Benefits that Employees Actually Look For

Published on: 14 February 2019 Last Updated on: 15 July 2024

As company culture is changing across US workplaces, potential employees are being more choosy about the things they’re looking for from an employer. Employees needs are different today, and so are the benefits people are looking for. To attract top talent, you’ll want to offer a strong benefits package with benefits employees are actually looking for. Recruiters are working harder to find top talent by helping companies create more attractive benefits offerings.

Benefits Offerings Should Change With the Times

In a recent survey by GlassDoor, approximately 60% of those asked said they strongly consider benefits and perks before accepting a job offer. A full 80% said they would prefer better benefits over a bump in pay and feel valued when employers offer good benefits. Job seekers are looking for a robust benefits package, that includes at least some of these.

Benefits that Employees Actually Look For:

Flexible Work Schedule:

This might mean the ability to work from home or adjust your work schedule on occasion. The goal is for employees to achieve a better work-life balance, especially those with children. Companies like Netflix are leading the industry in employee flexibility, giving workers autonomy to create a schedule that works for them, while still being productive. It may mean that parents of young children come in earlier than their co-workers and leave earlier to pick their kids up. This flexibility also allows for self-care and a sense of independence and helps companies attract and retain top talent.

Good Health Benefits:

Employees are not interested in bare-bones, fall down and break something insurance policies or those with high deductibles. More businesses are listening and offering more benefit-rich insurance, with the option for Flexible Spending Accounts or a wider variety of plans to choose from. Employers can also opt to cover a portion of employee’s coverage as a benefit. Health insurance may be the most expensive perk that you can offer employees, but it is one of the most important.

Better Vacation Time:

Employees want to be able to take time off as needed. Americans are notoriously bad at using vacation days and leave $224 billion dollars in vacation time behind annually. More companies are beginning to adopt open, or unlimited, vacation policies. This can be a win-win for both employers and workers, saving an average of $1,898 per employee annually. Companies save time and money by no longer having to track employee vacation or having to pay out unused vacation days. Employees benefit by taking days as they need them, delivering more flexibility and autonomy. It sends a message to employees that the company trusts them to make their own decisions, so long as their work is not affected.

Other Perks:

Things like paying for parking, offering tuition assistance or a free gym membership also rank high on the list for employees. Small gestures like free snacks go a long way with employees, making them feel valued. If you aren’t working hard to create meaningful personal connections with your employees, you are making a mistake. Showing genuine interest in them, and their families if applicable, goes a long way.

By offering meaningful benefits for your employees, you’ll boost morale, and retain a better workforce.

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Is Technology A Good Career Path

Is Technology A Good Career Path In 2021?

Is Technology A Good Career Path in 2021? How many jobs are available in the technology industry? What are the best paying jobs in the technology industry? In the next few years, jobs in the tech industry are expected to grow exponentially. The companies also need to transform to keep up with the future of work.  If you are looking into possibilities for a new career change or a new professional, a tech career can be a good kickstart for you. It is because this is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world that provides full of job opportunities.  There are also other sectors that you can choose as your career path and these are basic industries, electric utilities, consumer services, business services, industrial machinery/components, capital goods, precious metals, hotels/resorts, and much more. Is Technology A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. You get quick employment opportunities in every sector as the demand is very high. Certified professionals can even find jobs without a college degree and this is one of the great benefits for them. IT jobs will always be a good career path no matter what. These jobs will include long sitting at a computer and you must be prepared for the same beforehand.  This fastest-changing industry can change your life too if you utilize your knowledge and skills in the right way. This industry operates at a speed much faster than any other industry. Thus, technology is a good career path and can be the most rewarding in terms of salaries and opportunities. Why Is Information Technology Successful In A Business Career? There are many individuals who choose information technology as their career path due to the following reasons: Better Income You cannot deny the fact that IT professionals are well paid as compared to other sectors. A professional in the IT sector with the right mix of knowledge and certification can find a permanent position in both private and public industries. At the same time, this job can offer great career advancement opportunities for a hardworking and dedicated IT professional.  Fastest Changing Industry Another reason why technology is a good career path is due to its fastest changing industry and it is already discussed above. In this industry, there is always a demand for highly skilled workers. At the same time, you can never stop learning about new trends in this field because technology gets updated every now and then. Low Cost Of Education The low cost of Education is one of the prime reasons why information technology is successful in a business career. As compared to many career choices, the cost of education is comparatively low here.  The more certification and knowledge you acquire here, the more advance you would be in your career.  How Many Jobs Are Available In The Technology Industry? In the year 2017, there were over 7.3 million jobs available in the technology industry. Out of this, 6 million individuals worked in the private and the rest in the public and government sectors. However, in the year 2019, a new report from CompTIA says the United States tech sector grew by 2.3 million jobs in the last year. So, the US tech industry alone had around 12.1 million employees.  The above statistics show the actual worth of the tech industry as compared to other sectors. If you are looking for something rewarding and notable, you can switch your career in tech.  What Are The Best Paying Jobs In The Technology Industry? You get high rewards while working in the tech industry and some of the best paying jobs in the tech industry are: i) Artificial Intelligence (AI) The demand for Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning is high. This is one of the best tech jobs that you choose in 2021 as your career path. They have a hand in the discovery of the Internet of Things (IoT) and it is gaining a lot of popularity in recent years.  ii) Data Scientist Businesses and Organizations are collecting more and more data each day. This is the reason why it is required to have expert skills in Data Scientist. Moreover, the number of jobs available in this sector is also high and this can be a great advantage for you in the long run.  iii) Computer Research Scientist Computer Research Scientist is also one of the rewarding careers in technology. These Scientists are at the forefront of technology innovation. For this post, you need a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a similar field. Besides, you need to discover excellent things with computer technology and help drive progress. iv) Software Engineer You might be aware of the profession of a Software Engineer. The skills required to become a software engineer can be useful in your day-to-day life. The average salary of these engineers varies from $134k per year. This is truly a huge income! v) Information Security Analyst The need for Information Security Analysts is very vital and they work on the front lines to secure information systems from cyber threats. Every company needs Security Analyst to protect their data from hackers on the internet or being misused by other individuals. The Final Thoughts Now, you have got an answer to your question “Is Technology A Good Career Path in 2021?” and I have tried my best to explain the query with complete statistics and information. The future of the tech industry is truly bright and also replacing the works of people working in other sectors. 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Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path

Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path In 2023?

Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path in 2022? Before choosing a career path in any sector, you must be willing to commit to pursuing the same in the long run. Precious metal is becoming one of the most secure career options available at present.  Great patience is required to stay focused on a single career path and continue the same with high determination. Now, let’s concentrate on the question about precious metals and their career paths.  According to Investopedia, precious metals are said to be a good portfolio diversifier and hedge against inflation. The commodities that can be added to your precious metals portfolio are Palladium, Platinum, and Silver.  Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path In 2023 The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Precious metals can be anything such as gold, silver, platinum, diamond, etc. You can consider investing in precious metals and these can be utilized in the future.  You just need to be sure that the metals you invest in must be in stable growth or have a history of good returns. At times when the value of stocks and bonds was declining, the value of silver and gold was increasing.  This is how precious metals can play a vital role in your life. On the other hand, the best part about investing in this asset is that you are already self-employed in the financial industry and this is a great skill that you must have.  How Many Jobs Are Available In Precious Metals? Now that you know that it is a rather good industry to work in, you might be wondering, “how many jobs are available in precious metals?” Let me tell you the answer! Precious metal mining is a significant industry in the United States. Open-pit mines and underground mines are two examples of types of mines. To extract metals from the earth, mining companies use a variety of methods, such as rock crushing and blasting. After being removed, the metals are refined into more pure forms. During the lengthy and intricate refining process, heat is used to remove impurities from metals. There are thousands of open positions in the country related to precious metals, in addition to the 24,350 Americans who work directly as jewelers or workers with precious stones and metals. However, there are numerous additional jobs related to jewelry manufacturing and distribution. How To Become A Precious Metal Worker? If you are not willing to invest in precious metals and want to do a job as a work in the same industry then you can become one. A worker in this industry must have great body awareness and must be able to concentrate long hours without any distraction.   Don’t think any job is easy. You need to give your time and effort and make your job a successful one. Another crucial aspect to become a meta worker is excellent vision. Without visual fatigue, you must be able to focus on tiny areas for hours at a stretch.  On the other hand, a precious metalworker must be an ethical worker who can be trusted around large amounts of valuable materials, including gold.  Are Precious Metals A Good Investment For You? Yes, precious metals are a good investment for you. The main reason for this is they have intrinsic value and carry no credit risk. They offer precious metals that provide a low or negative correlation to other assets like bonds and stocks. Thus, it is said that even a small percentage of precious metals can reduce risk and volatility in the long run. But there are also some set of risks that comes with precious metals and you must know this at the earliest. Prices of some metals can drop due to technical imbalances and during the time of uncertainty, sellers benefit more than buyers. So, you must know your risk profile and goals before jumping in. The Final Thoughts In case you were searching for the answer to “Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path,” I hope that this article has been of help to you. If you have any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know.  All that you need to do is scroll down till the end of this page. Then leave your queries and suggestions in the comment box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you! Further Reading: Is Basic Industries A Good Career Path Is Other Consumer Services A Good Career Path Is Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores A Good Career Path


