The Benefits of an Online Adult Education


27 April 2018


online adult education

Are you considering furthering your education online?

If so, you’re not alone. As of 2014, there were 5.8 million adults enrolled in some sort of online degree program.

Of course, balancing your busy lifestyle with online education has its challenges. But the rewards are more than worth your efforts.

In this post, we’ll reveal four key benefits of pursuing online adult education. Read on to learn why it’s the perfect choice for you.

1. Fits into Your Busy Schedule :

Fits into Your Busy Schedule

Let’s face it–you’re busy. Between your day job, your family, and other responsibilities, you probably wish there were more hours in the day to finish everything.

The beauty of online adult education is that you can learn when it’s convenient for you. You can study in the mornings before everyone else wakes up, or take advantage of evenings if you’re a night owl.

The point is, you’ll never be forced to choose between going to class and attending your son’s baseball game. With 24/7 access 365 days a year, you can study online whenever it’s most convenient for you.

2. Customized Learning Experience :

Customized Learning Experience

Another benefit of an online university is that you’ll enjoy a fully customized learning experience.

Is one of the modules very easy for you?

You can breeze through it in no time. If another module is more challenging, you can work through it at your own pace–without worrying about how fast or slow other students are going.

Want to spend more time on a topic that interests you? Go right ahead. Need more time to master a particular skill set? You can have that, too.

3. Improve Current Skills (Or Learn New Ones) :

Improve Current Skills

If you’re looking to boost your earning potential, there’s no better way to do so than through online adult education.

Let’s say you started your current job right out of high school and now you’re interested in moving into management. An online degree can give you the credentials you need while still working your current job.

What if you work with technology, computers, or another field that’s rapidly evolving? Your employer will be thrilled with your efforts to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

In some cases, your company may even provide tuition reimbursement to help you reach your educational goals.

4. More Affordable :

More Affordable

A final benefit of online adult education is that it’s generally more affordable than attending a traditional university.

Tuition rates are often lower than brick-and-mortar schools. Since you can study from home, you also don’t have to worry about moving to a new city or paying for room and board on campus (said by Lisa at The Hosting Institute).

You also don’t have to worry about transportation costs, since you’re not traveling to a physical classroom. No matter where you live–even if it’s somewhere very remote–you can have access to a high-quality education.

Ready to Get Your Online Adult Education?

These days, degrees obtained online get just as much respect as degrees from brick-and-mortar universities.

If you’ve been thinking of going back to school, now’s the perfect time to enroll.

Would you like more helpful advice for planning your future career path?

Check out our latest education blog posts to see what else you can learn.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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College student

Comic Relief for College Students

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Read This If You Are Appearing for This Year’s JEE

Every student has heard about the JEE by the time they entered middle school. Some of us saw our own siblings or cousins losing their heads over it. We also saw people who came out with flying colors and got accepted to the top engineering and medical colleges. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="396"] image credit:[/caption] However, we also saw many who were not that successful and got into a not-so-reliable private college and many who decided to change their career plans for the better. If you are one of the lakhs of students who are going to appear for the JEE Exam this year, you must be wondering how to make sure you do not become one of those whose efforts went down the drain. Here are some expert tips from people who have successfully cracked the JEE Mains in recent years. Know what it is and what it is not Since the JEE is a hot topic of discussion in our country, many things get blown out of proportion. Parents seem to make it the only career milestone that is worth looking at for us despite the existence of various other options a student might be inclined towards. That is why you need to be very sure of a few things before you go ahead with it: Read More: Best MBA Colleges In India Attracting The Best Of Best Among Students • Introspect: This is the basic step in taking any decision at all. Ask yourself whether you want to go for engineering or medicine at all or whether you are doing it just because it’s what your parents want you to do and you aren’t aware of other options. Find out everything about JEE and evaluate if this is what you want. • Strategize: If you have already made up your mind, the previous point is of no relevance to you. Though it is good to give it a thought because that is the case with 2 out of 3 students. However, if you are not one of them, you need to have a timing strategy to cover the whole syllabus. Make a practical schedule for yourself about 6 months prior to the exams so that you can proceed slowly and steadily. • Collect data: You need to know some JEE details to ensure that your efforts are channelized in the right direction. Get hold of the last 5 years’ questions and practice them. While you are preparing for your boards as well, club the studies and delve deeper into the subject to simultaneously preparing for the JEE. Read More: Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017 • Sit for mock tests: You must appear for as many mock tests as possible so that you can evaluate your own progress. Also, keep a track of the questions asked in these mock tests. One mock test per month is enough to proceed steadily. • Time yourself: There is no point in knowing everything but not having enough time to finish. For this again, the tests that hoard up one month prior to the real exam will be helpful. By this time you are already pretty well-prepared. You now need to rehearse the performance. Read More: 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your MCSA Certification Today • Keep a Plan B handy:  In case you don’t get a good ranking, you need a Plan B. It could be regular B.Sc. or a total change of stream. Understand that the intention of this point is not to scare you into believing that you may not succeed. The motive of this point is to make sure you do not keep stressing over ‘what ifs’ so that you can perform well. Just like it does not rain on most days we carry an umbrella, you are more likely to not need Plan B if you have one. These tips will help you remain calm and assured about your performance. You’ve got this. With a cool mind and a steady routine, you will excel in this Joint Entrance Exam. Good luck! Read More: The Importance Of Exploring And Knowing The Language Hindi Virtual Reality And Gaming Technology Innovation In 2017 Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course 10 Tips For Writing A Dissertation


