Enhancing Spaces With Greenery: The Art Of Plant Styling In Interior Design


18 August 2023

Home & Garden

Plant Styling In Interior Design

In the dynamic realm of design, a captivating trend has taken root that resonates globally and within the context of interior design. The art of plant styling, a practice that breathes life into spaces by introducing lush greenery, has found its place within the landscape of interior design. From the serene homes of Singapore to bustling commercial establishments, the fusion of nature and interior design in Singapore has paved the way for a new aesthetic that redefines spaces. This article looks into the profound impact of this transformative approach, exploring its role in shaping ambience, fostering well-being, and enhancing visual appeal within Singapore’s interior design framework. Singapore combines innovative interior design with abundant urban greenery, creating harmonious living spaces that blend functionality and nature seamlessly. The city’s commitment to sustainable architecture and lush landscapes enhances the overall quality of life.

Integrating Nature’s Serenity:

Plant styling represents an endeavour to transcend the conventional boundaries between indoors and outdoors. The gentle sway of leaves, the soothing rustle of branches, and the play of light on foliage create a captivating tableau of serenity. These natural elements have the remarkable ability to not only enrich the visual aesthetics of a space but also to imbue it with an intangible sense of calm, offering a haven of tranquillity amid the modern whirlwind.

Foliage As Functional Art:

Beyond its artistic significance, the incorporation of greenery within interior design holds functional virtues that are equally captivating. Indoor plants act as dynamic purifiers, diligently working to improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. This symbiotic exchange is a testament to the remarkable synergy between the natural world and human habitation, resulting in spaces that are not only visually inviting but also remarkably conducive to holistic well-being.

Evolving Design Aesthetics:

The interior design canvas is ever-evolving, with aesthetics that shape-shift in response to cultural shifts and design movements. The beauty of plant styling lies in its ability to seamlessly adapt to these evolving aesthetics, transcending the boundaries of design trends. Whether it’s the sleek lines of minimalism, the free-spirited eclecticism of bohemian design, or the raw industrial appeal, greenery finds a way to weave its verdant magic, breathing life into these aesthetics and fostering a harmonious coexistence between the designed and the natural.

The Art Of Selection:

Choosing the right plants to adorn interior spaces is akin to curating a living gallery. Each plant chosen is a testament to an intricate interplay of factors – from light availability and humidity levels to aesthetic preferences and maintenance commitments. The heart of this endeavour is striking the perfect equilibrium between aesthetic allure and the practicality of plant care, resulting in a tapestry of green that enchants the senses and enhances the atmosphere.

Nurturing Connection:

Plant styling is more than an aesthetic venture; it’s an intimate connection with nature that thrives within one’s living space. Nurturing indoor plants instils a sense of responsibility and mindfulness as one tends to the growth, well-being, and seasonal changes of these living companions. This connection fosters a deeper appreciation for the resilience of nature, weaving the threads of the natural world into the fabric of daily life.

Creating Focal Points:

In the tapestry of interior design, plants serve as masterful focal points, guiding the eye and punctuating spaces with living accents. Majestic ferns, cascading ivy, or sculptural cacti effortlessly take centre stage, captivating the observer with their unique forms and textures. These focal points transform mundane corners into captivating nooks, where the play of light and shadow on foliage tells a visual story that evolves throughout the day.

The Versatility Of Planters And Containers:

The vessels that cradle these botanical wonders are as integral to the design narrative as the plants themselves. The design spectrum of planters and containers spans rustic terracotta pots to sleek, modern ceramics and even repurposed vessels that breathe new life into forgotten objects. This versatility extends the creative possibilities of plant styling as containers become an extension of the design language, introducing new textures, colours, and forms.

Integrating Plant Styling In Commercial Spaces:

The allure of plant styling isn’t confined to residential spaces alone; it has also made its indelible mark on the commercial landscape. Forward-thinking offices, elegant hotels, and dynamic retail environments have embraced the verdant touch of greenery. The infusion of plants within these spaces goes beyond aesthetics, fostering employee well-being, enhancing customer experiences, and creating an environment that promotes creativity and productivity.

