5 Best Vegetables You Should Try Growing In Your Garden

Published on: 25 January 2021 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024

There is nothing that beats the taste of a freshly picked tomato from your garden compared to produce that is bought from a grocery store. Growing your vegetables in the comfort of your garden is one of the activities that balance indulgence and practicality. Aside from the convenience, growing your vegetables allows you to get more nutrition as well.

Vegetables start to lose their nutrients the moment they are harvested, and their quality decreases as sugars will turn into starches. Hence, if you are aiming for veggies with the best nutrition, try growing your own. That being said, here are a few of the best vegetables that are best to grow in your garden.



Rhubarb is a vegetable that is renowned for its red firm stalk and sour taste. Like celery, it is edible, especially when you add a lot of sugar to it. Although it is technically a vegetable, it is commonly used in sweet and tart recipes. There are also different types of rhubarb that you may choose to grow for personal consumption.

Rhubarb best grows in well-draining and fertile soil that is abundant in organic matter. Constant moisture is necessary, but it doesn’t like too much wetness. These plants spread out; therefore, it should be placed 3-4 feet apart from each other when planting.  It does not contain a lot of essential nutrients, but it is an excellent source of vitamin K1.



Fresh, homegrown tomatoes are one of the few reasons many gardeners decide to get into gardening. Nothing could match eating a perfectly ripe tomato from your backyard. It is also unbelievably good for us, with it being rich in vitamins A, B6, and C, niacin, fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, and the antioxidant lycopene.

Tomatoes are ideal for growers with small balconies or gardens as they do not require too much space to grow. They typically take 12 weeks until they can be harvested. Aside from this very speedy growing period, its plant can produce tomatoes daily for up to six years. It would be best to watch out for tomato horns as these large caterpillars can be a problem.



Broccoli is a vegetable that belongs to the cole crop family along with kohlrabi, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower. It grows best during the cold season of the year. It is known to be high in vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium, calcium, and iron. As a matter of fact, a cup of raw broccoli gives 130 percent of a person’s regular vitamin C requirement.

Broccoli is best to grow during early spring and fall and can be set in an in-ground garden or container. Place these plants 18 inches apart from each other. You may also want to get a location that has fertile soil and has easy access to water. A moisturized soil is also best for broccoli, therefore water it for 1 to 1.5 inches every week.

Red Bell Pepper

Red Bell Pepper

Most of the gardeners would agree that every time they planned their vegetable garden, one of the plants they want to include is a bell pepper. Who would not? Peppers are great in all types of dishes, cooked and raw. Red bell peppers are high in vitamins A, B6, C, riboflavin, and potassium. You may want to take note that a cup of it contains 93% of the required vitamin A and 317% of vitamin C daily allowance.

Although growing this vegetable is not as problematic compared to other plants, temperature plays an important role. They may be easy to grow, but its plant care, especially in the early stages, is crucial. Bell peppers flourish in warm seasons, and it is vital to be sure that the chance of frost in your area is long gone since frost might hinder pepper growth.


Beets are one of the vegetables that can grow quickly and do not require you to wait long before you can harvest them. Apart from its roots, you can also eat its green tops, making it a dual-purpose crop. Young beets can be added to a salad, while the larger ones can be sauteed as a side dish. Beetroots are very rich in vitamin C, potassium, and iron.

Beets are the best option for northern gardeners as they can survive near-freezing temperatures and frost. For beginners, it is best to look for bolt-resistant, especially in warm weather. You can also start harvesting them once they are about the size of a tennis or golf ball as larger roots may be woody and tough.


Growing and maintaining your vegetable garden may seem overwhelming to some people, but it is easier than it sounds. Even if you only have a small garden, you may still be able to grow the vegetables we provided in this article. Additional guides can also be found all over the internet.

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Student Apartment

How to Make Your Student Apartment Feel Like Your Own House?

