Top Home Remedies To Make A Floor Non-Slip


01 July 2022

Home Improvement

Home Remedies

You may not realize that a floor is slippery until you or a loved one slips over it. This is often the case with entrance halls, or with the garage. With your shoes on, you probably have enough grip. But take them off, and it’s an accident waiting to happen. Why use epoxy for garage floors? Go for polyaspartic coatings for the ultimate protection from a sudden slip!

Marble floors can also be an issue, as can garage floors. These are usually concrete but, once the concrete gets oil and other compounds on it you’ll realize that it’s also slippery.

The good news is there are several home remedies that can reduce the slipperiness of the floor.

Let’s Check Out Top Home Remedies To Make A Floor Non-Slip:

cleaning floor

1. Epoxy Coating

This is the most expensive and time-consuming option. It involves layering an epoxy coating on top of an existing concrete floor or creating a new floor with epoxy.

You can undertake this job yourself however if you want the best possible finish it’s best to use the professionals in epoxy floor coatings. They’ll do the job faster, and neater, and it will come with a guarantee.

In fact, the cost in the long term is significantly cheaper than most options. This is because epoxy flooring is very tough and durable.

You can also choose your color and even a pattern you want to emboss not the floor. This guarantees your epoxy flooring doesn’t just look stunning and offers a non-slip solution. It is also unique to your home.

Related Resource: Use Floor Polishing for Keeping Your Flooring Looking New

2. Vinegar & Water

Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent. If you add some to warm water you’ll be able to mop your floor thoroughly. You should proceed when dealing with a hardwood floor, they don’t generally like moisture.

The vinegar will remove all the debris on the floor, eliminating issues that can cause the floor to be slipperier.

It should be noted that vinegar and water clean the floor to make it safer, it doesn’t add a non-stick coating.

3. Non-stick Products

There are an array of non-stick products on the market. It’s worth noting that they are not all created equally. You’ll need to consider which products are designed for your type of floor. Then, it’s a good idea to look at different reviews to help you choose the one that suits your needs best.

Once you have chosen a product you’ll need to read the instructions and do as it says. Some can be used neat, others require the addition of water.

Apply them in accordance with the guidelines and, once they have been on for long enough, make sure you dry the floor thoroughly.

4. Use Rugs

Another way to reduce slippery floors is to add rugs to the most dangerous spots. You’ll need to invest in rubber-backed rugs as these will stick to the floor where you put them.

The rugs will then give grip and comfort to anyone walking over them, allowing people to move around the home in confidence. Don’t forget, before you apply any product to your floor it’s important to sweep it and then mop it. This removes the debris that could cause an issue.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment

So you want to downsize to a smaller apartment?  If you’re banging your head against the wall trying to figure out how to make a move go smoothly, you’re not alone. We’ve all been guilty of having too much stuff! Give yourself a break and start thinking of solutions. Stay inspired by focusing on the many benefits of downsizing!  Moving into a smaller apartment gives you the chance to start over and get rid of things you no longer need. It can also help you to get organized and keep only the essentials.  Even better, you won’t have to clean nearly as much space and can live as a minimalist! That in itself has some serious perks. Your stuff won’t own you and you’ll have more time to enjoy life. Do you see where we’re going with this?  Get ready, because, in this article, we offer seven expert hacks to help make the process of moving into a smaller apartment easier.  Here are 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment: 1. Analyze the space you’ll have It’s essential to know the total space of your new apartment before you start the downsizing process.  Take a look at your new floor plan and figure out how much room in feet and inches are on each wall. That way you’ll know what will fit in your apartment. If the measurements aren’t on the floor plan, ask the leasing office to provide you with the details.  But, the floor plan or provided measurements won’t tell you everything. You need to measure the extra spaces as well:  Closets Space under the bed (more on this later) Bathroom storage and cabinets Garage storage (if your apartment includes a separate garage) Kitchen storage and cabinets Other spaces where you might add shelving (like the top of the fridge or in a window) When you’re done with that, measure your current furniture and decide which pieces will fit into your place and which ones you won’t need.  2. Determine your actual needs  An excellent way to figure out what your needs are is by asking yourself if everything was gone, what would you replace?  Jot down some necessary items you can’t live without such as a bed, sofa, coffeemaker, dog bed — whatever is important to you.  You should also ask yourself the following questions:  What sentimental items will I miss the most?  Does this item serve a purpose?  Do I already have something that serves the same purpose?  Can I use this item to accomplish more than one task?  Is this object in good shape, and will it last for a while longer? This is the point where you’ll be making some headway on knowing what you’re keeping and what you can live without.  If ever in doubt of whether you should keep or donate something, go back to asking yourself these questions.  3. Set some tangible goals  When it’s getting closer to moving time, you need to come up with a game plan.  Best get started with setting some goals before time escapes you!  We’re assuming you want to declutter and possibly redecorate your new place, and if that’s the case, it’s time to set some tangible goals.  Ask yourself these questions: (Yes, we realize we’re telling you to do this yet again.) What do I hope to gain by adopting a minimalist lifestyle?  Do I want to keep the furniture I have or get new furniture (#1 and #4 will help with this) How do I plan to declutter?  How will I maximize my space? (Keep reading because we cover this in #4.) What will I do if I can’t decide to part with some items?  Should I pay for storage elsewhere to store extra belongings?  Need some help answering those kinds of questions?  Here are some goals you could have: I want a clutter-free apartment that will give me peace.  Not fixating on my possessions will help me feel free.  I’d like to have a clean slate and keep my belongings organized moving forward.  Being minimalistic will help me put emphasis on the most important emotional and physical items in my life.  Write down a few goals that inspire you so that when you feel like giving up, you’ll be able to remind yourself of your intentions. 4. Be a master organizer by maximizing space  Since you know how much space is in your apartment, as we recommended in #2, you should already have a plan in place as to where everything should go. With the limited storage space in your new digs, it’ll help to store things vertically. Vertically aligning hooks and shelves helps you take advantage of every square inch of space.  You might want to use adhesive hooks at first because most are easy to adjust. We’ll be getting into how to simplify your wardrobe next, but for now, keep in mind that multi-use furniture can solve a lot of storage problems.  Keep reading because we’re about to reveal some killer ideas.  One idea is to maximize space by incorporating storage headboards. These are pieces of furniture such as bookshelves and a hutch that’ll fit over your bed.  Incorporating these types of units will make it easier to store a variety of items from family treasures to books and jewelry.  For example, incorporating a fitted unit in your closet can make it easier to organize.  Beyond that, think of other ways you can make use of storage. Is there any room underneath the bed you’ll be moving into your fancy new apartment?  