Symbiosis Of Light And Greenery

The interplay between light and plants is a symphony that defines the heart of plant styling. Plants thrive in well-lit spaces, where sunlight cascades over leaves, casting intricate patterns and dynamic shadows. This symbiotic relationship between light and greenery transforms interiors into living canvases, where the ever-changing dance of illumination narrates an evolving story.


As the chapters of interior design in Singapore continue to unfold, the integration of plant styling emerges as a timeless motif that marries the lush beauty of nature with the precision of design. This artistic symbiosis transcends aesthetics, creating spaces that exude tranquillity, health, and elegance. From the serene corners of private homes to the innovative interiors of commercial spaces, plant styling infuses its magic, redefining the essence of interior design in Singapore. In this ever-evolving narrative, the fusion of greenery and design remains a constant reminder that the beauty of nature is an eternal source of inspiration. As interior design in Singapore continues to shape urban environments, the allure of plant styling serves as a testament to the enduring power of nature’s splendour within the tapestry of design.

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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Tips to an Adjusting and Fitting Bi-Fold Doors

When it comes to bi-fold doors, a lot of people prefer using their own handyman skills instead of hiring one. The thing is that though you can easily fix up a problem like adjusting the height or making the door a bit less creaky using your skills, it is not really possible for everyone to actually install the entire door themselves. In this reference, you should remember that though you actually try to save up a bit on the cost of the door, you purposely cause yourself more harm because if the door is not set right, it might just crash causing injuries and damage. [caption id="attachment_651" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Bi-Fold Doors[/caption] Remember that an average price of the bi-fold doors can be in between $50 to $150. And if you actually hire someone for this purpose, you can pay a similar amount for the installation. So, it is tempting to implement the entire process yourself. But the problem is that if you go wrong here, then it could just cause more damage than good. It is really not that hard because these bi-fold doors just need a tiny bit of patience. Doing so can help you get the benefit of installing the entire door yourself, with minimal supervision. You should remember that, if there is any remote chance that your handyman skills are not that good, you should hire an expert. Here’s a few aspects to evaluate- One of the first things you should do here is understand where you need a new door. In most cases where you have bi-fold doors that have been around for years, a bit of adjustment and fitting tricks tend to do the job. You can try lubricating the door using some oil or simply get ahead with the adjustment using some of the tips that are mentioned at the end of this article. But there is a long list of things that can go wrong in this reference. One of the major problems that individuals face here is the door or the fitting not opening the right way. It is vital that the height along with the width be measured accurately, so that when you adjust these bi-fold doors, your setting is just right. Another aspect is that you can try tipping panels. The first step is to consider the size of the door and ensure that you cover all the steps of taking down the door correctly. Any mistakes here, then you have trouble setting them back again. You should also ensure that the alignment and fastening is done properly so that in post repairs, there is no risk in using these bi-fold doors. Also, the hardware needed for this process should be kept alongside because a little lapse here means you are holding the door with no screwdrivers to put things back in place. [caption id="attachment_654" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Bi-Fold Door For Home[/caption] Adjusting the doors When you adjust the bi-fold doors, ensure that you first loosen the screw that sits on the top of the bracket and then slide the same slightly. This should be done along with tracks to leave enough room between the top and your door. Then again tighten the screw and close the door to check. For the floor bracket, you have to shift the pins on either door bottoms. In one case you have to loosen a screw that slides the bracket in and out. To adjust the height, you have to just screw the bottom pin using a wrench and pliers. This can be done without taking off the door too. So, it is better to hire an expert to fit the bi-fold doors if you don’t find it easy to do the same by yourself.

how to harvest dill

How to Harvest and Preserve Dill for Year-Round Use?