Feeling a bit homesick while away at college is pretty common and almost everyone goes through it at some point. And, if you are a student living abroad in student housing, it might be even more difficult for you.  Feeling a bit homesick while away at college is pretty common, and almost everyone goes through it at some point. And, if you are a student living abroad in student housing, it might be even more difficult for you.  After all, being in a different environment, like student apartments, can sometimes make you feel disconnected from home. First things first, you might need to find apartments near campus so that you can at least save some commute time.  The good news is — there are several other strategies that’ll help you make your new place feel just like your own house.  Let’s keep reading to know more about it. Let’s keep reading to know more about it. 1: Add a Little Bit More Light Improving the brightness of your living space is essential for comfort and health. Dim or insufficient lighting can create a dreary atmosphere, making your student accommodation feel cramped and less inviting. Enhancing the illumination may also create a curious illusion of spaciousness, akin to the roominess of your bedroom back home.  If your current light fixtures aren't effective, consider investing in stylish lamps to brighten up your place. Not only will this boost the ambiance, but it'll also revive the space, making it feel more lively and homely. Choosing lamps that align with your personal style will not only add a touch of flair but also bring back the cozy feelings of home that you're missing. 2: Instill Life in Those Lifeless Walls  If your new apartment has plain white walls and feels a bit empty, bringing in cherished photos or posters can liven up the space.  Whether it's capturing your family moments or displaying images of beloved sports icons, incorporating these elements, can personalize your living area.  Consider engaging a professional house painter in CT or a painting company in Prospect, CT, to introduce more depth and texture to your walls with a fresh coat of paint. 3: The Plants… Don’t Forget Them If you enjoy plants but lack the time or skill for care, consider placing a few low-maintenance plants in your student apartment.  They can bring color, improve air quality, and enliven your living area effortlessly.  However, if you don't have the time or inclination for plant care, there are a lot of attractive artificial plants available that can still lend a sense of style and coziness to your new home. 4: Blankets, Rugs, and Pillows Can Be Your Best Friend Simple tile, carpets, or hardwood floors might lack excitement.  To spruce things up, consider adding stylish throw rugs to your apartment—they not only enhance decor and color but also bring comfort and a personal touch.  Additionally, throwing blankets and vibrant pillows on sofas and chairs might further elevate your space with a touch of flair. 5: Gather Your Favorite Food and Stuff Food serves as a strong cultural link and a way to bring people together, although it can also spark heated debates like the pineapple pizza controversy. It holds significant value in our lives, often tied to cherished family recipes.  Exploring those recipes with loved ones can be a wonderful experience. Yet, not all favorite dishes originate from family recipes; some hail from local restaurants.  Recreating these meals can be achieved through copycat recipes found online or by purchasing specialty sauces or dishes from these establishments. If all else fails, discovering new eateries can lead to new culinary favorites and create fresh memories. 6: Make Your Space Smell Better Is there a particular aroma that evokes the feeling of being home? It could be the comforting scent of your mom's Sunday morning cinnamon buns or the nostalgic fragrance of garden flowers from your childhood bedroom.  Whatever brings you that sense of security, consider finding ways to incorporate that smell into your space. If burning candles isn't an option in your apartment, there are alternatives like oil diffusers, wax melts, and candle warmers that can help recreate that familiar scent. 7: Have a Motivating Study Space In college, studying is inevitable. While some apartments offer study rooms, you might opt to carve out your own study nook within your place.  Thankfully, the additional room in an apartment lets you craft a cozy workspace to ease the studying grind. Locate a peaceful corner with minimal interruptions. Then, deck it out with a comfy chair, a quality reading lamp, and enjoyable stationery to amp up your study vibes. 8: Cozy and Ambient Lighting Fluorescent lights commonly found in dorm rooms might not be appealing. Instead, opt for a stylish desk lamp for your study area or a larger floor lamp to illuminate the entire space.  You could also think about getting a budget-friendly light timer to automatically switch on your lamps in the evening.  Walking into a softly lit room late at night creates a much more inviting atmosphere than entering a completely dark space. FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions Q: How can I personalize my student apartment on a budget? Personalizing on a budget is possible! Consider using affordable decor items like posters, string lights, and inexpensive furniture. DIY projects and second-hand stores are also great options. Q: What are some easy ways to add a personal touch to my living space? Incorporate items that reflect your personality, such as photos, artwork, or memorabilia. Adding throw pillows, rugs, and curtains in your favorite colors can also make a significant difference. Q: How can I maximize storage in a small apartment without making it feel cluttered? Optimize vertical space with shelves and organizers. Use under-bed storage bins, wall-mounted hooks, and multi-functional furniture like ottomans with hidden storage to keep things organized. Q: Can I paint the walls of my student apartment, or are there alternative options for adding color? Check with your landlord first regarding painting. If not allowed, use removable wallpaper, wall decals, or large fabric panels to add color and personality without causing damage. Q: How can I create a productive study space within my apartment? Choose a quiet area with good lighting and invest in a comfortable chair and desk.  Personalize the space with motivating quotes, plants, and organizational tools to make it conducive to studying. Q: Are there any low-maintenance plants that are suitable for a student apartment? Yes, consider plants like snake plants, pothos, or succulents that require minimal care. These can add a touch of nature to your space without demanding too much attention. Q: Any advice for maintaining a clean and organized apartment? Develop good habits, such as cleaning up after yourself daily and having a designated place for everything. Regular decluttering sessions and a cleaning schedule can help maintain a tidy and organized living space. Read Also: How To Quickly Rent  An Apartment In New York? Things You Can Do to Your Apartment to Raise Its Value 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment

Domestic Lifts

Exploring The Ways Domestic Lifts Enhance Mobility And Access

In today's fast-paced world, accessibility is not just a luxury but a fundamental necessity. Whether it's navigating public spaces, buildings, or even our own homes, the ability to move freely and comfortably is something many of us often take for granted. However, this seemingly simple task can present significant barriers for those with mobility challenges. Fortunately, technological advancements have paved the way for solutions that revolutionize accessibility, with lifts emerging as a transformative tool for enhancing mobility. In their various forms, such as elevators, platform lifts, and stairlifts, lifts have become indispensable assets in modern infrastructure. These ingenious devices offer a range of benefits, from facilitating effortless movement between different building levels to enabling access to previously inaccessible spaces. Beyond the tangible benefits of enhanced accessibility, lifts also foster a more inclusive and empathetic society. Let us take a closer look into all the possible ways domestic lifts provide ease of mobility and champion the cause of accessibility for all. Facilitating independent living Lifts play a significant role in facilitating independent living by allowing individuals to navigate their living spaces and access different levels of buildings without assistance. Maintaining independence within their homes is often a primary concern for seniors and individuals with mobility challenges. By eliminating the need to navigate stairs, these lifts allow individuals to access all levels of their homes independently, reducing reliance on caregivers or family members for assistance. For individuals with mobility issues, navigating stairs can pose significant safety risks. Lifts mitigate these risks by providing a secure and stable means of vertical transportation. They also enable individuals to participate fully in social activities, pursue hobbies, and engage with their surroundings without feeling limited by mobility challenges. Enhancing safety Lifts enhance safety in various ways compared to traditional methods of vertical transportation. Lifts eliminate the need to navigate stairs, minimizing the risk of tripping, slipping, or falling. Climbing stairs can physically strain the body, leading to fatigue, muscle strain, and cardiovascular stress, especially for those with preexisting health conditions. Lifts alleviate this strain by providing a comfortable and effortless means of vertical transportation. The lift designs also accommodate wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and other mobility aids, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access different levels safely and comfortably without the risk of tipping over or getting stuck on stairs. In emergency situations such as fires or earthquakes, lifts can be used to safely evacuate individuals, especially those with mobility challenges who may struggle to navigate stairs quickly. Promoting inclusive design Lifts are vital for promoting inclusive design by ensuring that spaces are accessible to people of all abilities, ages, and sizes.  By incorporating lifts, designers create environments that everyone can access and enjoy, regardless of their physical abilities. Lifts eliminate architectural barriers such as stairs, steps, and uneven surfaces, which can pose significant obstacles for people with mobility impairments. This removal of barriers ensures that spaces are equally accessible to everyone, promoting a sense of belonging and inclusivity. Moreover, accessible lifts empower individuals with disabilities to move independently within built environments, preserving their autonomy and dignity. Whether it's installing a home elevator for aging homeowners or integrating platform lifts in heritage buildings, lifts can be customized to meet specific accessibility requirements while preserving the architectural integrity of the space. Supporting leisure and recreation Lifts support leisure and recreation by enhancing accessibility and enabling individuals with mobility challenges to participate in various activities and explore recreational spaces. Installing lifts in recreational facilities, outdoor settings, cultural places, and amusement parks allows individuals with mobility limitations to access elevated viewpoints and enjoy all amenities like everyone else. By providing equal access to leisure and recreational spaces, lifts promote social inclusion and facilitate opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in social activities, connect with others, and build meaningful relationships. Horizontal and vertical transportation Lifts for houses contribute to both horizontal and vertical transportation, addressing different types of mobility needs and overcoming various barriers. Lifts are primarily designed for vertical transportation, enabling individuals to move seamlessly between different levels of buildings. They are designed with spacious interiors, accessible controls, and audiovisual indicators to accommodate individuals with diverse mobility needs, ensuring equitable access for all users. They offer a safe and comfortable mode of transportation, equipped with safety features such as emergency brakes, interlocks, and backup power systems to ensure passenger safety during operation. By providing a means of horizontal transportation, these lifts also empower individuals with mobility challenges to navigate their surroundings independently, promoting autonomy and freedom of movement. Improving public transportation Lifts play a significant role in improving public transportation by enhancing accessibility and inclusivity for a diverse population. Lifts installed in transportation hubs provide an alternative for those who cannot use stairs, ensuring everyone can enter and exit stations safely and independently. For passengers transferring between different modes of transportation, such as from a subway to a bus or vice versa, lifts make the transition seamless. Lifts also contribute to the safety and security of passengers by providing a controlled and monitored means of vertical transportation. Removing barriers to public transportation, lifts support the autonomy and freedom of individuals with mobility challenges, enhancing their quality of life. Empowering employment opportunities Lifts contribute to the environment by empowering employment opportunities and ensuring equal workplace access for individuals with disabilities. Lifts provide a vital means of accessing different building levels, allowing employees with disabilities to reach their workplaces without barriers. By providing lifts, workplaces create an inclusive environment where architectural barriers do not limit employees with disabilities, fostering a sense of belonging and equality among all employees. Access to lifts allows employees with disabilities to move freely within the workplace independently, promoting their sense of dignity and autonomy. Conclusion Domestic lifts represent more than just convenience; they epitomize the liberation of mobility and the expansion of home accessibility. By seamlessly integrating into residential spaces, these lifts empower individuals with mobility challenges to navigate their homes with ease and dignity. Beyond functionality, domestic lifts symbolize a commitment to inclusivity, creating living environments where everyone can thrive regardless of physical limitations. Many lift installation providers and contractors ensure that they are mindful of all these inclusions to provide a holistic and practical usage of these machines.  Read Also: How Well Does Carbon Fiber Perform in the Cold? 4 Ways To Bring A New Look To Your Home Mold Inspection And Testing

