5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person should know


24 February 2016

Health & Fitness

rowing machine

A rowing machine is also referred to as an indoor rower. Rowing machines are capable of providing an intense workout to all the main muscle groups in the body. It is a great cardiovascular exercise and provides strength and shape to the body. Working out on rowing machines is quite similar to rowing a boat with the help of an oar.

However, you must use low-impact and smooth rowing patterns in order to prevent injuries while rowing machine workouts. Workout is fun but if not done properly can cause injuries and pain in the body.

5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person should know

Here we have listed some rowing machine workout tips that you must know.

1. Slow Down your Rowing Machine Strokes

It is always observed that rowing machine is not used properly by most of the people. People usually tend to apply a greater force for pulling it too far as a result of which their strokes are very short and they try to move back and forth very fast. However, it is always advisable to make longer and slower strokes in order to achieve better precision and make the most out of your workout. Remember the slower the rowing strokes the better they are.

2. Focus more on Legs than from your Arms

People usually hold a perception that rowing machine workouts are more about arm strength rather than the legs but this is not true. Rowing machine workouts are a leg- dominant exercise. We often try hard to pull the machine back with all our arm strength but when we have to come forward on the slide the very first movement must be made with our legs in order to apply all the power of the glutes. It can be even compared with a squat run where you have to use more of the movement of your legs and arms instead of your arm strength.

3. Check your Posture

Posture is one of the main elements of rowing and sitting at a right posture during your rowing machine workouts can make the real difference. Therefore, you must keep in mind the following points in order to get the right posture.

  • You must sit in a bolt upright position because you will have to make use of your back for strength during the workout.
  • Do not lean too back or forth because this will result in loss of some power.
  • You should aim for tall yet slight back sitting posture which will help you maximize your power during the workout and make most of it.

4. Concentrate on your Pulling Techniques

Pulling techniques are the core to your rowing workouts. You might observe a number of pulling techniques used by people around you in the gym but there are several pulling techniques that will make your rowing workout sessions more effective.

  • Whenever you pull the handle back with body, the stroke must finish just below your pecs and not somewhere near your sternum.
  • Some people might go quite high up as it provides them better split on the screen but this is not a good technique and can result in injury. So, it important to get the right technique to avoid injuries while working out.

5. Make Proper Workout Plans

Most of the people treat rowing workouts as their warm-up exercise and spend a shorter time on the rowing machine which means they try to complete it as fast as possible. However, if you need quick and better results then you must plan your rowing machine workouts properly. A regular workout of 20 minutes on the rowing machine will give you fair results.

You will be able to note the difference and this will also improve your workout techniques. Make a proper workout plan like assigning the workout time, targeting for predetermined speed and distance to be covered within the desired time. This will definitely show quick results.


Working out on rowing machines is quite productive and known for giving quick results if carried out regularly in a proper manner. So, the above-listed rowing machine workout tips will surely help you get quick results and benefits from your workouts. Every fitness person should know these tips.

Read More:

  1. 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine
  2. Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider
  3. What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?

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Does medicine really help in treating Arthritis?

