When Will Social Media Addiction Be Considered a Mental Health Condition?

Published on: 09 October 2018 Last Updated on: 06 June 2021
Social Media Addiction

Digital addiction is not a bona fide medical term – yet – but we are getting closer. The 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), released this June by the World Health Organization has introduced “Gaming disorder” as a true mental health condition. It has three categories – predominantly online, predominantly offline, and “unspecified” that covers pretty much every other disorder related to video games. Thus, video game addiction has officially become a mental health condition that can be diagnosed and treated by medical professionals.

What will be next? Well, one of the things that might make it into the next edition of the IDC is social media addiction, a phenomenon increasingly discussed by medical professionals all over the world.

What is social media addiction?

Today, communication is done mainly through digital channels – especially social networks like Facebook and its Messenger app, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Snapchat, and many others. Aside from allowing people to keep in contact and up-to-date with the things their friends and acquaintances do, these digital channels also create a sense of belonging among their users. But just like with any other product out there, moderation is key. Excessive use of social media is known to have a negative impact on the health and well-being of users. And the young – usually, they are the most enthusiastic about new services and technologies – are the most exposed to these negative effects.

A number of studies have been conducted to assess how excessive social media use affects the health of users. Many of them have reached the same conclusion – excessive social media use is associated with several psychological problems, ranging from depression and anxiety to ADHD and even addiction. This affects a minority of individuals but the effects are undeniable.

Smartphone rehab and digital detox:

The problem is big enough to prompt some in-depth studies and even treatment programs on the matter. A study conducted last year in the United Kingdom shows that kids as young as 12 have an issue maintaining a good balance between their “real” life and their digital one. At the same time, kids as young as 13 are reportedly being treated for “digital technology addiction” in the United States. There are “smartphone rehab” centers in many cities, offering recovery programs for teens unable to keep their use of digital devices under control. Sooner rather than later, excessive digital technology and social media use will be defined as a genuine mental disorder and be treated as such.

Until then, be sure to be a good example for your kids, reduce your phone use, and schedule “tech-free” activities to keep phone use at bay.

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inpatient rehabilitation facility

What You Need To Know About Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

During an inpatient rehab program, a substance abuse individual lives at the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility. The inpatient treatments are best suited for individuals who require extensive care as they are going through with serious addictions of alcohol or drugs. An effective Inpatient program also works well to treat other conditions related to mental health. Understandably, staying at the rehab facility can be a bit difficult for addictive individuals, but it is quite beneficial to control daily life triggers or cravings for substance use. Thus, living in a healthy environment can ensure speedy and guaranteed recovery. Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility: A licensed inpatient treatment center offers 24/7 intensive support and care. The expert staff is trained enough to take good care of substance abuse patients. An inpatient rehab program consists of three stages: detox, reflection, and growth. This program is operational to motivate patients to come back to their normal life and regain a positive approach. They enjoy drug-free and alcohol-free lifestyles after the completion of their treatment sessions. These sessions can be short-term and long-term, depending on a patient’s condition. Typically, an addictive person stays at residential facilities from 6-12 months. Conversely, for a short-term facility, the duration is about 3-6 weeks. Benefits of Inpatient Rehab Programs: The inpatient rehab programs have to offer several life-changing benefits to patients for overcoming their addiction problems. These programs are well-structured to provide an efficient healing environment for a successful recovery. A rehab program provides an individualized treatment that helps a patient in identifying underlying issues that caused addiction. It attempts to build a productive, healthy, and happy lifestyle for a patient. The benefits include: Both the long-term and short-term rehab sessions are precisely planned to help patients with detoxification and prepare them for a new life after the completion of treatments. The inpatient rehabilitation facility offers 24/7 care and support. The inpatient residential rehabs provide non-hospital settings. So, the patients don’t feel alone or homesick. They get to work on overcoming their addiction problems in the most feasible and convenient manner. The treatments are relatively focused and structured to deliver the right support in dealing with all kinds of substance abuse disorders. The treatments cater to all aspects of addiction that might include factors like a relationship, lifestyle, personal history, financial situation, etc. The Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility includes focused medical attention and safe housing to cater to the needs of patients who are troubling with severe mental health disorders. Although an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility is expensive when compared to affordable outpatient rehab, it delivers a higher success rate. It means a healthy life is guaranteed even after the treatment. During this program, an addictive person doesn't have to face distractions of everyday life. The program is designed for people with severe addiction issues, so the addictive individuals have to stay in the facilities for as long as required. When deciding on a rehab program for yourself or someone you love, you need to remember that treatment can be highly challenging and costly. But, it’s always said that the cost of treatment is lower than the cost of addiction. Read Also: Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective? The CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again

