Symptoms and Effects of Co-occurring Disorder on Human Health

Published on: 22 May 2019 Last Updated on: 24 May 2019
Co-occurring Disorder

People who have mental disorder as well as having substance use disorders identify as having a dual disorder. This dual disorder also sometimes called a co-occurring disease.

Sometimes it can be challenging to diagnose co-occurring disorder because the symptoms of mental illness and substance abuse have many similarities. Unfortunately, it is common that people who have a mental illness also suffer from substance abuse. According to research, about one-third of people who have a mental illness also struggle with substance abuse.

For treatment, it is recommended that patient receive intensive care for both disorders.  This helps them to manage mental health disorder without using drugs. If a patient remains untreated, his mental health urges him to drink more.

1. Symptoms of the co-occurring disorder:

The symptoms of vary depending on the patient’s life circumstances. Many people who struggle with extreme mood swings, legal problems, financial issues, employment issues, health problems, and aggressiveness.

These symptoms also caused mental illness. A patient feels anxiety, isolation, and depression. These things provoke patients to use alcohol and drugs.

2. Effects of Drug Addiction:

Unfortunately, more disabilities, deaths, and illness are caused by substance abuse. Different drugs damage different organs. Here are some common effects of drugs on human health.

Immune System:

Immune System

Long-term use of drugs can lead to considerable damage to many human organs and systems. Drugs and alcohols damage a person’s immune system. These drugs can weaken their immune system. Drug addicts with a weak immune system cannot deal with their issues properly. They cannot fight off with common infections.

Drugs which can damage the immune system are:

Nervous System:

Nervous System

All drugs can affect the functioning of the brain. These drugs are chemicals. When a person puts these chemicals in a body, they interfere in the process of nerve cells as they receive, send, and process information. These drugs also can imitating the brain’s natural chemical messenger and can affect its reward circuit. Drugs take control of reward system and release dopamine in large amount, and the patient loses his control on emotions. Increased level of dopamine in mind gives the impression to a person that drugs make him less stressed and happier.

Behavioral Effects:

Drugs lead to various behavioral disorder both in long and short-term.  If a person is not using alcohol regularly, still he experiences its short-term effects, including loss of coordination, vomiting, mood swings, high blood pressure, and loss of judgment.

Drinking too much can cause severe physical and social issues. It can cause cardiovascular disease and liver damage. Excessive use of drugs can also cause memory loss, high blood pressure, and cancer.

3. Treatment:

For the treatment of co-occurring disorders, there are numbers of clinics giving facilities to their patients. They offer both inpatient addiction rehab and outpatient rehab. Thousands of patients have found healing through their programs.

The most effective treatment of the co-occurring disorder is aftercare. The patient may start to retake drugs. But those who receive outpatient counseling daily they may leave with fewer chances to retake drugs.

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how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments

How Many Jobs Are Available In Medical/Dental Instruments?

How many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments? If this is something that you are searching for, then you have come to the right place. If there is anything that a person looking for jobs wants to ensure before applying, then it is the number of vacancies in that field. It helps them to prepare for a particular job and gauge the competition. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more about the number of  jobs available in medical/dental instruments… What Is The Medical/Dental Instruments Industry? Before telling you how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments, there is something that you need to know. And that is regarding what the medical/dental instruments sector. The medical/dental instruments industry is among the most popular sectors in the healthcare industry, which makes the related degree in regulatory affairs one of the most popular degrees in healthcare. It is a broad area that is associated with most of the things that are related to the manufacturing of instruments that are needed in the field of the dental and medical industries. Considering the fact that there are a lot of instruments that are used in the field of healthcare, there is no wonder that the medical/dental instruments industry is an ever growing industry. And that is yet another reason why a lot of people always ask, “is medical/dental instruments a good career path.” Answering The Question, “How Many Jobs Are Available In Medical/Dental Instruments?” Now coming to the most important part of the article. To answer the ultimate question of what is the number of jobs available in medical/dental instruments,  the shortest answer is many. At present, there are more than 100,000 jobs available in the medical/dental instruments industry. And this is in the United States alone. There are a number of jobs in this line. From dental technicians to sonographers, there are a huge number of posts and job roles available in the medical/dental instruments industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the United States, the number of job vacancies in this field is going to increase by a minimum of 6%. Here are some of the jobs available in the medical/dental instruments industry that you should know about: Job TitleNumber of jobs availableGrowth rateDental Assistant350,000+11%Dentist 111,000+7%Dental technician23,000+11%Dental Hygienist26,000+7%Orthodontic Assistant18,000+ 11%Orthodontist 5000+11%Oral Surgery Assistant8,000+11% Read More: Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Now that you have already reached the end of this blog, I hope that you now know most of the things about the industry of medical/dental instruments and how many jobs are available there. Here are some of the most asked questions about how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments. 1. What Is The Best Paying Job In The Line Of Medical/Dental Instruments? Ans: There are a number of jobs that are available in the medical/dental instruments industry. The best paid job in this line of work is that of a surgeon. A surgeon earns nearly $357,000 annually on an average. 2. What Are The Instruments That Are Needed In The Medical/Dental Instruments? Ans: There are a number of instruments that are required in the field of healthcare. Some of them are:➊ Forceps.➋ Scalpels.➌ Thermometers.➍ X-ray machine.➎ Blood pressure monitor. 3. What Skills Are Needed To Be A Part Of The Medical/Dental Instruments? Ans: In order to be a part of the medical/dental instrument industry, you need to have the following:➊ Good eyesight.➋ Technical knowledge.➌ Master's degree in the medical field.➍ Humanitarian skills and value.➎ Communication skills. Wrapping It Up! If you want to become a part of the healthcare industry without having to go through all the hard work of the same, there is a way in which you can do that. And the easiest of them is to become a part of the medical/dental instrument industry. At present, there are a total of 100,000 jobs that are available in the medical/dental instrument industry. And the number of vacancies is only going to increase in the future.In case you wanted the answer to how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments, I really hope that this blog has been of help to you. If, however, there are other questions related to the same, kindly feel free to scroll down and write them in the comment box below. I will make sure to come up with the answers to all your queries. Read Also: Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path? 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems Important Routine Dental Care Procedures to Improve Your Smile Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening in Reasonable Price in a Professional Dental Centre


