Published on: 23 May 2018
Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Mailing lists have been one of the most cost-effective methods of targeted business promotion activities. Mailing lists will never become redundant in b2b because of the need for businesses to get in touch with other businesses. Nothing can change the need for soliciting new business through cold calling and email marketing efforts. And without contact details, it would not be possible to get in touch with the targeted entities to promote products and services.
Access to information on different categories of b2b entities :
One of the most important requirements in mailing lists is the need for having access to specific information about the b2b entities. Details such as the size of the business, exact nature of the business, accurate contact information, the domain of the business and other information are of great importance. A marketing effort that is targeted has better conversion rates of leads into actual business relationships. This is precisely why it is important to have a mailing list of companies by industry.
Making The Right Pitch To The Right Clientele :
Another advantage of using a segmented mailing list is the ability to create a pitch as per the needs of the targeted company. For instance, a business that needs to sell a service may have options and resources to handle both large-scale operations and operations on a smaller scale to meet the requirements of small-sized entities. However, when mass mailers or brochures are mailed out to clients, it may not be a good idea to mention services that are intended for another segment. By using a mailing list that is clearly segmented as per the size of business and volume, it is possible to send the relevant information alone. This will have a better chance of converting a lead, rather than sharing information that may not be relevant to everyone.
Mining Of Information From Credible Sources :
By using the services of the featured site, users get the advantage of information that is credible and verified. Most of the databases comprising records of our businesses and other businesses are compiled from public sources, cleaned, and verified before being made available to clients. This process of verifying and cleaning of information needs to be carried out by a dedicated team to offer the assurance of the accuracy of information. The featured site takes care to cross-check the information before making it available for users. This ensures that mail and calls do not bounce due to incorrect information.
Data for all industries and business :
The featured site offers mailing lists with data on most of the b2b categories of business that will be of use to businesses. Entities keen to tap into new territory will find the availability of credible information to be of great use in their marketing efforts. A business that manufactures products or makes available serves that can be used by all sectors of industries will find the need to make the right pitch to all industries. However, the pitches may itself differ from industry to industry, and this may require segmentation. With the availability of databases containing information about all aspects of the business, it is possible to identify the right resource who needs to be contacted. Marketing efforts differ across hierarchies in business. For instance, a c-level executive will need to be approached in a manner that is different from a manager.
Relationship building exercise :
Many businesses rely on mailing lists with the understanding that efforts to acquire new business may not actually succeed immediately. However, mature businesses are aware of the need for building relationships with clients over a period of time and using the relationship as a basis for converting the relationship into a business-client relationship. This can be achieved by dispatching informative newsletters and updates on the products and services, in addition to the latest information about the specific industry. By remaining in contact and engaging the b2b clients, it is possible that at some of the time in the future, the clients would find the need to use the service or the product. And it is also important to understand that clients may not necessarily avail of all the services or products, but may make a small beginning through a micro-conversion. This can slowly scale into a full-scale conversion.
Content Rally wrapped around an online publication where you can publish your own intellectuals. It is a publishing platform designed to make great stories by content creators. This is your era, your place to be online. So come forward share your views, thoughts and ideas via Content Rally.
Content marketing has been around for quite a long time, and it is the go-to marketing strategy for many businesses nowadays. But everybody uses it, and the results they get are more or less along the same lines…in terms of the time they take to materialize.
What if you’re looking to get better results from your content marketing endeavors? What if you want to do some smart work rather than hard work?
In this post, let’s take a look at some answers to this question.
What Is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is basically defined as the type of marketing that involves creating and publishing/distributing content to a certain audience. The purpose of distributing this type of content is to increase awareness of the product/services so that they can be sold more. While “content,” in this context, refers to the content of all types, mostly written stuff is utilized for marketing purposes.
This type of marketing takes different shapes and forms.
Some people can engage in content marketing by writing and publishing blogs regularly. Others can utilize their product pages as a medium to engage in marketing, i.e., by making the descriptions and the visuals, etc., appealing and attractive.
Actually, instead of mentioning them here somewhat haphazardly, let’s look at some of the content marketing methods in detail before moving on to the tips.
What Are Some Common Methods Of Content Marketing?
Here are a few of the common ways in which content marketing is employed.
Blogs: Blogs, especially when created by a professional writing service, have a key role that goes beyond just advertising products or services. Their main goal is to educate and engage readers. This approach helps grow a brand's readership and audience. By providing valuable and informative content, the brand naturally attracts more people. This isn't just a marketing strategy; it's about genuinely helping readers. As more people find the blogs helpful, they start to trust and follow the brand, leading to increased business opportunities. With the help of a blog writing agency such as, brands can consistently deliver high-quality content that connects with their audience.
Emails: Email marketing is technically a marketing strategy on its own, but since it almost always utilizes content of some sort, it can also be mentioned in content marketing. In an email marketing campaign, individuals are reached out separately by the brand. These emails can either inform the recipient about some sort of new product release, a sale or a special discount, etc.
Newsletters: Newsletters are technically emails, but they are not like other messages that are typically used and sent in an email marketing campaign. While the latter, for the most part, directly promote the offerings of a brand, newsletters are geared toward educating the readers. You can think about them to be a type of hybrid between a blog and a typical email marketing message.
E-books: While this one is a more elaborate step than what brands usually do, it is a good way to engage in content marketing.
Now, with all that out of the way, let’s take a look at some tips that you can follow to get better results from your content marketing endeavors.
Tips For Getting Better Results From Content Marketing
As we mentioned earlier, while content of all types can be employed in content marketing, written content is the most common…and perhaps the toughest to create. That is why our tips will be geared towards it in particular.
Don’t Write Like A Robot, And Don’t Write For Robots
In that rather wordsmith-is line, we’ve summed up one of the most important principles of writing online content.
Firstly, when you write content for marketing purposes, be it of whatever type and kind, you should make sure that your tone is friendly, communicative, and human-like. Mind you, there are exceptional cases where a totally opposite tone would be more suitable, but we are talking about the common cases here.
This is what we mean by not writing like a robot.
Here is what you can do to make your writing tone fall into this criterion. Of course, depending on the situation at hand, some of these tips may not be very applicable.
Try and refer to the reader as “you” and yourself as “I” or “we.” This is one of the basic and simplest ways to make your tone look more natural and human-like.
Since you have to make your written content look more like a conversation than a piece of written text, you should reduce your overall use of passive voice. People hardly use passive voice when they speak. I mean, I could have just said, “The passive voice is hardly used by people when they speak,” but I did just make my point.
Keep sentences short. Keeping your sentences short can also give a natural touch to your writing and make it more reader-friendly.
The second part of our tip was Don’t write for robots.
We should actually clear this up a little before moving on.
Nowadays, a lot of content marketing is done via search engines. When people write blogs, they channel them to their readers via search engines. The same goes for a lot of other types of content, like product descriptions and e-books, etc.
Now, in a bid to make their content look nice to the search engines, a lot of people can end up making it look too mechanical, erratic, and awkward for human taste.
Consider the following example:
We offer the best ramen in Tokyo. Our quality ramen store in Tokyo is very good. Buy quality ramen near me in Tokyo. (Note the atrocious keyword usage)
Good content? For the search engine, maybe. For the reader? It’s just gibberish.
You have to avoid doing this sort of stuff when writing content for your audience. You should strike a balance between making the content appealing for SEs as well as your human readers.
Do Proper Research…And Use It
When it comes to content marketing materials such as blogs and newsletters, your aim should be to provide reliable and educative content to your audience. This can only be done if you do proper research and then utilize it when writing the content itself.
In this part, let’s look at how you can do research properly and what benefits you can get from it.
Here are some things that you can do for effective research:
Look for popular and reliable sources on the internet. Before you start gleaning information from anywhere, you should establish its reliability first.
Once done, be sure to find out relevant facts and figures to add to your content. This tip is, of course, subjective. In some types of content, adding facts and figures may not be very suitable. However, it can be a good idea in things like blog posts, emails, and the like.
If you find yourself in a situation where you have to use some material from a source verbatim in its actual form.
(More important than implementing theoretical and conceptual information is the utilization of the data you get from audience research. In other words, you should conduct audience research and then use the details that you find to adjust your content as per the needs of the audience. When we say “audience research,” we basically refer to using analytical tools to find out necessary information and details about your audience, such as the details about their age, gender, location, and so on.)
Now let’s look at what benefits you can get by doing and incorporating research into your work.
Authority: When your content is backed with research, it comes off as authoritative. For example, when you present a stat for a certain situation or occurrence, it looks more grounded as compared to an opinionated guess.
Up-to-date information: Conducting research can also get you in touch with up-to-date information. By not researching your material before writing it, you can get stuck with old, outdated information that can neither help you nor your readers.
Value: When your content is based on research, it provides value to your readers. For problems, it can provide solutions. For choices, it can provide expert opinions.
This sort of content is a lot more potent in building a better readership and for growing your brand.
Aim For Content Perfection
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.
Vince Lombardi
It’s a bit of a dramatic way to start off this heading, but it does make the point that we want.
No content is perfect because perfection (least of all in written content) is not achievable. But if you aim for the bullseye, you can land somewhere close to it.
That is why you should make all the effort possible to remove all types of imperfections from your content.
Grammar errors: Grammar errors are by far the most common and most harmful errors that you can make in your content. You should be proactive about avoiding such errors during the writing phase. And once you do write the content, you should take steps like proofreading the content and using an online grammar checker to weed out the remaining ones.
