6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully


03 May 2019


Essay Writing task

Undeniably, essay writing is a difficult and tricky process to do. That’s the truth and no one should lie to you. Unfortunately, you will have to write essays every now and then during your college life. That’s also something you must be prepared for.

In fact, writing an essay does not only belong to students of particular fields but it applies to all fields in the academic sphere.

It’s not a secret but it tends to be difficult to express feelings on paper. Writing an effective essay requires one to have outstanding writing skills and enough time.

Well, when we say an effective essay, we mean an essay that is free from all types of errors.

6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

Since it’s a must to write essays during your college life and there is no way out of it unless you get help from a paper writing service, read these six ways to achieve an essay writing task successfully.

1. Study and Plan

The first thing to do once you are assigned an essay question or task is to read and ensure you understand what you are required to write about and then plan on how to approach the writing process.

Failing to understand the question will lead to submitting an essay that does not answer the question and that can get you disappointing grades. For that reason, you must analyze and plan before you start writing.

2. Gather Relevant Information

Next, you need to gather and assess the usefulness of the information. Understanding the essay question will help you to know where you can get the information to write the actual essay.

To ensure the sources you are using are useful it must be:

  • Current and up-to-date
  • It must be relevant
  • It must be suitable for your type of essay. The information you get must also be accurate and reliable.

3. Read and Write Down Key Points

Once you have collected your materials together, you need to start extracting the information you need from them. This depends on the information you are gathering. For instance, if you are reading a book, you can start by looking at the chapter titles to know which one will help you in your essay writing.

For a journal article, you would better off reading the abstract first so that you can know you should keep reading. After the abstract, you might want to read the introduction since that will help you get more of the argument.

4. Write your Essay

Up to this far, you have an awesome idea on how to go about answering your essay question. You might also want to revisit your plan so that you can update anything that might have changed during the research stage. Understand how you will structure your essay, bearing in mind that it needs to have an introduction, main body, and a concrete conclusion.

The introduction of your essay is meant to let the reader know how you are answering the essay question. The body is where ideas come in; the conclusion tells the reader the approach you have taken to answer the question.

5. Polish Your Essay and Submit

Writing an essay is important but polishing it is also crucial. You need to devote enough time to proofread your essay checking for spelling, grammar, word count, references, and citations.

Remember, you are required to submit an error-free essay. For that reason, you must read it several times and correct all sorts of errors.

Once you are satisfied that your essay is error-free and you have answered the question you can submit it.

6. Reflect

You need to constantly improve your essay writing skills. For that reason, you should reflect on how you wrote your essay. Reflect on how you approached it from the research to the writing stage.