The tender, fern-like leaves of dill almost beg to be touched. If you want to cook them, trim the fresh dill foliage and gather the seeds for pickling. Or you can chop the feathery leaves and yellow umbels for attractive bouquets of homegrown flowers. In addition, black swallowtail caterpillars love to feed on it. Its tiny yellow blooms are great at drawing in a wide range of pollinators. Dill grows as an annual for summer harvests in USDA Hardiness Zones 2–8. In other parts, it may self-seed and is hardy in the winter in Zones 9–11. Here is everything you need to know about how to harvest dill. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide. How to Harvest Dill? Fresh dill clips easily, but it soon starts to droop. Sounds familiar to Cilantro, right? Its flower umbels may look lovely in a mixed bouquet, but after a few hours, don't be shocked if they start to wilt. When harvesting dill for recipes, use it as soon as possible because its flavor starts to fade after a few days. Cut off the flower stalks of dill after the yellow blooms have faded but before the seeds start to ripen and come away from the umbel. Cover the entire flower head with a small paper bag that has a few tiny holes for ventilation. Hang the plant upside down in a cool, dry place. Watch for the seeds to fall and collect them in the bag's bottom. The seeds should be kept in a cool, dry, and dark area in an airtight glass container. When and How to Plant Dill? Dill grows best outside and is simple to start from seed. Plant the seeds directly into the ground, 1/4 inch deep and spaced 1 to 2 inches apart, in the springtime following the last frost. If you want the dill plants to be able to self-sow, plant the seeds in tufts so the seeds can fall and sprout the following year. Or you can plant them in rows spaced about 6 inches apart. You might want to think about succession planting if you want a reliable supply of dill. During the growing season, start by planting a small number of seeds from the packet at a time and then a few more every week. Typically, seeds take 7 to 14 days to germinate. Also, dill can be grown from transplants grown in nurseries planted in the ground or in containers in spring. You can plant dill outside a few weeks before the last predicted spring frost because it can withstand light frost. To achieve lush growth and stop crowded seedlings from producing seed heads, which stops the production of foliage, thinning is essential. Every 12 to 24 inches, reduce the number of seedlings to just the strongest one once they reach 3 or 4 inches in height. As they get bigger, some start to flop. Plants can be kept upright by placing a stake or a sturdy twig in the ground close to the plant's base. To loosely secure the plant to the stake, use garden twine. You can start the dill seeds indoors four to six weeks prior to the last frost. And you can move the seedlings to the ground once the risk of frost has passed. Transplanting mature dill does not work well, so plant your seedlings where they will be able to grow and thrive. Where To Plant Dill? Dill should be planted in a spot with well-drained soil and at least 6 to 8 hours of daily full, direct sunlight. Particularly for cottage gardens, the delicate foliage gives garden beds and borders textural interest. Choose a location for your dill that will shield it from the wind if possible. Just like spinach, high winds can easily damage its stalks if you do not stake the dill. You can plant dill's fragrant foliage in perennial garden container plantings. Or you can plant them alongside other herbs or vegetables in a traditional kitchen garden. In an edible garden, cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, collard greens, broccoli, and cabbage are good companion plants for dill. Dill draws beneficial insects like ladybugs and bees and drives away common brassica pests like loopers and cabbage worms. But avoid planting dill close to carrots. Carrots can be stunted by dill, and because they are closely related, dill can cross-pollinate with carrots to produce inferior hybrid plants. Planting dill close to tomatoes is also not recommended. Mature dill will probably stunt your tomatoes' growth, even though some studies have indicated that tomatoes and dill can be beneficial companions when they are young. How to Propagate Dill? Seed is the most effective method of dill propagation. Cuttings can also propagate Dill, though this isn't as dependable. Seed: Direct sow the dill seeds in early spring at a depth of 1/4 inch in a prepared garden bed. Dill does not tolerate transplanting well. Thin the seedlings so they are 12–24 inches apart when they are 3–4 inches tall. Cuttings: Using shears or scissors, cut off the stem with at least 3 to 4 inches of new growth to take a dill cutting. Place the cutting in a water-filled container, making sure to remove any leaves below the water's surface, and allow the roots to grow for two to three weeks. Fertilizer and rooting hormones are not required. Plant the dill in a container or on the ground once the roots are 2 to 3 inches long. Is Dill a Type of Weed? No, I am not talking about WEED weed (read: marijuana). Although dill isn't technically a weed, some individuals and spice companies call the plant dill weed, possibly due to its feathery leaves. Dill weed is a dried or fresh foliage plant. Flower umbels are yellow and used to make dill seeds. How Should Dill Be Stored for Optimal Quality? You can keep fresh dill in the fridge by wrapping its leaves in a moist paper towel. Or you can tuck its stems into a container of water. Fresh dill can be frozen by submerging it in water in ice cube trays. Place the cubes in cooked dishes that have enough moisture to withstand them. Dill seeds and leaves can also be easily dried for later use, though the flavor is a lot more muted. Water and Soil Sow dill in soil that is moist but well-drained. If there is a