An Overview of Schizophrenia

An Overview of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia remains one of the most misunderstood mental health disorders in the U.S. Many people assume that schizophrenia refers to a complete inability to accept life. However, schizophrenia actually describes a severe, chronic brain disorder characterized by abnormal thought processes and rationale. Many of the symptoms of schizophrenia are similar to other mental health conditions, which makes accurate diagnoses difficult for mental rehabilitation experts.

Prevalence of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia affects between 0.5 percent and 1 percent of individuals around the globe. The first episode tends to occur at age 21 for men and age 27 for women, explains the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). About 33 percent of those with schizophrenia attempt suicide and 10 percent will succeed. In a Canadian study, schizophrenia diagnoses resulted in a total cost of $6.85 billion for the U.S. and Canada.

Risk factors

Across mental health facilities, mental health professionals have yet to determine an exact cause of schizophrenia. However, a family history of schizophrenia, exposure to toxins while in utero, increased immune system response, older age of a person’s father, and exposure to psychotropic substances during adolescence have been thought to be the primary risk factors for developing schizophrenia (Mayo Clinic).

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms vary from person to person. According to the Mayo Clinic, most signs and symptoms reveal abnormal brain functioning and include the following:

1. Hallucinations :

Hallucinations may involve any of the five senses; however, hearing voices is the most common hallucination

2. Delusions:

 Delusions are similar to hallucinations. Delusions occur when a person has a false belief about a given event or situation. For example, a person may believe he or she has a role in global politics when it is not true

3. Thought disorders:

Thought disorders are unusual, counter-productive ways of thinking

4. Movement disorders:

 Movement disorders are characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements, which are most commonly noticed in the face. Alternatively, someone with schizophrenia may become catatonic, which means he or she does not move at all

5. Disruptive emotions and behaviors:

Emotional states in schizophrenic individuals may mirror the ups and downs of other mental health disorders, such as bipolar disorder.

6. Poor cognitive functioning:

 Someone with schizophrenia may be incapable of understanding information and making decisions on the basis of the information. Furthermore, working memory and difficulty concentrating are common aspects of poor cognitive functioning

Treatment Options

Depending on the severity of the episode, treatment for schizophrenia may occur in inpatient mental health facilities. However, outpatient treatment is a vital aspect of treatment after discharge.

1. Antipsychotic medications:

Antipsychotic and atypical antipsychotic medications focus on eradicating the symptoms of schizophrenia. Some of these medications may cause serious side effects

2. Psychosocial treatment:

 Psychosocial treatment involves teaching a person to readapt to life through physical, speech, and occupational therapy

3. Integrated Treatment :

If a person with schizophrenia has a co-occurring mental health disorder, the treatment must include address all other disorders

Although schizophrenia can present some of the most difficult symptoms in mental health therapies, the disorder can be effectively managed. However, understanding the symptoms and treatment options of schizophrenia plays a significant role in preventing the disorder from developing further.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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How to Find Out Where Your Ancestors Were Really From

