Upcoming Educational Trends in 2017


03 March 2017


Education Trends

Over the years the education industry has seen a significant amount of change and technology has played a crucial role in its development. Information technology has delivered key services including providing competitive institutional differentiation and enabling digital transformation.

Classroom learning has been a part of the system since the introduction of schools and educational institutions. The world is now seeing the introduction of, one of the most advanced technological innovations that have taken learning to a whole new level. Many leading innovative companies have come up with new educational apps or trends that can help students study and learn in a whole new way.

These tools can increase relevance for the students and give them a brand new experience when it comes to learning subjects like Math and other important subjects. These technological trends use mobiles, tablets, and many technological innovations to not only make learning easier but also fun.

Flipped Learning

This is a sort of blended learning where students do not require to step out of their homes to learn. They can simply get their daily does of knowledge sitting right at home through online content and video lectures. What is being implied is that students can learn off each other through critical problem-solving in tiny groups. An interactive classroom environment is created right at home through Wi-Fi enabling students to communicate with each other via mobiles or various other tools. With this technology, educators can measure the responses of the students and their ability both in and out of the class.

Remote Learning

This is a technological innovation for students who cannot physically make it to school. This trend allows them to attend classes virtually through video and by accessing content online. Other forms of technologies can be included in this program including class forums, video conferencing, social media, pre-recorded videos, and email. Like for example, students can sit right at home and learn Geometry on their mobiles or tablets.

Teachers with respect to subject matters can also be introduced into the remote learning as they improve the quality of learning. This technology can reach global masses as long as there is reliable Wi-Fi networks and mobile technologies.

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is nothing but personalizing and enhancing the learning experience. Adaptive learning helps learners in reducing the time taken to become proficient by eradicating the need to go through the content that they already understand.

This improves the effectiveness of our programs because the learner only focuses on what is absolutely needed. The future success of adaptive learning is not only in the design of the technology but in the design of content.

Game Based Learning

The implementation of the game into learning can enhance motivations along with knowledge and engagement retention. Earlier, the implementation of gaming in learning was to enhance the classroom experience with a game. Later on, learning programs were implemented with gaming technology thereby pulling the players or students to their emotions and motivations. The gaming theory has found a way to implement storytelling in a way that can appeal to the learner’s emotions and enhancing their recall.

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Action Research Papers

Action Research Papers: Integrating Practical Application And Reflection In Scholarly Essays

