Breast Augmentation: procedure, benefits, and risks

Breast Augmentation

If you are not satisfied with the size, shape, or contour of your breasts, you may want to consider breast implant surgery. Breast augmentation, also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty or breast implant surgery, is a procedure that involves using implants to help women who want fuller, larger breasts.

Whether you are unhappy with the droopiness or size of your breasts after weight loss or pregnancy, breast augmentation may help. Breast implants may also correct disproportion or asymmetry in breast size instigated by growth problems.

Need for breast augmentation

The following conditions may indicate that you are a potential candidate for augmentation mammoplasty:

  • Your breasts are too small
  • There is asymmetry among your breasts
  • You aren’t comfortable wearing a swimsuit or bodycon dress
  • Clothes are often too large at the bustline
  • The shape and size of your breasts have changed after losing weight
  • Your breasts have lost their firmness after pregnancy

Breast Augmentation in Asheville, NC

If you’re considering breast augmentation, the most significant decision you’ll make is who will be performing the surgery. Breast implant surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the United States and a board-certified surgeon Dr. Marshall at Reveal Aesthetic Surgery, Ashville has perfected techniques for the best results. Breast enhancement is performed with either silicone or saline implants. Dr. Marshall evaluates personal preferences and individual factors to determine your right breast size, incision location and the placement of implants.

In your one-hour consultation, Dr. Marshall will explain the pros and cons of the surgery, different types and shapes of implants. There are pluses and minuses to each, and he will take to the time to go over each required detail.

How is breast augmentation performed?

Usually performed with conscious sedation or general anesthesia, the following types of incisions can be employed in low-key areas of the breast to minimize visible scarring:

  • Inframammary incision
  • Periareolar incision
  • Transaxillary incision
  • Submammary incision

Some breast enhancements can be performed in a slightly invasive manner, utilizing endoscopes and with small incisions made in the armpit. The procedure typically takes about two hours or less. For detailed information on breast augmentation in Asheville, NC, you may consult Dr. Marshall.

Benefits and risks

Breast augmentation surgery has both physical and psychological benefits, ranging from improved self-esteem and self-confidence to the adoption of healthy habits. Many women have reported that they felt healthier and confident after the surgery. If one is unsatisfied with the way the implants look, they can be changed or replaced after a certain period of time.

The potential risks of breast implants include infection, bleeding, scarring, breast pain, changes in sensation of the nipple and breast, rupture of implants, contraction, etc.

To achieve the desired shape and size, you might have to undergo a set of procedures. When performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, augmentation mammoplasty is a safe surgery with long-lasting results. The best way to decide whether or not breast augmentation is right for you is to meet with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Marshall at Reveal Aesthetic Surgery, Ashville.

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Biohacking Mental Health With Plants And Mushrooms

Mental health is a growing concern in today's society, with an increasing number of people struggling with various mental health conditions. Millions of people suffer from mental disorders globally, making it one of the leading causes of ill health and disability worldwide. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards alternative methods for treating mental health conditions. One such method that has gained popularity in the biohacking community is the use of plants and mushrooms. But before you get the best magic mushroom grow kit and start growing some mushrooms, it's important to understand what biohacking mental health with plants and mushrooms truly means. In this article, we will explore the concept of biohacking, its connection to mental health, and how plants and mushrooms can be beneficial for improving our mental well-being. What Is Biohacking? Biohacking refers to the practice of using science and technology to improve human performance and optimize health. It involves making small lifestyle changes or adopting specific techniques that aim to enhance physical and mental capabilities. The goal of biohacking is to achieve optimal functioning in all aspects of life, including physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are various forms of biohacking, such as do-it-yourself biology, nutrigenomics, neurofeedback, and nutritional supplements. However, in recent years, biohacking has also extended to include the use of plants and mushrooms for mental health purposes. Plants And Mushrooms: Nature's Medicine Cabinet For Mental Health Plants and mushrooms have been used for centuries as natural remedies for various ailments, including mental health conditions. With the rise of biohacking, these natural substances have gained even more attention as powerful tools for improving mental well-being. Some plants and mushrooms that are commonly used in biohacking for mental health include: Lion's Mane Mushroom: This delicious mushroom that tastes almost like lobster or crab meat can improve cognitive function and memory and has neuroprotective properties. Ashwagandha: This is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with stress and anxiety. Bacopa Monnieri: This is another adaptogenic herb that may enhance learning, memory, and brain function. Psilocybin Mushrooms: These psychedelic mushrooms have shown promising results in treating conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Importance Of Proper Usage While plants and mushrooms can offer many benefits for mental health, it is important to note that they should be used responsibly. Some key considerations include: Proper dosage: Different plants and mushrooms may have varying levels of active compounds, so it is crucial to follow recommended dosages to avoid negative effects. Source reliability: It is essential to obtain plants and mushrooms from reputable sources to ensure purity and safety. Poorly sourced products may contain harmful contaminants or incorrect species. Individual response: Each person may have a different reaction to biohacking with plants and mushrooms. It is important to monitor your own responses and make adjustments accordingly. Consulting a healthcare professional: Before incorporating any new plant or mushroom into your routine, it is wise to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications. Final Thoughts As you explore the world of biohacking with plants and mushrooms, remember that your health and safety should always be the priority. This field is complex and still emerging, so it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable expert in the field before making changes to your routine. This way, you can ensure that your mental health biohacking journey is both effective and safe. Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen

Easy Breakfast Ideas

Easy Breakfast Ideas for Type 2 Diabetes

People with diabetes should pay a lot of attention to their diet. According to the latest studies, the right meal plan can help reverse Type 2 diabetes and lead a healthy life. If you have been recently diagnosed with this condition, you should ask your doctor to provide you with medical supplies and create a healthy eating plan that can help you lose weight and keep it off. Your daily diet should include whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and heart-healthy fats such as tuna, avocado, salmon, seeds, and nuts. Also, you should always eat breakfast since it can help boost your metabolism and reduce the risk of craving later in the day. According to experts, breakfast also helps to keep your body energized and improve concentration. If you struggle with diabetes at the moment, you should avoid eating foods high in sugar for breakfast. So, french toast, corn flakes, and pancakes should not be on your menu in the morning. Below you can find the list with easy breakfast ideas that can keep your healthy and energetic: Easy Breakfast Ideas for Type 2 Diabetes: Healthy shake: You can blend plain nonfat yogurt (or one cup of fat-free milk) with blueberries, bananas and strawberries, some nuts, wheat germ, and ice. You can also drink this healthy shake during the day so that you will not feel hungry. Scrambled eggs: Who wouldn’t enjoy eating scrambled eggs with toast for breakfast? People with diabetes should use a nonstick pan and cooking spray in order to cook scrambled eggs and toast the right healthy way. Also, you can add a light-butter substitute or low-fat cream cheese. Fruit and nuts: If you don’t have time to cook in the morning, you can eat raw almonds and low glycemic-index fruit, such as apples, peaches, berries, or an orange. Nuts and fruit that contain fiber will make you feel full. Also, when you cook your breakfast, watch the portion size. If you feel very hungry and can’t control yourself, consider using ‘the plate method.’ To do so, you need to fill one-quarter of your plate with grain, another quarter with protein and the rest with non-starchy vegetables. To learn more about your condition, check out the infographic below: Read Also: Best Super Nutritious Foods To Include In Your Diet Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit

Speed Up Your Muscle Injury Recovery

How To Speed Up Your Muscle Injury Recovery

A muscle injury of any type can be extremely painful, weaken the body, and make it difficult to proceed with your daily activities. Muscle injuries include a pulled muscle or muscle strain and can occur for various reasons. Speeding muscle recovery time is crucial to carrying on with your life without pain. Muscle injuries can limit the muscle’s movement, not only in that muscle but in surrounding ones attached via tendons and aponeurosis. Arteries, veins, and nerves penetrate the epimysium (connective tissue sheath surrounding the muscle). When a muscle is damaged, nerve impulses are sent to the brain, signaling pain. Blood flow can be compromised in severe muscle damage, and blood loss into the surrounding tissue can cause a bruise or hematoma. Skeletal muscles also need signals (impulses) from the nerve cell to contract the muscle fiber. When an injured muscle cuts off these nerve impulses, the muscle cannot perform. In bodybuilding, muscle injury is what builds stronger, larger muscles as new cells fill in the tears. However, extreme damage can lead to serious issues. How Does A Muscle Injury Happen? A muscle strain can occur in various ways, each causing a different set of problems. Fatigue will not result in the same pain and damage that extreme exercise can cause. Any strain on a muscle can reduce motion and cause pain. Minor and moderate injuries are easily treated at home. However, more severe damage (diagnosed as grade 3), such as rotator cuff tears, Achilles ruptures, or hamstring ruptures, might require surgery. Muscle injury can occur in three different areas: within the muscle, at the connection between the muscle and tendon (most frequent), or in the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone. Muscle strains and injuries can happen to anyone. While athletes are more likely to experience these injuries, the general population is also at risk. Acute strains can occur while walking if you lose your footing or slip, throw an item, lift something heavy, jump, run, or lift something improperly. Muscle injuries include: Strains: these contraction-induced injuries occur most often when muscles work across multiple joints during rapid acceleration and deceleration more than the tensile forces the muscle fibers can withstand Contusions: caused by compressive force to the muscle, such as in contact sports collisions that lead to muscle damage with bleeding resulting in a bruise Lacerations: most often occur due to injuries, such as industrial or traumatic accidents that cut the muscle Here are some of the most common causes of muscle injury: Poor Conditioning Engaging in physical activity when the muscles have not been adequately conditioned can increase the risk of injury. Improper Exercises Doing extreme, high-intensity exercises or those your body is not used to can cause exercise-induced muscle damage. The ensuing trauma can lead to inflammation, swelling, increased passive tension, decreased muscle strength, soreness, reduced range of motion, and problems with insulin sensitivity as the muscles are involved in glucose uptake. Fatigue Overexertion of the muscle can lead to muscle fatigue, weakening it and making it more susceptible to injury. Improper Warmup Working the muscles without preparing them through proper warmup exercises and stretches can cause muscle injury. Lack of flexibility can increase the risk of injury as the muscle fibers are tighter than they should be. Overuse Repetitive tasks can cause micro-trauma to the muscles. For example, someone on the computer all day doing repetitive movements with the keys or the mouse may experience muscle pain in the inner elbow or wrist. Injury Whether caused by sports or trauma, an injury can result in mild to severe damage to the muscle. Bruising is a sign of bleeding, and while minor bruises are not dangerous, some forms of hematomas can be life-threatening in the case of serious injuries, including when fractures or internal organ damage is present. Poor Posture Sitting or standing in the wrong position for a long time can strain the muscles. Muscle strains are more common in the neck, back, shoulders, and hamstrings. What Can You Do For Muscle Injury? The treatment you need depends on the severity of the muscle strain. Muscle injury is categorized into three grades as follows: Grade 1: mild damage to less than 5% of individual muscle fibers, causing minimal loss of motion and strength. Grade 2: more muscle fibers are affected with increased damage, yet no complete ruptures. The injury can cause significant loss of motion and strength and may take two to three months to heal. Grade 3: complete muscle or tendon rupture that may require surgery to reattach the damaged tissue. The tips below can help you speed up recovery from a muscle injury: Rest Injured muscles need time to heal, and that means letting them rest. An injured muscle is more vulnerable to further damage, so avoid activities that can further increase the strain. Sleep Getting adequate sleep is crucial to muscle recovery, as that is the time when growth hormone and insulin growth factor 1 promote cellular regeneration and tissue repair. Anything less than 7 hours reduces recovery efforts inside the body. Hydrate Hydrated muscles heal better than dehydrated ones. Along with water, increasing intake of fruit and vegetables provides additional fluids along with crucial vitamins and minerals the body needs for muscle repair. Compression Compression wrapping of the affected area supports and reduces swelling in the injured area. Do not make the compress too tight, which can cut off circulation. Elevate Raising the injured muscle above heart level decreases blood flow to the area, helping to reduce swelling. The sooner you can do that, the better it is to speed healing. Ice Applying ice packs to an injured muscle immediately can help reduce swelling and pain. Focus on doing it for 15 minutes every hour for the first two to three days (longer if necessary). HGH Therapy It has been clinically proven that HGH not only boosts muscle development but also enhances muscle repair and recovery. Find out what is the HGH cost in the US and whether HGH therapy is right for you. Manual Therapy Physical therapy targets the damaged muscle to improve circulation, increase mobility, decrease swelling, reduce pain, and promote healing. Heat After icing for three days, apply heat a few times daily to restore blood circulation to the area for healing. Pain Management There are many ways to manage pain, including over-the-counter medications, prescription painkillers (which can lead to addiction if used long-term), supportive braces, and getting help from a pain management specialist, if needed. Increase Protein Consumption Muscles need protein, and eating more protein, along with taking collagen or whey powder supplements, provides the muscles with nutrients to speed the healing process. Consume Tart Cherry Juice Studies have shown some benefits of tart cherry juice for reducing inflammation, soreness, and damage to the muscles. Switch To Low-Impact Exercise During Injury Recovery Strength and flexibility exercises can help improve strength and range of motion while speeding muscle recovery. A physical therapist can help determine the appropriate exercises for your condition. Surgery Serious injuries may require surgical intervention to improve healing. Seek medical help for severe muscle injuries. Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections PRP injections may accelerate muscle tissue regeneration in the damaged area. Conclusion Muscle injuries can cause significant pain, bruising, swelling, decreased range of motion, and loss of strength. The pain can be sudden, sporadic, stabbing, achy, ongoing, or combined. As the muscle heals, stem cells around the injured area regenerate new muscle fibers, and scar tissue forms around the area. Torn muscle tissue may never fully regenerate, making it susceptible to future muscle strains. Trying the RICE method of rest, ice, compression, and elevation is always the best step to take immediately. A newer recommendation is the PEACE approach, which has you protect the area from further injury by reducing use, elevating to decrease swelling, avoiding anti-inflammatory treatments (ice and NSAIDs) to allow inflammation for healing, compressing the area with a bandage, and educating yourself about the recovery period. Protecting the muscles from injury is crucial, and giving strained muscles time to heal can reduce the risk of further damage. Seek medical attention if the pain and weakness are ongoing or severe. Read Also: Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Different Types Of Blood Circulation Exercise