lot of clay in your soil, add organic matter to the top few inches to aid in drainage. If you have trouble with poor soil drainage, plant this herb in raised beds or containers. Growing dill requires proper irrigation. As the seeds germinate, keep the soil evenly moist. Dill plants require one to two inches of rain or extra water each week once they begin to grow. Humidity and Temperature Dill tolerates temperatures as low as 25ºF, but 70ºF is the ideal temperature for it. Dill often bolts, sending up flower stalks to set seeds when temperatures rise. This annual herb dies after it flowers and produces seeds. Get rid of the flowers to prolong the plant's growing season. Apply Fertilizer While most herbs, including dill, don't require extra fertilizer, you can give them once or twice during the growing season by applying a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer. When planting, either mix a liquid fertilizer with water or etch a time-release fertilizer into the soil. Refer to the product label for instructions on how much to use. Trimming Dill should be pruned early in the growing season to prevent limb bending. Cut off the top leaves of the plant to promote more growth of the lower leaves. Food preparation and cooking can be done with anything that has been pruned. Repotting and Potting You can grow dill in pots on a sunny balcony or deck, even if you don't have an outdoor garden. Due to the deep taproot that dill plants have, choose a container that is at least 12 inches deep. Because clay and terracotta pots don't retain as much moisture as plastic or glazed ceramic pots. They are ideal for growing dill. Make sure the container you select has good drainage and is big enough to allow you to space your plants 12 to 24 inches apart. It is best to start over in a new, larger container. Especially if your dill plant outgrows its current one because it does not take well to transplant. If the temperature where you are planting is not too high, you can keep planting seeds into the summer. Types of Dill Dills can be of many types with each of their distinct looks and flavors. Here are the three different types of dill you can grow in your kitchen or backyard. Long Island Mammoth Also known as Long Island Mammoth this one is an old-time favorite. Its fern-like leaves can be dried and stored for a long time, or they can be harvested fresh. It produces big clusters of yellow flowers with flat tops. They turn into brown seed heads, and they can reach a height of five feet. Fernleaf Grown to a height of only 18 inches, Anethum graveolens, or Fernleaf, is a highly productive dwarf variety. It works well in container gardens or small in-ground beds. Its feathery, delicate foliage has a great flavor of dill. From midsummer into fall, it blossoms. Bouquet The 'Bouquet' cultivar produces plants up to thirty inches tall with fine bluish-green foliage. The enormous, six-inch-diameter yellow flower heads are ideal for drying, creating an enduring arrangement. Or you could chop them for fresh floral arrangements. How to Keep New Dill Fresh? Dill weed quickly wilts after harvesting and gradually loses its distinctive flavor and aroma. If you know how to store your freshly harvested dill, this shouldn't be a problem. Here are two straightforward techniques that you can use: Put It in the Crisper Drawer of the Refrigerator Loosely wrap the recently cut and cleaned leaves in damp kitchen towels before putting them in a container or sealed bag. Put the container in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator, which has a lower humidity than the other sections of the appliance. Utilize the herbs before they begin to wilt and dry out, which should happen in a few days. Put It in Water To make this method function, when harvesting the herb, you must cut off the entire stem. After gathering the stems, put them in a glass of water and seal the opening with a plastic bag. Every day, change the water. Unlike potatoes, dill leaves can remain fresh for up to a week when stored in this manner. How to Freeze Fresh Dill? Freezing is the best way to preserve extra dill for later use if you've harvested more than you can use at once or in a few days. Dill freezes most effectively when chopped into smaller pieces and added to ice cube trays with just enough water to cover the freshly minced dill. This allows the herbs to be kept for four months or longer. This will ensure you always have dill on hand for when a recipe calls for it. How to Dry Fresh Dill? Dried fresh dill is a popular method if you're searching for another way to store dill for a long time. The herb has many uses, even though it won't have as much flavor as when it's fresh or frozen. All year long, you can use it as a herb in cooked dishes or to make tea. Stick to hang-drying if you don't want much of the flavor to be lost. This is a very easy method to use. All you must do is gather a few dill leaves and then bind them with a string. Later, place them in an area with adequate ventilation upside down.  Place them in an airtight container once they're crumbling and dry. Even though fresh dill is always preferable, make sure to save some for later use. Particularly if you don't have a year-round indoor herb and spice garden. Wrapping Up Growing dill is a great way to add flavor to fish and seafood dishes. A little goes a long way because fresh dill leaves have a strong licorice flavor. It is best that you add dill toward the end of cooking, in salads, or as a garnish for soups. Because once cooked, it tends to lose its flavor. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about how to harvest dill, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read Also: Asparagus 101: When, How, And How Often To Harvest? How To Harvest Sunflower Seeds: A Fun And Easy Activity For The Whole Family How TO Harvest Lemongrass: Tips AND Tricks FOR Growing AND Using This Versatile Herb


List of Most Durable Kitchen Flooring

There is so much to look upon when you have to choose the perfect kitchen flooring for your kitchen. It is not an easy task because you have to look at so many factors. Deciding on a kitchen flooring you have to consider numerous factors like the look, will it merge with the rest of your interior or not, the climatic effects on it and the most important factor “durability”. The durability factor is the one which has to be reconsidered because you don’t change your kitchen flooring every week. It’s an investment which lasts for an average of 5-7 years or even more. Sometimes it’s just twice or thrice in a lifetime for a middle-class person. Also Read: Use Floor Polishing for Keeping Your Flooring Looking New Hardwood Timber Flooring: Gives a Classic Look to Your Home These days when people do not have time to go even for grocery shopping and instead buy it from the online grocery store then how would people get time to go for a consultant who would suggest the best flooring for your home. It is expensive as well that everyone cannot afford it. So here we have come up with some of the best kitchen flooring options which you can go for, you just have to choose the best for your home as per the features which we will be discussing here: Hardwood Flooring: Hardwood timber flooring is flooring which never goes out of fashion and is highly durable. It needs low maintenance You can have an open floor plan with this type of flooring. Vinyl Flooring: Vinyl flooring is good when you are tight on a budget and want easy maintenance. It is an excellent choice if you love cooking and have a huge family for whom you have to cook a lot. If you want to buy grocery and other kitchen appliances in a budget, you can visit Askmegrocery store where you can take benefits of coupons too and can really shop in a budget. Cork Flooring:  Cork Flooring is good when you want to go for an eco-friendly option. It is softer than wood or tile. It is slip-resistant. Stone or Tile: Stone or tile is an option for people who want to do it for one time. You have the option to change it but if maintained properly, it can last for a very long period. It comes in various textures and colors. You can easily decide the appearance based on this type of flooring. Wooden flooring: Wooden flooring is quite classy and gives you a good feel under the feet. These days it’s used in the way that it is also resistant to water stains. Laminated Flooring: Laminate flooring is an alternative option of wooden flooring in a cheap budget. They provide the same look as of wooden flooring and that too in a less budget. So, after going through this list I think it will be much easier now for you to choose the best and the most durable flooring for your kitchen. Go for the most compatible flooring considering the factors texture, color, look, durability. Read More:  Pressure Washing- Why It Is Necessarily Important For Your Home? How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel? Best 5 Designer Secrets To Make The Most Of Small Spaces Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends For 2017