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7 Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Without a doubt, a dissertation is the most challenging and lengthy paper a student has to write. However, this doesn’t mean that dissertation writing has to be a painful and unpleasant process – on the contrary, you are able to actually enjoy yourself while writing it. This seems impossible to you at the moment? Don’t worry: in this article, I’m going to give you some tips on how to write a dissertation easily. 1. Pick the Right Topic. Picking a topic isn’t easy. Some are too hard to research, some are too broad, some are too narrow, and some don’t look really original. However, try to step away from these limitations for a bit and come up with a topic that actually interests you. Not all students think this way while picking a topic for their dissertation. Some prefer choosing the ones that look more serious and promising; however, that’s not always a good thing to do. If a topic doesn’t seem interesting to you, you will most likely end up struggling with the whole writing process instead of actually enjoying it. Try to make the list of topics that actually interest you and then narrow it down to one, based on its popularity and the amount of data you’ll be able to collect for it. 2. Plan Your Research. We all know that writing a dissertation requires a lot of research. However, you can ease the process greatly simply by planning everything well. It’s unlikely that you’ll find all the necessary books and other information sources in one place. So make the list of the sources you might need and then think of where you can find them. For example, if you know that most of them can be found in libraries only, you should plan when you’re going to visit these libraries and how much time you’re going to spend there. Doing so will help you structure the whole process better and save more time. 3. Make Notes. You’re probably going to look through many information sources during the research process. Don’t simply read them and switch to another one: make notes while you read. This will make it easier for you, allowing to highlight the most important parts of each book or article. 4. Save Quotations. It is very important to use direct quotes in your dissertation. However, not all students are able to come up with an appropriate quote during the writing process. It’s better to find the right quotes during your research, saving them in a separate file. This way you’ll have a list of quotes before you actually start writing and will always be able to choose the most appropriate one. Moreover, if you save the quotes properly (including the names of the books they are taken from, the number of the page, and so on), you won’t need to look through all the information sources later, trying to remember where this quote comes from. 5. Remember the 10% Rule. Word count can be both limiting and challenging, depending on a student. That’s why it is so important to ask your supervisor whether the 10% rule can be applied to your dissertation or not. This rule is simple: it allows you to go both above and below the limit, as long as you don’t exceed the word count by 10%. It might seem like a thing that is not too important, but it can actually save a lot of your time (and words that maybe don’t have to be cut out) later. 6. Plan Your Writing. Being the most challenging and thorough paper, the dissertation requires appropriate approach. It isn’t a thing that can be written quickly (unless you turn to custom writing services for help) – it requires a lot of work, so the earlier you start and the better prepared you are, the better your dissertation will be. Read also: 10 Tips For Writing A Dissertation Plan a number of hours you’re going to dedicate to writing: this can be a couple of hours a day or a couple of days a week, for example. Stick to the plan: if created properly, it could save you a lot of time and nerves, allowing to finish the dissertation before the deadline. 7. Don't Do It Alone. Contact your supervisor, ask them questions, ask for their advice. If there is a professor willing to help you, use their help too. Moreover, even your flatmates or college mates can help you, noticing the flaws in time and even offering some valuable ideas. So don’t hesitate to discuss your paper with them. If you lack sufficient skills and enough time to handle this exercise, you can buy cheap thesis online on BuyDissertations.com. You can be sure of getting a high-quality paper that will impress the college panel. A dissertation is indeed a serious paper. However, you probably wouldn’t write it if it didn’t seem appealing to you, would you? That’s why don’t forget to focus on the process and enjoy yourself as much as you can. I wish you good luck with that!   Author's Bio: Kevin Nelson started his career as a research analyst and has changed his sphere of activity to writing services and content marketing. Currently, Kevin works as a part-time writer at the BreezeWriting. Apart from writing, he spends a lot of time reading psychology and management literature searching for the keystones of motivation ideas. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin.

Dissertation Writer

Maximizing Your Vacation: How To Fully Enjoy And Still Get Quality Work Done With A Dissertation Writer For Hire

