Why A2 Hosting Is One Of The Best Hosting

Published on: 05 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Managed WordPress Hosting has gained much popularity among web hosting providers, it is a hosting plan that is exclusively designed for WordPress. The aim of this plan is to ease the stress of WordPress users by taking responsibilities for most technical aspect while leaving contents generation to the website owner. Cool! Right? Someone will be maintaining your website while you will be posting contents. And this is not even the only benefit of Managed WordPress Hosting, there are more.

Managed WordPress Hosting is a name generated for the concept of the hosting plan “to manage WordPress websites on behalf of the owner”, so it is not exclusive to any web hosting service provider but is variably packed with features from one provider to another. A2hosting.com Managed WordPress Hosting is the best deal you can get. It offers so many awesome features that will definitely surprise you, some of the features are; 20X turbo server, free JetPack personal license, site staging, WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface) and many more.

Advantages of A2Hosting Managed WordPress Hosting:


  • Super-fast: 20X faster than typical hosting server is tested and confirmed, so it is very real. Website speed has a lot to contribute to traffic, user experience and SEO. A2Hosting Managed WordPress Hosting is a dedicated hosting plan where a website is isolated with more than enough resources.
  • Security: a website hosted on a dedicated server is almost hack-proof because its isolation decreases vulnerability to attacks. Plus A2hosting has installed firewalls and have security experts monitoring your server 24/7 for any suspicious activities.
  • Automatic backup/updates: what is more comforting than never having to worry about updating your WordPress core files and its components. Your sites content and database will be automatically backed up every single day and you will have access to various restore points just in case you decide to roll back.
  • 24/7 uptime and supports: customers support is one of the very sure ways of solving problems quickly, solving problems is even faster when you can contact customer support and have your solutions immediately; such is the case with A2hosting customer supports team, they are fast, reliable and always available. Furthermore, there is no such thing as downtime on A2hosting servers, you will only experience 99.9% uptime.
  • Developer Tools: various tools such as code editor and debugger, site-staging tools etc. are available for developer’s convenience.

Who needs A2hosting Managed WordPress Hosting?

Everybody that has a WordPress website does need A2hosting Managed WordPress Hosting plan. It is useful for small, medium or large websites. Even if your WordPress website is currently small or medium size, do you doubt it can later boom off? And that is why you need to be prepared with adequate resources. For larger websites, there is a no better option to run their WordPress website with less hassle.

A2hosting Managed WordPress Hosting is affordable and has three different plans suitable for your individual hosting needs. Get more information or purchase via https://www.a2hosting.com/wordpress-hosting/managed/compare.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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web hosting

What Makes a Web Hosting Good?

Deciding on a good web host is as important as setting up other business essentials, perhaps more. Be it a small set-up or initiation of a big venture, failure is guaranteed if you make an ordinary choice. So how do we make a smart choice for a good host? Every individual or a business would want to go with one which provides optimum performance with maximum benefits in all respects. Pricing, ease of support, complimentary features, etc. to mention a few. PERFORMANCE - Uptime is a great measure of how good a hosting provider is at keeping its systems up and running. A high uptime percentage close to 100% means they are putting in substantial effort towards superior performance. Disk space is the amount of space allotted to your website. Don't let it be limited if you’re planning to maintain cumbersome blogs, an e-commerce site, visual content & videos for your business. If a hosting company has difficulty accommodating that, it would reflect in your conversions. You sure need pure unlimited space for your website. Bandwidth is nothing but the amount of data your website will pass to the customer. Videos and graphics take more bandwidth than plain HTML. Ensure that you’ve got enough to support your website traffic. Page speed makes a difference when browsing through a website. It can lead to frustration and one might lose on prospects and clients if the speed is below expectation. Ensure that your website has good speed. Read More: Why Server Colocation Hosting in India is becoming more popular than Dedicated Servers? PRICING - You don't have to overpay. All your essentials can easily be met at $5 per month. If you are going with a free provider, be ready for limited usage (free hosts have their own usage restrictions). Before going in for a purchase, understand the pricing structure clearly. Down payment, recurring subscription fee and any other payment for add-ons. There could be instances when things might go wrong, in which case, you may want to cancel the host. It's important to know how your web hosting provider handles this. Does it offer any retention packages or has a well-defined refund policy. To get a discount on web hosting, you can visit the Shared Hosting Coupon site. When starting a website, you need to find a good domain name that represents your brand or business. It is typically sold for a price. Now if you are deciding on a hosting provider too, you might get it for free. SUPPORT - The internet is always ON. Ensure that you get an excellent and preferably a 24x7 customer support. If possible, test the response of the hosting provider before you indulge in any long term contract. Online chat service provides an instant resolution, unlike emails or tickets. Opt for a hosting provider that has a user-friendly and a functional control panel. You would need this, at least for some basic changes that you can do on your own. Also, get your business name and address displayed on the hosting provider website for appropriate visibility. Let’s make our choice easier by looking at the infographic below -

White Label Link Building

The Top 3 Benefits Of Using A White Label Link Building Service

If you're unfamiliar with white label services, they are a turnkey solution that allows you to outsource and rebrand services as your own. In the case of link building, a white-label service means that you can have someone else do the heavy lifting while you focus on other parts of your business. When you outsource link building to a white-label service, you can save significant money. The cost of hiring in-house link builders can be high, and it can be challenging to find quality link builders. Link building can be time-consuming, but when you outsource it to a white-label service, you can free up your time to focus on other parts of your business. Keep reading to learn more about white label link building. What Are The Top Benefits Of White-Label Link Building? When you're looking to get your website the links it needs to rank higher, there are a few options available to you. You can do all the link-building yourself, hire an individual freelancer, or use a white-label link-building service. If you're looking for the best possible results, using a white-label link-building service is the way to go. Here are three benefits of doing so: Quality links: One of the most significant benefits of using a white-label link-building solution is that you'll get access to high-quality links. These links come from reputable websites with high domain authority, which will help your website rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Not only will this increase traffic to your website, but it will also help improve your brand's reputation and credibility online. Increased efficiency Using a white-label link-building service saves time and energy. Rather than spending hours researching potential links and contacting web admins individually to request them, white-label link-building services will take care of all of that for you. This leaves you free to focus on other aspects of your business, such as content creation or marketing, while still seeing improved search engine rankings and more website traffic. Cost-effective solution Using a white-label link-building service is often more cost-effective than hiring an individual freelancer or doing all the work yourself. This is because most quality services offer packages that include various links, as well as regular tracking and reporting so that you can see how your website's SEO is progressing over time. This allows you to get better results for less money than if you were to try and do everything yourself. What Are Backlinks? White-label services offer high-quality links because they have access to a large pool of websites and domains that they can use to create links. This increases the diversity of your backlinks, which can help you rank higher in search engines. Backlinks are links from other websites that lead to your website. They are essential because they are one of the main ways search engines determine a website's rank. The more backlinks a website has, the higher it will rank on SERPs. Why Are Backlinks Important? There are a few reasons why backlinks are so important. Backlinks are a direct measure of a website's popularity. The more backlinks a website has, the more popular it is. They are also a significant factor in how a website is ranked. The higher a website ranks, the more likely it is to be found by potential customers. Finally, backlinks are a source of referral traffic. This traffic can be valuable because it often comes from people who are already interested in a website's products or services. When you outsource your link building to a professional service, they will be able to help you build links more quickly and consistently than if you were to attempt to do it yourself. This increased velocity will result in better rankings and more stable SERPs as your links continue to grow in strength. Additionally, outsourcing your link-building will give your website an immediate boost in authority which can help improve all other aspects of your online marketing efforts. Read Also: Best Monthly SEO package for 2020How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website?The Importance of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services


Tips And Tricks To Gaining Great Results From PPC

PPC can be difficult to get right, particularly if you have a limited level of experience, but with a detailed plan as well some planning beforehand you can create a campaign that delivers outstanding results. In this article, we will be looking into some of the tips and tricks at your disposal to deliver great PPC results. Choose The Perfect Bidding Strategy For PPC Getting the perfect bidding strategy is a time-consuming process but it can help to take your PPC campaign to the next level. By bidding on keywords with a higher search volume you are likely to see a return of investment as your ad will place you on the first page of Google even when using a PPC Essex service. Though bidding on expensive keywords can lead to an expensive start-up cost, this could be a benefit to the business depending on the amount of traffic you gain to the keyword. Time Your Ad Placement Perfectly Though bidding on keywords is essential to a successful campaign, the time that the ad is showing can make or break the campaign. This needs to be perfectly timed to coincide with the target audience to ensure the best possible results. Therefore, a corporate target market will be on their phones or commuting early in the morning and later on in the evening, this, therefore, means that you will put your advertisement up at these times. However, a younger target audience will need to be marketed between school hours and at lunchtime for the best possible results. Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion To Your Advantage Dynamic keyword insertion is one of the ways that you can improve click-through rates to your website when running a PPC campaign. This is a clever strategy particularly for smaller businesses as you are making any links in home pages look natural whilst generating call to actions that are engaging. This is important when running a PC campaign as you want the best possible results to capture as much of the organic traffic as possible for the money that you are paying to be advertised on the first page of Google. Keep Trying And Testing Though PPC is beneficial on its own, it can also be used alongside an SEO strategy to provide faster results and capture more of organic traffic. Whether you are running it as a stand-alone campaign or as part of a collective it is important to try and test a number of different keywords as well as call to actions. This is important when looking to generate quality leads as different keywords may have a differing search volume. Though this can take time to get the perfect combination of keywords and call to actions, this will benefit you in the long term when it comes to campaign success. With this in mind, there are a number of ways that you can improve the outreach of your PPC campaign and deliver an outstanding return on investment when timing is right. Where will you start with your next PPC campaign? Read Also : Top 4 Reasons To Outsource White Label PPC For Your Business Organic Traffic Vs. Paid: Where Should You Focus Your Budget?