Welcome to the fascinating world of action research papers, where theory meets practice and scholarly essays become catalysts for real-world change. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the integration of practical application and reflection in these unique scholarly compositions. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to discover how action research papers bring together the best of both worlds! But first, let's define the essence of action research papers. These academic gems go beyond traditional research papers. They are dynamic and transformative, driven by the purpose of investigating and addressing real-life problems. Action research papers are not confined to the ivory towers of academia; they venture out into the realms of practice, where theory intersects with the messy, beautiful complexities of the real world. And, my dear readers, they hold immense value for scholars, practitioners, and communities alike. Now, we understand that crafting action research papers can be an exhilarating yet challenging endeavor. That's why students may often seek assistance at writing services such as Academized.com research paper service to navigate the intricacies of this unique genre. These services provide valuable support in transforming scholarly essays into powerful vehicles of practical application and reflection. So, dear readers, get ready to dive into the realm of action research papers. Together, we will navigate the intricacies of this fascinating form of scholarship, uncover the magic that lies in practical application and reflection, and explore how these elements intertwine to drive positive change. Let's embark on this enlightening journey of discovery. Understanding Action Research Papers So, what exactly is action research? Imagine a dance—a rhythmic interplay between theory and action, where scholars embark on a journey of discovery and intervention. Action research papers are more than just scholarly essays; they are dynamic explorations that aim to investigate and address real-life problems. These papers become powerful tools for dyslexic students and other researchers, as they bridge the gap between theory and practice. In the world of action research papers, practical application, and reflection are the guiding stars. Scholars don't just sit in their ivory towers, pondering abstract concepts; they roll up their sleeves and dive into the heart of the matter. These papers embrace practical experiences, allowing researchers to get their hands dirty and engage with the real world. By infusing their essays with the richness of practical application, scholars gain a deeper understanding of the complexities at play and develop innovative solutions. But it doesn't stop there—reflection is the secret sauce that elevates action research papers to a whole new level. Scholars take the time to pause, reflect, and learn from their experiences. This reflective process brings depth and insight, enhancing the quality of their research and ensuring that theoretical knowledge is not just an abstract concept but a force for meaningful change. The combination of theoretical knowledge and real-world implementation is a match made in scholarly heaven. By seamlessly blending theory and practice, scholars create a harmonious symphony that resonates in both academic and practical realms. It is through this integration that the true potential of action research papers unfolds—transforming ideas into tangible results, sparking innovation, and paving the way for positive change. So, dear readers, as we dive deeper into the realm of action research papers, let us embrace the power of practical application and reflection, and discover the profound impact they can have in shaping our world. Integrating Practical Application Action research papers are fueled by the desire to address real-life problems head-on. Scholars roll up their sleeves and step into the field armed with interventions, experiments, or observations. They immerse themselves in the complexity of real-world contexts, working closely with communities, organizations, or individuals to make a tangible impact. These practical experiences provide invaluable insights, allowing scholars to delve deeper into the intricacies of the problems they seek to solve. By embracing practical application, action research papers become more than just scholarly pursuits—they become powerful tools for effecting positive change in the world. But it doesn't stop there! Action research papers are not simply exercises in observation or experimentation; they are catalysts for transformation. Scholars gather their findings and recommendations from their practical experiences and wield them as weapons for positive change. They go beyond the realm of theory, ensuring that their research contributes to real-world improvements. Whether it's proposing innovative solutions, advocating for policy changes, or implementing new strategies, action research papers drive practical outcomes. Through the integration of practical application, these scholarly essays become agents of progress, leaving a lasting impact on the field they seek to improve. So, as we immerse ourselves in the world of action research papers, let us celebrate the power of practical application. Let us applaud the scholars who step into the real world, armed with interventions and experiments. And let us recognize the remarkable ability of these papers to effect positive change, leaving a lasting legacy that extends beyond the pages of academia. Together, we can embrace the transformative potential of action research papers and create a world where knowledge and practice unite for the betterment of society. Reflection in Scholarly Essays Let's take a moment to reflect on the profound impact of reflection itself in the realm of action research papers. The significance of reflection cannot be overstated, as it serves as the compass that guides scholars throughout the action research process. As they immerse themselves in practical experiences, scholars pause to reflect, ponder, and make sense of their observations. It is through this process of introspection that personal growth, insights, and valuable lessons are unearthed. Reflection is the key that unlocks the treasure trove of knowledge hidden within the depths of action research papers. Scholars engage in deep analysis, examining their own assumptions, biases, and perspectives. They delve into the intricacies of their experiences, seeking to understand the underlying factors that influence outcomes. Through reflection, scholars gain a deeper understanding of the complexities at play and discover new pathways for growth and improvement. It is a transformative process that not only enhances the quality and effectiveness of their research but also fosters a continuous learning journey. In the world of action research papers, reflective practices are woven into the fabric of the scholarly process. Scholars integrate intentional moments of reflection, allowing themselves to step back, assess their progress, and fine-tune their approaches. By incorporating reflective practices, scholars ensure that their research is not merely a static snapshot of a single moment, but an evolving dialogue between theory and practice. Reflection opens the door to ongoing improvement, enabling scholars to refine their methods, challenge their assumptions, and contribute to the ever-evolving body of knowledge in their field. So, as we explore the profound role of reflection in scholarly essays, let us embrace this transformative process. Let us take the time to pause, to reflect, and to learn from our experiences. In doing so, we enhance the quality of our research, uncover new insights, and continuously evolve as scholars. Reflection is not merely an afterthought; it is a powerful tool that fuels growth and innovation. Together, let us embark on a reflective journey, unlocking the hidden wisdom within action research papers and forging a path toward a brighter future. Conclusion In summary, action research papers bridge the gap between theory and practice, going beyond traditional scholarly essays. They incorporate practical experiences, allowing scholars to immerse themselves in real-world contexts and address pressing problems. By integrating practical application, action research papers become powerful tools for effecting positive change, transforming ideas into tangible results. 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Online Education

