The Benefits of an Online Adult Education

Published on: 27 April 2018 Last Updated on: 06 October 2020
online adult education

Are you considering furthering your education online?

If so, you’re not alone. As of 2014, there were 5.8 million adults enrolled in some sort of online degree program.

Of course, balancing your busy lifestyle with online education has its challenges. But the rewards are more than worth your efforts.

In this post, we’ll reveal four key benefits of pursuing online adult education. Read on to learn why it’s the perfect choice for you.

1. Fits into Your Busy Schedule :

Fits into Your Busy Schedule

Let’s face it–you’re busy. Between your day job, your family, and other responsibilities, you probably wish there were more hours in the day to finish everything.

The beauty of online adult education is that you can learn when it’s convenient for you. You can study in the mornings before everyone else wakes up, or take advantage of evenings if you’re a night owl.

The point is, you’ll never be forced to choose between going to class and attending your son’s baseball game. With 24/7 access 365 days a year, you can study online whenever it’s most convenient for you.

2. Customized Learning Experience :

Customized Learning Experience

Another benefit of an online university is that you’ll enjoy a fully customized learning experience.

Is one of the modules very easy for you?

You can breeze through it in no time. If another module is more challenging, you can work through it at your own pace–without worrying about how fast or slow other students are going.

Want to spend more time on a topic that interests you? Go right ahead. Need more time to master a particular skill set? You can have that, too.

3. Improve Current Skills (Or Learn New Ones) :

Improve Current Skills

If you’re looking to boost your earning potential, there’s no better way to do so than through online adult education.

Let’s say you started your current job right out of high school and now you’re interested in moving into management. An online degree can give you the credentials you need while still working your current job.

What if you work with technology, computers, or another field that’s rapidly evolving? Your employer will be thrilled with your efforts to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

In some cases, your company may even provide tuition reimbursement to help you reach your educational goals.

4. More Affordable :

More Affordable

A final benefit of online adult education is that it’s generally more affordable than attending a traditional university.

Tuition rates are often lower than brick-and-mortar schools. Since you can study from home, you also don’t have to worry about moving to a new city or paying for room and board on campus (said by Lisa at The Hosting Institute).

You also don’t have to worry about transportation costs, since you’re not traveling to a physical classroom. No matter where you live–even if it’s somewhere very remote–you can have access to a high-quality education.

Ready to Get Your Online Adult Education?

These days, degrees obtained online get just as much respect as degrees from brick-and-mortar universities.

If you’ve been thinking of going back to school, now’s the perfect time to enroll.

Would you like more helpful advice for planning your future career path?

Check out our latest education blog posts to see what else you can learn.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Student Guide

Free Student Guide to Help You Achieve Exam Success

Exams horrify almost every student, no matter how good they are. Maybe it’s the fear of failure that paralyzes us, making us unable to prepare beforehand, maybe it’s our insecurities, maybe it’s our inability to concentrate or something else – in each and every case the reason is different. No matter what this reason is, it still exists, complicating your preparation process greatly. However, it’s not the end of the world (even if it might seem so). Preparation is the only thing that can help you overcome this fear of the upcoming exam: there’s nothing to be afraid of if you are well prepared. And I’m going to help you to do so. Here’s your free guide that hopefully will help you to prepare for the exams well. 1. Keep your place clean and organized: Imagine you’ve finally found some time to study (or it simply cannot wait anymore). You go to your desk… and spend the next fifteen minutes at least searching for the things you need: your textbooks, your pens and so on. Read also: How To Crack Civil Service Exam In One Attempt Devil is in the details, they say. You might think that a messy room won’t affect your studying process, but actually, it can. If you don’t keep your college things in one place, you’ll waste a lot of precious time searching for them, and if you get distracted easily, a mess can become your worst enemy. Imagine rumbling through your papers in order to find something, finding a flyer and then spending some time daydreaming about visiting this event.  Read also: Comic Relief for College Students To avoid this, spend 15-30 minutes every day cleaning your room. It won’t take much time (assuming the general cleaning is already done), but it will do you so many goods. First, you will remember where you keep anything: this will help you to save time on preparation. Second, a clean table can hardly be a distraction. 2. Plan things well: Most of the students are afraid of exams because they have so many things to do and learn. They probably wouldn’t dread the upcoming exams so much if they already had something done. Putting things off is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves, yet many students keep repeating this mistake over and over. If you are tired of seeing how your homework piles up on your desk, change it: buy a planner and divide all your assignments into small parts. An hour of reading every day can save you two or three nights of sleep and even a huge essay is easier to write when you have to spend only 20 minutes a day on it. Not all of us know how to plan things well, yes. However, it’s a skill that can be mastered. The important thing here is to find out how much time it takes for you to write an essay or to complete another assignment: you can do that if you track your time and make notes. Use all this knowledge to make a preparation plan: set priorities, study the most complicated topics first and divide the work well. 3. Attitude matters: It can be hard to focus on studying if you are too nervous, too afraid and so on. Your thoughts can wander and your feelings can distract you. Accept the fact that this is completely normal, but try to distract yourself from such thoughts at the same time. Set a time limit during which you’ll be focusing on studying only and promise yourself that you’ll truly concentrate on studying during this time, not allowing yourself to be distracted by your emotions. Remember: your goal is not to spend a certain amount of time studying, but to do it well. Quality is as important as the time spent. 4. Take care of your health: This might seem strange, as at first look health doesn’t seem to be related to exams at all. However, it is important too: it would be hard for you to concentrate on studying if you hadn’t had much sleep, if you feel exhausted or if your brain just doesn’t seem to work well enough. That’s why to try rest and sleep enough before the final preparation time comes, eat well, avoid sweets and junk food as they don’t give you much energy. While working out is good in general, try to avoid intensive workouts before exams as they tire you a lot too. And don’t forget to take care of your mental health as well: find some motivation  and inspiration in your daily life. As you see, successful preparation depends on some many things, and your ability to organize yourself as well as to build the right attitude often matters more than the time you spend on studying. I hope that you’ll use this advice and ace your exams! Good luck!