Clunky readability issues: Readability issues, such as confusing words, long-winded sentences, and weird phrase choices, can also adversely affect the quality of content. you can remove these types of imperfections from your content by using an online AI-driven paraphrasing tool. A good AI paraphraser can improve the readability of the provided content during the rephrasing process.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is like the diamondback of content imperfections. You can’t spot it quickly enough, and it can kill the quality of your write-up without you realizing it. Removing this imperfection is necessary and tricky at the same time. The best way to go about it is to use an online plagiarism checker and then analyze the results to take the steps you need.
A lot of brands do content marketing nowadays. But, to bring yourself a cut above the others, you have to follow some best practices. We’ve outlined a few of those in the post above.
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Online marketing is just another way of selling your product and service online through the web and mobile phone systems. The art of selling things online is very difficult, you need to find the right mix of strategies that suit your product and reach your audience which can then convert into real deals.
Many people think this is the easiest way to publicize but there are a lot more ways to fail at this than is successful. So we today at AdsBridge will try to explain to you about online marketing.
Benefits of Online Marketing:
A key advantage of taking the help of the internet for marketing your product is that you can quantify the effect that a strategy has in publicizing plus you know how many clicks you get for each publicizing platform and how they interact with a website. Then we can analyze how many of these visitors are converted into paying customers and which strategy is most profitable to you.
Examples of Online Marketing:
EA sports pays different search engine such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing to post ads on people desktop which search for keywords such as "Games".
Grammarly hoards up email delivers on their site through a free trial and then send emails regarding discount and services.
A recent trend is to make memes and then share them on the official handles on Facebook, Twitter, and etc. to engage with their audience and create a favorable image of their product. This technique is mostly used by condoms or tobacco companies.
Online marketing seems to be the future as everything is available online. This definitely opens new doors but it is very difficult to build your audience. One of the things, companies should understand is that the internet is a virtual field and so should be your content to lure people, you can’t go old fashion on the internet.
Companies should develop their strategy keeping in mind their customer, and the product which we do at Ads Bridge. People use various techniques such as surveys, user testing, and in-person conversations.
Online Ads:
Google earns the most through internet ads because it works for businesses but there are ways through which you can be looted. There are various other platforms that offer online ads, they won’t be as popular as Google but they are very much effective
Marketing through emails:
As discussed above, a lot of companies used this strategy. They will find a way to collect your email address. Then they will send you a mail regarding the discount and offers. If you like their trial product/service, receiving those offers can tempt anybody to buy.
Marketing through social media:
This has taken marketing to a whole different level. You can reach out to your audience even in their most secluded moment as using mobile is stable for all. But on social media, you need a 24/7 presence, it doesn’t work if you than posting ads for your products or services.
Having a business blog is another way to reach out to your customers. You can use these blogs to keep people informed about the latest development in your product or service. One important use of the blog is you can write luring article which can tempt people to buy your product or service. Or you can simply use it for reviews or feedback from customers.
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Project management is a critical skill for any organization, and it involves the planning, execution, and monitoring of projects to ensure their successful completion. However, learning project management can be challenging, especially if you are new to the field or lack experience. Fortunately, there are various resources available that can help you develop your project management skills, including podcasts.
Podcasts have become increasingly popular as a means of acquiring knowledge on different topics in recent years. They offer convenient access to information that can be consumed at any time and place.
Moreover, they often feature expert guests who share their experiences and insights on various aspects of project management. In this article, we will explore the benefits of learning project management through podcasts and provide recommendations for some of the best podcasts for beginners as well as experienced project managers.
The Benefits of Learning Project Management through Podcasts
The acquisition of project management skills through informative podcasts offers numerous advantages, including enhanced efficiency, improved time management, and increased productivity for individuals seeking to improve their professional careers.
The importance of audio learning cannot be overstated as it allows listeners to absorb information while multitasking. Podcasts are portable and can be downloaded and listened to on the go, making them a convenient option for busy professionals.
Furthermore, podcasts offer insights into various time management techniques that can help individuals prioritize tasks effectively. Project managers need to juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously; therefore, mastering time management is crucial in ensuring project success.
By listening to podcasts on this topic, individuals can learn from experts who have mastered the art of managing their time efficiently. Overall, the benefits of learning project management through podcasts extend beyond just acquiring knowledge; they also have practical applications in improving one's career prospects and enhancing workplace performance.
Top Podcasts for Beginners in Project Management
Novice project managers can enhance their knowledge by listening to these recommended podcasts, providing a strong foundation for understanding the fundamentals of project management. Several podcasts cater specifically to beginners in project management and offer valuable insights into basic concepts.
One such podcast is The Project Management Podcast, which covers various topics like risk management, communication skills, and stakeholder engagement. The podcast also features interviews with experienced professionals who share their expertise and provide practical tips for managing projects.
Another highly recommended podcast for beginners is PM Point of View, produced by the Project Management Institute (PMI). This podcast covers a wide range of topics related to project management, including leadership skills, team-building strategies, change management techniques, and many more.
The program also includes interviews with experts in various fields who offer valuable insights into successful project management practices. Overall, these podcasts provide excellent resources for novice project managers seeking to learn new skills and improve their performance in managing projects effectively.
Advanced Strategies for Experienced Project Managers
Experienced project managers can elevate their skills and enhance their project management proficiency by incorporating advanced strategies that have been proven to produce successful project outcomes.
One such strategy is effective risk management techniques, which involve identifying potential risks, analyzing their likelihood and impact, developing mitigation plans, and monitoring the risks throughout the project's lifecycle. By implementing a thorough risk management plan, experienced project managers can proactively identify and address potential issues before they become major problems.
Another important strategy for experienced project managers is stakeholder engagement. This involves building strong relationships with key stakeholders and ensuring that their needs are met throughout the project's lifecycle.
Some effective stakeholder engagement strategies include regular communication channels, involving stakeholders in decision-making processes, and actively seeking feedback from them on progress made. These strategies can help ensure that the final outcome of the project meets the expectations of all stakeholders involved while also fostering a collaborative working environment.
Navigating Agile Methodologies
Navigating Agile Methodologies requires a thorough understanding of the principles and practices that underpin this approach to project management. The Agile methodology emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative delivery of products or services. An Agile team is composed of cross-functional members who work collaboratively to deliver value to customers through incremental product development cycles.
To navigate the intricacies of Agile methodologies successfully, it is imperative to have strong knowledge of Agile team dynamics and Scrum certifications. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of each member of an Agile team is crucial for effective communication and collaboration among them.
Moreover, obtaining Scrum certifications can help project managers gain a deeper understanding of Scrum framework practices, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, retrospectives, etc., enabling them to guide their teams toward successful project completion. With these skills at hand, experienced project managers can navigate complex projects with ease while delivering high-quality results on time using the Agile methodology.
Leadership and Communication Skills for Project Managers
Developing strong leadership and communication skills is vital for project managers to effectively guide their teams toward successful completion of projects. Effective delegation is one key aspect of leadership that project managers must master to ensure tasks are assigned appropriately and team members are empowered to contribute meaningfully. By delegating responsibilities, project managers can focus on high-level tasks while also ensuring each team member has a clear understanding of their role in the project.
Conflict resolution is another essential skill for project managers as they navigate the complexities of working with diverse teams across different departments or even countries. Inevitably, conflicts will arise during any project, but effective leaders can identify underlying issues and mediate disputes before they escalate into larger problems.
Project managers who possess strong conflict resolution skills can help restore balance within the team dynamic and maintain morale throughout the course of a project, ultimately leading to higher levels of productivity and better outcomes.
Putting Knowledge into Practice: Real-World Examples and Case Studies
Real-world examples and case studies are essential tools for project managers to understand how leadership and communication skills can be applied in practice. These real-world applications provide valuable insights into how successful project managers have navigated complex challenges, overcome obstacles, and delivered successful projects. By analyzing success stories from different industries, project managers can learn from the experiences of others and adapt their approaches to meet the unique demands of their projects.
Case studies help project managers identify critical factors that contribute to successful outcomes. They also provide a framework for evaluating trade-offs between competing goals, such as cost, schedule, quality, or scope. Project managers can use these case studies to compare different approaches and determine which strategies work best in particular situations.
Furthermore, they can also evaluate how well they communicate with stakeholders during each stage of the project life cycle. Real-world examples and case studies not only help project managers improve their communication skills but also reinforce the importance of effective leadership in achieving organizational objectives.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I access these podcasts?
One can access informative podcasts through popular platforms for podcast listening such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. These platforms offer a wide range of podcasts on various topics, including project management.
Are there any costs associated with listening to these podcasts?
Monetization strategies for podcasts include freemium models, where basic content is free but premium content requires payment. Whether there are costs associated with listening to specific podcasts depends on the individual podcast's monetization strategy.
Can I earn any certification or accreditation by listening to these podcasts?
Listening to project management podcasts can provide skill development opportunities, but typically do not offer certification. However, some podcast hosts may offer courses or resources that lead to certification outside of the podcast platform.
How often are new episodes released for these podcasts?
The frequency and availability of new episodes for podcasts on project management vary depending on the specific podcast. Some may release new episodes weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, while others may have irregular schedules. It is important to check each podcast's website or subscribe to their newsletter for updates on new episode releases.
Are there any opportunities to interact with other project management professionals while listening to these podcasts?
Networking opportunities and collaborative learning are available through project management podcasts. Professionals can connect with others in the field through online forums, social media groups, and virtual events to discuss topics covered in episodes.
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