In 1782, Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crèvecoeur wrote in "Letters from an American Farmer" that a new race of Americans had been born from a mix of settlers from all corners of the world. Since then, many people of different heritages have flocked to the shores of the United States too, hoping to live the American dream. The culmination of such migrant dreams has led many individuals to trace their family voyages to learn more about their ancestry origins. Thanks to pioneering DNA technology and ancestry exploration databases, it has never been easier to find out where your ancestors were really from. Here are a few ways you will be able to get started today. 1. Prepare Yourself: Before you begin to mine online for ancestry data, it is important to set up a workstation because of the large amount of information you will collect. If you do not have a system in place, it will be easy to misplace or overlook it. Some people choose to use a desk and print out family history while others choose an online genealogy registry to save it electronically. Take the time to click here to learn more about credible research sites that incorporate DNA testing and data mining tools to assist you in difficult research. 2. Start With Family Data You Have at Home: Most people just starting out are not quite sure where to begin to look for family history. The best place to begin is at home as you have access to family documents, photo albums, and family who will provide you with lots of valuable information. It is extremely helpful to utilize a genealogy template or family tree document to record your findings. 3. Talk to Elderly Family: Who better to ask about older generations than the very people who knew them? Grandparents will most likely be able to provide ancestry information. Even a simple name and location will allow you to request data like birth certificates or death records. Here are some helpful questions to ask: Who are the oldest relatives you remember? What cities or countries did ancestors live? Surnames of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. Did your family immigrate? 4. Choose a Credible Ancestry Website: Genealogists used to do everything by hand, which meant long hours at local libraries and records offices. It often took decades to complete. It is now much easier to research when utilizing the tools on genealogy websites. Ancestry websites are structured and make the investigation easier to complete. Once you link a known family member, you will be able to link their family history as well. It will also help you trace ancestors' data faster. 5. Take Advantage of DNA Testing: Even if you lack time to do extensive research, you can take advantage of DNA testing so that you know exactly where your ancestors are from. You also get notifications when others who do testing have a DNA connection to you. When getting a DNA test, make sure you choose a recognized DNA ancestry site to gain access to worldwide users. Are you ready to get started? Now that you know how to research, who to ask and what genealogy site to use, you will be able to fill in your ancestry family tree in no time at all. Read Also: 8 Family Friendly Careers That Offer Great Pay And Work-Life Balance The Ultimate Moving Checklist – Things You Need To Do When Moving

Back Pain

Easy Ways To Prevent Back Pain With A Seat Cushion When You Are Seated All Day Long

Most people think that just because you have a job where you sit all day long that you have it made. Well, this is not the case at all. In fact, it is far more likely that you will injure your back from sitting as compared to individuals that up and moving around. In fact, research that dates back to the 1950s shows a direct correlation between back pain and individuals that remain seated all day. It was also discovered that bus drivers are far more likely to suffer from heart attacks when compared to the conductors on the same bus. If you are an individual that sits all day long then these facts are probably truly frightening. Well, do not fret because there are some easy ways that you can prevent lower pain back. Get Exercise When You Can: Most people know that they should be exercising, but they simply just don't do it. They either convince themselves that they don't have the time or they are just too tired after eight hours of work. Well, you might be surprised that one hour of exercise and combat the effects of sitting for eight hours. One hour of exercise could cover your whole workday. Exercise doesn't have to be something that is dreaded or physically draining. You don't have to go to the gym and hits the weights. You can simply choose an activity like rowing, walking, or biking. Turn that exercise into a hobby and it will be easier to get motivated to do it every day. Take Advantage Of Back Stretching Exercises: It doesn't matter how many hours of the day you sit there are a number of back stretching exercises that you can take advantage of to help ease the soreness and pain. You can do these exercises when you are not at work or on your lunch break and they can help prevent injury or even provide relief if you are already suffering an injury. The best two exercises available are plank and 2-point superman. You have probably heard of the plank before as it is an extremely common exercise. It basically just involves laying on the floor with your forearms in front of you with your elbow in line with your shoulders. Once in this position, you will lift yourself up onto your toes and elbows for 15 seconds. The 2-point superman will require you to get on all fours and straighten your right leg behind you while raising your left arm in front of you. You will literally look like Superman flying through the air. You will want to hold this position for 10 seconds and then switch to the other side. Take Advantage Of The Right Posture Products: Many people know that posture is important, but that doesn't make it easy to maintain the right posture at all times. This is especially true if you have already developed bad posture. Well, there are a number of products available on the market like the coccyx cushion that can help make your posture better. These cushion products are also equipped with 100% memory foam with no additives. They are literally made of the same material that can be found in the world's leading memory foam mattresses. Such cushion with these abilities can be used to improve bad posture and relieve leg pain while driving or sitting for extended periods of time. Constantly Change Seating Positions: If you work in an office you have the advantage of getting up and moving around, but if you are a driver this is probably something that won't be available to you. Well, this is where changing up your seating positions can come in handy. Every hour so make sure that you are shifting around in your seat to prevent yourself from staying in the same position for an extended period of time. Read Also: What Are The Benefits Of Using A Pedal Exerciser? What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?