7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular

Since its inception, online education has been growing faster and faster. While the benefits of receiving an education in person are obvious, what reason do thousands of students have for getting degrees online? Teaches Aid Training Adapt Education put together this list of seven reasons why online education is so very popular. 7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular: Flexible Scheduling: Regardless of a student's age, flexible scheduling is a huge factor in seeking education online. Since students are not expected to attend class in person, coursework can be done while the kids are at school, during breaks at work, on the weekends, or whenever coursework is convenient. This allows students who work full time to advance their education in their free time without struggling to cram classes into a work week. It is also great for parents who balance their own schedule with the schedules their children keep. Students who find that they have a difficult time making it to classes can also benefit from a more freeform schedule, taking assignments and lessons at any hour of the day that is convenient. Affordability: Many online programs also offer a much more affordable alternative to traditional "brick and mortar" institutions. Online colleges only need to pay for instructors, software, and support staff rather than spending money on maintaining buildings and internal technology like computers and printers. This cost reduction is passed on to the student in the form of reduced tuition. Indirect costs to the student such as transportation and room and board in a dorm are also reduced. According to My College Board students at a traditional university can expect to pay an average of $10,089 (USD) to live on campus. This also means a lower initial investment for students who are considering changing fields or just want to take classes to expand their knowledge of a subject. Many students change degree programs after taking a few classes, and online education makes for a financially lower risk way to try out a topic before committing. A Variety of Topics and Modes: Often, students will visit a nearby educational institution and be disappointed by the degrees or topics offered. An added benefit of online classes is that students have a world of choices and opportunities at their fingertips. If a specific topic is not available at one institution, the student can find another from a myriad of online degree programs. Just about any class, a student might want is available online through some college or another. Because the educational institution does not have to bother with physical facilities, it is also much easier to offer a wider variety of topics for students to study. Schools can draft professionals from all over the world to teach classes as well, without having to convince them to relocate. The formats of the classes are also highly varied, with classes that are completely self-paced and automated, or with weekly assignments. Some faculty also offer video chat consultations and discussions for students who benefit from live interaction, which leads to the next benefit. Adaptability to a Students Personality: Not all students thrive in the environment of a classroom. For students who are particularly shy, an online environment may seem more comfortable. Many online classes are structured so that students interact with one another mainly through discussion boards rather than meeting face to face. Those who are more outgoing are also thrilled by the premise of making acquaintances and friends from far away, especially if their educational alternative is in a small town nearby where they may already know many of their classmates. Improving Technology: In the early days of online education, many thought it was more of a hat trick than an effective learning tool. These days, everyone knows that online education comprises a huge portion of the degrees offered around the world. Improving technology has largely facilitated this change. Thanks to the increased availability of high-speed internet, better computers, online archives and catalogs, and learning management systems, online learning has become incredibly easy to use. Many online classes also have excellent accessibility for students who have disabilities thanks to improved and widespread technology. This progress is not stopping any time soon either, and each year educators improve their online curriculum and pick up new pedagogical tips on making use of the great tech most people have at home. Pacing: In traditional education, the plan for a students coursework follows a traditional path. Each student takes a certain number of classes each semester and moves on. If the student fails at a topic, the course has to be repeated causing delays that can be costly for them. Since online coursework can be done whenever a student likes, there is less pressure to rush through difficult topics. If a student knows that he or she struggles with a topic or needs extra time due to a learning disability or other problem, they can opt for completely self-paced classes with no set start or end date. This removes the pressure to pass with a minimum grade and instead promotes deep learning of topics. Building Discipline: While students who meet weekly in person are constantly reminded of deadlines and assignments, online students are usually expected to be more self-sufficient. Although online classes typically have a system of reminders, there is no assigned time for students to work. This means that students become self-disciplined and are very motivated learners. According to this list by the University of Minnesota Mankato, self-motivation and time management are requirements of online learners. When looking for job opportunities after completing their education, these traits are highly valued in almost every field. Regardless of the subject studied, online education inherently comes packaged with relevant job skills. Conclusion: While each student has his or her own reason for seeking education online, these seven reasons are a great start. If you are still interested in what online education has to offer, take a look at the programs offered by Adapt Education. Read Also: Effective Contribution Of Educational Apps Why Are More People Heading To Online Colleges? 7 Reasons Why Your Child Is Underperforming In School Academic Writing For UK Students – Why It’s Important?

