10 Reasons to Stop Drinking Alcohol Today

Stop drinking problem sign. Prevention and cure alcohol addiction problem concept.

With alcoholism becoming more and more present in our society, the chances that you or someone you know struggles with alcoholism is increasing rapidly.

The good news is nowadays the stigma of having an alcohol problem is almost gone, and there are more resources than ever to help overcome.

If you or the person who is struggling is still on the fence about whether or not the alcohol is a real problem, we’ve compiled a list of reasons to stop drinking once and for all.

Quitting drinking can be tough, but the benefits and quality of life change that quitting can bring is more than worth it.

Let’s talk about that.

Quitting Drinking and You

Society seems to be overrun with drinking; in fact, it seems like the only way we know how to socialize. Modern society is a mess of people hiding their insecurities and fears thought of unhealthy outlets or masks.

More often than not, that mask consists of a few drinks.

Have you ever heard someone say they feel “more like themselves” when they’re drinking? That is the sort of thing we are talking about here.

The great thing is, once you’ve stopped drinking, you start to regain a sense of self. You gain confidence that you may not have even known that you had because you would just drink your problems away instead of working on them.

Even in a superficial sense, quitting drinking makes your skin clear up, you lose weight, you gain more energy. You even have time for more hobbies.

Also, do you realize how much money you save when you quit drinking? Drinking is so expensive, now that you aren’t spending all your money on 15 dollar drinks, you can actually save up for big life things.

Speaking of big life things, your sex and love life can improve significantly

Reasons to Stop Drinking for Others

When you are in a relationship, there can be a lot of stress caused by a drinking problem. Even if you are single, it is likely that your family members are affected.

When you quit drinking, you can take accountability for your actions.

As unpleasant as that may sound, taking accountability actually helps you pave a new road into healthy, honest relationships. Quitting drinking can actually help you develop a greater sense of self-awareness that you didn’t even know you had.

Once you develop greater self-awareness, you can help others find themselves as well. You can become an empathetic, kind person.

If you are in a relationship that is stressed under the strain of a drinking problem, a big reason to stop drinking would be to stop hurting the person you are choosing to spend your life with.

Although it may seem like you are only hurting yourself, the people who love and care about you also suffer when you struggle with drinking.

When you stop drinking, they can feel at ease knowing that you are safe and no longer hurting yourself.

Support Systems for Quitting Drinking

When you stop drinking, you may suddenly realize that you have less in common with the people you used to hang out with, especially if all they do is drink.

The good news is, in quitting drinking, you can discover a whole new group of friends who also don’t drink.

Those people tend to be better listeners, less selfish, and more empathetic to the struggles of someone who is trying to stay sober.

Now just because you got sober doesn’t mean life suddenly gets easy. You may find that you are struggling with getting your life back on track sober. The most important thing is that you stick to your guns and don’t drink, no matter what.

If you find that you are having a hard time, it may be beneficial to set up a system to hold yourself accountable.

You can set up a person to check in with every day, or as needed if you’re scared you may drink.

You can also set up a testing system with a buddy. As silly as it may sound, it can really help you walk the line when you are feeling particularly likely to drink. Remember, when you feel you may drink, you have to have bumpers set up in the way between you and the booze.

If you want to get home alcohol tests or learn more about how they work, you can check it out here.

No matter what happens in life, you don’t have to drink. The key is to make sure you have a good network that can double as a safety net when needed.

Life After Quitting

Once you get past the initial difficulty of quitting drinking, life gets brighter and better than it ever could have been before.

There are countless reasons to stop drinking, but it’s important to find the reasons that work for you. Make sure you are ready to commit, and that you have your reasons at the forefront of your mind- you’ll need them when you get tempted to drink.

It’s important to use your newfound free time and extra cash responsibly. You worked really hard to get to the place you are at in life, you deserve to treat yourself. Pick up a new hobby, go out with some new friends, explore the world.

You can go anywhere and do anything sober, provided you keep smart feet that take you where you need to go if you feel you are at risk of drinking.

It may take a little while, but like a baby deer learning how to walk, you will gain a new sense of self and self-confidence that you hadn’t known before. Your life will become fantastic.

For more information or any questions, be sure to check us out here.

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Health Issues

Men’s Health Issues: What are the Biggest Concerns in 2021?