Why Cannabis Is Good For Health?

Cannabis, popularly known as marijuana is mainly used for recreational purposes.  It's a herb whose consumption is totally illegal in most countries.  Most people use cannabis just for pleasure, they do not know that marijuana or cannabis is not just only a drug which people use for recreational pleasure but it's a herb that contains a lot of health beneficiary substances. Yes, you heard right,   cannabis is good for health. Cannabis is used for medical purposes full over 3000 years. With recreational marijuana being legalized all over the country and in different states, you can walk into any dispensary and buy weed. Or, you can always go online and Buy Weed Packs from credible product manufacturers. You can select from various strains and go with something that suits your pockets. Make sure that you check out the delivery options and payment modes. Whether you are looking to enjoy some ‘me time’ by unwinding after a long and hard day of work, or, want to chill with friends, you can opt for online orders. A little amount of cannabis will treat your various body diseases and will also prevent you from being a drug addict. You can consume cannabis for a good cause. You can extract the essential ingredients of cannabis through grinders, can inhale directly through bongs, vaporizers, etc. This equipment is available in the market as well as in online stores. Check this online store Headshop Headquarters to buy this equipment. Here you will get all head equipment in the best quality for the best price. Here are some points which will prove that how cannabis is good for your health. 1. It stimulating appetite Cannabinoids, a substance found in Cannabis have shown positive results in various research studies. As per the studies, people who take cannabinoids such as THC have a better appetite and sense of taste.  Cannabis relaxes the mind and provides better sleep. Another study shows that Cannabis stops weight loss and increases hunger. 2. Stops nausea and vomiting Cannabis helps in reducing nausea and vomiting which are associated with chemotherapy.  If taken in a limited amount, cannabis can be an effective medicine for controlling nausea and vomiting. 3. It treats inflammatory bowel diseases Cannabis is effective in treating inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It releases Chemicals such as THC and CBD that interact with the body's cells and plays an important role in immune function. 4. It prevents cancer Ingredients of Cannabis oil helps in reducing tumor and reduces the effect of cancer. It also helps people to fight cancer. 5. It reduces glaucoma Cannabis treats eye diseases much more effectively.  It reduces glaucoma and stops macular degeneration. The cannabis oil works effectively on eyesight problems. 6. It helps in weight losing Cannabis regulates insulin production in our body and manages the intake of calories effectively and efficiently. Research studies show that Cannabis uses are much slimmer than those who do not consume it. 7. It protects the brain after a stroke As per the research studies, Cannabis is effective in protecting our brain from the damage that is caused due to a stroke. Cannabis provides neuroprotective effects that protect the brain from traumatic events. 8. It reduces anxiety and stress Cannabis is well-known anxiety and stress-reducing herb. It relaxes the mind and releases pleasure hormones and provides a sense of calmness to the people who consume it. 9. It provides better sleep The substances present in Cannabis are very much effective in reducing anxiety issues sleeping disorders and insomnia. It generates a low energy level by relaxing your body and mind and this low energy level slows down the heart rate and sends a message to your mind to get a peaceful long sleep. 10. It improves symptoms of lupus Cannabis is used in the treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematous.  In this disorder, people start harming their bodies for various unspecified reasons.  The substances present in Cannabis calm the immune system which deals with lupus symptoms. 11. It reduces the pain of multiple sclerosis Cannabis prevents muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis.  The Canadian Medical Association has proved that Cannabis is effective in reducing the pain of multiple sclerosis. 12. It reduces acne problems More than 9 % of the total population is suffering from acne problems. Acne is caused due to various factors such as microbes, overproduction of sebum, hereditary factors, et cetera. In Cannabis, an anti-inflammatory substance is present which treats acne.  There is no side effect of this substance and is a fully safe method for acne treatment. Conclusion These points clearly show the beneficial effect of cannabis. Now it is proved that cannabis or marijuana is not only for recreational purposes, it contains health benefits too. Use cannabis for medical purposes and cure all your dangerous diseases. Read Also :  Best Grow Tents For Growing Cannabis Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight?

