Creating Educational Materials? Find Out Why Foreign Language Versions Are Essential

Published on: 03 June 2022 Last Updated on: 04 June 2022
Foreign Language Versions

Are you making educational resources and materials in the UK?

It is important to think about any ways that the information could be inaccessible to certain people who really need it. One barrier to access could be the language you offer the educational information in. For this reason, it’s a really sensible idea to offer various foreign language versions of the information that you create. Let’s take a closer look at why that is important, and how to get it right:

Why Is It Important To Use Foreign Language Versions Of Educational Materials?

Over 300 languages are spoken in different schools by pupils, of which 20% (in primary school alone) speak English as a language in addition to their native language.

Unfortunately, this diverse language use in the UK is not necessarily reflected in education. Children, teenagers, and adult learners may well struggle with barriers to information because their own language is not featured in the curriculum materials.

Whilst it is common knowledge that knowing multiple languages helps you to have a broad and diverse awareness of language in general, as well as the world itself, the fact is that learning in your native language is the most effective way to take on information, especially for young learners.

How To Provide Foreign Language Versions Of Educational Materials

To offer better learning facilities and education to all ages of pupils it is important that foreign language versions of the curriculum and its corresponding materials are offered. You can do this in many different ways including:

  • Offering foreign language classes and courses taught by a translator
  • Offering voiceovers in different languages and/or subtitles for e-learning courses
  • Leaflets and books in different languages
  • Live translation for classes
  • Access to foreign language transcription of classes

Whichever resources make sense for your educational material, the most important thing is to ensure you utilize the services of a professional translation company to ensure what you produce is accurate. This could mean localizing some of the languages if the courses or materials are available to very specific communities or areas.

Which Languages Are The Best For UK Educational Materials?

If you have a very specific location for the educational materials are for, there will be certain languages that make sense. For example, the largest population of Polish people in London is in Ealing, and so if the information is mainly for that area, it makes sense to offer Polish (at least) as a different language version of the material.

As a general rule, though, for UK-wide educational materials, a focus on the most commonly spoken languages in the UK should be considered, which are the following (in no particular order):

  • Spanish
  • Polish
  • Welsh/ Scottish/ Irish
  • Punjabi
  • Urdu
  • Bengali
  • Gujarati
  • Arabic
  • French
  • Chinese (various versions)
  • Portuguese

With some research, you can choose the right languages for your materials, which will make them so much more accessible to those who need them the most.

Speak To A Professional Translation Company About Their Services

If you want to make sure that your educational resources are accessible to those who need them, speak to a professional translation company like Matinee about your options.

Whether you require foreign language subtitling, voiceovers, translation, or more, you can get the very best results that are as accurate, concise, and informative as is and should be expected for educational materials.

Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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CAT Registration

CAT 2016 – New Changes Introduced by IIM – Bangalore

IIM Bangalore is hosting India’s toughest exam - Common Aptitude Test - commonly known as CAT, this year. IIM - Bangalore announced that this year, CAT 2016, the aspirants can edit their application with regards to their work experience, their percentage of marks scored and the programs selected to study at IIMs. This type of move is the first of its kind that has been introduced by IIM Bangalore that is a much-needed respite to those candidates who might have missed or erred information while registering. This facility will be available for the registered candidates from 1st October to 5th October CAT is scheduled to be held on December 4th in 138 test centers. The last date for registering is September 22nd until 5 Pm. It is advisable to carry out the registration process now to avoid the last-minute rush. Looking at the trend from the last two to three years, there's going to a huge surge in registration which can lead to a server crash in the last moment. To avoid any kind of technical error, aspirants should register at the earliest. Help-Desk For PWD candidates: The PWD candidates will be given priority access - which means - they will be allowed inside the test center fifteen minutes before other students. IIM-  B also introduced a webpage dedicated to the candidates that will register the special requirement for them such as - wheelchair facility, scribe assistance, zoom facility, etc. For CAT Registration candidates can refer the linked article first and keep the information stated there handy, to avoid any confusion. The registration window will be active for only thirty minutes, within which the candidates have to fill up the registration form. With an increase in recruitment activities in IIM institutes, it is expected a surge in CAT registration this year. Aspirants having any kind of query related to CAT can call Byju’s CAT helpline number: 9880031619 Read More:  Procedure To Download West Bengal Join Entrance Examination Admit Card Read This If You Are Appearing For This Year’s JEE How Activity Mirrors Add Value To Exercise Place!

Digital Promise

Google and Digital Promise Team Up to Make Teachers More Tech-Savvy than Ever

Collaborating with innovators at Digital Promise, some brilliant minds at Google got together with some more at EdTechTeam to come up with a modern-day training program for teachers with a focus on making superb use of technology in the classroom teaching setting. This comes as much welcome news at a time when the government is launching into a cost-cutting mode for educational sectors in the USA, leaving many public schools rushing to cover their expenses for education in all fronts. The new teacher-training program announced by Google in association with Digital Promise and EdTechTeam will focus on imparting technological education for the teachers, enabling them to use that knowledge in classroom settings and to share that knowledge with educators. The Dynamic Learning Project at a glance : The Dynamic Learning Project (DLP) is a pilot of the teacher-training project brought to fruition by Google, Digital Promise, and EdTechTeam. The training program will focus on equipping the teachers with the necessary knowledge and resources to use technology in day-to-day classroom teaching experiences. Through the use of the technological resources at their disposal, the educators will be able to open newer vistas of knowledge for the students, thus bridging the gap between learning and technology successfully in the digital age. 50 middle schools from five states in the USA have been selected for the pilot of DLP. The states in the country that will be the first to receive the results of this unique and beneficial training program are Texas, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, California, and Alabama. If the reports from Google and EdTechTeam are to be believed, the coaches at the teacher-training program will be looking to provide customized learning solutions for teachers so that they can make the best use of technology that is available within the infrastructural framework of the schools. The DLP not only focuses on helping teachers to learn to use the Google resources, but other hardware or software platforms that are available and they are comfortable using. Integrating learning with the assignment help of the latest technological advancements, the teachers from the 50 middle schools have started to undergo training under the able guidance of experts from EdTechTeam and Google. The disparity between the uses of technology in a traditional classroom setting has been more pronounced in the last few years despite most of the schools equipping themselves with smart learning software and hardware platforms in the country. As Liz Anderson from Google for Education states in her blog post for The Keyword, “This second-level digital divide is fueled by major differences in how effectively that technology is being used for teaching and learning.” DLP aims to overcome precisely that. By enabling the teachers to become tech-savvy within the classroom setting, the program imparts in them the invaluable knowledge of putting technology to good use so they can share that with their fellow teaching community. What this means for educators and classroom teaching “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love for learning.” Brad Henry (American politician and lawyer) Sometimes alluded to as the noblest profession on earth, teaching is the profession that creates all other professions. Whether we are diplomats, astronauts, dancers, chefs, or motivational speakers, all of us started from school someday, and the teachers were there for us to teach us the basics of all that we have learned so far. The significant role of the educators in our lives is thus undeniable, and the new teacher-training program launched by Google acknowledges just that. In the sphere of education, the new technical training program for teachers in the middle schools chosen for the pilot of DLP will be able to bring about a refreshing change in the way teaching was envisioned so far. The pilot started off with Google sanctioning a $6.5 million grant to Digital Promise for conducting the research and implementing the professional skill development program for the teachers. EdTechTeam aided in creating a viable model for the training program that takes into account the resources within the school framework and the individual needs of the teachers undergoing the training program. The program has been in place since last fall, and the teachers from the schools that have selected from the programs are to be monitored and evaluated on the basis of their acceptance and performance within the existing framework. Based on the reports prepared from the pilot, Google aims to launch this program all over the country, creating a network within the teaching community for sharing knowledge on advanced technologies. The teacher-training philosophy of the program has three fundamental benefits for the teaching community in a whole and is expected to form the foundation stone for many such innovative projects and programs in the coming years with more innovators and educators coming forward to make learning through technologies a fun and achievable reality. The primary focus of the pilot DLP thus aims at empowering teachers in the following ways. Localization and empowerment within the teaching community is the first goal of this program. Through the course of the training program, teachers will be able to have in-depth knowledge on the learning resources that they have at their disposal to make classroom learning more innovative and will be able to use the resources for the completion of complex tasks as well. Secondly, through the custom-made design of the program, the teachers will be able to infuse their pedagogy within the technological framework and not the other way round. This way, the challenges in the classroom will be overcome more quickly while supported by modern education technology. Lastly, this program opens up a world of possibilities for further research within the educational sphere. Based on the success stories of this program, Google and its partners will be able to focus on the development of a teacher-training program in a much larger scale for the future that includes the entire country in the coming years. Enabling the teachers to focus on equipping themselves with the resources of the modern age, this program brings the opportunity towards further networking and knowledge-sharing possibilities among the teaching community. DLP is thus a program of the future that aims to bridge the gap between traditional pedagogy and advancements in technology for education. Read Also : Things To Consider Before Finalizing An Online Barber Training School The Importance Of Writing Business Reports In College 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education

