5 Home Decor Ideas for the Times when Kids’ Grow Up

Published on: 23 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Home Décor Ideas

Parents devote days and at times weeks to ensure that their loved ones’ dreams and preferences are reflected in their rooms. Budget, space, and scope everything comes into the picture before a room gets its decor for the little ones. Unfortunately, kids keep growing, while the room decor is stagnant. Getting a room that would grow up with the kids is a titanic task. A few ideas can help the room evolve with the kids.

1. Pick Expansive Themes :

Themes that would lose the radiance over time are not best suited if you aim for them to stay in vogue for years. Go for timeless themes. When you have kids who would step into teenage sooner, then lively themes are perfect fits. For instance, geometrical shapes last forever. Nautical stripes too are good choices. When you feel that the themes are not enough, as you are compromising with the designs, simply add to the decor with the furniture pieces. Even accentuating with the bed and pillow covers can bring new life to the room.

2. Get Neutral Walls :

Hues that are too bold can seem to be the attractive feature of a kid’s room. But kids outgrow the walls sooner, and neutral walls are the best choices. You can play around with other accessories, provided the walls are neutral. Painting every couple of years is not on the cards for many parents, and neutral walls eliminate the need for the same.

3. Bring in Temporary Ornamentation :

Imageries and decor elements can be moved off, and new ones can be brought in at any point in time. If your theme is minimalistic, then concentrate on stuff that can add to the ruddiness of the room temporarily. For instance, wall stickers and photographs that your child loves can be used according to the age of your kids. This usually works for kids under 10 and replace the ornamentation with trophies or other decor elements that fit the age group of the child.

4. Club Various Furniture Options :

No one can resist the temptation to pay for the colorful and small furniture meant for children. Before drawing your card out of the wallet, consider the age of your kid. If the kid is around 9 or 10 years, and you love the little chair or wardrobe, imagine if it would also fit the needs of a preteen.

When you want to do something about the shelves, install doors only on half of them. The rest can be either display units or storage space. This unit can become a bookshelf in the later years. Or, if the wardrobe isn’t huge enough for the preteen or teen, then modify the unit to play the role of a wardrobe. Classic furniture grows up with your child and helps you from spending on new ones.

5. Involve Your Child :

Your child’s preferences should be reflected in the room. How about taking the child for shopping? Let your child choose the furniture of the pragmatic options available. This is a win-win situation for both the parent and the child. Also, you get a clear idea of what the child loves. The wall decals can fulfill the wishes of the kid, and they can be easily removed too. Do not stick to a theme. Especially when the hunt for furniture is on, you should hold the reins and do not get drawn to the cartoon-filled options in the market.

Storage is another expanse to choose with utmost care. Your kid can be small, but that does not mean he or she owns little stuff. In fact, kid’s possessions can be huge compared with an adult; toys, books, play items, room decors, and whatnot. Put in some efforts, and this is a niche where you can certainly compromise aesthetics to a certain level. In short, it is an area to play around. Loads of creativity can be brought in, and you will find picking themes and colors for real fun.

Invest in Your Child’s Future

While you put all your efforts to design the perfect room for your child, why not consider investing in his/her future? Investing in Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) to provide your child with a financially secured future is a sound financial decision. ULIP is a dual-purpose investment vehicle offering both protection and investment. Moreover, Unit Linked Insurance Plans help create a corpus for crucial stages in the child’s life like his higher education, marriage or even funding his start-up. Also, by investing in a ULIP, tax benefits can be availed as per the current tax implications.