If you are a man that loves taking care of their cars, gadgets, and hobbies more than you take care of yourself, you are not alone. According to leading medical professionals, the average man suffers from- Lack of awareness, information, and education on health issues Has unhealthy daily work habits that are long and arduous Questionable personal lifestyle tastes and preferences Doctors are also of the opinion that a man is more likely to smoke tobacco and drink alcohol. Additionally, they are far more prone to making dubious decisions and avoid the doctor as much as possible. This is why most men tend to stare at a serious health complication the first time. They keep ignoring the signs and symptoms for a very long time before they seek medical consultation. In this article, we are going to look at the top health concerns for men in 2021. Additionally, we will also shed light on some reasons why men avoid taking care of their health and seeing a medical professional. If you wish to know more, there are numerous great resources available, such as this article. List of 5 Major Health Concerns and Issues for Men in 2021 1. Respiratory Illnesses including Lung Cancer- An innocent cough that starts getting more common, frequent, and repetitive can be your body telling you to stop smoking and see a doctor. What starts as an innocent respiratory concern can quickly spiral into COPD, Lung Cancers, and Bronchitis. According to medical experts, everyone should try to give up smoking. People who have been smoking for more than a decade should get CT scans done once every six months. Smoking is bad for your health and affects your lungs in the worst manner possible. 2. Heart Diseases, Blockages, and Strokes- One of the major causes of heart illnesses in men is poor lifestyle choices. As men, we think that we are tough to live on fast food, drink every other night, and smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. All this can slowly start eating away at your heart health. If data is to believe, one in three adult American males suffers from some form of heart disease. Many mistake pains emanating from the chest as being because of gas build-up or stretched muscles and ligaments in the shoulder. If you are someone that has been asked by their cardiologist to take heart medications, you know that this is not the easiest thing to do. You need to keep taking the medicines throughout your life. Taking so many pills might be difficult especially as far as swallowing is concerned. You can take help from a medication swallowing gel that can help you take the prescribed medications as has been suggested by your doctor. 3. Mental Health Issues- Anxiety, Stresses, and Depression- According to studies, six million American males over the age of 18 suffer from mental health problems. Within this six million, a sizable section also develops suicidal thoughts. Being taboo, men are less likely than women to come up and take help for their mental health. They keep suppressing anxiety, stresses, and worries up until the point that it becomes so pent up that suicide starts looking like the only option. Most experts and help advocacy groups are running strong campaigns to help men with mental issues discuss and talk about it. 4. Development of Type 2 Diabetes- Most doctors agree that diabetes is a lifestyle illness. They say that it is the cumulative result of several factors. This includes- smoking, drinking, less sleep, overthinking, an unhealthy reliance on junk food, and so on. All these together can lead to rising blood sugar levels. Doctors say that rising sugar levels can cause damage to other organs of the body. For example, they can affect kidney functions, heart complications, lower sexual libido, etc. This is why maintaining blood sugar levels with regular monitoring, medicines, and insulin is recommended. 5. Sexual Diseases and Illnesses- If data is to be believed, men account for 76% of all HIV-AIDS cases in America. A gay man who has sex with other men is less likely to use contraceptives as compared to gay women. Additionally, men also have a higher rate of contracting STDs than women. In the last few years, reports also suggest that sexual illnesses like erectile dysfunction and low sperm count are affecting a lot of men. This is partly because of poor mental health and partly because of the fallout of a disease like Diabetes. There is a growing demand for male enhancement supplements in the industry. A lot of men have been able to overcome emotional and psychological issues after they have been able to increase the size of their penises. This non-surgical procedure such as the use of Proextender has also prevented dangers that are routinely associated with such surgeries. Why do most Men Avoid Taking Care of their Health and Seeing a Doctor? In this section, we will try to list down some of the major reasons why men avoid seeing a doctor- One of the major reasons men avoid going to the doctor is ‘fear’. They fear that if they check in with a doctor, they might hear some bad news or outcome. Women are better at hearing bad news and then taking constructive steps towards addressing it. A lot of doctors have also pointed to something known as the ‘superhero syndrome’. Men want to always think of themselves as being the strongest. Illnesses and diseases are often termed as weaknesses and no one wants to appear weak. Lastly, men do not like being vulnerable. When it comes to illnesses, they do not want to feel they need someone to take care of themselves, give them medicines and feed them throughout the day. Vulnerability is something that no man wants to feel. Then there are taboo topics like poor sexual health or mental health complications. Men do not want to exhibit weakness that is truly termed as being patriarchal. This prohibits them from talking about these issues and ultimately leads to poor effects. The Final Word A lot of doctors have gone on record to say that even when men come in for a diagnosis, they are likely to hide or withhold crucial pieces of information. They always want to give the impression that everything is alright and that they do not need any extra medical attention. All these faulty sentiments and feelings are responsible for illnesses breeding themselves in their body to dangerous levels. This leads to major crashes and life-threatening situations. In this article, we have tried to list down some of the major health issues men suffer from in 2021. If you would want us to elaborate on any of the points in the article, let us know in the comments section below. Read Also: Surprisingly Unknown Effects of Sleep Loss Dalhousie, a perfect place to unplug the anxiety of rat race of modern cities Are You Wondering About The Risk Factors For Depression?