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, finding the perfect work-life balance can be challenging. This is especially true for individuals who are pursuing higher education while juggling other responsibilities. When it comes to working on a dissertation, the pressure to produce quality work can often overshadow the need for rest and relaxation. However, with the help of a dissertation writer for hire, it is possible to maximize your vacation and still get quality work done. Benefits of hiring a dissertation writer Hiring a dissertation writer has numerous benefits that can greatly enhance your vacation experience. Firstly, it allows you to delegate the time-consuming task of researching and writing to a professional, freeing up your time to enjoy your vacation to the fullest. This not only reduces stress but also ensures that your dissertation is in capable hands, guaranteeing a well-written and cohesive final product. Secondly, a dissertation writer brings a fresh perspective and expertise to your project. They have the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct thorough research and provide valuable insights. By collaborating with a dissertation writer, you can benefit from their expertise and ensure that your work is of the highest quality. Lastly, hiring a dissertation writer allows you to learn from their experience. By observing their writing style and approach, you can gain valuable insights and improve your own writing skills. This can be particularly helpful if you plan to pursue a career in academia or research. Communication and collaboration with your dissertation writer Effective communication and collaboration with your dissertation writer are crucial for maximizing your vacation while ensuring a successful outcome. Clear and open lines of communication should be established from the beginning of your working relationship. This includes setting expectations regarding deadlines, deliverables, and the level of involvement you desire. Regular check-ins and progress updates are essential to keep everyone on the same page. Utilize communication tools such as email, video calls, or project management software to stay connected, even while on vacation. By maintaining a strong line of communication, you can monitor the progress of your dissertation and address any concerns or questions that may arise. Collaboration is key when working with a dissertation writer. Provide them with all the necessary materials, guidelines, and instructions to ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of your research topic. Encourage them to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. By working together as a team, you can achieve the best possible outcome for your dissertation. Setting clear goals and expectations with your dissertation writer To maximize your vacation and ensure a smooth working relationship with your dissertation writer, it is essential to establish clear goals and expectations from the start. Clearly define the scope of your project, including the specific chapters or sections that need to be completed. Discuss your desired timeline and any important milestones that need to be met. Additionally, communicate your expectations regarding the level of research, writing style, and formatting guidelines. Providing your dissertation writer with a detailed brief will help them understand your vision and ensure that the final product aligns with your expectations. Be open to their suggestions and recommendations, as their expertise can greatly enhance the quality of your work. Regularly review and assess the progress of your dissertation to ensure that it aligns with your goals and expectations. If adjustments need to be made along the way, communicate them clearly to your dissertation writer. By setting clear goals and expectations, you can work together effectively and make the most of your vacation. Time management tips for balancing vacation and work Balancing work and vacation can be a daunting task, but with proper time management strategies, it is possible to achieve a healthy equilibrium. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your time: Plan ahead: Before embarking on your vacation, create a detailed schedule that includes dedicated time for work and leisure activities. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you allocate sufficient time for both. Prioritize tasks: Identify the most important tasks that need to be completed during your vacation and allocate specific time slots for them. By prioritizing your work, you can focus on the most critical aspects of your dissertation while still enjoying your vacation. Eliminate distractions: Minimize distractions during your designated work time by creating a conducive work environment. Find a quiet space, turn off notifications on your electronic devices, and let others know that you are not to be disturbed during these periods. Take breaks: Remember to schedule regular breaks to recharge and relax. Stepping away from your work for short periods can actually improve productivity and concentration when you return to it. Practice self-care: Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining productivity and enjoying your vacation. By implementing these time management strategies, you can strike a balance between work and vacation, allowing you to fully enjoy your time off while still making progress on your dissertation. Creating a conducive work environment while on vacation When working on your dissertation while on vacation, it is important to create a work environment that is conducive to productivity. Here are some tips to help you establish an effective workspace: Find a quiet space: Choose a location where you can work without distractions. This could be a quiet corner in your hotel room, a local library, or a coffee shop with a calm atmosphere. Ensure a stable internet connection: Check the internet connectivity in your vacation destination and choose accommodation or public spaces that offer a reliable and high-speed connection. A stable internet connection is essential for collaborating with your dissertation writer and conducting research. Organize your workspace: Keep your work area clean and clutter-free. Have all the necessary materials, such as notebooks, pens, and reference books, readily available. This will help you stay focused and minimize distractions. Set boundaries: Communicate your working hours and boundaries with the people you are traveling with. Let them know when you need uninterrupted time for work and when you are available for leisure activities. Establishing clear boundaries will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. Use productivity tools: Utilize productivity tools such as time management apps, project management software, and writing aids to stay organized and streamline your work process. These tools can help you stay on track and make the most of your working hours. By creating a conducive work environment, you can optimize your productivity and make significant progress on your dissertation while still enjoying your vacation. Maintaining work-life balance while working with a dissertation writer Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial, especially when working on a demanding project like a dissertation. Here are some strategies to help you maintain balance while working with a dissertation writer: Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your work and personal life. Dedicate specific time slots for work and leisure activities, and stick to them as much as possible. This will help you avoid burnout and ensure that you have time to relax and enjoy your vacation. Practice self-care: Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, relaxation techniques, and spending time with loved ones. Taking care of your well-being will improve your focus, productivity, and overall satisfaction with your vacation. Delegate and outsource: Take advantage of the services offered by a dissertation writer for hire. By delegating the writing and research tasks to a professional, you can free up your time and energy for other important aspects of your life. Communicate your needs: Be open and honest with your dissertation writer about your expectations and limitations. If you need additional support or require adjustments to the working arrangement, communicate these needs clearly. A good dissertation writer will be understanding and accommodating. Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress along the way. Reward yourself for completing important milestones or achieving specific goals. This will help you stay motivated and maintain a positive outlook throughout the dissertation process. By prioritizing work-life balance and implementing these strategies, you can effectively manage your dissertation project while still enjoying a fulfilling vacation experience. Conclusion and final thoughts on maximizing your vacation with a dissertation writer for hire Maximizing your vacation while still getting quality work done is not an easy feat, but with the assistance of a dissertation writer for hire, it becomes a realistic goal. The benefits of hiring a dissertation writer, such as saving time, gaining expertise, and improving your own writing skills, cannot be overstated. Clear communication and collaboration with your dissertation writer, as well as setting clear goals and expectations, are essential for a successful working relationship. Effective time management strategies, creating a conducive work environment while on vacation, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance are key to maximizing your vacation experience. Read Also: Tips To Enhance Your Academic Performance From An Expert Writer Tutor John W From DoMyEssay | Сontentrally What Is An Essay? Definition And What Are Its Parts Features To Look For When Investing In Teacher Desks For Your Institution