Non-Alcoholic Spirits

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Alcoholic Spirits

Spirits are traditionally defined as alcoholic beverages that have been distilled instead of undergoing fermentation. Hence, it sounds wrong or illogical to put the terms “non-alcoholic” and “spirits” together. However, there are indeed non-alcoholic spirits sold on the market. These specialty drinks also claim to offer benefits without a significant change in taste. To clarify, though, being non-alcoholic does not mean the complete elimination of the inebriant content. Drinks are considered non-alcoholic as long as their alcohol content is lower than 0.5%. These drinks may also be referred to as “virgin drinks,” which can be juices, ready-to-drink coffee and tea, wines, beers, and soft drinks. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Alcoholic Spirits: Advantages: The elimination or significant reduction of alcohol creates a number of benefits. Alcohol has long been identified as a damaging substance for the body. It can cause liver disease, pancreatitis, cancer, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal problems, damage to the brain, osteoporosis, immune system degradation, and malnourishment as alcohol prevents the regular absorption of vitamins and minerals. Of course, there's also the distinct advantage of not having a hangover. Alcohol is responsible for the unpleasant feeling that includes headaches, vomiting, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, shakiness, and stomach pain. Drinking an alcohol-free alternative to beer, wine, or liquor means that you will not have to suffer the unwanted after-effects. On the other hand, there have are claims that non-alcoholic alternatives to the usual alcoholic drinks can be good for the cardiovascular system and overall health. One specific research to this regard is the study published in the journal Nutrition, which involves Spanish nuns who drank non-alcoholic beer for 45 days. After doing a blood test, the researchers found that the nuns had elevated levels of antioxidants in their bloodstream. This was limited research, though, so it cannot be regarded as conclusive. Nevertheless, it's good to know that switching to non-alcoholic alternatives can create a positive impact on health. Disadvantages: The main disadvantage of spirits that are considered non-alcoholic is the experience; they don’t taste and feel the same. People consume these kinds of drinks because of the “kick,” so they wittingly suffer the hangover in order to get the psychological benefits, particularly the temporary alleviation of negative feelings, stress, anxiety, and shyness. These “benefits” may not sound like real advantages to some, but these are what alcohol drinkers have been accustomed to. They think to take these away is like taking away the purpose of drinking alcoholic beverages in the first place. For those who want to switch to non-alcoholic drinks to recover from alcoholism, consuming beverages that smell and taste the same as the drink being avoided can cause a relapse and craving for the real thing, so be cautious of your own habits. Non-alcoholic spirits are not the perfect solution to get out of alcoholism or to enjoy alcohol without unwanted after-effects., as they obviously have advantages and disadvantages. Consuming them is a matter of individual preference and compatibility. Read Also: Tequila, The Alcoholic Cure-All? Am I Drinking Too Much? 5 Subtle Signs You Are (Even If You Don’t Think So) Is Outpatient Treatment For Drug And Alcohol Addiction Effective? 6 Tips For Feeling Comfortable And Confident On A Date Without Alcohol Not On The Straight And Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs Of Drug Use In Teens

Medication Cost

Elements Figuring out the Medication Cost

There are lots of factors to consider when figuring out the medication cost of assisted living. The best way to figure this out is to compare different options and determine what works best for you. For example, you may need to pay for a level of care, but you can also find an affordable option that has an all-inclusive price. This means that the price includes everything, including meals, utilities, transportation, and other activities. Some all-inclusive prices include medical services, too. This is a good choice for those who have many needs. One bill covers everything and will leave you without worrying about each penny. #Vary from Community to Community The costs of assisted living vary greatly from community to community. Most communities have a base fee, and then charge extra for more services. This means that the monthly cost of care will go up. For example, a tier-one facility will have only basic services, while a tier five facility will offer more comprehensive health care. #Residential Unit The medication cost of assisted living depends on several factors. The price you pay will depend on how much assistance your loved one requires, and the size of the residential unit. The cost will also depend on the type of services that your loved one needs. Some facilities have nurses who can administer their medications, while others have staff who are more limited in their services. #Vary by Location and Level of Care The price of assisted living can vary by location and level of care that you need. Depending on the area you live in, you can expect to pay $1,400 to $4,600 per month for an independent living community. The most expensive option will be a nursing home, which provides more comprehensive healthcare. For this reason, it's best to compare the two options before making a decision. #Factors Influencing Medication Costs While most residents choose to pay from their resources, many people will need to consider some factors before making this decision. The cost of assisted living in California will be higher than the national average. For low-income residents, it is important to consider where the person lives. Some people prefer to live in a community where their relatives live. #Making a Decision The medication cost of assisted living is one of the most important factors to consider before making a decision. While it can be a considerable expense, it is often necessary for the aging adult to remain in a place where he can receive the best care. Consequently, this is a great opportunity for the veteran to maximize his or her benefits. #Funded by Federal Government Depending on your state, Medicaid covers a portion of the cost of assisted living. However, it is important to check the fine print of the contract carefully before signing any agreement. You may be able to qualify for assistance through the medication of your choice. You can also qualify for additional help if you are unable to afford the care you need. If you need assistance, the medication cost of assisted living may be the only option. #Financial Assistance Program Because Medicare does not cover assisted living, many older adults do not qualify for it. There are also several different levels of care, depending on the level of health. While some are more expensive than others, the benefits of these programs should still be worth it. If you do qualify for these programs, you will be able to get some help for your aging parents. #Charge a Fee for Medication You can get a free estimate of the medication cost of assisted living by completing an online form. Then, contact the facilities to get a quote. You can also contact the nursing homes directly to ask for more information. This will help you make an informed decision. Whether you need in-home or out-of-home care, you should be able to pay the medication cost. Image Source: https://lovingassistedliving.com/cost-assisted-living/ Read Also: Strengthening Your Community In 2018 Become A Foster Parent – Make An Impact On The Community Wpc16 Com Dashboard Review – All You Need To Know