Cloud Hosting: Top five reasons to take your business to the cloud

Published on: 08 May 2018 Last Updated on: 27 January 2024
Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting refers to the potential of making websites and applications available on the Internet with the help of the cloud. Since the previous couple of years, cloud hosting services have gained a lot of popularity. Not only do they have a lot of benefits but also the way of the future. Here are five reasons you should move to the cloud.

Easier collaboration and maintenance :

Gone are the times when all your documents and data was saved on hard drives and you’ had to either back it up or regularly or risk losing all of your valuable data. By putting your data and software on the cloud you can make all your data resources available online anytime, at any place, from any device. The central hub of your system is no longer the hard drive. Using the cloud to store your data will make it easier to collaborate and maintain your data as all of your data is stored in one location instead of different hard drives and partitions.

Easier access to data :

The times of carrying hard drives and flash drives with you on business trips are gone. By putting your data in the cloud, you don’t have to worry about copying presentations on to flash drives that can easily be lost or misplaced. If you transfer your business to the cloud, all your data resources will be at your fingertips no matter where you go. Of course, the place has to have an internet connection but in today’s day and age what place doesn’t?

Saves budget :

By taking your business to the cloud, you can significantly reduce the amount of money you spend to set up and maintain your data resources. You don’t have to spend any more resources on data centers, large hardware arrays, hard drives, rental space to build your servers, or any similar expenses. By using the cloud, you can utilize space that belongs to somebody else and use it as long as you require. Also, you only have to pay for what you use.

This way, you can easily adjust usage based on your income and server demands. This feature of the cloud-based business is great for businesses that have varying demands. You can always increase the storage space and computing resources as you require. At the same time, you can reduce them when you don’t need them. Also, the budget you spend on employees to manage your servers is also saved.

Improved data security :

Keeping your data in the cloud is likely far safer than building your own servers. Most cloud providers put loads of effort into keeping the data of their clients free from unauthorized access by cybercriminals and government interference. The physical security conditions of server farms are generally quite better, too, as server farms are kept under 24-hour surveillance and strict lock. is an online hosting provider that is well known for its security and many automated features it provides.

It is the way of the future :

Frankly, you will have to take your business to the cloud now or later if you don’t want to be left behind. Cloud-based business in the gateway to innovation and as we progress towards a paperless environment, it is becoming a sudden necessity.

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Website Downtime

The Beginners Guide To Dealing With Website Downtime

According to recent research, the average website is down for about three hours per month as a result of downtime to web hosting servers. The 99.9% uptime guarantee and refund policies offered by most to hosting provider, won't matter if you have lost traffic as a result of downtime. On average businesses can lose $10.6 million a year as a result of website downtime.  What Are The Major Causes Of Website Downtime?  Website downtime occur for reasons,some of them include:  Website code issues: poor programming can cause heavy loads on servers which leads to database error then eventually, makes the site unresponsive  Hacker attacks: a website can be brought down by attack from hackers in various ways - the server can be overloaded with DOS attacks, or malicious code is injected to steal security credentials - either way, the website owners are often forced to shut down the site in order to resolve the problem.  Data Centre issues: downtime can be caused by the hosting company itself. In this instance, uptime monitoring tools come in handy because they allow you to track the reliability of your web hosting company.  Increased traffic: increased traffic is probably one of the leading causes of website downtime. The only way to keep your site up and running even when there is a traffic surge is to engage the services of a reliable web hosting provider - a fully functional optimized website would be useless if your web host is unreliable.  How To Protect Your Website From Downtime  It's been established, website downtime can negatively impact an online business bottom line, therefore it is important to have protective measures in place to safeguard your business. Some of these methods include:  DNS management: is a service that automatically reroutes traffic from the affected server to a secondary server.  Backup recovery: setting up a secondary hosting account with a different hosting provider on a different server is a great backup option, that makes it easy for you to get your website online if your primary server experiences downtime  CDN: this network will basically store and deliver all cached content from your website and will protect it, in the occurrence of any short time downtime.  The combination of DNS management, a content delivery network (CDN) and a backup host- backup listing will go a long way in protecting your website from experiencing short or long-term downtime.  How To Avoid Prolonged Downtime With A Great Website Recovery Plan  Website downtime is unavoidable -site updates, extreme weather or equipment upgrade can cause website downtime. A website recovery plan and backup are are important to keep unplanned downtime from adversely affecting your business. Before setting up a website backup and recovery plan, you would need to put up - website monitoring systems in place to track website uptime. These monitoring tools provide vital information regarding website performance and availability.  With these tools, you can create a different test (checks on your website), to accurately narrow down the root cause of the problem and take adequate steps to correct it. These checks have to be set up outside of the basic HTTPS check the include-checking against known databases of virus and malware sources, record changes to DNS records and so on.  Set up a downtime page  The best time to set up a downtime page is when you still have access to your website. It comes in handy when there unplanned downtime or planned downtime. This page informs your visitor that you are on top of the situation. Putting up a 'service unavailable' or a 'website undergoing maintenance' message on a page is a great way to keep credibility and show that you have control of the situation.  How To Handle Website Downtime  1. Confirm site downtime: before taking any major step, you need to verify that your website is really down - that is, make sure it isn't a problem with your Internet connection or browser. To be extra certain, use a different computer to test out your website.  2. Find the cause: you should try to ascertain what caused the downtime -hardware issues, a programming error, expired domain or a DNS problem?  3. Get in touch with IT support: get in touch with the support of your web host and get assistance for the issue. if you choose a great web host, you should have ready support available.  4. Inform your website users about the downtime: it is imperative that your website visitors are not left in the dark. Put out messages on your social media account to keep your customers informed about what is going on and that your business is taking steps to address the problem. If it is a planned all downtime, it is good practice to send out a warning message detailing the date and time of site maintenance. 5. Check-in with IT: communicate regularly with IT and offer any information they may need regarding the web server or your website. You should also get an estimate of how long it would take for the problem to be solved.  6. Remain calm: this is tough to do but it is important to remember that website downtime can affect anyone and it is not the end of the world. Keeping calm is a great way to stay on top of the situation and resolve it quickly.  In Conclusion  A website is an integral part of a business's online success. Because of the great number of website downtime, it is imperative that downtime is dealt with swiftly to avoid long-term repercussions -loss of clients loyalty, the revenue.  Thankfully, major search engine websites like Google have put measures in place to help website owners mitigate SEO ranking damage by providing a way out. Read Also: What Makes A Good Mobile Website 7 Advantages Of Using Website Design Templates Winning Tactics To Build A Competitive Service Delivery Website