If there isn’t and you need an upgrade, buy a bed that has drawers underneath. Trust us — those drawers will be your best friend when you need to store extra items of clothing such as blankets or sweatshirts.  Keep your bed if you like it, and it just so happens that you may be able to squeeze in some bins underneath to use as storage. For example, milk crates work well when you want to store books, tee shirts, and keepsakes. 5. Simplify your wardrobe   Seriously, how do you go about simplifying your wardrobe with you have a gazillion t-shirts?  If you think your new closet is small, just think about the people who live in tiny homes. Now those are super tiny!  Don’t worry; you can do this if they can!  Here are some steps to follow that’ll make your wardrobe functional in no time at all.  Step 1:  Get all of your clothing out (ALL of it!) and put it somewhere you can sort through it. Whether that’s on the floor or on your bed is entirely up to you.  Step 2:  Next, divide those clothes into three different piles and decide to donate, keep, or store them.  Step 3:  Ask yourself if the clothing fits you or if it's still in wearable condition. If you haven’t worn jeans, for example, due to a weight gain or loss, donate or store those items.  Don’t keep clothing that’s falling apart. That’s just a waste of precious closet space! Step 4:  Are you done going through your clothing and separating them into three different piles?  Okay good, you’re going to do it again. This time ask yourself if this clothing fits your personality and your current lifestyle.  Step 5:  Mission complete! Well, almost. Organize the clothes you’re keeping, store what you plan to wear later (such as seasonal clothing), and drop off clothes you’re donating. 6. Sell or donate what you don’t want  Now that you know how much space you have, and how to simplify your wardrobe, let's dive into why it's so essential to sell or donate belongings. It's time to stop and figure out which items you can and can't part with.  As you know, whether you're moving to a different city or relocating to a separate apartment at the same complex, moving takes a lot of work. You should do everything in your power to simplify the moving process.  Eager to make some money to help with moving expenses? One way to do that is by selling belongings and furniture you no longer want. Try Craigslist, eBay, garage sales, Facebook, consignment stores, and more. Before you even start packing, you should sell, donate, or recycle stuff you can live without. This will eliminate packing everything up only to decide later that you didn't need that item of clothing or five extra plates.  If you have problems deciding whether you want to keep, sell, or donate an item, take a hard look at everything you own.  Think about whether another person would find use out of that item. If the item is useful, you can either donate it or sell it, depending on its value.  Who knows, your trash may turn into someone else's treasure.  7. Digitize nonessential media Next let's dive into how you can digitize and save documents, pictures, videos, cassettes, videos, DVDs, and CDs.  While it's important to keep hard copies of documents such as your social security card and birth certificate, try to save and scan everything else.  Transfer CDs and DVDs to digital files by using free computer programs such as Freemake Video Converter, Movavi, and WinX. Scan documents to your computer or save them as PDF files. After you're done scanning everything, use services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft One Drive.  Online storage sites are lifesavers when your goal is to digitize media.  Think of all of the space you'll free up in your new apartment by getting rid of boxes of videos, paper, and more by going paperless!  It'll take some time, but it'll totally be worth it. And boom! Suddenly you'll realize you're there.  So, do you think it’s time to move? Even though downsizing may seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Moving to a smaller apartment has its perks, such as decluttering your life and organizing your new place with fewer belongings.  Simply put, downsizing to a smaller apartment means:  Enjoying lower monthly expenses and living costs Not having to clean nearly as much since your place is smaller Living a minimalist lifestyle without meaningless belongings getting in your way  Instead of sweating the small stuff, take the moving process step by step. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying your new digs, relieved that you took the time to eliminate the clutter. Carolina Creek is a great townhouse-style community located about a mile from Eastern Carolina University's campus. The community consists of 2x3 and 3x3 apartments and contains a full amenity suite including a fitness center, pool, business center, and game room. The community is the best value in the Greenville NC student housing market. Read Also: 5 Tips For Designing a Tiny House How To Make Your Home Look Like You Hired An Interior Designer Buying A House Vs Renting An Apartment: Which Is More Affordable?