Opiate Addiction

9 Signs You Have a Prescription Opiate Addiction

It is no longer a secret that the abuse of opioids is growing and becoming a significant problem in America. It is estimated that more than 2.4 million people in America are abusing prescription painkillers and around half a million individuals are suffering from the abuse of heroin. However, individuals who are abusing opioids often face an extra burden of depression. When left unattended to, depression can make it hard for one to achieve total recovery. Opioid or opiate painkillers are medications that are narcotic and generally prescribed by a doctor. Opioids are used to control pain in many people. Opioid narcotics involve such medicines like morphine, codeine, methadone, heroin, hydrocodone, hydrocodone, and Oxycontin. Opioid abuse and depression : According to studies, the relationship between depression and opioid abuse is bi-directional. This only means that the addition of opioids can lead to recession and depression can lead to opiate addiction. Opioid abuse takes place when a prescription opioid is used for other reasons other than medical or using it for a longer duration than expected. Additionally, taking vast amounts than prescribed leads to opioid abuse. The abuse of opioid has a close associated with higher rates of: Anxiety Depression Bipolar disorders Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Borderline personality disorder Conduct disorders Signs and symptoms of prescription opioid addiction : Several symptoms and signs indicate opiate addiction. It is important to note that not all people experiencing an opiate addiction will show all the following signs. In addition to this, there are some of the symptoms that are common to almost everybody who has a prescription opiate addiction. The symptoms involve: Usage increase: one will be seen increasing their doses more than expected by the doctor. Usage increase eventually results in a growing tolerance to the said drug and finding means of getting the drug to achieve the same effect. Change in personality: shifts in mood, concentration, and energy as a result of making everyday accountabilities a secondary priority to the want for the drug. Social withdrawal: in most cases, the addicted person will distant themselves from friends and family due to that fact that they would want their close members to know about what they are doing or experiencing. On-going use: one will continue using the prescription opioids even after the condition to which the drug was prescribed is over. Increased sensitivity: this involves hallucinations. Normal emotions, sounds, and sights start becoming exaggeratedly stimulating to the individual. Forgetfulness and blackouts: addicted individuals are more likely to forget what just took place as well as experiencing blackouts. Change in appearance and daily habits: the individual will experience a change in eating and sleeping habits and a decline in personal hygiene, constant cough and glazed eyes. Neglects responsibilities: the addicted person will ignore bills and the household chore, as well as calling in sick more often to the workplace or school. Defensiveness: one becomes more defensive as well as lashing out to simple questions to try and hide the dependency on drugs if they feel like somebody will discover them. Causes of prescription opioids addiction :   There is no precise cause of why one person will develop an addiction while the other will not when using opioids. According to studies, it is believed that addiction occurs after some factors work interchangeably. The factors include: Genetic: addiction could be hereditary such that if there is a member of the family that has suffered addiction before, it will be passed on to the next generation. While this is not an accurate indicator, it is believed to contribute to addiction. Biological: some studies indicate that there are few chances whereby one is born without the neurotransmitter “endorphins.” In such cases, individuals may turn to outside sources like opium narcotics to fill this inborn deficit. Environmental: people who grow up or find themselves in environments that are chaotic and full of people addicted to drugs, are more probable to experience an addiction at some point in their lives. Psychological: while some addictions are brought up by people trying to self-medicate the signs of an undiagnosed mental disorder, mental illness is a reliable gauge of addiction potential. The prescription opioid addiction is on the rise in America. With people trying to ease pains through painkillers, these painkillers come with their adverse side effects. However, behavioral therapies and medications can help change the situation and restore one to good health.