Tricking Handheld BMI Machine Scores

BMI Machine

One survey has returned the results that around half of Americans are trying to lose weight. This isn’t to say that half of the US population is heavily overweight, but it does point to many people taking a keen interest in their weight and body fat levels.

There are many options for measuring BMI and body fat today, with calipers, handheld machines, and smart scales available. Some of these devices can help you to understand your BMI, and others go far deeper and measure a number of health metrics.

However, are these devices accurate, or could you accidentally, or intentionally, trick them into giving false readings?

What is BMI and what is the difference with body fat percentage?

What is BMI and what is the difference with body fat percentage?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if someone had a BMI reading of 18.5 to 24.9 then they would be considered healthy. Of course, this doesn’t measure other metrics and doesn’t take into account any other health problems.

BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and this is calculated by measuring a person’s height and weight, to give a rough idea of how much fat is being carried as a percentage.

Body Fat Percentage, or BFP, refers to the total mass of fat, which is then divided by the total body mass. This is a more complex calculation than BMI.

Can you trick a BMI machine?

Can you trick a BMI machine?

To understand how someone might fool a BMI machine, it is partly necessary to understand how they work.

A BMI machine works by sending an electrical signal through the body. BMI is worked out by measuring the time it takes to get from one side to the other. This signal may travel from hand to leg, hand to hand, or leg to leg.

As the signal travels through the body it will go through water, fat, muscle, and bone. It cuts through the water faster than muscle and bone. The signal travels at its slowest when moving through fat. This is how you can trick a BMI machine.

Drink water to fool a BMI machine

Drink water to fool a BMI machine


The electrical signal moves most slowly when hitting fat. If that fat area is represented as a percentage, then the less you have as part of your body, the lower your BMI will be.

Drinking more water will fool the machine into believing you have a lower BMI score. Conversely, if you dehydrate yourself, it will see the fat reserves as a higher percentage. Just as you would stay away from certain foods to be healthy, you should stay away from too much water if you want a proper BMI result.

Medical conditions, menstruation, and even skin temperature can also affect results.

Can BMI machines help you to lose weight?

Handheld machines are perhaps not the best way to get your BMI results. Machines that bring back the best results run from leg to leg, so a smart scale would be a better option.

A BMI smart scale can offer a more accurate way to measure your fat percentage and help you to set fitness targets. The smart scale from FitTrack for instance, lets you measure 17 different health metrics including BFP, BMI, bone content, and basic metabolism. They are said to be as accurate as a DEXA scan.

Understanding metabolism and fitness levels are also important when looking to lose weight and body fat. Exercise and diet are key to achieving these goals.

Best ways to improve BMI

Getting an accurate BMI test is important to see where you are before you set off towards your goals. Do not dehydrate yourself, and do not drink an excessive amount of fluids before you use your BMI scales. This way you will get accurate, and consistent scores each time.

Smart scales can also measure metabolism and exercise, and the right foods can help improve this area. This is one reason why fitness is important for weight loss. Metabolism helps to burn calories and fat. Therefore, improving your general fitness will lead to weight loss.

When it comes to exercise try to concentrate on activities that burn fat and do not build muscle. Jogging will help more than high octane sprinting. Half an hour of cardio every day will help you to start reducing your BMI.

Proper diet is also important. According to Healthline, there are plenty of foods that can help you to burn fat. These include fatty fish with plenty of Omega 3, and green tea, which can help remove belly fat.


BMI machines can indeed be tricked, but it is unlikely anyone would want to do this intentionally if they were serious about fat reduction. However, by drinking too much, or too little fluids, you could do it by accident.