Save Garden

How to Prevent Root Damage to Sewer Line and Save Your Garden

Having a beautiful garden with big majestic trees is a dream come true for many. However, that’s until the roots of those trees don’t damage your sewer line. There’s nothing majestic about that except the royally high bills repairs and damage can add up to. The average cost for a main sewer line repair is nearly $2,500, according to HomeAdvisor. And your insurance won’t cover it if the problem is caused by wayward root growth, because this is classed as a ‘preventable cause’. Therefore, it’s essential that you do your best to prevent roots from damaging your sewer line. If all fails, you also need to use the most effective strategies for fixing the damage as fast as possible. How to Prevent Root Damage to Your Sewer Line and What to Do If You Fail : The most important thing to understand is that roots are naturally growing towards sewer lines seeking moisture and nutrients. Not having any trees directly on your property doesn’t guarantee the safety of your pipes either, because they grow for many feet underground and can get to you from the neighbors. The first thing to do in order to prevent costly damage is creating a map of sewer lines running through your property. Next, you need to get them examined for leaks and replace any places with even the smallest crack. Even a tiny leak ‘attracts’ roots, which can grow into the pipe and wreak havoc on it and your lawn. To minimize the costs you can use modern trenchless methods of drain replacement. This approach allows replacing whole sections of sewer lines by digging only a few small holes. Therefore, you save money on landscaping restoration. This method of repair and replacement is also faster than digging a trench, so you can minimize the damage. Now that you’ve ensured your sewer line system is perfectly fine and know exactly where the pipes are, you can move on to the ‘active’ prevention state. This starts with installing barriers that won’t allow roots to get to your pipes. Like with drain replacement, you can choose between methods that will require digging up your lawn and ‘non-invasive’ options. The latter is chemical growth inhibitors, like potassium hydroxide or copper sulfate. Bear in mind that the vegetation in the area where you spread these chemicals can suffer to some extent. The other option is to plant metal or wooden barriers directly into the ground so they run along the pipes. If you are only starting your garden, you have a chance to prevent root damage to sewer lines by designing it so the larger trees and shrubs are as far as possible from the pipes. You also need to choose the species with small root ball systems. Be sure to water them well so the plants don’t have to seek out additional moisture through the ground. Root Damage to Sewer Line: How to Tell If You Aren’t Too Late? One of the worst things about root damage to the pipes is that it’s very difficult to spot right away. And by the time it gets severe enough to be obvious, the repairs will cost a small fortune. Regular inspections by professionals will help avoid this, but you also need to know warning signs to look out for. These include drain clogs, wet patches on your lawn, and slow-flowing drains. In case of any of these, contact a professional plumber to find the reason as fast as possible. Read Also : Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems Smart Fun Gardening: How To Take Care Of A Money Tree How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden