What’s New And Innovative In The Realm Of Perfect Wedding?


15 September 2018


The perfect wedding captures the personality and style of the couple. Tying the knot doesn’t always follow specific traditions. Ceremonies can get crazy. And that’s when the fun really takes hold.

Your wedding should be yours. If that means a black wedding gown, mimes wordlessly greeting guests and the groomsmen wearing clown noses, then go for it. Don’t follow the rules of the planning guide…detours from the norm make the biggest and best surprises.

Today’s ceremonies and receptions include so many unique and customized moments and details. Ever heard of WeddingChella? The event was a three-day festival-themed wedding held in the desert and featured morning yoga, a silent disco, glamping…and, oh yeah, guests could bring their pets! Who wouldn’t want to secure an invite to that wedding?

Trends come and go, but the authentic flavor is forever. When planning your own wedding, let your mind run wild. Think outside the tulle and candelabras and brainstorm your own incredible event. Need a little inspiration? Check out these ideas:

1. A Picnic Blanket Reception

Who needs tables and chairs when guests can plop a squat on a picnic blanket? Buzzfeed highlighted some of the most ‘unconventional’ wedding ideas, and, really, the picnic blanket reception rocks! Guests were given their own picnic basket of dinner…or lunch…and each blanket also included a pillow.

2. A Clown Wedding

clown wedding

In Portland, two clowns were married in a most unusual ceremony. According to GoLocalPDX, the event featured…a six-foot cockroach! The dress code required guests to come in costume (apparently ANY costume), and the “best woman” was the Tooth Fairy. Forget bubbles, birdseed, or rice, because this wedding included clowns throwing toast at the couple!

3. A Wedding Carnival

Love carnivals? Host your own…wedding style. Take your guests to a fun-filled reception where they can nosh on hot dogs, popcorn, funnel cakes, big pretzels, cotton candy, and ice cream. Bring in a company to host games and hand out wedding-themed prizes. You can even include a bounce house for the kids…or the adults!

4. Game Day

Game Day

For the couple who loves video games, host a gamer wedding. From the moment that Dave proposed to his longtime boyfriend, he knew they would love to the idea of a different and fun wedding night. He even had their wedding rings personalized and engraved with the colors of the Mario Game. This couple completely embraced Mario and included a Nintendo-themed cake, candy tokens hidden in a Super Mario Brothers box, and seating charts featuring the game’s characters. Even the invite included the game-centric theme.

5. Cosplay Wedding

Theme the wedding to include a love of cosplay. Have guests dress up as their favorite characters, and include a cake designed with images from a favorite show or series. Take the theme as far as you’re willing to go! Couples who adore Anime can even exchange MokumeGane wedding bands; MokumeGane was once used to make swords in Japan.

6. An Extreme Wedding

extreme wedding

Exchange vows skydiving, on a roller coaster, or at the water park. A couple’s passions should be included in their wedding, and if saying “I do” from thousands of feet up in the air feels right, then…jump!

Wedding ideas are infinite. Weird, crazy weddings are everywhere, and yours could be next. You don’t have to wear the white gown, walk down the aisle to Canon or serve guests the traditional entrees. Bring on the food trucks, the costumes, the airborne toast and plan a wedding that is incredibly outrageous…and totally you!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Shower Cabin

