The Best Gift Ideas for Kids Ages 1-5

Published on: 29 June 2020 Last Updated on: 31 March 2022
Gift Ideas for Kids Ages 1-5

One of the worst possible case scenarios for people that don’t have kids is what gift to buy for a one-year to five-year-old children. This scenario might seem like a daunting task, but thanks to the internet, it became much more laymen-friendly.

Buying gifts for grown-ups can sometimes be tricky, but what does a child want? Children at this age usually don’t remember the toys and presents they get, but that doesn’t mean you can buy anything just to do “your job.”

The Times Have Changed

Toys are not just articles kids play with and destroy within a few weeks. In the last few years, there has been a great demand for toys that have emerged as collectibles. These are highly desirable and can fetch a great market value when sold after a few years. In this regard, collectible Beanie Babies are fast emerging as a collector’s item that is expected to rise starkly in valuation in the coming years.

A long time ago, all children usually got the same gifts more or less since the toy industry wasn’t evolved like it is nowadays. There were several toys available for girls and several toys for boys, and that was all. Flowers are not that popular anymore, so ordering a flower arrangement from a local online flower shop won’t cut it. The main “problem” that occurs today is that there’s a great variety of possible toy choices, and it tends to overwhelm inexperienced shoppers.

Child toy categories span from several months old up to 12+ years old. Every age group and gender has a specified selection of toys available, and that’s making all confusion among the buyers with no prior experience. However, toy store personnel are quite knowledgeable and ready to assist you whenever you need assistance. You’ll find some incredibly useful information on this link: the best gift ideas for kids ages 1-5.

Don’t Think Only About the Toys

Kids’ birthday parties are incredibly cute and fun events thanks to online flower shop interior design solutions. An essential element of any child’s birthday party is the interior décor and the party theme. In most cases, especially if it’s a girl’s birthday party, parents tend to have floral arrangements incorporated in décor.

In recent years, children’s gifts have branched away from just toys to other stuff as well. For example, if you are looking for a cool gifting option, why not make it fun and interesting. If you have a young toddler in your family or friend circle, a good gift idea would be to give them a farley onesie. It is not only funny but will help the parents of the young child as far as clothing options are concerned.

Little things like this make all the difference to the overall interior design, and we know that girls like flowers. You can order some beautiful flower bouquets for the birthday party from any local online flower shop in your area.

In case you live in the UAE, you can easily order incredible flower arrangements from the best online flower shop Dubai there is. Bringing more flowers to the party will undoubtedly leave a positive outcome, and an overall impression on the little girl since flowers are colorful and beautiful at the same time. Make sure to remember to bring your gift to the birthday party as well.

When you’re all done ordering some of the most beautiful flowers and plants from the online flower shop in Dubai, you should think about the child’s actual gift. Here are some ideas that might help with deciding which gifts are suited for a specific age group the best:

Gift Ideas for Kids

1. Gifts for Children Up to 12 Months

This category of children is probably the easiest one to manage. The child is so small that it won’t remember the present for sure. A child won’t even use the gift properly. Children at that age only tend to chew and suck on toys and various other objects they can get their little hands on.

Children at this age gradually develop their motor skills, and they start responding positively to sounds, movements, and shiny objects. Therefore, it shouldn’t be hard to decide what to buy for a toddler. Simple, baby-friendly, and slightly interactive toys are the best choice.

2. Gifts for Two-Year-Old Children

At this life stage, children are familiarized with crawling, walking, and exploring their surroundings. They also start to form their first words. Therefore, buying them a book about some basic animals or nature in general with lots of images and fewer words will tickle their imagination and help them evolve simple words into meaningful sentences.

3. Offers for Three-Year-Old Kids

Parents claim that this is the golden age for every child. The main reason is that that’s when children start to mirror everything and everyone around them. Three-year-old children are also capable of having simple conversations, riding tricycles, and following directions.

Therefore, a perfect gift for a three-year-old child would be anything from building toy blocks to toy instruments that may tickle their musical side or even a stuffed animal that will most probably become the first patient of the little doctor-wannabe.

Toy Blocks: Excellent Gift for a Three-Year-Old

4. Gifts for Four-Year-Old Kids

Kids at this age are capable of singing memorized songs, telling stories, using crayons, drawing people and animals, and sometimes even painting. At this age, children develop the creationist within them. This means that the gift possibilities are endless, starting with crayons, markers, colored pencils, clay, chalk, stickers, etc.

Crayons: Perfect Gift for a Four-Year-Old Child

5. Buying a Present for a Five-Year-Old Child

Children at this age are already “grown-up kids” and the best gifts for them are games, playhouses, think-kits, and many other creatively inspiring projects and toys. Color books and short storybooks are also what tickles their imagination at this age.

Final Thoughts

It may seem like a challenge when choosing the right gift for a child of a specific age group, but in reality, it’s not hard at all. All you must know are some basics about children and their growing-up period. After all, you can always ask for advice in a toy store or from a close family member or friend.