If you do decide to improve your BMI scores and reduce body fat, then using smart scales, combined with a healthy diet, and a fitness routine is a good way to achieve your mission.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Dangers Of DIY Pest Control

10 Hidden Dangers Of DIY Pest Control

In the never-ending battle against household pests, many homeowners are tempted by the allure of do-it-yourself (DIY) pest control methods. At first glance, these DIY solutions seem to offer a quick, easy, and economical way to manage pest problems. However, this surface-level appeal masks a variety of hidden dangers. Beyond the immediate risks associated with mishandling chemicals or traps, there are significant long-term implications to consider. Ineffective pest management can lead to recurring infestations, structural damages, and even health hazards. Professional preventive pest control is a crucial strategy for keeping our homes safe and pest-free, so if you’re considering taking matters into your own hands instead of trusting in the professionals, you must understand the risks and limitations of DIY approaches. This article will explore the ten hidden dangers of DIY pest control, highlighting why professional intervention is often safer and more practical. Misidentification Of Pests One of the most common and critical errors in DIY pest control is the misidentification of pest species. This mistake can lead to the application of ineffective treatments, wasting time and resources. For example, what eliminates an ant infestation might have no impact on termites. Misidentification also means missing out on crucial knowledge about the pest's lifecycle, behavior, and habitat, which is essential for adequate control. Moreover, using the wrong treatment can exacerbate the problem by allowing the pest population to grow unchecked, leading to a more severe infestation than was initially present. Improper Use Of Chemicals The dangers of improper chemical use in DIY pest control cannot be overstated. These chemicals can pose severe health risks, including respiratory problems, skin irritation, and potentially long-term health consequences if not handled correctly. Over-application or incorrect usage can lead to environmental contamination, affecting non-target wildlife and potentially polluting water sources. The lack of professional training in handling these substances can lead to accidents that could have been avoided with expert help. Risk Of Incomplete Eradication DIY pest control methods often result in incomplete eradication of the pest population. Without thorough elimination, surviving pests continue to breed, resulting in the infestation's resurgence. Incomplete treatment fails to address the root cause of the problem, whether it be entry points, food sources, or breeding grounds, resulting in a recurring cycle of infestation and treatment. This prolongs the problem and can lead to increased pest resistance over time, making future eradication efforts more challenging. Potential Structural Damage Certain pests, such as termites and carpenter ants, pose a significant threat to the structural integrity of homes. DIY methods may fail to fully eradicate these pests, leading to unseen damage that can compromise the stability and safety of a building. This oversight can result in costly repairs and long-term structural issues, far exceeding the costs of professional pest control services. The hidden nature of this damage often means it goes unnoticed until it becomes a major, costly problem. Safety Hazards The safety risks associated with DIY pest control are diverse and significant. Handling pesticides and other chemicals without proper knowledge or protective gear can lead to accidental exposure, posing severe health risks. Additionally, specific pest control methods, such as foggers or heat treatments, carry risks of fire or explosions if not handled correctly. These hazards include the individual performing the treatment, other residents, and neighboring properties. Legal And Regulatory Issues Pesticide use is regulated by laws that DIY practitioners might unknowingly violate. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to legal troubles, including fines and penalties. Additionally, DIY pest control efforts can inadvertently affect neighboring properties, potentially leading to disputes or legal complications, significantly if harmful chemicals are misused or applied in a manner that violates local regulations. Ignorance Of Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive approach to professional use that focuses on long-term prevention and minimal chemical usage. DIY methods often overlook this holistic approach, favoring immediate but short-term solutions. IPM considers the bigger ecological picture and long-term pest prevention, which DIY efforts often miss. This ignorance can lead to repeated infestations and an overreliance on chemical treatments rather than addressing underlying causes and sustainable solutions. Overreliance On Single Methods DIY pest control often relies on a single method or product, which may not be effective for all types of pests or infestations. Professional pest control, however, typically involves a combination of methods tailored to the specific pest and situation. This multifaceted approach ensures a higher success rate and more comprehensive control of the pest problem. DIY solutions, by contrast, might offer a temporary fix but fail to address the infestation in its entirety. The Stress And Time Factor Dealing with pests can be a stressful and time-consuming endeavor, especially when DIY methods fail to resolve the problem effectively. The emotional toll of facing a persistent pest problem and the effort and time required to apply DIY treatments can be overwhelming for homeowners. This stress is compounded by the uncertainty of the effectiveness of these treatments and the constant vigilance required to monitor their success. Potential For Worsening The Problem Incorrect or inadequate DIY pest control treatments can cause pests to scatter and spread, potentially worsening the infestation. In addition, pests can develop resistance to chemicals, particularly when misused or in sub-lethal doses. This resistance can make future control efforts more complex and less effective, leading to an ongoing battle against an increasingly resilient pest population. Conclusion While appealing for its perceived immediacy and cost savings, DIY pest control carries significant and multifaceted hidden dangers. From health risks to potential structural damage, legal issues, and the psychological burden of dealing with persistent pests, the complications associated with DIY methods can far outweigh their initial appeal. When considering pest control options, weigh these risks against professional pest control services' expertise, safety, and long-term effectiveness. In the realm of pest management, informed, cautious, and professional intervention is often the key to ensuring a safe, effective, and lasting solution. Read Also :  What You Should Expect From A Pest Control Visit 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips And Tactics You Have To Know

