6 Techniques to Improve Your Work-from-Home Career


22 September 2018

Home Improvement

Home Career

Working from home is a dream come true that can quickly turn into a nightmare if you don’t have a few rules in place. Some people are naturally better suited for working from home than others. However, anyone can learn to be successful when working from home as long as they maximize their strengths and know their weaknesses. It’s often said that the most successful folks for this type of work are those that are highly organized, perfectionists, and morning people. The organization is definitely key, but the other two factors are up for debate.

Perfectionists may have a tendency to work around the clock, committed to replying to that work email even in the middle of the night. Morning people aren’t necessarily more successful at working from home than night owls, as some people who like to work at night simply have the most clarity and energy during the wee hours.

If you really want to make the most of what can be a great experience, try out these six techniques:

Have a separate workspace:

Even if you’re in a one-bedroom condo, it’s possible to design a space solely for work. Don’t let this be the bed or couch. Ideally, space is in a separate room or at least features a dedicated desk just for working. It’s how you’ll cue your brain that it’s time for work and helps you focus on the tasks at hand.

Create work hours:

This doesn’t mean that you rigidly have to be at your workspace and on the clock between the hours of eight and five (unless of course, that’s part of your agreement with your work). Part of the joys of working from home is flexibility, so give yourself some wiggle room if that’s allowed. It might be working from sometimes between six and seven in the morning with a three-hour lunch break then finishing up sometime between six and seven in the evening if that works for you. The important thing is that you understand your energy levels and take advantage of having flexibility.

Don’t try to do it all:

It might seem like you can be a stay at home parent and manage the house solo while also working a full-time job from home. It never works. Distractions that you wouldn’t have at the office, like kids or doing laundry, are going to get in the way. Make sure you put your work first during work hours (whatever that may be). In some cases, it might be easier to work from a local coffee shop to resist the temptation to sneak in dinner prep or another task that will eat up work time.

Get quality sleep:

This goes for anyone, but working from home allows you to skip the commute and log some more Z’s. You’ll know you got enough sleep when your body wakes up naturally without an alarm.

Shower before you start work:

Just like your workspace, this will tell your brain it’s time to wake up and get to work. You don’t have to dress up in a suit, but you do need to at least put on clean lounging clothes. Try to avoid pajamas or any other type of clothes that you associate with an activity besides work.

Remove vices from the home.

Whether it’s a video game console or you’re trying to control your drinking and need to have the full bar somewhere else, removing temptation is a good way to keep your work from home gig on the up and up. It’s also a wakeup call to let you know if maybe one of your vices could use some professional help.

Working from home is going to take some adjustments no matter who you are or what a great fit for working from home is for you. With these six techniques, you’ll adjust faster and make the most of this unique setup.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Here’s How to Turn Your Garage into a Bedroom on a Budget!