Tips on Writing a Winning Reflection Paper in College

When it comes to college writing, most students quickly adapt to the rhythms of producing a fact-based paper. You visit your school’s online library, research some material, and slot it into a five-paragraph essay template, or a similar standard format. Bang! You’re done. But what happens when you are assigned a completely different type of paper that doesn’t fit neatly into the standard essay formats you learned in high school or in freshman composition class? When it comes to the personal reflection paper, many students struggle precisely because this type of essay is so different from most that they’ve written in their other classes. Fortunately, there are a few tips that will help you with this type of paper. Before we get to the tips, it’s important to make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to what exactly a personal reflection paper is. As the name implies, a reflective essay looks back on something, and a personal reflection offers your own feelings and reactions. Typically, a personal reflection paper is intended to allow a student to share with the instructor his or her feelings about a course and how the course has impacted them. Some personal reflections, however, may examine other topics with which you have had personal experiences, such as a job or a volunteer opportunity. In most cases, the instructor is looking for you to draw connections between course material and your own experiences in order to discover how course content can be or has been relevant to your lived experience. In order to write a terrific personal reflection essay, follow a few simple tips: Start with simple pre-writing activities : Before you even begin writing, make sure you have read the essay question and understand it completely. For a personal reflection, you won’t likely be doing heavy research, the next step isn’t usually a visit to the library. Instead, you should make notes about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences so you can better understand your reaction to the essay topic. By writing down your thoughts, you can begin to organize them into categories so you can structure your paper around a few key themes. Try asking yourself key questions to guide your note-taking such as: How has the essay topic affected me personally? How has the essay topic changed the way I think about an issue or experience? Has the essay topic sparked any questions I want answers to? How does the essay topic relate to other course content or content in other courses? Begin organizing your reflections : The exact format you use for your paper will vary depending on your instructor’s requirements and the essay question, but in general, you will adapt a standard essay format for a reflective essay. You will still have an introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion, but the body paragraphs might be organized somewhat differently. Depending on the essay question, you may follow the standard format and offer three reflective points (one per paragraph) which you support with evidence. Or, you might have a different format, such as telling a story about your reflective journey in chronological order or exploring one particular reaction across multiple paragraphs. Whichever style you choose, try to match it to the essay question so you are sure to answer the instructor’s question. Remember that the personal essay is, well, personal : The biggest difference between a personal essay and an expository essay like a term paper is that it involves your own views and opinions. In this genre of writing, it’s OK to refer to yourself and to talk about your thoughts and feelings without having to phrase them in an awkward third-person format (“One often feels…”). Don’t be afraid to share your honest views, but keep your instructor in mind. Even if you had a negative reaction, avoid insulting the instructor or viciously attacking course material. Instructors are open to reasoned disagreement, but they don’t want to find out that you want to set your textbook on fire.  With these tips, writing a professional reflection paper from scratch should be an easy and refreshing change of pace from the standard academic term paper. The hardest part is getting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. Once you’ve mastered the art of sharing your feelings in written form, you’ll quickly find that these essays are quick to produce, and you’ll look forward to having time off from the more detailed research papers that take up a lot more time. Read Also : Comic Relief For College Students Best MBA Colleges In India Attracting The Best Of Best Among Students NEET 2018 Admit Card To Release This Week At Cbseneet.Nic.In-Check Details