Sensitive Teeth

How To Help Sensitive Teeth After Whitening?

A brighter, whiter smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem. And teeth whitening treatment is the best way to get that Hollywood glam smile. But teeth whitening treatments often come at a cost- sensitivity. Sensitive teeth are a common side effect usually seen with over-the-counter bleaching treatments. Such kits are easy to use and can whiten your smile within a few minutes. But they tend to make your teeth sensitive to hot, cold, or even acidic foods. So we asked Dr. Ernesto Carmona, a cosmetic dentist from Austin, Tx on how to deal with sensitive teeth after a teeth whitening procedure. And here’s everything you need to do if your teeth have turned sensitive after a whitening procedure. What Causes Teeth Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening Teeth whitening procedures use a special bleaching agent like hydrogen peroxide to lighten your teeth' color. These kits are available in the form of strips or rinses that penetrate the enamel to whiten it. But peroxide can also weaken your enamel layer and reveal the inner dentin layer of the tooth. Dentin has a lot of nerve endings that get stimulated by hot and cold temperatures resulting in instant pain sensation. Sometimes, even foods that are acidic or have high amounts of sugar can result in dentin sensitivity. How To Reduce Teeth Sensitivity After Whitening Procedure The first thing you need to do is read the instructions and after-care tips on the teeth whitening kit. It is always recommended to use the kit for the stipulated period to minimize contact with the harsh chemicals present in bleaches. You must also avoid any further treatments to avoid worsening symptoms. If you have experienced sensitivity after a professional teeth whitening procedure at your dentist's office, or the symptoms have worsened after a home whitening kit, call them up to schedule a check-up and seek medical care. Teeth sensitivity after whitening procedures usually goes away within a few weeks. Your dentist can suggest desensitizing products like rinses and toothpaste to help you out during the period. You can even try OTC toothpaste with high-fluoride content to protect your teeth from sensitivity. And avoid eating or drinking food that is too hot, cold, and acidic. Dr. Carmona also recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle pressure until the issue is resolved. Tips To Avoid Sensitive Teeth You can reduce sensitivity by keeping your mouth hydrated and avoiding foods that trigger sensitivity. But most importantly, avoid brushing too hard or using a harsh toothbrush; this will only irritate the sensitive enamel even more. If you still experience discomfort after following these instructions, consult with your dentist about other options that may help. A professional teeth whitening procedure performed by a dentist is always safer as they use the right products and techniques to protect your enamel. So you can visit Dr. Ernesto Carmona for more advice on how to get whiter teeth. He will suggest the best treatment to get whiter teeth safely and reduce sensitivity. So, if you live in Austin, the teeth whitening cost by Dr. Carmona can be found out by consulting him at his clinic Austin Prosthodontics. So call up his clinic or visit his website today to schedule your appointment. Read Also: Is It Healthier To Have Dentures? Do I Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Wisdom Teeth Removal? 5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More EffectiveDental Implants Teeth Whitening in Reasonable Price in a Professional Dental Centre