Writing Skills

Argumentative Writing – The Skills You Need to Develop

Any kind of college student should be well geared up in the arena of argumentation. Here You can choose argumentative essay topics for writing Whether you are entrusted with a dental argument or a written viewpoint essay, you have to have the ability to display skills in conveying your message and fighting for your conviction. Build on Your Instance : Any kind of opposition, as well as difference, can be taken into consideration a debate. Debates are a crucial component in life. They warm up discussions. This drives male's look for real and also understanding. To be able to build an effective, get the gas that is intrinsic in any argumentation. Be passionate. Highlight the curious youngster in you. Foster a genuine interest in the topic. Do Your Homework : Does the necessary research study? Collect as many details as you can. The even better informed you have to do with the subject, the much more convincing you end up being. Your objective is to appeal to reason. Use an intelligent strategy. Appeal to emotions does the job but just to a particular extent. Prepare to give valid proof that supports your stance. Consider Opposite Point of Views : Your disagreement is never total without the negating perspective. You must make the effort to discuss rival sights. Make sure though that you are expressing them in a weaker light. Besides, your objective is to persuade the visitors concerning your position, not that of the opposing viewpoint. The secret is to really rely on your situation. Everything else will adhere to. Be Decisive : There are basically 2 sides of an issue-one that concurs and also one that doesn't. Before you also get going with your composition, you must already be decided as to whether you choose the affirmative or the negative. You’re Topic : Your choice of topic may well be the figuring out variable regarding whether you get to establish an influential make-up or not. Choose a subject you that fires you up. Prevent picking a topic just to thrill the viewers that you understand something regarding it. It will certainly assist if the subject is naturally intense. Intense does not constantly mean complex. Any type of mundane topic could motivate passion if put in the best point of view. You’re Perspective : Having the right perspective can be as vital as your option of the topic. With the correct amount of inquisitiveness, you could transform any type of dull topic right into something that elicits warmed discussions. A cup of imagination, a spoonful of passion and also a dashboard of knowledge result in the best mix of persuasiveness. You’re Writing Design : Your fired up sentence is absolutely nothing if you are unable to connect it properly. You have to have the required abilities in creating if you are to compose a great essay. You merely need to adhere to the essentials in structure writing. Your makeup has to include an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. You must maintain your sentences brief and also your paragraphs meaningful. Stay clear of highfalutin words. Maintain your composing style easy as well as your points convincing. With the appropriate skills in the rule of argumentation, composing your debate essay need to be no sweat. Read Also : The Importance Of Writing Business Reports In College Tips On Writing A Winning Reflection Paper In College 7 Ways To Get Better At Writing: Personal Growth