I’m Being Overworked by My Employer – What Should I Do?

In our society, it can often feel like the only choices are working yourself to the bone, or death. In some cases, that may even be true – with all the inequalities people face in the workplace, it is hard not to find yourself in a position where you go to work, come home, sleep, then wake up and repeat. You have no time for anything else. Your constant exhaustion is not a figment of your imagination – you are being overworked.  In times like this, you might feel powerless. You need money to live comfortably, and you can only make money when you work. You do not want to lose your job and be faced with the daunting task of trying to find a new work in this economy. However, you do not have to take it lying down. There are things you can do to combat overworking in the workplace. 1. Job Search If you truly feel you are being worked to the bone and do not see a light at the end of the tunnel, the first step is to consider searching for a job while you are still employed with your current job. If you find something suited to your skillset that sounds more flexible, then apply there so that you will not need to worry about not having work at any point. Find a field that works with your knowledge, but tends to have a high satisfaction level. For instance, home health agencies overworking their employees is a common occurrence. If you have any medical skills and wish to stay in that field, consider looking elsewhere. There is a dire need for medical services – you may be able to find something that works better for you. 2. Speak to Your Manager/Supervisor Often, you might feel like just a number to your employee. The sad truth is that that is how it is at some companies. However, before taking drastic measures, talking to your supervisor may be the first step to lessening your workload and getting yourself a chance to breathe. All managers are different, but if you speak with a superior about feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, they may be able to re-designate workloads so you can take a breath without sacrificing your job. 3. Make Lists Prioritize your work. This is another “first step” after you have realized how much your work is affecting you. If you can list everything you need to do in order of importance, you will have the makings of a plan on how to accomplish your goals in a timely manner that is not overwhelming. If you have multiple projects due all at once, that is a sure sign to speak to your supervisor – you should not have endless piles of work on your shoulders simply because you are good at your job. 4. Learn to Say No You need to know your limits. Even if you feel like just a number, you have to know when you are near your breaking point. Sometimes, setting boundaries and protecting yourself means that you just have to say “no” when you are asked to take on more than is reasonable. If you have multiple supervisors, talk to the one(s) you are most comfortable with, or the ones that seem to have the best reputation. Tell them about how you are feeling, and if new projects fall on your lap that feels out of your control, talk to them before you even start. It will give them a chance to reassign if they can, and it will give you one less thing to focus on. 5. Consider Legal Action If you feel like you are being worked beyond what you're agreed upon duties are, or you are constantly forced to work overtime without compensation, you may have grounds for legal action. This is, of course, the last case scenario, as it will cost money and damage to the reputation of the workplace. However, if you truly feel it is warranted, it is an option to consider. Overall, there are a few things you can do when you feel you are being overworked. Start small, like prioritizing and talking to managers, and if no change occurs, then it may be time for more. Remember: you are more than a number, you are a human being who deserves respect and a safe work environment.  Read Also :  Traditional Job Interviews Will Be Dead By 2020 Ways To Take The Employee Appreciation To Next Level In Your Company Employee Monitoring Linked To Business Growth Things Every Employee Ought To Know About Medical And Family Leaves