Cloud Recruitment Software

Transitioning To Cloud Recruitment Software: Benefits And Considerations

In the fast-paced world of modern recruiting, staying competitive and efficient is crucial. As technology continues to evolve, traditional recruitment methods are being replaced by more advanced solutions. One such solution gaining popularity is cloud recruitment software. In this article, we will explore the benefits of transitioning to cloud recruitment software and discuss the considerations that recruiters must keep in mind during the process. What Is Cloud Recruitment Software? Cloud recruitment software, also known as applicant tracking systems (ATS), is a SaaS-based solution that enables organizations to streamline their recruitment process by managing candidates, job openings, and hiring workflows in a centralized, online platform. This software eliminates the need for manual data entry, provides real-time updates, and facilitates collaboration among team members. The ATS is a particular type of onboarding software. It is available as on-premise systems and cloud-based software. Any application tracking system takes time to deploy (irrespective of the models). Ultimately, the process becomes quite efficient and fast, and experts opine that it saves time for every hire.  However, the cloud-based application tracking system gives a major advantage compared to the on-premise recruitment software.  Benefits Of Cloud Recruitment Software Cloud recruitment software has evolved as one of the most suitable recruitment techniques compared to existing systems. The following section discusses some of the core advantages of cloud software.  1. Enhanced Accessibility And Collaboration Cloud recruitment software breaks down geographical barriers and allows recruiters to access the platform from anywhere with an internet connection. This increased accessibility leads to better collaboration among hiring teams, ensuring that everyone stays on the same page throughout the hiring process. 2. Improved Candidate Sourcing And Management With cloud recruitment software, recruiters can easily source candidates from various channels, such as job boards, social media, and employee referrals. The software's candidate relationship management systems help in building and nurturing relationships with potential candidates, ensuring a robust talent pool for future requirements. 3. Time And Cost Savings Automating repetitive tasks and streamlining the recruitment process results in significant time and cost savings. Cloud recruitment software reduces manual paperwork, shortens the time to fill positions, and optimizes the hiring budget. 4. Data-Driven Decision Making The software provides in-depth analytics and reporting features that enable data-driven decision-making. Recruiters can track key metrics, such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and source of hire, to assess the effectiveness of their recruitment strategies and make necessary improvements. 5. Scalability And Flexibility Cloud recruitment software is designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. Its scalable nature ensures that it can grow alongside the organization's needs. Additionally, the software's flexibility allows for customization to align with specific recruitment workflows. 6. Quick To Deploy The cloud-based software deployment can be done within days or weeks compared to the existing or, say, the premise-based hiring system. The entire deployment of the system includes creating user accounts, migrating the data, and then customizing the features and tools. Also, many cloud-based systems are armed with chatbots and training elements that enhance the knowledge base of the seeker.  The particular resources are much more effective in providing the training. But in contrast to it, the premise-based software takes months to integrate into the system.  7. Technical Support Technical support is included in the premium services of the SaaS recruitment system. The best cloud recruitment software is integrated with the technical prowess to cater to the needs of the stakeholders. When you compared it with the existing software, it required a full in-house team to maintain data security. A full-fledged IT team was also required for the software update and security of data.  8. Security  With the help of the on-premise hiring software, you can not mingle between security and control. The HR recruitment software, if powered by the cloud-based vendor, offers a far more secure system compared to the existing technology.  Cloud-based technology is quite safe, and bulk data management is quite easy. You do not have to hire local servers to safeguard your data.   9. Integration The best recruitment software integrates with that of the recruitment tool. Some examples of IT include job board applications and onboarding software. The HR tech integration integration has traversed huge distances. Thus, hiring the tools integrated with the voluminous HR system. 10. Access To Mobile Phones  There is nothing better than mobile phone compatibility. The same is considered for the cloud recruitment software. With systems integrated with mobile phones, you can allow your recruitment HR professionals to work from home. It is, therefore, a major advantage compared to what was used previously.  Besides this, the cloud-based recruitment software enhances the experience as they always seek an easy-to-use system. This is why companies are slowly thinking of shifting from legacy software to that of the cloud system. Considerations For Transitioning To Cloud Recruitment Software Are you looking to transition from on-premise hiring to cloud recruitment software? Then, in that case, you will have to keep certain considerations in mind.  1. Data Security And Compliance As recruiters handle sensitive candidate information, data security should be a top priority. When transitioning to cloud recruitment software, ensure that the provider adheres to industry-leading security standards and compliance regulations. 2. Integration With Existing Systems Before making the switch, consider the compatibility of the new software with your existing HR or CRM systems. Seamless integration ensures smooth data flow and avoids duplication of efforts. 3. User-Friendly Interface And Training Choose a cloud recruitment software with an intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate. Proper training and onboarding for the recruitment team will accelerate the adoption of the new system. 4. Vendor Support And Upgrades Select a reputable vendor that offers reliable customer support and regular software upgrades. This ensures that your recruitment software remains up-to-date with the latest features and security patches. Final Thoughts Transitioning to cloud recruitment software can revolutionize your hiring process and bring unparalleled efficiency to your recruitment efforts. Embracing this technology allows you to stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving talent landscape. Remember to consider data security, integration, user-friendliness, and vendor support when making the switch. Read Also: CRMDialer: A Zoho Alternative 6 Top CRM For Small Businesses In 2019 Cold Calling Script For Successful Sales Persons

Gel Blasters

Gel Blasters Vs. Airsoft Guns – What To Choose For Your Next Game

If you are looking for high-adrenaline activities that will get your heart pumping – you should play airsoft or any other game that involves toy guns. If you are not into airsoft, you could opt for gel plaster guns. But – how are gel plaster guns different from airsoft guns? If you are wondering about the same thing, then you are here at the right place. Let us assess the essential differences between both toy guns and determine how the gel blaster guns are a better alternative to airsoft guns. Keep reading! What are Gel Blaster Guns? Also known as gel blasters, gel blaster guns shoot gel beads. The gel beads contain water, which makes them a safer alternative to the plastic pellets used in airsoft guns. The gel beads are ideal for CQB skirmishes as well. What are Airsoft Guns? Airsoft guns are the first type of toy guns introduced to the world. Originating from Japan, airsoft guns were made as an alternative for civilians who were prohibited from owning real guns. Despite their incredibly realistic experience, airsoft guns are essentially toys. Airsoft guns are banned in some countries due to the high velocities with which they shoot plastic pellets. The Essential Differences between Gel Blaster Guns & Airsoft Guns Both guns – the airsoft guns and gel blasters are fun to use in outdoor battle games. But – there are a few differences between both toy guns, including safety, ammunition, and legal aspects. Safety Despite the fact that airsoft guns and gel blaster guns are toy guns – these two aren’t the same when it comes to safety. The pellets used as ammunition for the airsoft guns are made of hard plastic, which makes them painful. This aspect perfectly explains why you might want to get one of the top-rated sniper gel blasters in Australia – especially – if it is your first game. Compared to gel blasters, the pellets shot by airsoft guns can cause injuries. Gel balls – on the other hand – burst upon contact, which could make it impossible for them to bruise them. Nonetheless, it is essential to mention here that irrespective of whether you are playing with airsoft guns or gel blasters, you will always want to wear your protective gear. You will want to wear full-body protection – including a helmet and gloves- for airsoft guns. If you are getting your game mode on with gel blasters, you will want to ensure eye protection. Ammunition Both toy guns use different materials for ammunition. Gel blasters use gel balls that are made of sodium polyacrylate, which perfectly explains why gel balls are known as jelly or water beads. Before you use these gel balls as ammunition, you will want to soak them in water for at least four hours. You will want to allow the gel balls to soak properly so they can reach their full momentum. On the other hand, airsoft guns use plastic pellets which are about 6mm to 8mm in size. The plastic pellets are also known as bbs. Read Also: Does Vinegar Harm Gun Bluing? Not Sure How to Keep Gun Safe at Home? These Tips Work! How Gun and Security Gear Advanced through the Years Parts of a Gun: All You Need to Know About the Components of Your Firearm