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Decorate a Room

How to Decorate a Room with no Cost

It is hardly found a person who does not like to stay in a bedroom. Most of the people in the world like to spend at least one-third of their life in the bedroom. So, it is highly important to decor your bedroom according to your desire. Redecorating your bedroom creates a relaxing environment and helps you to provide a better night's rest. For making a stylish bedroom, you don’t have to spend a lot of money.  There are several ways to decorate a room. Now you can take a look at our ideas. Pick the favorable ideas for you. Different Ways You Can Apply To Decorate A Room  There are multiple ways you can apply to decorate your room in the best possible ways. 1: Take the dimension of your room and furniture: To do this, you can use a measuring tape to measure the room dimensions. You can use graph paper to sort out and write your taken measurement. This measurement may include: Floor plan, size of doors, windows, etc. You can take the measurement of the furniture. Written your taken measurement on the graph paper. At that time, determine which furniture should go at which area of the room. Before rearranging, sort out which furniture is not required anymore. After planning that, you can get some free space. Now it is time to decide which new furniture is required for filling your available space. ( Consider suitable free space for walking, playing with children. etc) 2: Tools requirement: You need some important hand tools to run the work. For working at the room, list the available tools you have or you have not. Purchase the unavailable tools from the market. It is not a waste of money. These tools are your permanent asset. 3: Cleaning the room: Unnecessary items can be donated. If you find something that is not usable anymore, throw it out. You may clean out all the areas in your room as well as under your bed. If you get some newspapers, books, those are not required anymore; you can sell off these items. The important newspapers, books should be arranged on bookshelves. 4: Color the walls: You can use different types of color for your room. You can use a single color for all walls or the different color for a different wall. Normally, white color or similar to white color reflects the light. Black color or similar to black color reduce the reflection of light. An important thing that does not give chance to feed the color of your bedroom. Repainting your wall before getting it fed. Red, black, navy blue color should be avoided. At the time of coloring the room, match the walls color with your furniture, curtains, and carpets. 5: Color the furniture: Now, you need to recolor your furniture. You can use different types of color for your furniture. You can use a single color for all furniture or a different color for different furniture. Normally, you should use wood color, white color, black color or any other shining color. At the time of coloring the furniture, you should try to match the furniture color with your walls, curtains, carpets. 6: Place the bed with related furniture: Now, you should place your bed based on your preference. Some people prefer to place the bed against the wall. Some people prefer to place the bed on the side of the window. Some people prefer to place the bed in the middle of the room. So, you should decide for yourself. If there are free spaces available on both side of the bed, you may place a chair and a small table on one side. This table is set for reading books. On the next side, you can place a storage drawer with a table lamp and flower. You may also plan for utilizing the free space available under the bed. For storing things under the bed you may add a bed skirt. You can buy a bed with all related amenities at https://www.pillowbedding.com/ For placement of bed in the room, you should follow other guidelines also: The bed should not be placed in an area where sunlight shines directly. Avoid placing mirror against your bed. 7:  wood headboard: You can easily buy wood from the market.  Even you can get as a gift from neighbors or relatives. And simply you can make a headboard on the back wall of your bed. 8: Added extra shelves: For Maximizing each and every corner and area of your room, you may add extra shelves. That not cost you much. You can purchase plastic storage bins. You can attach hooks on the back of the door. If you added wooden storage bins, attach hooks on the side of the wooden shelves. You can utilize vertical free space for installing shelves. You may label the bin for a specific item. So, for storing Each and every item, you will get a specific place. This will provide you a organize structure of the room. 9: Stylish bookshelves: Try to decor your bookshelves with some decorative items. For example, if your bookshelves have six racks. Try to decorate the upper two racks with pottery or framed photos. You may use the middle two racks for books. If you have some unattractive items to display, such as DVDs etc, cover it by boxing. You can leave one or two bin of each shelf empty. 10: hanging a shelf beside your bed: It is a simple idea. Does not require much cost. You may tie driftwood with some rope and hang it besides the bed. It provides an apical view of your bedroom. 11: add carpet to the floor: It is also a simple idea. Does not require much cost. You can easily purchase a carpet from a shop or even you can get as a gift from neighbors or relatives. And simply you can cover some portion of your floor by carpet. It provides an epical and stylish view to your bedroom. 12: You can use washi tape to Decor small accessories: You can use washi tape for decorating some accessories. With no cost, it increases beauty to your room. 13: Flower arrangement: The flower is for beautification. You can go to the gardener for purchasing flower with tub. You can make an arrangement on the side of the window. You can also make a garden in front of your room. 14: Arrange a jewelry tree: You can gather dry branches of small trees in a vase over the dressing table. For making the vase more stable, you can fill it with pebbles. You can decorate the vase and tree with different ornaments. Read Also: Things To Do Before Bed For A Perfect Night’s Sleep 5 Ways To Maintain And Decorate The Study Room For Kids A Guide To Finding The Perfect Sofa For Your Living Room Cheap And Simple Tips To Give Your Bedroom A Makeover 5 Ways To Make A Big Statement In Small Bedroom

