp, leaving it vulnerable, and the hair brittle and dry. Use of wrong products Not everyone will have the same reaction to chemicals used on their hair. Some people will end up with dry and brittle hair because of these products. Hairdressers study the products carefully before trying them on customers. They also ask customers if they have allergic reactions to certain brands or chemicals. Anything is possible when you enter the salon to seek hair care services. If things did not go as expected, you could find help from a lawyer. You need to make hair damage claims because you might have to undergo serious medication because of what happened. You might also lose your confidence, and it could even affect your job. The same thing applies for a laser hair burn where the help of a laser burn solicitor would be necessary. Don’t let these professionals off the hook for what they did. Read Also: Fue Hair Transplant. All You Need To Know How To Use Heat To Straighten Curly Human Hair Extensions How To Pick The Right Hair Brush For Different Hair Types