Best Ways to Maintain a Shower Cabin

If you own a modern shower cabin, as opposed to a traditionally tiled shower enclosure, then the bad news is that you will still have to keep it clean.  The good news is that this is a whole lot easier than it is with old-fashioned shower enclosures, mainly due to the absence of tiling, which is just a time-consuming pain to clean.  What's more, if you go about it the right way, maintaining your shower cabin can take very little effort.  These tips can help. Wipe your feet (or put a towel down): Wandering around in bare feet can be very comfortable but it means your feet can get very dirty, very quickly, so you might want to think about cleaning off the surface grime before you step into the shower.  Alternatively, put a towel down on the shower floor and then just stick this in the wash after you've finished.  Either of these approaches will go a long way to keeping the floor of your shower cabin white and gleaming. Little and often is the way to go: Ideally, all shower users should end their shower by going around the enclosure with the showerhead in one hand and a brush in the other to get rid of surface dirt.  They should then use a microfiber cloth to remove the water.  Back in the real world, at least give the shower enclosure a quick once over to remove any residue from the products used or, as an absolute minimum, run the water over any visible deposits. Aim to give your shower a proper clean twice a week: Before you gasp in horror, this approach will actually save you time and effort over the long term.  We'll explain why as we go along.  As a minimum, clean your shower enclosure once a week for hygiene and practicality (plus it can help to extend the life of your shower).  Here are some tips on how to keep your shower enclosure sparkling. Start with the showerhead: Fill a container with white vinegar and leave your shower head to soak in it while you clean your shower.  If you do this at least every other time you clean your shower (assuming you clean it twice a week), then a short soak will be just fine. Remove suds promptly: It may seem like foam disappears all by itself if you just leave it but actually what happens is that the liquid content evaporates but the chemicals generally stay put, along with the dead skin cells and hair carried off your body in the foam.  The advantage of rinsing your shower after each use is that this will catch everything when it's at its easiest to remove.  After this, a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water will probably do the trick, especially if you use it a couple of times a week as we suggest.  If you do let the dirt in your shower cabin build-up to the point where you have to resort to a commercial cleaner, then make sure to use a non-abrasive one. Vinegar and water is the perfect cleaner for reflective surfaces: That same mixture of vinegar and water will also do a great job on the glass in your shower enclosure (and if you have mirrored tiles it works on them too).  The key here is to get all the liquid off afterward to avoid streaks so a microfiber cloth is a good investment.  Again, if you opt for commercial cleaners, make sure they're non-abrasive. Give your shower cabin doors plenty of love: Doors aren't just glass panels, they have handles, hinges/rollers, and seals as well, plus they open and close.  Handles are easily dealt with; your vinegar/water mix will keep them looking shiny.  Hinges/rollers don't typically need to be cleaned, but you could take the opportunity to give them a touch of lubricant to keep them moving freely.  The seals on the door, however, are places where dirt can easily accumulate, especially the one at the bottom of the door.  Use a stiff brush to get it off. Keep an eye out for mildew: One of the huge benefits of shower cabins and compared to traditional shower enclosures is that they are practically immune to mildew and mold due to the absence of both tiling and shower curtains, which are the main places it usually takes hold.  The only place mildew and mold could potentially attack a shower cabin is in the seams and you can avoid this by using proper sanitary silicone when you assemble the shower.  If, however, you have used ordinary silicone to assemble the shower, there is a small possibility that you may get some slight mildew or mold.  Ideally, you should take this as a sign that you should rebuild your shower using the right silicone, but realistically a simpler approach would be to apply that vinegar and water mixture using an old toothbrush and if that isn’t enough change to bleach and water and do the job again, very carefully and preferably wear gloves. Pamper your plumbing: If you live in a hard-water area then fitting a water softener to your shower can be a very good idea.  Even if you don’t (or you have fitted a water softener), taking care of your shower plumbing is still a good idea and it’s so easy, there’s really no reason not to.  As your first line of defense, put a protector over your drainage hole to trap hairs and such like.  Then pour some baking soda down the hole every time you clean your shower if you like add some vinegar or lemon juice.  If you start to notice a blockage (the water draining away slowly), then an old trick is to grind up some eggshells and put them down.  They are gentle scourers and will often do the trick cheaply and naturally.  If all else fails, then look for a good chemical cleaner.   Read More:  1. Mirror Decorating Ideas To Style Your Bathroom. 2. Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less.    

Planning A Road Trip

Five Things To Consider When Planning A Road Trip

Road trips are one of the best activities to make long-lasting memories. Whether you are planning to take your family or friends on the trip, the first and foremost thing you will want is safety and a joyful moment, which can be possible if you have ensured a few factors. To explore how you can make your trip remarkable, here are a few things that you can consider: Check The Battery It is essential to check the battery condition before you take your vehicle on the trip. This is crucial because the last thing you will want on the trip is to face a dead battery. Facing a breakdown during vacation will be frustrating and time-consuming for you. It will cost you money as well. So, assign yourself time to inspect the condition of the battery. If the battery has crossed its limit of 3 years, you can upgrade to a Vicoffroad Lithium battery for reliable power. Making all the changes before you head off toward your destination will give you peace of mind. Inspect Your Car Like the inspection of the battery, it is necessary for you to check the condition and working of your car. There are many simple and complicated features in your car, and if any feature goes on malfunctioning, it will affect the entire system. So, ensure that the engine is working fine, tires are rotated, filters are changed, and transmission oil is updated. If you are wondering if your car will not be able to take you to the destination, you can look for a used car that will help you to reach the destination with complete comfort on the road. Check The Windshield When going on a trip with your family or friends, the first thing you will prioritize is their safety. This means you will need to drive safely and defensively when it needs to. But what if there are some cracks in the windshield or it is blurry? How will you manage safety? It can be impossible for you to ensure safety. So, when planning your trip, you can check the windshield and replace it if you find cracks in the glass. Pack All Your Essentials Road trips are all fun when you have the best of the company and all the essentials on the road, which will help you to enjoy the trip without facing any trouble on the road. For this purpose, you will need to pack things safely. Make a list of things that you will need to do on the road. If you don’t have an idea what to pack, you can look online and get a list of the essentials that you will need on the road. Packing all the essentials for you and your family will prevent any discomfort on the road. Pack Plenty Of Food And Drinks There is no limit when it comes to packing food and drinks on the road. It is always better to have extra food and drinks rather than getting out of stock. So, when packing food and snacks, you will need to ensure they will remain good. By fresh and quality products as you don’t want to get sick during the trip. Read Also: Best New Cars For Teenagers Spring’s Favourite Car: The Ford Mustang 2018 Tesla Model S: The Complete Electric Vehicle


What Are The Key Features Of Addiction?

When a drug, activity, or behavior becomes the primary focus of an individual's life, it causes physical, mental, or social harm to themselves or others; this is called addictive behavior. Anything may cause a person to become addicted or reliant on it. There are different types of addictions, but a few specific symptoms are typically present for all kinds of addictions. So, how can you tell whether someone has gotten addicted? Continue reading to discover the most common key features that you or someone you care about is on the approach of becoming addicted. 1. Eliminating social and leisure activities Substance abuse can make some people drop out of their activities. An internet junkie, for example, may decide not to go camping if they know they won't have access to the internet while they're there. In the same way, an alcoholic may avoid extended journeys where they know they will not have access to alcohol. 2. Dangerous conduct Addicts may engage in hazardous conduct to obtain their substance of choice, such as exchanging sex for drugs or money or even stealing to satisfy an addiction. Drug users, on the other side, may participate in dangerous behaviors such as irresponsible driving. 3. Relationship conflicts Due to their concealment, addicts frequently have interpersonal problems, which can lead to distrust difficulties. Armed conflict and emotional abuse are common when a relationship degrades. 4. Dependency on resolving problems An addict frequently believes that they can't deal with their issues without their drug of choice, so they misuse it as a kind of self-medication. 5. Obsessiveness An addict may spend more time and energy thinking about obtaining more of their substance or even using it in new ways. 6. Secrecy and Opacity Many addicts use their drugs on their own, with or without the knowledge of others. When confronted with their behavior, they either refuse to admit or deny that there is a problem. 7. Having legal issues Addicts may face legal issues due to the dangers they incur when they use due to poor judgment. Alternatively, people may breach the law to get their preferred medication. 8. The individual is unable to quit using the drug In many cases, such as with alcohol or drug addiction, a person has made a genuine attempt to break free from their addiction at least once but has failed. 9. Addiction persists despite health concerns Despite acquiring illnesses connected to the medication, the individual continues to use it. A person who is addicted to alcohol, for example, may continue to drink even after learning that they have liver disease. 10. Financial problems If the substance is expensive, the addicted person may sacrifice their budget for rent or food to maintain their constant supply of the drug they're into. In whichever angle you look at it, addiction negatively impacts one's career, dreams, goals, and life in general. The struggle doesn't only affect the addict but also their families, friends, loved ones, and even the community they live in. It's important to be knowledgeable and identify signs of addiction so it can be prevented or cured at the early stages. It might be a painful experience for both sides, but it's the best choice for the benefit of everyone. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics and the Symptoms of Their Addiction When Someone You Love Has an Addiction: 5 Tips on How to Help an Addict