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Baby Formula

Why Baby Formula Should Be A Consideration For All Parents

Choosing whether to breastfeed or use baby formula is a decision all parents need to make. Before you choose one over the other keep in mind that whatever your final decision, both choices are good for your baby’s development. Whether a woman can’t breastfeed or simply decides not to, when making this judgment it is important to know that there is a healthy formula substitute for breast milk with all the nutrients needed for your baby to thrive. More parents are considering using baby formula for its many benefits even when breastfeeding is an option for them. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of using baby formula and why you should consider it as an option. For more details please make sure to visit the most reliable store in the baby food industry Emotional Connection: Often, new mums fear that if they don’t breastfeed they won’t bond with their baby. However, bonding will happen even with bottle feeding and it can be strengthened with a few little tricks like having skin to skin contact, looking into baby’s eyes during feeding and singing to the baby. Additionally, feeding time is not the only time mum and the baby bond and there are plenty of opportunities throughout the day such as bath time, putting the baby to sleep and playtime. Diet: Breastfeeding mums need to be more careful about their food intake for however long they decide to breastfeed the baby. On the other hand, when bottle feeding, the mother’s food intake won’t affect the newborn. For instance, mums who are breastfeeding should not have fish high in mercury, they need to watch their caffeine intake and will have to wait for at least 2 hours before they feed the baby if they had even a small amount of alcohol. These and many other restrictions are not applicable to mums who use a formula to feed their child. Pain-Free: When breastfeeding a baby, there is some pain caused by the nipple and areola being pulled into the baby’s mouth. The pain usually lessens after a minute or two, but it can be quite uncomfortable, especially for first-time mums. When bottle-feeding, any pain or discomfort of such kind is avoided. Convenience: Unlike breastfeeding, bottle feeding can be done by both parents. Father helping out with feeding can lessen the burden on the mum who is also recovering from giving birth. Although this is also true for women who express their breast milk, bottle feeding can be more convenient as it doesn’t require mum to schedule her day around breastfeeding or expressing breast milk. Breast milk is digested faster than formula so breastfeeding mums are in higher demand and need to be available for feedings more than formula feeding mums. Medical Conditions And Treatment: Bottle feeding can be the preferred choice in any situation where the mother has a medical condition that can affect the baby, such as HIV/AIDS, and/or needs sedating psychotherapeutic drugs, anti-epileptic drugs, and opioids. Bottle feeding in such a case can be imperative, not only a preferred choice in order to prevent endangering the baby’s health. In addition, there are infant syndromes that require the formula to be used instead of breast milk. Personal Choice: Every mum will have to make a decision - formula or breast milk. Sometimes a decision made before birth might change after the baby comes due to any number of reasons like medical conditions of mum and/or the baby, low milk supply, latch-on pain, etc.. It is important to consider formula as an option due to its many benefits. Keep in mind that with the formula the baby will still receive all the nutrients needed to grow, an emotional connection will still be established and mum can have more freedom with food intake and her availability. Read Also: How To Set Up Your Baby’s Room Baby Shower Party: What To Expect

learning martial arts

Worthy Moves: 5 Awesome Ways Learning Martial Arts Benefits Kids

If you're considering enrolling your child in a martial arts program, then you're already on the right path. Learning martial arts is beneficial to our children in many ways. And it's a great afterschool class for them to take that keeps them busy until you're off work. Children martial arts classes are an ideal extracurricular activity. But if you're not sure if signing your child up is worth it, then keep reading. We've put a list together of 5 benefits of learning martial arts! 1. Learning Discipline: One of the most crucial benefits of martial arts for children who need more discipline is learning how to be disciplined. And although there is the discipline of instructor vs student that your child will learn, there's an even better type of discipline that is taught. Learning martial arts teaches your child self-discipline. Children will learn how to perfect their technique. And they learn to correct themselves. 2. Learning Self-Defense: It's not a secret that taking martial arts classes like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to learn self-defense. Parents feel comfort in knowing that their child is being taught skills that can be used in the real world. With so many abductions and other child-related abuse stories flooding the internet, it gives parents a peace of mind knowing that their child is being taught ways to defend themselves. 3. Learning Self-Confidence: Martial arts for kids is a good way to teach them self-confidence. As children achieve goal after goal in a martial arts program, they build more self-confidence. At each level completed, rank achieved, and new belt earned, your child will know that they have the ability to set goals and reach them! This will give them much more confidence as they walk down their school's hallway or as they walk down the sidewalk while playing outside. 4. Learning Teamwork & Social Interaction: If your child is not as social as others and doesn't handle social interaction well, then martial arts might be the solution. Many martial arts classes promote healthy social interaction. And all attending children must work with one another to accomplish a productive class. 5. Maintaining Healthy Habits: Martial arts classes promote healthy habits by keeping your child physically fit. It's as much of an exercise as it is a fun time. So your child won't even notice how much exercising is actually being done. And starting good exercising habits at an early age helps them to keep those habits throughout their older years. This keeps their body healthy and physically fit! It's Worth Learning Martial Arts: Learning martial arts is beneficial to the whole family. And your child will not only have fun but will reap all of these benefits while doing so. So, if you enjoyed reading about these 5 benefits of martial arts classes, then you'll really enjoy reading about the benefits your child will receive if they learn coding. Click here to learn more. Read Also: Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? How To Select The Best Investment Plan For Your Child? 5 Golden Rules Of Children Language Learning Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid? Care Free Fun: 5 Fun And Family-Friendly Activities For Children With Special Needs