food Handling Training

4 Reasons Why Food Handling Training is Important

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that each year nearly 48 million Americans get sick because of foodborne illnesses? Additionally, they state that 128,000 of those people will end up hospitalized, and a whopping 3,000 people will die. If that is not enough for you to understand the importance of food handling training, I don’t know what is. 4 Reasons Working Behind Food Handling Training  However, today we are going to look at why food handling training is so important and why those in the food industry should take their food handling safety classes seriously in an effort to lower these numbers and create a safer environment for those eating out at restaurants of all types. Here are the four reasons which are working behind the organized food handling training. 1. It’s Required by Law Food handler training is required by law in most states.  In fact, because of this mandate, many employees in the food industry are not allowed to handle food without proof they completed the required training. For example, Texas food handlers are required to complete an accredited food handler training course within 60 days of employment in order to continue working for that food establishment. 2. It Preserves Food Quality When a customer frequents your restaurant, they expect the highest quality foods.  After all, they are not only paying you for their food, but also entrusting you to store, prepare, and serve safe, agreeable foods. Food handling training teaches people how to properly store foods at their right temperatures, and prepare them using the right equipment, so that they maintain their fresh aromas and textures. 3. It Makes Food Prep Safer Generally, those who handle food prep improperly are inviting bacterial growth to occur, which makes food unsafe from that moment forward.  In fact, some foods are known to grow heat-resistant bacteria that, even after cooking, remain on the food. If this happens, the person eating said food is at a higher risk of developing a foodborne illness. Do not take shortcuts when it comes to food prep – specifically when it involves thawing of meat.  Instead, follow what you learned during food handling training and take your time to do it right. 4. It Saves You Money (and Your Reputation) Let’s say you run a local restaurant that is known for serving many customers each day.  In fact, you might go so far as to say you run a “local hotspot”. If one of your employees serves up contaminated food (possibly because of a lack of food handler training) and one of your customers become sick as a result, you can expect your restaurant to experience a whole host of issues: You may be liable for any doctor’s bills Your restaurant’s insurance may skyrocket, especially if you are sued Word of mouth that your restaurant was responsible for a foodborne illness will spread quickly, especially if the media gets involved Not only will you be on the hook for any immediate damages resulting from your employee’s mistake, but your restaurant also stands to lose a lot of business once the community finds out. Depending on the seriousness of the outbreak, (i.e. it affected one customer versus an actual outbreak involving many), your restaurant may never fully recover. Conclusion: In the end, even simple mistakes such as leaving food out too long, storing food at the wrong temperature, or simply cross-contaminating foods that are not supposed to mix, can result in a foodborne illness that has the potential to reach a large number of people. That’s why encouraging your employees to take food handling training seriously is so critical.  Your business, and the health of everyone that frequents your restaurant depend on it. Read More : The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health Top 5 Life Hacks Of Dealing With The Symptoms Of Menopause 8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better