So you’ve decided to extend your living space, but at the same time, you’d like to avoid big costs and construction works. How about that old garage that’s been spontaneously turned into a storage for useless stuff you are never gonna use anyway. Make use of the bedroom for developing your home interiors in the right manner. You can renovate that space and turn it into a lovely little bedroom. We’ve talked to the guys at Rockstar Garage Doors about this idea and they were more than happy to give us their thoughts and opinions on how to turn your garage into a bedroom on a budget. Different Ways To Turn The Garage Into Bedroom   There are multiple factors that you have to take care of while you want to arrange for the garage in the bedroom. Work out the plans that can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible manner. Do not make your choices in the wrong manner. 1. The Floor Remodeling a garage into a bedroom costs significantly less than building a new room from the ground up, no argument about the math there. When you start refurbishing, the first thing you pay attention to is the floor. You’ll notice, at least in most cases, that it’s made of concrete, which already a nice foundation for whatever material you choose to put on top to make it nice and cozy. You can choose a carpet or a wooden floor. These two are inexpensive and both very pleasing to the eye. You’d instantly gain a warm and comfy feel to the whole room. You can also use vinyl tiles which are probably the cheapest option but would still get the work done. You can even be more artistic and just stain the existing concrete floor, and then put some rugs and carpets around to give it a bedroomy atmosphere. 2. What to do with the walls? Since walls are already there obviously, you’d probably need to build windows, because the garage probably didn’t have any. Either way, in order to have a proper bedroom, you need good insulation. Blown-in insulation is a good and affordable option, or if your wall is of older date, you can build an additional wall about 3-inches away from the old one, thus leaving enough room to add proper insulation. Drywall is also a great solution for your ceiling and walls, it’s a cheap yet effective solution, but in order for the whole system to function well, you’d also need windows and doors that provide energy efficiency and good insulation. 3.The interior You’d probably want to add air conditioning to your new bedroom. The easiest and cheapest way to do that is to use the ductwork you already have in your house, just expand it. You don’t have to aesthetically match your new bedroom with the rest of the house at all, it has its own charm if you decide to leave it in a more rustic state with minimalistic style and furniture. Don’t forget to add vent openings in order to decrease the energy spent on heating and ventilation. Most likely, you will also need to find good garage door installation companies to replace your old, worn-out garage door. You can easily turn this ‘’new space’’ into a guest room or even put it for rent on sites like Airbnb and such. It would be good to use more bright and vibrant paint job with a lot of natural light pouring in because bedrooms are all about warmth, coziness, and space. 4. Property value and additional notes It is estimated that you can return a great deal of your investment after a year or so if you manage to adapt the garage into a bedroom properly. When it comes to your available budget, you shouldn’t spend more than 5 percent of your current property value in order to have a good return. If you plan to use it as a guest room or rent it, it is important to have a bathroom. Costs would be increased of course if you decide to build a new one, but it’s much easier just to put a door if the garage and bathroom share the same wall. Final Take Away   Hence, these are some of the essential facts that you have to take care of while you want to develop your interiors in the correct way. You have to ideate your plans in the right order to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. Make your choices in the correct manner. Work out the plans that can have a long-term impact on your business to achieve your goals in a better way. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to improve your business in the correct manner. Try to achieve your plans after developing the correct strategy. Read Also:   3 Tips On How To Plan The Best Cheap And Fabulous DIY Bedroom Makeover Feature Image: google.com

Commercial Door repair

10 Pro Tips To Minimize Commercial Door Repair & Maintenance Cost

Got the damaged door in your commercial premises? If so, you should get it repaired as soon as possible. It’s because the aesthetic and safety of commercial door repair are one of the most important things which are overlooked most of the time. If you don't keep your doors in shape, it can lead to various problems. When someone arrives at your business, the entry door is the first thing to be noticed. If it is cracked or damaged, you are presenting a bad impression. If doors are well maintained, it gives you peace of mind that your business is secure. Protect your door and door will protect you ….. Maintain your doors from time to time to give them long life and also to reduce repair costs. It is better to maintain a door than waiting for it to get damaged. A damaged door will cost you four times replacing and repair. 10 Pro Tips To Minimize Commercial Door Repair & Maintenance Cost Here are few tips on how to maintain your commercial door 1. Test Your Door: First, check your door’s functionality by making frequent open and close. Check, is it working smoothly or it’s jerky? 2. Lubricate all Moving Parts Of The Door: Lubricate often to increase your garage door’s lifespan. If you are using a commercial wood door, properly clean it with cloth, it will help in avoiding dust to get a deposit on it. 3. Inspect Loose Parts: It is best to properly check the hardware of the door to avoid any loose become worse. Read Also: Roof Repair: Should You Hire Roofers or DIY? 4. Replace Weather Seals: The weather seals are soft rubber on the bottom or sides of commercial or garage doors. These weather seals protect you from the air and weather conditions. If these seals are worn out, they may cause many problems. To keep your building safe, it is important to maintain them regularly. 5. Clean Door Sensors: In automatic doors, sensors are installed, which monitor objects passing through them. Sometimes the sensors of these doors are overlooked during cleaning, which in turn cause the door to jam. So, regularly clean sensors! 6. Apply Paint: To prevent metallic part of your door from rust, apply a coat of paint on your door by time. Choose the same color of paint as already done on your door to create a brand new look. 7. Inspect Door Panels For Cracked Or Broken Glass: Keep an eye on the glass panel of your door, if it is cracked or broken, replace it immediately because it may cause harm to someone also projects a bad impression of your business. 8. Hire Professional:   Call a professional to ensure the functionality of your automatic doors because a professional has experience in dealing with such doors. They will easily inspect the problem that can become a big issue later. 9. Check Cables: Garage doors are lifted up or down with the support of cables; you should check your cables regularly, but never tinker with lift up cable as it has much force to injure or kill. But you can check the condition of the cable, so you know when to hire a professional. 10. Test Auto-Reverse Safety Feature: Put some cloth or wooden piece on the ground in the path of the door and check if a door, go back after touches the cloth or wooden piece. If it lacks this safety measure, then it’s time to buy a new one. If you are not aware of how to maintain your door, then you can seek help from a professional who provides door services. So, those were some of the most effective tips you can use to ensure the longevity of your commercial door! Read Also: 5 Factors To Consider When Buying A New Garage Door Should You Replace Or Rekey Locks? — What Locksmith Richmond Says