Fall Asleep Faster

7 Secrets To Make Your Baby Fall Asleep Faster

No two babies are born with the same sleeping habits. While most parents have their work cut out for them when it comes to getting their baby to fall asleep, there are a few tips and tricks that are proven to be effective in helping baby to fall asleep faster. The following seven strategies will help your newborn fall asleep quickly: 1. Start Swaddling: One of the age-old techniques for getting a baby to fall asleep quickly is using a swaddle. Swaddling essentially wraps the newborn in a tight blanket that is wrapped in a specific way around their body. This method is a response to a baby's natural inclination to give into their startle reflex. This startle reflex causes babies to jerk awake when they are startled by a loud noise, motion, or something they see. With swaddling, parents are able to comfort their newborn and prevent them from waking themselves up. The swaddling allows the baby to feel comfortable and protected, reminding them of the comfort they experienced in the womb. Babies generally benefit from swaddling up until the age of five months, when they will likely outgrow the startle reflex. 2. Practice Dream feeding: Dream Feeding is the name for the last meal given to a child right before moms and dads go to bed. This dream feeding is designed to keep babies from waking up right after their parents have finally fallen asleep. While parents typically go on to alter their child's feeding schedule to eliminate this pre-bedtime meal, this dream feeding should be quite effective up until the baby is around four-months-old. 3. Limit Baby's Naptime: Nap Times is an essential part of a newborn's life. Newborns spend a majority of their days and nights sleeping, so it's important for them to get all their rest in when they do fall asleep. However, parents that are hoping to get their children to fall asleep at night need to pay careful attention to their child's nap tendencies. By shortening the duration of their baby's midday naps, parents have a better guarantee that their child will be able to fall asleep when the time is right. Napping babies should sleep up to 2 or 2.5 hours before their parents wake them up. After the 2.5 hour mark, parents should wake the baby, feed them, and then put them down to sleep for a bit longer if needed. 4. Play White Noise: Many adults use white noise to fall asleep, so why shouldn't babies? Since babies tend to wake up at the drop of a hat, the white noise helps to drown out any disturbing sounds that would otherwise keep baby awake. Whether you purchase a white noise machine or turn a fan on in the nursery, these calming sounds are another excellent way to keep baby asleep. When trying to get baby to fall asleep, it's important to make sure their nursery is conducive to the relaxing environment needed to keep them from waking up mid-sleep. In addition to playing calming white noise, it's also necessary to keep the room dark and the proper temperature (experts recommend between 68–72°F), so that the baby will sleep soundly. 5. Follow a Proper Sleep Cycle: For many parents that are new to babyhood, getting a child to sleep can seem like a free-for-all. Parents nap when they can and celebrate whenever their baby does fall asleep. However, this type of freeform sleeping schedule can only last so long. Parents hoping to make sense of their baby's sleeping habits should stick to a proper sleep schedule. A proper sleep cycle for a baby includes waking, sleeping, eating, and then sleeping again. This typical cycle encourages parents to give the baby full feeding as the baby eats after waking up. With this cycle, the baby has the most energy after waking up, which leads them to take another full feeding which allows baby to go longer without another feeding in between this cycle. Additionally, feeding baby after they wake up from sleeping instead of before sleeping prevents them from associating eating with falling asleep or seeing food as their sleep prop. With this cycle, a feeding before they go to bed is typically the only feeding before they fall asleep. 6. Use Bedtime Routines: Part of shaping a baby's sleeping habits and encouraging them to fall asleep quickly involves creating a routine around sleeping. Babies love structure, predictability, and consistency. By creating routines for baby, parents will be able to give their newborn the order they long for. Parents will likely have to explore to find the right pre-nap routine. A successful routine may include closing the curtains and blinds, placing baby in their wearable blanket or sleep sack, turning on white noise, singing a song, providing them with cuddles, saying "I love", and leaving the room. After this routine is performed on a regular basis, babies will start to associate getting sleepy and falling asleep with their routine, allowing them to fall asleep faster. 7. Change Baby's Diaper Strategically: While new parents are just getting the hang of when to change their child's diaper, finding a way to change them strategically will help the baby fall asleep faster. For example, changing a diaper before a midnight feeding will help to prevent the baby from waking up once their feeding is finished. Once the baby wakes up, parents should change their diaper and swaddle them again immediately after the night feeding. This method is preferable to a diaper change after a night feeding, as a baby might be awakened more by a post-feeding diaper change. Babies are naturally inclined to wake up at night. While parents can't avoid this midnight phenomenon for the first few weeks or months after their baby is born, over time, parents can establish a working routine that will help their baby stick to a consistent sleep schedule. keep these seven tips in mind as you work to help your child fall asleep faster. Read Also: 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips For First-Time Parents 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep