How to Decorate a Room with no Cost

Published on: 07 March 2019 Last Updated on: 23 November 2021
Decorate a Room

It is hardly found a person who does not like to stay in a bedroom. Most of the people in the world like to spend at least one-third of their life in the bedroom. So, it is highly important to decor your bedroom according to your desire. Redecorating your bedroom creates a relaxing environment and helps you to provide a better night’s rest. For making a stylish bedroom, you don’t have to spend a lot of money.  There are several ways to decorate a room. Now you can take a look at our ideas. Pick the favorable ideas for you.

Different Ways You Can Apply To Decorate A Room 

There are multiple ways you can apply to decorate your room in the best possible ways.

1: Take the dimension of your room and furniture:

room and furniture

To do this, you can use a measuring tape to measure the room dimensions. You can use graph paper to sort out and write your taken measurement.

This measurement may include:

  • Floor plan, size of doors, windows, etc.
  • You can take the measurement of the furniture. Written your taken measurement on the graph paper. At that time, determine which furniture should go at which area of the room.
  • Before rearranging, sort out which furniture is not required anymore. After planning that, you can get some free space. Now it is time to decide which new furniture is required for filling your available space. ( Consider suitable free space for walking, playing with children. etc)

2: Tools requirement:

You need some important hand tools to run the work. For working at the room, list the available tools you have or you have not. Purchase the unavailable tools from the market. It is not a waste of money. These tools are your permanent asset.

3: Cleaning the room:

Cleaning the room

Unnecessary items can be donated. If you find something that is not usable anymore, throw it out. You may clean out all the areas in your room as well as under your bed. If you get some newspapers, books, those are not required anymore; you can sell off these items. The important newspapers, books should be arranged on bookshelves.

4: Color the walls:

Color the walls

You can use different types of color for your room. You can use a single color for all walls or the different color for a different wall. Normally, white color or similar to white color reflects the light. Black color or similar to black color reduce the reflection of light. An important thing that does not give chance to feed the color of your bedroom. Repainting your wall before getting it fed. Red, black, navy blue color should be avoided. At the time of coloring the room, match the walls color with your furniture, curtains, and carpets.

5: Color the furniture:

Now, you need to recolor your furniture. You can use different types of color for your furniture. You can use a single color for all furniture or a different color for different furniture. Normally, you should use wood color, white color, black color or any other shining color. At the time of coloring the furniture, you should try to match the furniture color with your walls, curtains, carpets.

6: Place the bed with related furniture:

Now, you should place your bed based on your preference. Some people prefer to place the bed against the wall. Some people prefer to place the bed on the side of the window. Some people prefer to place the bed in the middle of the room. So, you should decide for yourself. If there are free spaces available on both side of the bed, you may place a chair and a small table on one side. This table is set for reading books. On the next side, you can place a storage drawer with a table lamp and flower. You may also plan for utilizing the free space available under the bed. For storing things under the bed you may add a bed skirt. You can buy a bed with all related amenities at

For placement of bed in the room, you should follow other guidelines also:

  • The bed should not be placed in an area where sunlight shines directly.
  • Avoid placing mirror against your bed.

7:  wood headboard:

wood headboard

You can easily buy wood from the market.  Even you can get as a gift from neighbors or relatives. And simply you can make a headboard on the back wall of your bed.

8: Added extra shelves:

For Maximizing each and every corner and area of your room, you may add extra shelves. That not cost you much. You can purchase plastic storage bins. You can attach hooks on the back of the door. If you added wooden storage bins, attach hooks on the side of the wooden shelves. You can utilize vertical free space for installing shelves. You may label the bin for a specific item. So, for storing Each and every item, you will get a specific place. This will provide you a organize structure of the room.

9: Stylish bookshelves:

Stylish bookshelves

Try to decor your bookshelves with some decorative items. For example, if your bookshelves have six racks. Try to decorate the upper two racks with pottery or framed photos. You may use the middle two racks for books. If you have some unattractive items to display, such as DVDs etc, cover it by boxing. You can leave one or two bin of each shelf empty.

10: hanging a shelf beside your bed:

It is a simple idea. Does not require much cost. You may tie driftwood with some rope and hang it besides the bed. It provides an apical view of your bedroom.

11: add carpet to the floor:

It is also a simple idea. Does not require much cost. You can easily purchase a carpet from a shop or even you can get as a gift from neighbors or relatives. And simply you can cover some portion of your floor by carpet. It provides an epical and stylish view to your bedroom.

12: You can use washi tape to Decor small accessories:

You can use washi tape for decorating some accessories. With no cost, it increases beauty to your room.

13: Flower arrangement:

The flower is for beautification. You can go to the gardener for purchasing flower with tub. You can make an arrangement on the side of the window. You can also make a garden in front of your room.

14: Arrange a jewelry tree:

You can gather dry branches of small trees in a vase over the dressing table. For making the vase more stable, you can fill it with pebbles. You can decorate the vase and tree with different ornaments.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Home Study

7 Tips for Preparing for your Home Study

The adoption process is filled with wonder, excitement, and anxiety. Oh yeah, and there are some stressful moments sprinkled in too. Perhaps none more sweat inducing than the home study. The adoption home study is a process that anyone who adopts has to go through, and it’s definitely an intimidating time in the process, but try not to let that get you down. Sure, home studies are a big deal, and they do play a large role in whether or not you qualify to adopt a child. Here are some tips for handling your home study. Get Started on the Paperwork: Paperwork sucks! You know it, I know it, everybody knows it - and the adoption process is loaded with it; from emergency plans to parenting plans, and a host of other stuff. It’s tedious, it’s frustrating, and it can be downright dull. But it’s necessary. Calm Down: It’s easy to get worked up during this process, especially knowing that this could be the deciding factor in your approval. But don’t get yourself worked up over this. Home studies are nothing more than a routine part of the process. They aren’t meant to find a reason NOT to have you approved, and there really isn’t much to worry about here. Besides, your adoption agency is going to let you know everything you need to have for a successful home study. Follow the Checklist: Before your home study begins, your adoption agency will give you a checklist to follow. This will probably consist of things like; background checks, birth certificates (of all occupants), and parenting plan statement to name a few. You will also be given a list of things that should have completed before the agent comes out to your house to conduct the study. Be sure to address everything on that checklist; if it weren’t important, then it wouldn’t be on the list. Nothing is okay to overlook. Be Yourself: I’m always reminded of the episode of Friends “The One with the Home Study” where Chandler and Monica wanted their social worker to like them so badly they were even willing to throw Joey under the bus. Like any good 90’s sitcom, it blew up in there faces and hilarity ensued. But again, like any good 90’s sitcom, it all worked out in the end. Still, there is a lesson to be learned here. Just be you. It’s easy to want to embellish in these situations, whether it finances, or even just your overall lives. Don’t! Your social worker wants to get to know who you are individually, and as a family and it’s imperative that you're honest. The fastest way to fail your home study is to lie on your paperwork or during your home study. Safety: Before you’re social worker gets to your home, make sure everything is tidy - cleanliness is always important. You should also be sure to have all of your cabinets locked and keep anything that is a potential hazard out of a child's reach. If you have firearms, ensure that they are secured in an out of reach safe. You’ll also want to make sure that all of your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers are in working condition and appropriately placed throughout the home. Oh, and you’ll want to make sure you have a first-aid kit in your house. Have the Room Ready: This isn’t a necessity, but if you know that you want a baby then go ahead and set-up the room that the baby is going to be sleeping in. Not only will it show that you have enough space for your new addition, but it will also show that you are dedicated to giving your new child everything they need. You’ll do Great: The home study can be a scary thing, and it’s okay to be nervous, it shows you care. Just stay calm, be yourselves, and follow the checklist exactly, and you’ll be well on your way to having a baby placed with you. Don’t worry; you’ll do great! Read Also: 5 Ways To Maintain And Decorate The Study Room For Kids Free Student Guide To Help You Achieve Exam Success

Pets and Kids

6 Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean (With Pets and Kids)

Maintaining a clean house is a difficult task; honestly, no one enjoys removing all the clutter, washing the dishes, dusting, vacuuming, etc. But as much as most of us run away from the chore we all know the importance of housekeeping and how it impacts our health. Things tend to get a bit, well maybe a lot more messy when you have kids and pets added to the picture. Our furry companions love some adventure around the house and tend to spread their food and water around while eating, knock things over and of course the pet hair around the house is another story. But the good news is that even a chore as tedious as cleaning can be made simple by following some hacks and tips, so keep reading as I share some marvelous tips for maintaining hygiene in your house 1. Invest in the Right Tools : You might not notice but using the right kind of tools can reduce effort and save time. For instance, cleaning pet hair around the house is one of the most challenging tasks. The fur gets everywhere, even gets embedded in the carpet fibers which becomes extremely difficult to remove. Well, the key is to purchase the right type of vacuum that has powerful suction to pick up the pesky pet hair. A robotic vacuum cleaner would be even better since it will save you a lot of effort. Similarly, make sure you have a quality lint roller (it is a life-saver in most situations) or latex gloves when you want to give your furniture or clothes a quick clean-up. 2. Bathe Your Pets : The secret to a clean house is clean pets since the dirt on your dog will eventually accumulate inside your home. Develop a bathing routine for your pup, be sure not to overdo it since you don’t want to dry out the oils in his skin. Use a good quality dog shampoo while bathing and get your pup regular grooming to reduce shedding. Since dogs that itch shed more hair, use tick and flea repellents for dogs to prevent him from these parasites. 3. Use the Right Type of Furniture : One of the worst nightmares for any pet-parent is when their furniture has pet hair spread all over, and they are expecting guests over. No one wants their guests to be covered in their dog’s fur! Well, let me tell you that choosing the right type of furniture can make all the difference.  While selecting fabric for your furniture, choose leather/pleather or microfiber as these are easy to clean and the hair doesn’t stick to the material. Ultra suede and Crypton are also excellent choices for furniture as they are stain-resistant. Pro-Tip: Also stock up some decorative throws and use these to cover your sofa and bed to prevent pet-hair from sticking to the furniture. 4. Wash Pet Bedding : It is essential to wash your pet’s bed, blankets as these may hide harmful germs which our pets can transfer to other areas of the house. Wash the bedding weekly using a mild detergent without bleach on the hottest settings available. 5. Keep the Pet’s Area Clean : Our pets do have a specific area in the house where they like to chill or where they eat. Keeping these areas clean might be a difficult task, but regular cleaning will help prevent messes and thereby reduce effort. If you have a pet-bird, the room where the cage is placed is bound to get messy. To make cleaning simple use vinyl carpet protectors on the floor beneath the cage. Invest in a good quality stainless steel cage as they are easier to clean. Also, line it up with cage liners or newspapers to prevent the bottom from getting messy due to food and feces. 6. Use Pet-Safe Cleaning Products : Various cleaning agents contain harmful substances such as ammonia or bleach that can be toxic to our pets. While hunting for cleaning products look for ones that are pet-safe, eco-friendly and bio-degradable. If you don’t have these stocked up at home, don't panic in case of a pet emergency, as you can find some fantastic cleaners inside your house. Baking soda is a great deodorizer to freshen up the carpets and rugs; vinegar mixed with water is an alternative to floor cleaners and can be handy when pet accidents occur. Read Also : Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? Best-Corded Vacuum Cleaner