Roofing Painting

Roofing Painting Contractor Leads: Ask Before Hiring One

Are the shingles of your roof starting to get loose? Or perhaps the entire roof itself is in need of a fresh paint job but you can’t do it yourself? For roofing and painting contractors in your area – especially those working alongside a lead generation firm like Ippei Leads – anything you want them to do to your roof is a blessing as it means yet another business opportunity. But before hiring one to fix or repaint your roof, here are four questions you might want to ask them first: 1. Can they meet your roofing needs no matter what type your roof is? The roofing and painting contractor you want to hire should be able to service these two major types of roofs: Residential roofing, which is typically easier to repair and repaint Commercial roofing, whose massive size and lower slope make fixing and repainting it more challenging yet profitable at the same time If the roof of your place of business is leaky, for example, and the contractor you talked to doesn’t have any experience with fixing commercial roofing, you shouldn’t hire them since they most likely wouldn’t know how to tackle the said problem. Also, if you need to have the whole roof of your house replaced with a brand new one, and the contractor you contacted hasn’t dealt with residential roofing before, you should skip them lest you want them to install an oversized one that’s more suitable for commercial use. 2. Do they have the license to operate as a roofing and painting contractor? Aside from their knowledge of both residential and commercial roofs, the roofing and painting contractor you plan on hiring should have a license to operate, most especially in the following states where it’s a requirement: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Florida Hawaii Idaho Illinois Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Nevada New Mexico North Carolina (but only if the roofing job will cost you at least $30,000) RhodeIsland South Carolina Utah Virginia If you reside or run a commercial building in any of these states, and the contractor couldn’t show you an authenticated copy of their statewide license, don’t hire them. 3. Do they have both liability and workers’ compensation insurance? The roofing and painting contractor you want to hire may know the difference between a residential and commercial roof. They may also have the license to operate in the state where you reside or do business. But aside from these, you should ask them upfront if they’ve got the following two types of insurance that will shoulder them financially in case of any mishap during the roof repair or repainting job: Liability insurance: There’s no telling when a contractor’s worker may accidentally drop a rusty nail or any tools on top of your (or your customer’s) head while doing the job or someone suddenly passes out after smelling the noxious fumes emitted by the paint. It’s important for the contractor to have liability insurance so their insurer can cover some or all of the medical expenses resulting from an injury during the repair or repainting job. Workers’ compensation insurance: Even if you or anyone else not connected to the contractor you hired didn’t sustain any injuries at all, a worker of theirs might suddenly get caught in a slip and fall accident while fixing or repainting your roof. The contractor should secure a workers’ compensation insurance so financial assistance can be provided to cover their crew’s medical costs and lost wages until the said person is physically capable of working for them again. It’s also a big plus if the roofing and painting contractor also carries commercial vehicle insurance aside from the two mentioned above to protect the cars, trucks, or vans that they use to do their job. 4. Do they have a contract prepared for you? As evident in their name, a roofing and painting contractor should show you a contract before repairing or repainting your roof. The said document should be legally binding and must contain the following: A detailed description of the repair or repainting job the contractor will do to your roof Breakdown of materials they’ll use for the roof repair or repainting job The estimated total cost of the said job Dates when they'll fix or repaint your roof A warranty of at least one to two years wherein you can have any part of your roof replaced if ever they accidentally damage it while fixing or repainting it A termination clause wherein the contract itself could become null and void if either you or the contractor violates any of its terms and conditions Don’t hire a roofing or painting contractor who plans to take on fixing or repainting your roof with only a handshake or verbal agreement to seal the deal. Conclusion: Roofing and painting contractors in America have been experiencing an upward profit margin growth since 2014. No wonder then that there are several of them as of late. But you can’t afford to get stuck with one who might do a sloppy job of fixing or repainting your roof which can lead to further problems down the road for you. So, before hiring a roofing and painting contractor for your roof, you should ask them first the four questions listed above to avoid any regrets on your end. Read Also: 5 Myths About Roofing Services To Avoid Professional Roofing Services And Different Decorating Styles