signs of addiction

Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For

Almost ten percent of Americans have used some sort of illicit drug in the past month. Many of those people won't develop any signs of addiction. Typically, people start to use drugs on a recreational basis and over time move from only using in a social setting to using on their own. As time goes on and the disease of addiction progresses, they will begin to exhibit more signs and engage in riskier behavior. Fortunately, there are ways to catch addictions while they are forming. You can approach a loved one before their habit becomes a real problem, but only if you know what to look for. Learn more here. 1. An Increase of Stress and Feelings of Paranoia: Most people turn to drugs and alcohol at stressful times in their life. If you know someone who has a history of turning to substances when they are upset and you find out they are going through a stressful period, you may want to reach out to lend them support. If you reach out and you notice your friend responds with feelings of paranoia, they may be already headed towards developing an addiction. Talk to them about their recent drug and alcohol use. 2. Changes in Behavior: Depending on how often you are able to see your loved one, you will be able to notice changes in their behavior developing. They may start to miss work more, have problems in school, and not care about showing up at social engagements. They may also start to isolate themselves more so that they are able to make more time for using. Their conversations will become dominated by talk of drug and alcohol use. And, they will most likely fall on hard financial times and constantly need more money. 3. Cold or Flu-Like Symptoms: Cold or flu-like symptoms can develop due to long term use of many drugs including meth and opioids. For those who inject the drugs, they will often develop a cough and a runny nose as well as puffy eyes. If you notice that your loved one has some of these symptoms but they don't want to go to the doctor, it could be because they have something to hide. 4. Manipulative Behavior: Drug and alcohol addictions are expensive. Depending on how much access a drug user has to cash, they may frequently be in need of more money to feed their habit. When combined with the threat of withdrawal symptoms, many addicts will choose to steal or manipulate their loved ones in order to get the money they need. They will come up with lies and tell stories in order to borrow more cash. They may also steal valuables from their loved ones that they can sell later for cash. 5. Unexplained Disappearances: Unexplained disappearances are a common indicator of addiction. In order to become an addict, you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. The more time an addict spends high, the less comfortable they tend to feel around friends and family members that don't use. Over time, they may start disappearing for a few hours. After a while, it could become more frequent with disappearances that last for days or even weeks. 6. Dishonesty: If you are using drugs and alcohol frequently, there are very few people in the world who will allow you to openly continue to your behavior. Many addicts feel they have to lie in order to support their habit. If you notice that you keep catching your loved one in lies but aren't sure what's at the root of it all, you should consider whether they might be using drugs or alcohol. 7. The frequency of Use: As mentioned earlier, many people who abuse substances start off by having more control over their use. Over time, they begin to develop a tolerance that causes their body to feel like it needs more just to get high. The more you ingest, the higher your chance of getting addicted. Many addicts feel like they can quit any time they want. This should be a red flag about someone's use since if the problem is being talked about, they probably should have already stopped. 8. Discovery of Drug Paraphernalia: If someone is using drugs, you may not always find their stash. But, you can usually find some evidence of their use, such as drug paraphernalia. Make sure if you confront a loved one about what you have found, that you have all your facts straight before you make the accusation. Most addicts will deny any evidence they are confronted with. 9. Development of a Tolerance: If you have been using drugs and alcohol yourself and you're concerned that you may be pushing it too far, you should consider whether or not you have developed a tolerance to the substances. Tolerance is your body's way of telling you that it has made a permanent adjustment to craving that substance. It's a dangerous indicator of addiction. Other Signs of Addiction: If you have any of the signs of addiction on this list, then it may be time for you to consider a recovery facility. But there is one more major sign left to mention - continuing despite negative consequences. If using substances has been leading to problems in your relationships or finances, then you need to take the problem seriously and get help today. Learn more about rehab here. More Helpful Advice: Now that you know the signs of addiction, you can keep an eye on your loved ones to make sure they stay safe and healthy. For more health and fitness advice, check out our other posts today. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics And The Symptoms Of Their Addiction How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Not On The Straight And Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs Of Drug Use In Teens