Cheap and Simple Tips to Give Your Bedroom a Makeover

We should invest in our bedroom. After all, this is our retreat after a long day, our haven. It’s where we can relax and meditate. You don’t have to break the bank to have a cozy bedroom. Whether you have a small space or a big and spacious bedroom, you can revamp your area at an affordable price. You can go ahead and search the net for whatever blog feels appropriate to your DIY bedroom makeover! Here are cheap and simple tips to give your bedroom a new look: Clean Your Room:   It’s free! If you've been the busy type, you may find old receipts scattered on your dresser, expired products, clothes you no longer use, trinkets, and knick-knacks that are just gathering dust. Some tips when cleaning your room include: Throw away things that no longer give value to you. Donate items that are still in good condition but you no longer need. Pass off items to friends and family that you may feel would better serve them than you. No matter how you style your room, a messy one will destroy its overall look and feel. Want to know why hotel rooms always have a very comfortable feeling? No unnecessary things are lingering around. Organize Your Products, Cosmetics, and Clothes: Bins, bins, and even more bins! Use one color and style of containers, and each one should store one category of products. Clear and transparent drawers give a sleek and polished look and let you see what’s inside. Your motto should be: Everything always has its place. Clothing pieces that are "loose" and "awkward" on hangers (like underwear, socks, ties, scarves) will look neat if you store them in organizers specifically made for them. Other ways you can organize your products, cosmetics, and clothes include: Start by decluttering and throwing away expired products and by donating clothing pieces that you haven’t used in the last six (6) months. Put your makeup brushes all in one cup holder, mug, or whatever you can find lying around your home that you haven’t necessarily been using anymore. If you have boxes that are unused, wrap and decorate these boxes so you can use them to store makeup by kind: blush, foundation, eyeshadows - all in their place. Sort and divide your clothes by kind: jackets all in one place, jeans, shirts, blouses, dresses, and so on. Sorting will help have all your clothes in plain sight. Maintain the organization system that you have created (so when you get an item, put it back to where it belongs - don’t mix and match again!) If you can use the space under your bed, do so. You can keep shoes hidden from sight to minimize clutter. Clean Those Sheets or Buy a New Set! Maybe you've put off cleaning your sheets in a long time. Now is the time to do it! A fresh, crisp, and clean set of sheets or colourful decorative bedding will significantly change the look of your room – and the feel of it, too. If you haven't already done so, now could also be the time to take advantage of that ongoing homeware sale. Making a big switch from your all-white set to being more adventurous and going for decorative bedding will totally revamp the look of your room! Buy new sheets to replace your dying, old ones. On this note, too, make sure your set of sheets match the overall theme and color scheme of your bedroom. Mismatched sheets will blotch the look of your room. The Floor Matters, Too: If replacing your flooring isn't on the budget right now, rugs can do just the trick. If your existing carpets are dirty and too old looking, then maybe like your sheets, it's about time to get new ones as well. A good trick is to use dark-colored rugs for high-traffic places like your bedroom door so that dirt isn't readily visible. For accent rugs, go bright or printed. Other tips when selecting a rug for your bedroom include: Study your floor plan and choose the rug that best fits the area that you’re going to fill. Focus on the style that suits your bedroom: floral, Persian, classic, geometric, monochromatic. See what your room needs. Choose the right material. For bedrooms, rugs made out of light elements are acceptable. Most importantly, pick a rug that you can maintain. Change Old Knobs, Hooks, Locks, and Hardware: Switching from silver to gold hardware or from gold to rose gold will do wonders. Just make sure that you stick to one hardware color! It’s not the right area for you to mix and match. Cabinet knobs and handles of different styles and materials are available in hardware stores and online, and installing them is as easy as one, two, three! Here are some tips on how to choose the perfect style and colour for your bedroom: Always stick to your theme. Don’t forget about functionality! Pick the kind of hardware that you’re comfortable using. Have the same finish throughout either glossy, nickel, matte, brass, etc. Remember the quality. Don’t settle for hardware with decorative purposes only. Make sure your chosen one will last you for years. You’re trying to stay cheap - not to remodel every year. Buy Brand New Lights and Lamps: Manufacturers usually come up with new and innovative lights and lamps each season. Having one statement piece will move your room from boring and dull to creative and soothing. (Bonus tip: yellow lights in your bedroom will set the mood for relaxation. Imagine yourself being in a hotel room in the comfort of your own home every night! Here are some tips when choosing the perfect light: Go for LED lights. You want to be an eco-warrior, too. Dimmer switches are perfect for your bedroom! Here you can control the brightness, which makes your overall ambiance more relaxing. Keep your lamps close to your bed - so you can have the convenience of not having to stand up each time you want to switch on (or off) a lamp. Make sure the lighting you choose is easy to maintain. Install a Headboard or Hang an Art Piece: A headboard can instantly bring elegance into your room. You don’t even have to buy a new bed at all. Hanging up a piece of art or a portrait on top of your headboard will also make your room look well put together. Wall clocks can be a good option as well, aim to choose the best wall clock to complement your bedroom. Wall clocks are artistic and modern which is the perfect piece for a room makeover. Go Green! Add in plants that require little to no sun exposure at all. If you can, however, go for fresh plants. Plastic plants cost more and will also collect dust and dirt. Certain plants can even cleanse and purify the air in your room naturally. Plant baskets have also become quite popular with so many beautiful options. Use Only One Color of Hangers: Hang all your clothes in a uniform direction and use only one color for all your hangers. Doing this will instantly reduce eyestrain. Black is a great color option as it neutralizes the various shapes and styles of clothing pieces that you may have. Repaint Your Room: Even if this is all you’ll focus on, a fresh new paint color will improve and change the overall look of your room. If you can do it yourself or ask a friend to help you out, then the better! You’ll be able to save more money. Try incorporating in an accent wall with prints or one with a different color. Some tips when choosing the right paint color includes: Choose your inspiration and know your theme. Be sure your paint color will match your theme. Make sure your paint color will look good when the lighting is either on or off. If you’re still confused, go for neutrals. Don’t be afraid to use testers first. Don't Forget the Details: Make your small room look bigger by installing a mirror. Increase height by using vertical blinds or curtains. Add in photo frames. Buy an alarm clock that can also serve as a decoration. If you’re going for a boho-chic look, you can put up string lights or fairy lights. Overall: Use these ideas to get started. Take a quick look at your room and see where and how you can apply any of these tips! A brand new place is now at the tip of your hands. Get those creative juices flowing and sleep sound and well tonight. Read Also: 5 Ways To Make A Big Statement In Small Bedroom 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space