home decor

How to cut down your home decor costs? Read here

We often see people complaining that they have exceeded the budget of their home decor and they cannot spend more on the same. This happens when people only rely on the home decor services for designing and development of their houses rather than thinking of it on their own. There are many such home decor ideas using which you can decorate your houses well without exceeding your budget.  Here are some such home decor ideas which will help you cut down the cost of your home designing yet give your home an adorable look. Keep reading to know more Use DIY methods Do It Yourself or DIY methods are in fashion these days that save you from premium costs. You can design your home according to your choice without having to invest much in the same. You can use old items and paint them to give them a new polished look. You can rearrange the furniture to give your house a new look. You can keep wall art or arrange for some rugs in your living space to give it a ravishing look. All in all, you can make your house look good without having to hire an interior designer or go for expensive services. Go for vertical gardens The ones who don’t have the budget to have a garden at home but still want to enjoy the touch of nature can easily settle for a vertical garden which is in trend these days. People opt for a vertical garden as it consumes less space and does not need you to spend a lot of bucks in its maintenance. And moreover, it also looks good when placed in the right corner of the house. Focus more on light and paint decoration The light and paint of the house look more delightful than any other home decor and designing. You can even paint your house by yourself to give it a touch of your own creativity. Also, when you place the lights in the right form, you can get a delightful view of the house without having to invest much in the decor. Do daily maintenance of the stuff in your house If you don't want to spend much on your home designing and decoration then you can easily opt for daily maintenance strategies that keep your house clean and gives a fresh new look every day. The way you maintain every corner of your house speaks volumes about the taste of the life you have! To conclude People do anything to look good themselves like they buy expensive clothes, Tag Heuer Carrera, perfumes and what not to just look good! Likewise, they also do such things to decorate their place of living to give it good looks and ravishing interiors. But sometimes, they exceed their budget and fall short of the budget that they decide for their home designing which pisses them off somehow.  But they fail to acknowledge that following some easy tips and tricks can help them save a lot of money on the home decor, and so they must implement the given few methods of home designing to save more bucks. Read Also: 5 Home Decor Ideas For The Times When Kids’ Grow Up Home Decor Is An Art Itself – Things To Know 10 Fabulous Ways To Update Your Home Interior Using Wallpaper

Best Window Glass

How to Choose the Best Window Glass?

Window panes are important parts of your house that contribute to aesthetics as well as energy efficiency. Good quality window glass allows light to enter your home and block the heat. Also, it prevents the cooling of your air conditioning system from escaping from your house to improve its energy efficiency. A window glass should be strong enough to tolerate strong winds and extreme temperatures without getting cracked or damaged. However, there are many types of glass available in the market. It can be challenging for some people to choose the right glass for their windows. This post shares some tips for choosing the best window glass for your home. Clear Float glass or Annealed glass: Float glass is formed by floating the molten glass on the molten tin to produce thin glass panels. The clear float glass allows 100 percent penetration of natural light into the house and offers viewing clarity to see the outdoors. However, it is not good for heat and sound insulation. If natural light and outdoor views are your priority, you can install clear float glass on your windows. These glasses are a quite affordable and a good option for people who want to design their windows on a low budget. Toughened Glass: As the name suggests, the toughened glass is made strong to withstand strong winds and extreme temperatures. It is more expensive than clear float glass and is available in reflective, clear, and tinted forms. You can get them in green, blue, grey, and bronze colors. When a toughened glass is broken, it usually splits into small fragments that are harmless. Window glasses made up of toughened glass are excellent for French windows and front doors as they offer enhanced safety and also enhance the aesthetics of your entrance. Tinted and Reflective Glass: Tinted glasses are formed by adding metal oxides to glass. Reflected glasses are made by applying a metallic coating on the glass. If you want tinted light and outdoor views, you can use tinted glass, but it is not much energy efficient. If energy efficiency is your goal, you can use reflective glass as they reflect most of the heat back into the outdoors, keeping your interiors cool. Stained glass is also an option if protection from harmful ultraviolet rays is a priority for the owner or his family. The common standard is to use tinted glass in skylights, vehicles, or decorative panels, but you can also use them for outdoor windows. Obscured glass: Obscured glass refers to any glass that allows light to pass through, but the material is not completely transparent like normal glass. The customized options include a design in which a gaze can see more than the shadow behind the fuzzy glass window. This property makes it an ideal choice for bathroom windows or shower doors that require privacy. It can also be used to bring more natural light into the home. Double or triple glazing windows: Residential window glass is a thing of the past. With energy efficiency being the primary concern of home builders and homeowners today, most windows now have at least double glazing - meaning that each window has two glass panels connected by a spacer, with space between the two. The space between them is filled with an insulating gas. Window glasses can also have triple glazing - in other words, an additional glass is added to the window. Triple glazed glasses are costlier than double glazing glass and offer you a significant return on your investment, whether you want to sell your house or save on utility bills. Aussie Aluminium Enterprise offers a variety of aluminum doors and windows in Australia. They have been offering aluminum doors and windows for more than 20 years in Australia. If you have a property in Australia, you can hire them for the installation of windows at your home or office. Final Words: These are the major options to choose window glass for residential and commercial properties. The first step is to analyze your requirements and budget to choose the best available option. For example, double or triple glazed windows are best for energy efficiency. Float glass windows are best for natural light and outdoor views. Once you come to know your requirements, it would be convenient to choose the right window glass for your property. Read Also: Inspiring Window Treatment Ideas Tips for Selecting a Window Frame Color Replacement Windows – Benefits of Vinyl Windows 10 Tactics To Maintain Clear Windows