sports bra

3 Tips for choosing the right sports bra for you

It’s been widely said that "people exercise to enjoy the quality of life.” This quote by H.  Cooper reminds me of how much people are inclined towards working out great exercises. Not only is it for men and kids but also for women. Exercising is a basic part of every person’s daily routine. Burning calories is arduous and painful yet the result is worth putting heavy doses of efforts. A proper workout experience can get ruined if the trainee is not wearing comfortable briefs. Especially for a woman, the prime importance is given to wearing a comfortable sports bra. During heavy workouts like running or jogging breast bobs (the movement of up and down) in a butterfly pattern. The best benefit of wearing a good sports bra is that it reduces the bobs and helps us to comfortably focus on our workout. Wearing an unsupported plus size sports bra can lead to many serious complications. Woman’s breast is made up of soft tissues that need proper support while workouts. Here are 3 major tips to choose the right sports bra for you: Adjustable back closure : Proper fitting of a sports bra is a must and one must check before purchasing it. Proper fitting of sports bra gives immense confidence and comfortability to women engaged in workouts. It saves us from all those awkward bounces of which every woman is conscious of.  It’s rare amongst woman to find a proper fitting of the sports bra. One will always have to make it fit through those 3 hooks there at the back. Remember that any changes in one hook give up to 1.5'' of adjustment. Sports bra having 3 hooks must be the first preference. One should never wash sports bra in a dryer because the material loses the elastic very soon. Some sports bras are not pocket-friendly due to which you will always wish them to last long. In huge markets, sports bra of different colors and prints are likely to easily gain our attention. The sports bra with strips at the back is commonly used mainly because of the fashion perspective but also because it gives desired fitting. You can prefer a sports bra that crisscrosses in the back as it provides proper support to the breast. It’s noticed that most of the women have an ideology that bra support comes from its cup. Well, it’s a myth. The truth lies in the selection of sports bra size that depends on the cup size which you wear regularly. Straps that are adjustable : As mentioned above, the back straps are adjustable so one will have to adjust it according to their comfort and bust size. There no doubt that sports bra not pocket-friendly and that we all wish that it can be used for a long period of time. Keeping that in mind here is a pro tip for you; you should never use the dryer for a sports bra as it looses the elastic very quickly. Always wash it with hand and lay it out to dry. Cups that provide privacy and good shape : Comfort is the first thought that tickles in our mind when it comes to buying a sports bra. A cup fitted bra does matter because it gives a perfect fitting. A heavy workout leads to very fast movements whether it’s jumping, skipping or running. Any kind of stretch in bust can lead to many serious issues. The customary or local sports bra cannot sustain in heavy workouts and make you feel awkward due to unnecessary movements in a bust. You should replace sports bra regularly like if you work out for three days in a week then you must have a 2-3 sports bra. But if you prefer to work out 6 times a week then you must have 5-6 of them. The plastic used in Sports Bra gets loose very easily so if you have a large chest then you must look for the bras with wide shoulder straps and back straps. Deep necks Sports Bra having deep neck must be avoided because while performing floor exercises like push-ups, there is a tendency of women getting conscious if their cleavage is viewable or not. To avoid such situations, the proper sports bra must be selected. You should visit an ideal specialist shop to buy a sports bra as they have a huge variety of sports bra collection. If you have a large chest, you need a sports bra which gives the right support. Choosing the right fabric must be the first priority because selecting a wrong fabric can lead to itching and other skin issues. Make sure that you avoid 100% cotton sports bra as they get wet once you start sweating. Make sure to keep all these important points in mind while deciding which sports bra to wear. Happy workouts!