10 Health Problems Eased by Yoga

Yoga originated over 4,000 years ago as a spiritual practice. Over time, however, health and wellness experts have found that there are many physical benefits as well. Now, yoga is as much of physical practice as it is a spiritual one. While yoga is not a substitute for traditional healthcare, as a compliment, it can help ease symptoms associated with a variety of health problems. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), people are increasingly using yoga to relieve pain, anxiety, stress, and to improve their overall health. So what are the health problems that yoga can help with? Put together by a Portland yoga studio, let’s take a look at 10 health conditions that researchers show yoga can ease. 10 Health Problems Eased by Yoga 1. Chronic Stress: Practicing yoga may be helpful in relieving chronic stress. A regular yoga practice can reduce your stress response and provide options for self-soothing and better management of stress. 2. Anxiety: A study in the Journal of Preventative Medicine shows that yoga can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety. When used alongside other treatment methods, it is helpful in reducing anxiety and helping patients manage their symptoms. 3. Heart Health: Practicing yoga has been shown in studies to reduce the risk of heart disease. When practiced as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, yoga can be used to improve heart health and reduce the risk of dangerous diseases. 4. Brain Health: Practicing yoga could be beneficial in improving brain health. Researchers report that people who practiced yoga for 14 years had thicker brain tissue in the areas responsible for memory and attention than their peers. 5. Chronic Back Pain: People who suffer from chronic back pain may find some relief through a regular yoga practice. Research shows that yoga can reduce back pain and improve mental health in people with chronic pain. Researchers note that yoga and other stretching exercises are both beneficial in this way. 6. Improve Balance: Yoga is a great way to improve balance. This is important, especially for older adults. Some studies suggest that a regular yoga practice can reduce the risk of falls in older adults. This is a promising option for older adults to get low-impact and meaningful exercise. 7. Thyroid Function: Research in Medical News Today suggests that stress can lead to improper thyroid function. Fortunately, practicing yoga can reduce stress, which in turn, helps improve thyroid function. Research is ongoing, but studies suggest yoga could potentially help ease medical conditions like hypo-and hyperthyroidism. 8. Diabetes: Research in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research shows that a regular yoga practice can reduce blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. For people with Type 2 diabetes, not only could they lower their glucose levels naturally, but they also may be slowing down progression of the disease. 9. Atrial Fibrillation: Atrial fibrillation is a heart condition where the upper chambers of the heart don’t contract as they should. This can cause symptoms like dizziness, palpitations, and shortness of breath. It also increases the risk of heart failure. Research shows, however, that practicing yoga at least twice weekly can improve symptoms. When added as part of a regular treatment plan, yoga can help improve heart function and manage stress. 10. Boost Immune System: Health conditions related to chronic stress account for 60 to 80 percent of all visits to primary care doctors. Several studies now show that practicing yoga can reduce stress, and as a result, also reduce the symptoms caused by it. Chronic stress and illness weaken the immune system, but a regular yoga practice could be the key to naturally averting some of these illnesses. As you can see, there are many benefits to practicing yoga. The next time you talk to your doctor, ask him or her about the possible benefits of adding yoga to your treatment plan. Read Also: How To Live Stress-Free Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease 5 Ways To Get Healthier In The New Year Some Famous People Who Have Battled with Depression 10 Tips on How to Ditch the Stress and Start Living a Peaceful Life

Occupational Therapy

Empowering Lives With Occupational Therapy: How NDIS Makes A Difference

Occupational therapy (OT) can be an empowering practice that helps individuals overcome potential barriers and experience the joys of daily life more fully. A significant contributor in this area has been the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which has transformed numerous lives by providing financial resources needed for personalised therapeutic care - thus mainstreaming occupational therapy services into society. Unveiling The Role Of Occupational Therapy What Is Occupational Therapy? Occupational therapy (OT) is a health profession dedicated to helping individuals of all ages maintain, improve or regain the skills needed for daily living and working activities. These may range from physical activities like dressing and cooking to cognitive functions like problem-solving or maintaining focus; ultimately, OT encourages individuals to live independent and fulfilling lives. Why Is OT Important? Occupational therapy's significance lies in its broad scope. For individuals living with disabilities, illness, or injury, occupational therapy provides a way to regain lost abilities and regain autonomy. Still, more broadly speaking, it is a preventative practice promoting healthier lifestyle choices for a better tomorrow. OT's Impact On Different Age Groups OT's effects are profound, touching all age demographics. Children rely on occupational therapy for development milestones; adults use it to ease back to work after injury, while seniors depend on it to maintain independence by equipping themselves with skills needed to complete daily activities safely. NDIS And Its Revolutionary Impact An Overview Of NDIS The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an innovative initiative to support Australians with disabilities. It provides individuals with financial resources so they may access personalised support and services - including occupational therapy - in an individualised fashion. NDIS's Role In Promoting OT NDIS has been essential in expanding occupational therapy (OT) access. By funding its services, NDIS ensures that individuals of any financial status may take advantage of its therapeutic offerings. How NDIS Changes Lives With OT NDIS has brought occupational therapy (OT) into many households and improved lives. It has helped individuals recover following injuries more rapidly, enabled children with disabilities to reach their full potential, and helped adults and the elderly maintain independence. Exploring NDIS And OT Success Stories Recovering From Injury With OT And NDIS NDIS has immensely contributed to helping individuals heal from injuries by funding occupational therapy - allowing them to regain their abilities and return to daily living routines. Not only does OT address physical healing, but it also addresses emotional and psychological aspects leading to holistic healing. Assisting Children's Development Children with disabilities often face developmental obstacles that impede their growth. But thanks to the NDIS funding Occupational Therapy services, these children can receive tailored support that helps them overcome them. Through engaging and playful methods, OT helps these kids reach developmental milestones while building confidence and encouraging independence. Promoting Independence In Adults And The Elderly Independence is essential in adult and elderly life. Thanks to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), funding occupational therapy services designed to enhance and preserve freedom has revolutionised adult and elderly life. Occupational therapy services provided under NDIS have significantly contributed to a higher quality of life for its recipients, from refining motor skills and improving mobility to cognitive exercises to maintain mental acuity. The Future Of NDIS And OT Ongoing Research And Development NDIS and occupational therapy (OT) have an unbreakable bond, set to deepen with ongoing research and advancements in both fields. As we gain greater insight into disability impacts and manifestations, OT techniques continue to develop with NDIS' support, ensuring those in need can access these new approaches. Broadening Accessibility And Reach NDIS continues to work toward expanding access to occupational therapy (OT) services for individuals living in remote locations. Teletherapy plays an integral part by providing remote consultations and therapy sessions. Continuing To Empower Lives NDIS and occupational therapy have already transformed countless lives and will do so in the future. Every success story is evidence of occupational therapy's transformative power as an enabler and NDIS' enabling role. Conclusion: Empowering lives requires more than simply providing care; it means changing societal perceptions of disability, promoting inclusivity and accepting diversity. OT and NDIS play critical roles in this transformation by changing individual lives and creating a more compassionate society. NDIS provides much more than funding: its steadfast support of occupational therapy stands as a beacon of hope to individuals with disabilities and their families, evidence of society's progress towards inclusiveness, and recognition of occupational therapy's life-altering power. Read Also : How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule Important Habits To Protect Your Ear Health And Hearing Must-Have Appliances For A Healthier Life