Online Education

7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular

Since its inception, online education has been growing faster and faster. While the benefits of receiving an education in person are obvious, what reason do thousands of students have for getting degrees online? Teaches Aid Training Adapt Education put together this list of seven reasons why online education is so very popular. 7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular: Flexible Scheduling: Regardless of a student's age, flexible scheduling is a huge factor in seeking education online. Since students are not expected to attend class in person, coursework can be done while the kids are at school, during breaks at work, on the weekends, or whenever coursework is convenient. This allows students who work full time to advance their education in their free time without struggling to cram classes into a work week. It is also great for parents who balance their own schedule with the schedules their children keep. Students who find that they have a difficult time making it to classes can also benefit from a more freeform schedule, taking assignments and lessons at any hour of the day that is convenient. Affordability: Many online programs also offer a much more affordable alternative to traditional "brick and mortar" institutions. Online colleges only need to pay for instructors, software, and support staff rather than spending money on maintaining buildings and internal technology like computers and printers. This cost reduction is passed on to the student in the form of reduced tuition. Indirect costs to the student such as transportation and room and board in a dorm are also reduced. According to My College Board students at a traditional university can expect to pay an average of $10,089 (USD) to live on campus. This also means a lower initial investment for students who are considering changing fields or just want to take classes to expand their knowledge of a subject. Many students change degree programs after taking a few classes, and online education makes for a financially lower risk way to try out a topic before committing. A Variety of Topics and Modes: Often, students will visit a nearby educational institution and be disappointed by the degrees or topics offered. An added benefit of online classes is that students have a world of choices and opportunities at their fingertips. If a specific topic is not available at one institution, the student can find another from a myriad of online degree programs. Just about any class, a student might want is available online through some college or another. Because the educational institution does not have to bother with physical facilities, it is also much easier to offer a wider variety of topics for students to study. Schools can draft professionals from all over the world to teach classes as well, without having to convince them to relocate. The formats of the classes are also highly varied, with classes that are completely self-paced and automated, or with weekly assignments. Some faculty also offer video chat consultations and discussions for students who benefit from live interaction, which leads to the next benefit. Adaptability to a Students Personality: Not all students thrive in the environment of a classroom. For students who are particularly shy, an online environment may seem more comfortable. Many online classes are structured so that students interact with one another mainly through discussion boards rather than meeting face to face. Those who are more outgoing are also thrilled by the premise of making acquaintances and friends from far away, especially if their educational alternative is in a small town nearby where they may already know many of their classmates. Improving Technology: In the early days of online education, many thought it was more of a hat trick than an effective learning tool. These days, everyone knows that online education comprises a huge portion of the degrees offered around the world. Improving technology has largely facilitated this change. Thanks to the increased availability of high-speed internet, better computers, online archives and catalogs, and learning management systems, online learning has become incredibly easy to use. Many online classes also have excellent accessibility for students who have disabilities thanks to improved and widespread technology. This progress is not stopping any time soon either, and each year educators improve their online curriculum and pick up new pedagogical tips on making use of the great tech most people have at home. Pacing: In traditional education, the plan for a students coursework follows a traditional path. Each student takes a certain number of classes each semester and moves on. If the student fails at a topic, the course has to be repeated causing delays that can be costly for them. Since online coursework can be done whenever a student likes, there is less pressure to rush through difficult topics. If a student knows that he or she struggles with a topic or needs extra time due to a learning disability or other problem, they can opt for completely self-paced classes with no set start or end date. This removes the pressure to pass with a minimum grade and instead promotes deep learning of topics. Building Discipline: While students who meet weekly in person are constantly reminded of deadlines and assignments, online students are usually expected to be more self-sufficient. Although online classes typically have a system of reminders, there is no assigned time for students to work. This means that students become self-disciplined and are very motivated learners. According to this list by the University of Minnesota Mankato, self-motivation and time management are requirements of online learners. When looking for job opportunities after completing their education, these traits are highly valued in almost every field. Regardless of the subject studied, online education inherently comes packaged with relevant job skills. Conclusion: While each student has his or her own reason for seeking education online, these seven reasons are a great start. If you are still interested in what online education has to offer, take a look at the programs offered by Adapt Education. Read Also: Effective Contribution Of Educational Apps Why Are More People Heading To Online Colleges? 7 Reasons Why Your Child Is Underperforming In School Academic Writing For UK Students – Why It’s Important?