Drawer Boxes

The New Trend: Drawer Boxes

Life should not be complicated, it already is and we need to be able to live in a space that would allow us to relax and appreciate the better things in life. The problem with our materialist society is that we are all caught up in this vortex of buying new things on a daily or weekly basis. Online shopping and TV shopping have made it possible to order something and have it delivered in your doorstep. The tendency to buy and own things is increasing by the minute and one does not even have to go to the malls to do it. It is also a reality that more often than not, we end up buying things that we don’t need and we don’t have space for in the house and it becomes another one of those things we do not use but cannot give away. We have so much stuff inside our homes that we do not notice that it has taken over our bedrooms, closets, living room, garage, and even the basement. When this happens, we can say goodbye to that dream of having a relaxing and soothing living space. Many experts agree that a better living condition can be achieved if we have a well-organized home. A new show advocates living with the bare essentials and giving away all the other stuff that we do not use on a daily basis. The said show has become popular and even celebrities are trying to adhere to that minimalistic lifestyle, but it is easier said than done. For most people, parting with stuff they have bought and paid good money with will be difficult, but one cannot also live with such chaos in their homes. The best solution to this predicament is to remodel their closets and living spaces and to add more storage space. Building a new closet or adding shelves and storage cabinets can be expensive and time-consuming. One has to hire carpenters and builders and one has to invest in good quality wood to achieve this. Moreover, remodeling or building a new room for storage seems to be too much for a simple problem as clutter and lack of organization. The old adage that says “everything in its proper place and places everything properly” seems to be true, with the organization and the commitment to organize one’s home, we may be clutter free in the near future. There are a lot of ways in which to organize our homes and the things that we have accumulated through the years, but the most effective means is to organize it using a personalized system that takes into account the kind, purpose, and rate of use of a certain item. Also, one cannot begin to organize without heavy-duty and quality drawer boxes. Drawer boxes can be customized depending on the current system used in the house and those that are already installed, such that adding new ones will not clash with the existing theme or décor of the house. Drawer boxes can be made up of any material, the most common are plastic, wood, and laminated wood, and the choice, however, depends on the budget and style that the homeowner wants. But the most value for their money would be drawer boxes made of real wood. Wood is always elegant, and it can be painted, glossed, stained or bleached to complement the existing drawer boxes in the house. Wooden drawer boxes can also come in all shapes and sizes, to maximize the storage space for all those clutter and other purchases that one cannot seem to give away. There are also companies that can manufacture ready-made drawer boxes for every size and dimensions that you want so that it will blend seamlessly with your existing drawer boxes. Want to upgrade your shelves and cabinets but do not want to spend as much as having it completely remodeled, then buying pre-fabricated drawer boxes is the key. Drawer boxes can effectively eradicate clutter and will efficiently store the collected items to last until it will be used. However, to make it work, the owner has to have a system in which to determine which item goes to which drawer and a master list or catalogue of what is in a drawer box should also be done. This will save the owner from going through each box to find something that they need. This system should also be communicated to other members of the family, as it will make future organizing easier. Also, there are rules to follow in terms of organizing for long-term storage, like things that will be used on a seasonal basis should be stored in the garage while those that are used on a daily basis should be stored in the most accessible part of the house. Moreover, stuff can be organized inside the drawer boxes in terms of its frequency of use, those that are not used always must be placed at the back of the box while those that are used often should be in the front of the box. Also, one can add the category, color, and relevance to the organizing criteria, but not everyone would agree. Drawer boxes are an effective means of handling and taking charge of one’s clutter and disorganized stuff, it is also cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing as it will add beauty to the home. The choices are endless and it is easy to achieve that well-organized and relaxing home with the use of appropriate drawer boxes. Most especially that one can order a specific drawer box and use it immediately without having to hire carpenters or other workers to install it for you. It also comes with an instructional manual that anybody can do it for themselves. Drawer boxes can store as many items as you would like and the overall effect would be a well put together home, with emphasis on cleanliness and organization. One can truly feel relaxed and happy in a well-organized home and if one ends up buying more stuff, drawer boxes will always do the trick! Read Also: Ten Tips To Make Most Out Of Your Outdoor Space Here’s How To Turn Your Garage Into A Bedroom On A Budget!

