Seizure Disorders: How To Recognize, Respond, And Provide Help

Published on: 16 August 2023 Last Updated on: 12 January 2024
Seizure Disorders

With the regular electrical activity of the human brain, electrical impulses are coordinately discharged to the nerves, muscles, and the spinal cord. However, seizure disorders may arise when the brain’s electrical activity is disrupted.

The most common picture of someone having a seizure is losing consciousness and uncontrollable shaking. Seeing someone with these symptoms could be terrifying, but by knowing more about these conditions, you can recognize, respond, and even provide help and support to the affected individuals.

Understanding Seizures and Seizure Disorders

There are two major types of seizures: epileptic and non-epileptic. Epileptic seizures are unprovoked seizures that happen without a trigger. It’s also commonly called epilepsy.

Factors that may have caused epilepsy include stroke, tumors, and structural abnormalities, among other brain disorders. The condition is called “symptomatic epilepsy.” This condition commonly affects newborn and old individuals.

To manage this condition, a healthcare professional may first prescribe you low-dosage medications like Klonopin. Your doctor may adjust the dosage until your seizures are well controlled. To save on this medication, check out Klonopin Discount Coupon you may use in many pharmacies across the county.

Conversely, non-epileptic seizures are provoked by temporary conditions that irritate the brain. The triggers could vary from a head injury, a reaction to a drug, or an allergy.

Individuals already diagnosed with a seizure disorder are more likely to get seizures if they are sleep-deprived, intoxicated, under excess emotional or physical stress, or if they have suddenly stopped drinking or using sedatives.

Recognizing the Signs of a Seizure

A person about to have a seizure will feel what they call an “aura” or unusual sensations. The symptoms may include butterflies in the stomach, abnormal smells and tastes, déjà vu, jamais vu, and an intense feeling that a seizure is about to happen.

Phases of a Seizure

A seizure has three phases: aura and prodrome (beginning), ictal (middle), and postictal (end). The beginning phase includes the prodrome stage beside the aura. In this phase, an individual about to get a seizure will experience anxiety, mood changes, difficulty sleeping, lightheadedness, and difficulty staying focused.

In the middle phase, also called “ictal,” common signs include memory lapse, confusion, twitching, loss of muscle control, body convulsions, trouble breathing, repeated movements, and racing heart, among other signs.

In the last phase, or “postictal,” the epileptic person would experience fatigue, headache, confusion, lack of consciousness, shame, sore muscles, and thirst, among other experiences. 

Responding to Seizures: Dos and Don’ts

Responding to Seizures

It is safe to offer help if you have mastered the guide on responding to the situation and know what to avoid when offering support. Equip yourself with knowledge by reading this guide:


To help someone with a seizure, here are safe things you can do:

  • Compose yourself
  • Set a cushion to support their head
  • Check if they have an epilepsy card or any identification that can help you with your next steps
  • Remove any obstructions in the area that can injure them
  • Lay them on their side
  • Loosen their collar and other tight clothing
  • Record how long the convulsions lasted
  • Place them in a recovery position when the convulsions stopped


These are the things you shouldn’t do when helping an epileptic individual:

  • Do not put anything between their teeth during convulsions
  • Do not hold down the person
  • Do not feed them or give them a beverage
  • Do not leave them

Providing First Aid During a Seizure

You must ensure a safe environment and remove any potential hazards when providing first aid. For instance, if the person is in the middle of the road, you should move them, but if they are in an enclosed space, don’t try to carry them and transfer them to a bed. Just clear the space by removing the furniture away from the person.

As you ease the person to the floor, you can slowly turn them into one side to help them breathe. If the person is wearing glasses, remove them from their face. You should also time the seizure and call an emergency team if it persists after five minutes.  A first aid & CPR course teaches an individual how to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, providing immediate assistance until professional help arrives.

It’s also important to observe them while having seizures so you can give the medical team more information on what happened.

Seeking Medical Attention and Diagnosis

To detect the cause of seizures and diagnose epilepsy, one must undergo evaluations like a neurological exam, blood tests, and genetic testing. To know more about these tests, read the information below:

● Neurological Exam

This evaluation covers testing a person’s motor abilities, behavior, and mental functions, among other areas. This could help your doctor determine what type of epilepsy you may have and diagnose your condition.

● Blood Tests

With blood tests, your doctor can detect if you have infections or genetic conditions that may have caused the seizures.

● Generic Testing

Generic Testing is commonly administered to children to give more information about the condition so doctors can come up with ways to treat it.