CAT Registration

CAT 2016 – New Changes Introduced by IIM – Bangalore

IIM Bangalore is hosting India’s toughest exam - Common Aptitude Test - commonly known as CAT, this year. IIM - Bangalore announced that this year, CAT 2016, the aspirants can edit their application with regards to their work experience, their percentage of marks scored and the programs selected to study at IIMs. This type of move is the first of its kind that has been introduced by IIM Bangalore that is a much-needed respite to those candidates who might have missed or erred information while registering. This facility will be available for the registered candidates from 1st October to 5th October CAT is scheduled to be held on December 4th in 138 test centers. The last date for registering is September 22nd until 5 Pm. It is advisable to carry out the registration process now to avoid the last-minute rush. Looking at the trend from the last two to three years, there's going to a huge surge in registration which can lead to a server crash in the last moment. To avoid any kind of technical error, aspirants should register at the earliest. Help-Desk For PWD candidates: The PWD candidates will be given priority access - which means - they will be allowed inside the test center fifteen minutes before other students. IIM-  B also introduced a webpage dedicated to the candidates that will register the special requirement for them such as - wheelchair facility, scribe assistance, zoom facility, etc. For CAT Registration candidates can refer the linked article first and keep the information stated there handy, to avoid any confusion. The registration window will be active for only thirty minutes, within which the candidates have to fill up the registration form. With an increase in recruitment activities in IIM institutes, it is expected a surge in CAT registration this year. Aspirants having any kind of query related to CAT can call Byju’s CAT helpline number: 9880031619 Read More:  Procedure To Download West Bengal Join Entrance Examination Admit Card Read This If You Are Appearing For This Year’s JEE How Activity Mirrors Add Value To Exercise Place!

web-marketing | Content Rally

Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Web Marketers

Getting along with a web marketer is about as easy as negotiating your client’s settlement over a picnic outside the courthouse. Some people are that easy to work with, but they’re about as common as an 8-1 ruling in the Supreme Court. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] image[/caption] For lawyers, web marketing is what the French call a devoir — a “have to.” Most of us would rather wash our hands of it. After all, we went for a JD, not an MBA or a marketing degree. We have a whole desk full of case files and ethical obligations demanding our time. Marketing is hitching for a spot in the backseat, at best. But the Web is where the clients are. Internet marketers are the new rainmakers. We need them to keep the soil moist, so to speak. In today’s marketplace, Google is the ground from which law firms grow. The trick is to find a marketing firm that can get the job done at the right price… while keeping our blood pressure below the call-an-ambulance level. That’s easier said than done, but here’s some advice. Five Commandments for Keeping the Peace with a Web Marketer 1. Slow and Steady You know what they say — it wins the race. SEO is not an impatient person’s game. Top 10 search results are not achieved overnight. Sure, you might see a blip here and there, but if you’re looking for instant gratification, you’re searching in vain. Think of it as the stock market. You’re investing for long-term gain. 2. Micromanagement is a killer: Attempting to micromanage your marketing will put you and your marketer in that blood pressure danger zone. You’re the lawyer. They’re the web gurus. You each have jobs to do, so stick to those. It’ll do wonders for the relationship. 3. Know what you’re paying for:  Legal web marketing isn’t exactly inexpensive. Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. Just know what you’re paying for. A good marketing firm will offer itemized transparency for their services, and that’ll keep you from feeling resentful about any “phantom charges.” 4. Don’t get emotional: This isn’t “Dr. Phil.” Your relationship with your web marketer means everything, but that relationship should be built on performance, dependability, and communication — not personality. Trust is important, and it takes time, but you should assess the firm’s effectiveness in the services they provide, not the extent to which you “like” them as people. Oh, and the Golden Rule applies here too — treat your marketers with the courtesy and respect you expect from them. 5. Work with good people This is especially important in the legal arena. So much of web marketing is content-based; but as attorneys, we have to be careful about whom we allow writing about the law on our behalf. Stick with experienced and highly credentialed marketers, preferably those who are able to have your content written by licensed attorneys. The State Bar will thank you for it (in the form of zero discipline for marketing blunders). Here again, you get what you pay for. Need Web Marketing Advice for Attorneys? Ask. As the old saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know. If you need web marketing advice for attorneys, ask around. Maybe some of your law school friends practicing in other jurisdictions can share their experiences. A simple conversation can shed real insight. You might be surprised by how much you’ll learn from the web marketers themselves. Ask them to educate you. Most are more than willing to elaborate on their history, their best practices, and their approach to client management. Working with web marketers isn’t always easy, but take these tips to heart and you’ll see long-term success (instead of simply seeing red). Kaplan Lawyers PC is a New York City personal injury law firm that helps victims of personal injury and their families in Bronx, Queens, and Kings Counties, as well as all of New York City.