Arthritis is a chronic bone disorder marked by inflammation of joints that causes pain and stiffness. One of the most common kinds of arthritis is Osteoarthritis, which gets worse with age. It occurs due to damage to the ligaments over a prolonged span. Another one is Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an immune-triggered disorder that attacks joints like foreign tissues and also known as an autoimmune disorder.  Doctors prefer medication to treat arthritis, but it can lead to some side effects. Here are some among them: Side Effects of Arthritis: 1) Stomach Problems: The stomach problem is one of the significant side effects of medication for arthritis. The most common ones are heartburn and bleaching.  2) Bleeding: Using NSAIDs can irritate your stomach lining. It can also rupture the linings and lead to bleeding. Consult your doctor in such a condition. 3) Toxicity: Steroids can help in recovering faster, but it leads to high blood pressure, high sugar, and decreased bone health and weight gain if used for a prolonged period.  4) Liver damage: If you are running on methotrexate, you should know that it can cause liver damage if continued for an extended period. 5) Eye damage: Methotrexate, along with DMARDS, can lead to more severe problems. It can affect eyesight considerably. You may start having sudden eye pain, and you may become light-sensitive. Ways to get rid of this Arthritis We have seen that prolonged medication causes several kinds of side effects that can affect your health more seriously. It is better to opt for natural home remedies because they do not have any side effects and are very beneficial in the long run. It will also save some of your hospital bills too. Let’s take a look at them: i) Weight reduction: Your knees, hips, and feet remain under constant pressure by your weight. Weight reduction can be of great help in arthritis since it reduces wear and tear of joints and helps in healing faster. ii) Engage in physical activity: Aerobics and swimming are the best kinds of activities for arthritis patients. Regular exercise will keep your weight balance. One should not go for heavy weight lifting or rigorous training as it can damage the joints. If you are unsure of getting physical activity on your own, you can always go for expert physiotherapy in Singapore. The professional will be able to help you engage in physical movement, but in a much more controlled and safer environment. This ensures that you do not end up getting hurt adversely. iii) Hot and cold therapy: Take a regular bath in hot water. It will help to reduce joint inflammation and also relax your muscles. At night you can wrap an ice cube in a cloth and rub it over the inflamed area which can make a huge difference.   iv) Try acupuncture: It is an ancient method in which thin needles are inserted into specific parts of the body that reroutes an energy flow and restores body balance. It is a researched and established practice and certifies by WHO. v) Weed Consumption: Weed has medicinal properties that can heal arthritis. You can fill up the Acmpr form if you want to grow weed and get benefited rapidly. Final Touch: It is essential to understand that Arthritis is one of the common problems of old age, and it takes time to heal completely. Taking medicines for an extended period can severely damage other body organs, so it is better to go slow and try these tested methods. It has no side effects, and it has benefitted millions of people across the globe. Read Also:    How to Salvage Your Furniture after a Flood  How RTB Ad Serving Works                                           

eat affects

What You Eat Affects Your Productivity

You must have heard someone say “you are what you eat” at some point in your life but have you ever wondered what exactly does it mean? We’re all aware that the food we consume fuels our body, yet we tend to focus only on the long-term effects of our eating habits instead of the short term consequences of the decisions we make during lunchtime. Perhaps, our eating choices have a profound effect on our mental performance and productivity levels throughout the day. But how exactly does FOOD have the power to do that? And how can you control your productivity by watching what you eat? If you want to find the answers to all such question, keep on reading this article and we guarantee a lot of things will become clear to you. The Link Between Food And Productivity Our diets have a much greater impact on our productivity than we realize. In fact, eating the wrong foods at the wrong times can turn your day upside down. Essentially, whatever you eat has a way of making its way to your bloodstream and eventually reaching your brain. This is because almost every food item that we eat is broken down into glucose in our bodies. Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that can easily cross into the bloodstream to fuel our entire body and keep our brain awake. So when our body is short on glucose, like on an empty stomach, our brain finds it hard to concentrate, focus and perform. But since everything we eat is eventually broken down into glucose, what difference does it make if we eat a bowl of vegetable salad or two scoops of ice cream? Well, here’s the thing: the ability of a certain food to fuel our body and brain depends on the rate at which it can release glucose into our blood, also called the glycemic index (GI). Foods with a low glycemic index like oats or healthy salads release glucose slowly yet sustainably in the blood, regulating blood sugar levels and optimizing brain activity. On the other hand, foods with a high GI such as white rice an ice cream rapidly release glucose in the bloodstream, providing a burst of energy which the body can use immediately. However, the downside is that you’ll be left unfocused and distracted only after a few hours of eating. Moreover, starchy and sugary foods with high GI can impact sleep cycles and actually kill productivity. A sudden spike in blood sugar level increases insulin production in the pancreases which, in turn, floods the brain with hormones like serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that also acts as a precursor for the sleep hormone melatonin and regulates circadian rhythms which manage the internal clock of the body and the sleep-wake cycles. Thus, aligning your diet with the circadian rhythms allows you to harness your full potential and make the most of the day. How To Improve Cognitive Performance With Food Now that we have established the link between food and productivity, let’s learn how you can attain a greater mental efficiency by watching your diet and tweaking your lifestyle. Here are some research-based strategies worth giving a try. Watch What You Eat Perhaps, the most important thing you need to do is to keep a check on what you eat. Processed and junk foods spike blood sugars and have a negative relationship with productivity. Instead, make such healthier foods readily available and stack them in plain sight since you’re more likely to eat the first thing you see when you’re hungry. Here are some brain fueling foods you should consider: Fish: A classic brain-food, fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are known to optimize brain function and development and maintain overall energy levels. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate has a high content of caffeine that is a well-known concentration booster. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds rich in Vitamin E and other antioxidants reduce cell inflammation and prevent cognitive decline. Fruits and vegetables: Most fruits and vegetables have a low glycemic index and hence are excellent brain power foods. Carrots, avocados, and blueberries are some choices you can opt for to increase your brain activity. Don’t Skip Breakfast In a study published by Roy Baumeister in his book, all children in a class were asked to skip breakfast before coming to school. Then, half of them were fed with a healthy breakfast after coming to school and it was observed that these children displayed better learning patterns and behavior than the other lot. When the unfed children were given a healthy snack during mid-day, their performance also improved. This study perfectly depicts the significance of eating proper breakfast every morning so make sure not to skip on this important meal even if you’re running low on time. Have Small Meals Throughout The Day Since unregulated blood sugar levels can suppress productivity, it’s wise not to let your glucose levels hit the bottom throughout the day. Thus, feast on small and frequent meals during the course of the day to maintain consistent blood sugar levels. You can have small portions of meals during lunch and dinner time and supplement them with 2 healthy snacks at mid-day and evening to fuel your brain more efficiently. Plan Your Meals Beforehand Last-minute eating decisions are not always the best ones since you’re more likely to cave in on unhealthy food cravings that are quite an inefficient source of energy. Hence, it’s good to plan your meals before you get hungry so that you don’t make unhealthy food choices later on. You can prepare your weekly meals over the weekend to save time on weekdays and stay away from ordering unhealthy food out of sheer laziness. Or you can order weekly meal sets from healthy food delivery services like ActivEats if you don’t have the time to cook for yourself. Perhaps, the key to productivity is in your own hands and making subtle changes in your lifestyle and eating habits like those mentioned above can be a step closer to achieving maximum productivity. Read Also: Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet Love Who You Are: How To Prevent Eating Disorders