Some epileptic individuals feel embarrassed about their conditions, as some still think that epilepsy is contagious or something that makes a person less capable of doing things and thinking on their own. Through this blog, we hope many would promote epilepsy and seizure disorder awareness, debunk misconceptions about this condition, and willingly offer help to individuals with epilepsy.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Chi Machine

12 Secret Methods of Chi Machine Domination

Undoubtedly one of the greatest inventions in the medical research by Dr. Shizou Inoue, the Chi machine is today dear to many, thanks to its ability to sway the body with strategic movements for incredible health benefits. We help unravel the 12 secret methods of Effective Chi Machines domination. Besides, we unearth ways the use of the machine can add an invaluable transformative lifestyle for your body fitness. Introduction: As complex, our body functions, its ability to fight off the pain and recover from diverse ailments still amazes many. Bodies absorb excess fat and fluid accumulations with a lot of nutritional deficiency courtesy of our sedentary lifestyle. This can sometimes overwhelm our lymphatic system. Consequently, we put the body at risk of contracting diseases like arthritis, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, skin conditions, migraines, obesity among many others. However, the use of Chi machines is not just making inroads for amazing health solutions but also a pre-emptive measure for enhanced body fitness. Chi machine is popular in helping the body detoxify, boost blood circulation, increase oxygenation, and level up body balancing plus much more. Besides, the machine is a popular recommendation among the masseuses, doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors and other spa specialists these days. But, how does it exactly achieve this? The 12 secret methods behind Chi machine domination: 1. Oxygenation: The Chi massager helps promote blood circulation by means of strong vibrations at the ankle hence triggering increased blood flow in the body. As a result, this improves the circulation of oxygen to the blood cells.  2. Body recovery and healing: While moving your body by strolling and raising the body, it assists the nerves to unwind. The relaxation allows for better control of blood flow for increased body recovery and healing process. 3. A mode of exercise: Chi machine use is a perfect workout that saves time going to the Gym. This is especially important for those with conditions like neuralgia and arthritis to gain sufficient strength and body rejuvenation. 4. Detoxification: The body releases liquids and contaminants to the feet and legs due to gravity. Without sufficient body motion and vibrations, these toxic substances can be harmful to body functionality. Chi machines provide an effective and efficient way of moving such fluids throughout your body while rekindling the lymphatic system through cleansing. 5. Relaxing Massager: Enthusiasts find the machine a remarkable massager approach through diverse body position adjustments. This is possible during the raising of the arms, changing of body positions including supporting knees with a cushion. These body variations provide massage relaxations for body refreshment. 6. Back pain relieves: The machine is a favorite alternative for those who want to relieve pain through backstroke support. This is because when lying flat, no pressure is placed on the spine. 7. Brain activator: Chi machine exercises are popular for enhanced brain relaxation including the autonomous nervous system. It helps induce the Alpha waves in the brain for enhanced mental focus and general body physical energy. 8. Meditation: Many opt for the Chi machine to focus on the rush of the mechanical energy through the body and mind for a meditative session. 9. Lymphatic system: when the body experiences movements, this stimulates the lymphatic system to promote its drainage. 10. Balancing the spine: since the body is relaxed with no additional weight on the spine, any kind of condition or misalignment is corrected. This is the panacea for vertebrae-related conditions. 11. Immune system improvement: When you use the Chi machine, this stimulates the production of globulin important in strengthening the natural body disease defense mechanism. 12: Blood Production: Our body's blood is produced in the spleen and bone marrow. Any decrease in such production might affect the health of your spleen. The chi machine is essential in stimulating the brain to trigger spinal and marrow blood generation. Final verdict: With just about 2 sessions of 6 minutes (for starters) and up to 20 minutes (for the seasoned) daily, one can effectively jumpstart the lymphatic system for an incredibly healthy lifestyle. A Chi machine is a small-sized (passive aerobic exercise)device with double ankle rests on its upper design. It allows you to lay down on a flat comfortable floor surface on your back while positioning the ankles on the machine rests. All you have to do is turn it on for back and forth oscillations that will shake your legs and fish-like body movements. The effect on the body is a good feeling and energy rush besides many other health benefits. So, do you really need Chi machines? Read these reviews takes an informative and vivid look at its benefits. Read Also: 5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person Should Know 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness


Benefits of E-Cigarettes over Traditional Smoking

The American Cancer Society insists that traditional smoking enhances the risks to most cancers by 30%. Smoking thus remains the leading cause of preventable death in the world. Actually, 7 million lives are lost yearly due to tobacco exposure. Alarmingly, 90% of this population is direct users. Judging by the statistics, you can argue that tobacco is the real issue. On the flip side, if you remove tobacco from the equation, there won’t be combustion and thus no smoke or carbon deposits. Ultimately, this translates to less harm. Well, this is where e-cigarette comes in. With the devices, there is no combustion, hence there is no smoke. Instead of tobacco, you use a special juice called e-liquid. The liquid is heated to produce vapor clouds that give you pleasure. Unlike traditional smoking, you can control how much nicotine you are taking using e-cigarettes. Other than this reason, there are other benefits of e-cigarettes over traditional smoking. Here are the obvious ones: 1. Help you Quit Smoking : When most people try to quit traditional smoking using conventional ways, they suffer from what we call nicotine withdrawal. The condition is so serious that a bigger fraction of them go back to smoking. E-cigarettes are designed to help you counter the effects of nicotine withdrawal. You can reduce the levels until you are comfortable with 0% nicotine. 2. Eco-friendly : You’ve heard of fire outbreaks that have been initiated by the regular cigarettes. In most cases, when a burning cigarette gets into contact with inflammable substances or cloth materials, they lead to a wide range of emergencies and can claim lives and property, especially when immediate action is not taken. Furthermore, the cigarettes release harmful smoke and cancerous deposits to the environment. This is not the case with e-cigarettes. They are clean, thus eco-friendly. 3. Saving : You spend roughly $7 on a pack of cigarette. A majority of e-cigarettes are reusable. So, you just need to replace the cartridge after buying the device. One cartridge costs $20 on average and is equivalent to 10 packs of the regular cigarette (which cost $70). So, you save more than three times when using e-cigarettes. Moreover, you can take advantage of discount codes such as the Misthub coupons on This way you will be healthy and save some extra money. 4. Discreetness : For certain reasons, not all smokers are comfortable with smoking in public as some of them don’t want close friends and relatives to know that they actually smoke. However, you cannot smoke traditional cigarettes without people noticing or feeling irritated. Yes, traditional smoking normally leaves on your clothes (and in the air) an offensive smell. As for vaping, unless someone is familiar with the device, they can’t tell what you are doing, more so if you are using the vape pen. In a nutshell, e-cigs are a healthier and more desirable alternative to traditional cigars, not only for you but the society at large. And the above benefits of e-cigarettes over traditional smoking are a further confirmation of how the devices are convenient and flexible for you. You can use them to control the amount of nicotine you take and reduce the risks that are associated with tobacco. Read Also : How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society How To Get Rid Of Cigarette Smell: 3 Surefire Tips

Weight Loss

Ways to Weight Loss Naturally

An apple keeps healthy and your diet plate full of energy and disease-free. It is very easy to think about losing weight naturally but on the other hand, it is also tough to maintain that diet, and the decision after taking becomes difficult. But there are so many ways which can be opted for losing weight. These things will work only if it would be followed up with a determined mind. Losing weight needs so many things together such as exercise, food, water. Moreover, if you genuinely looking forward to having immediate results then this cannot happen there is no magic you will have to work hard with patience. But continuity is the first thing one would need in the process of losing weight. So these are some simple and easy ways to weight loss in a natural way. You can also use points such as acupressure points for weight loss, to reduce your extra gain with your daily exercises. Ways to Weight Loss Naturally: Go for Protein to your diet: Protein really works as the best formula for losing weight. A high protein diet helps in boosting metabolism by up to 80-100 calories per day. Have protein on a regular basis if you really want to lose weight. No replacement of water There is no replacement for water. Water even kills 90 percent of disease and makes your body pure. It also helps in losing weight in a natural way. If one drinks 0.5 liters of water it helps in decreasing the calories. Have a cup of green tea: Tea can be good for health and skin but it should be green tea. Green tea helps in increasing metabolism and saves the storage of fat in your body. Whenever you buy read the packet as this is clearly written that Green tea contains a compound EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) and this helps in erasing oxidative free radicals from the body. Practice eating habits: Yes, it becomes necessary that practicing the right eating habits becomes important and it will take time to do that. At first, you will decide on your perfect diet plan then you will have to be firm towards your decision. If you are unable to decide this then Google can be a great help for that matter. You may like also: Tricking Handheld BMI Machine Scores Exercise on a regular basis: Whether you believe it or not but exercise will work only when you pick up your kind of exercise. But if you do what is not working for you then surely losing weight could help you in a natural way. It helps from every aspect from releasing tension to freeing your mind. Get enough sleep: After having enough water, one must take enough sleep. Everybody has a different kind of body so it depends on them how much sleep their body needs but if you are exercising then decide your sleep accordingly. But minimum calculated sleep is about six hours. But you can also go for 8 hours. It also helps in keeping skin healthy and glowing. Sleeping takes care of your health so much. Yoga virus exercise: Now, this is one of question which goes in mind. Yoga helps in decreasing weight but not that much compared to exercise. Yoga also helps in burning calories but not like walking does, jogging does. But if you opt for yoga along with jogging and a proper diet then it will help in various ways. Make sure to get trained by experts. Lemon water: Morning is the right time for taking energy in charge. Whether you believe it or not morning decides your whole day if you keep it healthy and happy then your whole day would be like that. But on the other hand, if you keep it unhappy then things will also work in that direction. So start your day with a warm lemon and a spoon of raw creamed honey. This will also help in removing toxic things from your body plus it will also take care of your positive energy. Conclusion: Everything in the suggestion would be needed. You could neither skip water nor a proper diet. And if you think skipping a diet would help in losing weight it will hurt your health. But having a proper diet would help you in getting the right result. Avoid wrong diets and skipping meals is not going to help you either way. Then have faith you will lose weight in the right way. Read Also: Tips To Lose Weight Naturally Drink Matcha Green Tea To Lose Weight Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight? Shocking Expert Tips On How To Lose Weight Without Exercise