Commercial Roof

7 Important Factors You Must Consider Before Renovating A Commercial Roof

The roof is important for any commercial building. If your roof is broken, it exposes precious belongings that incorporate certain expensive commodities.  In most of the commercial buildings, roofing projects often stand out. It is necessary for your home to be protected from the harsh elements. For this, all you need is a reliable roofing company that can offer you these required services.  It is important to remember that remodeling and renovating your home is an intensive undertaking with several potential pitfalls. Before you can think of renovating your commercial roof, there are a few considerations to make.  This article will emphasize factors you should consider before renovating a commercial roof.  Top Considerations Before Renovation Of A Commercial Roof  Here is a list of guides to help you fix your commercial building roof.  1. Roof Ponding  Before you can contact a roof contractor, you need to inspect your building to see if there is any ponding.  Therefore, you need to observe if there is an act of accumulation on the roof. This will indicate you have an issue and might also face certain drainage issues. Excessive ponding might also lead to algae growth. This causes permanent harm to the rooftop.  Ponding indicates the right sign your roof is getting damaged, and it is time that you get into reroofing.  2. Determine The Material That Fits The Best  Thinking of renovating the commercial space is a great way to look functional. But at the same time, it is also expensive and time-consuming if you do not pay attention to the included material. Before initiating the renovation, create a plan outlining the materials you need and the purpose. This will help you delegate the project effectively. Researching the materials in advance will help you renovate appropriately, last longer, look great, and cost much less.  Not only will certain materials dictate aesthetics, but they will majorly reflect attributes in the home’s new design. When you are taking on home renovation projects, make sure you choose the right materials.  3. Consult An Insurance Company  If you need to replace the roof, it might be due to bad weather, so ensure it from an insurance provider first.  There are certain contractors who are more happy about helping one another during the time of processing the claims. So look for an insurance provider who can clear your doubts and get you all the valid information required to proceed with the claim.  In addition to that, they will try to get the insurance company to pay according to the damages. Similarly, you might also get a new roof without spending as much.  4. Prepare A Contingency Plan  Renovating your home is an exciting undertaking. It requires thorough planning and research. Similarly, knowing if you can prepare a contingency plan for any potential issues is vital.  An unforeseen issue might occur throughout the course of the renovation process. Thus, your contingency plan should include details about what you would need in certain cases, what can go wrong, the material required, and design decisions.  Hence, a comprehensive contingency plan can equip you and assist you in tackling unanticipated issues instantly. Moreover, you might not have to cause much of a disturbance in your renovation timeline.  5. Check The Paperwork When you are dealing with something as vital as your roof, you do not wish to leave anything else to change.  For any contractor, it lays out how much you would need to pay and how much time they need to install a new roof. In addition to that, the paperwork can include all pertinent details on what permits you would need to make the new roof within your community.  In the end, you should also receive a letter from the contractor’s insurance providers and communicate exactly what is under the business liability plan. Commercial Roofers, similarly, can also help you with the renovation process and install a new roof.  6. Anticipate The Budget  Determining and setting the right budget is important before you can contact any roof contractor. You might develop a limit or have an expensive amount, so consider your decision.  Thus, setting a budget makes you plan about every attribute in the renovation project. Dreaming about a luxurious change that might increase your home's value is easy.  Therefore, create an estimated labor charge, material and decoration costs, and a contingency fund. Build up a detailed calculation and cost breakups that will keep you on the right track and assist you in saving time and resources.  Furthermore, keep all your expectations in check today.  7. Obtain The Right Permit  Before you can start with the major renovation, it is vital to know about the local areas and obtain the necessary permits.  This could be acquired for a permit from the country or city before you can begin the construction process. This is a specified requirement if you are undertaking any work affecting the home structure, plumbing, or electrical system.  Thus, by doing so, you need to protect the roof in the long run and save resources while ensuring that renovation will be handled professionally.  Furthermore, obtaining the right permit can avoid legal issues with the local authority, and it is worth going through the entire stage.  Hire The Best Roofing Contractors  Thus, finding a listed contractor is an integral factor. This is because it would ensure your home is in tip-top condition. If you know business owners who offer commercial roofing repairs, research before hiring contractors.  When you finally consider the essential requirements before renovating a commercial roof, you must hire the best contractor. You must look for contractors with the expertise and skills to install and replace a roof. Ensure they carry their material and tools as well.  Therefore, a roofing contractor can offer significant advice on roofing installation and repair. Make sure that roofing projects are conducted properly with qualified materials.  Furthermore, roofing contractors carry liability insurance, so you only need to protect yourself if any mashup or accident occurs.  Thus, roofing contractors offer invaluable skills and knowledge regarding roof installation and repair and valuable protection from damage.  Read Also: Choosing A Siding And Roofing Companies In Delaware What To Know About Commercial Greenhouse Flooring Why You Must Use A Residential Roofing Company For Your Home