Weight Loss

Tips to Lose Weight Naturally

So, you’re fed up with your efforts not giving the right results for your weight problem? More so, aren’t you happy with a cheap gym membership you have been availing for long? So, what is the way out? How to lose weight, not the peace of mind in the process? Well, you should try losing weight at home. You should try losing it in a natural manner. Many people are doing the same, and the results have been great. This way, you are not only saved the inconvenience of matching the gym schedule but also saving a good deal of money. Going natural will help you a lot as this is something of a fad a growing number of people giving a try to. This way, you will tackle weight problems in minimum possible efforts and resources. Let’s look at some helpful tips to lose weight naturally - First and foremost, you should add protein to your diet or you should go on a protein-rich diet, as doing this helps you burn a lot of calories and stay fit. You need to stay away from added fat, added sugar and processed food and rather, your diet should include who and single-ingredient foods only. Never take to processed foods as not only are they rich in calories, added sugars, and fats but also they end up making you a kind addict, which multiplies the damage. Try eating as many healthy foods and snacks possible, and you should rather make your diet rich with only natural foods prepared at home such as nuts, yogurt, etc. You can’t manage weight until you control your intake of added sugar as doing this not only helps fight weight problems but a lot of other health issues as well. You should start drinking as much water as you can either before or after the meal as in, either way, water is a great source of burning a calorie or minimizing their intake. You must try replacing unhealthy beverages with water as your weight loss efforts simply can’t afford calories and sugar stocking up courtesy beverages. Taking liquid calories has been a major reason for people facing obesity and other health problems, so your diet should not have energy drinks, fruit juices or any kind of soft drinks. You should cut down the intake of carbs that lack beneficial nutrients and fiber as they can tempt you into overeating. Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to tackle the menace of weight loss as the items are not only rich in water and energy but they also have very low energy density. You should keep a tab on calories and keep checking the amount your use as only this can help you understand the requirement of either taking more calories or burning more. You need to include low-carb diets as they are considered very helpful in countering weight loss problems. You should avoid eating fast as this carries the risk of overeating calories exceeding the body need, which is often not the case with slow eating. Including eggs in your diet is surely a good way to lose weight as such food items are high in protein and low in calories. You should take proper sleep on a daily basis as not doing the same may put you at great risks of gaining more, as studies have proved the same umpteen times. Read also: 1. How To Lose Your Weight With Venus Factor 2. What are Popular Mind and Body Exercises Available at a Gym? 3. Must-Follow Tricks to Burn More Calories In a nutshell, you should either join the best of gyms in Maidstone or take to natural ways of losing weight. In both ways, you will surely benefit a great deal and realize the target you always wanted to.