What is the Best Season to Move?


19 December 2020


Best Season to Move

If you need to move from one place to another from work or for any other relatively urgent reason, chances are you don’t really have much say in what season you will be moving. However, if you can choose, you should think carefully about which is the Best Season to Move.

In order to get some inside info, we asked Miracle Movers to share their insight from their years of experience in moving in all seasons, even notorious Canadian winters.

The Best Season to move:


Early in spring, the price quotes you can expect from moving companies will be somewhat cheaper, since the peak season starts somewhere in mid-May. That means that if you can nab an April date with fair weather, you basically get the best of both worlds – your move will be relatively cheap, and you won’t have to contend with extreme weather (be it hot or cold).

On the other hand, you will have to schedule your move in advance, and knowing the weather that far in the future might be impossible. Additionally, if you have children, spring is peak exam season. Putting your children through the stress of moving in this period is something you should think twice about.



The proverbial best season to do pretty much everything is the summer. Some research has found that homes sold in the summer fetch higher prices, so that might be an incentive to consider a summer move. Furthermore, the weather in most places promises to be fair most days, so picking any date will likely result in a nice day. With the summer break, your children will not only not have to worry about school, they will also be available to help you – get them to pack their own things.

When it comes to the downsides of a summer move, one of the most obvious ones is that everyone will pick summer, making your favorite moving companies pretty tightly scheduled – meaning the prices will be higher and their availability will be limited. Finally, extreme weather such as heatwaves and hurricanes in certain regions may also give you pause.



Despite the stereotypical idea of a foggy and rainy season, the fall is actually generally a nice season with plenty of nice days that are ideal for outdoor activities, moving among them. Depending on your region, you may find that the fall is the most suitable season for a strenuous activity outdoors. Additionally, lower prices of homes in the fall may be better for you if you’re buying a home.

Finally, if you move in the early fall, you will be all set in your home by the holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas in your new home.

A major drawback of a fall move is that the school starts then, so moving just as your children start the school year may be less than ideal. With changing schools, leaving friends behind, it’s a lot of stress.



Finally, winter is the season when the least moves occur, especially in the regions where heavy snow is common. That, however, means that your move is likely to be much cheaper compared to other seasons. Additionally, with less work, moving companies will probably have more time to adapt to your schedule.

On the other hand, the biggest problem with moving in the winter is certainly cold. Furthermore, you may also need to insulate your boxes and protect them from the cold and water to prevent any kind of damage to your things while moving.

Ultimately, whichever season you pick, there are clear advantages you will get, and some disadvantages that you will have to contend with. Make sure to pick the season which suits your needs.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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valentine flowers

Best 5 Valentine Flowers for Your Special Someone

Flowers are the best you can offer anyone on Valentine’s Day. This Valentine’s Day tradition goes way back when Charles II introduced the Person language of flowers to Europe in the 1700s, and for centuries now, the culture of handing our loved ones flowers on Valentine’s Day continues. Valentine Flowers are so popular that 64% of men prefer flowers as Valentine’s Day gifts on the 14 of February. However, if you are not careful, you may find yourself repeating the same kind of flower bouquet or flower arrangement over and over again. Ladies are quite sensitive and will always remember the kind of flowers you give her every Valentine’s Day. Before going ahead and order flowers for your special one, do your homework first to understand their flower preference. If you are completely clueless, here are the 5 most popular flowers for Valentine’s Day. Read on for inspiration. Here are the Best 5 Valentine flowers for your Special Someone: 1. Valentine’s Day Roses According to a report released by CNN, roses are the most preferred Valentine Flowers, with 51% of people ordering red roses for Valentine’s Day. This is not a surprise since red roses have alluring scents and they convey deep love, great passion, and beauty. However, red is not the only color that is to woo your loved one during this special occasion. There are many different rose hues – more than 150 varieties – that speak a language of love and they are easily found. This makes these heavenly flowers the perfect Valentine’s Day pick. When you think about roses, you think of royalty. You can make your spouse feel like a queen or king by combining different types of rose hues in one bouquet. White roses blend well with red ones making them pop and bring that screaming red. You can also insert them in a black, red, or purple vase. A box of chocolates is a good accompaniment for this gift during Valentine's Day. You may consider reading: Sympathy Flowers Etiquette: Everything You Need To Know 2. Carnations Carnations come second to the king of flowers. These are a playful bunch that makes Valentine's Day fun and exciting. Carnations have a feminine appearance, making them perfect for Valentine's Day. They are also available in many lovely looking blooms, just like roses. With these flowers, you don’t need to try very hard to confess you’re the deep affection you feel towards your spouse. The color of the day is red, therefore, combining any hue with red carnations will be perfect as a Valentine's Day gift. These flowers are quite affordable compared to their counterparts, roses. Carnations convey fascination, making them a perfect pick to impress your loved ones during this auspicious occasion. Carnations also have a long vase life as cut flowers. 3. Valentine’s Day Lilies For that elegant recipient that you want to impress so much, lily flowers will do the trick. You can pick from several hues including orange, red, pink, and white. It is hard to get it wrong with any lily bloom during Valentine’s Day, however, the most preferred choice for this particular occasion is Casa Blanca lilies. This kind of lily flowers is quite dramatic and is picked ready for a sophisticated recipient. You will easily notice these oriental white lilies from their breathtaking fragrance. You can get them by ordering from an online flower delivery or your local florist. To make your spouse feel special on this day, by a bouquet of red, orange, and white lilies and delivery it yourself at their office, with a bottle of his or her favorite wine so that you can celebrate later after work. 4. Alstroemeria Coming forth on my list is the lovely alstroemeria flowers. They are also called Peruvian lilies or lily of the Incas. They are perfect floral gifts for any occasion, especially Valentine's Day. While you are heading home to surprise your loved one on Valentine’s Day, grab yourself a bouquet of alstroemeria flowers. Alstroemeria flowers are also great as complimentary valentine flowers for other blossoms like pink and roses, carnations, and lavender waxflower. Besides being delicate, and stunningly looking flowers, alstroemeria also lasts for long as cut flowers. Another reason why they are regarded as great Valentine's Day flowers is that they symbolize devotion. 5. Valentine’s Tulips Tulip flowers should not fool you with their simplistic appearance, they are perfect as a Valentine's Day flowers bringing with them that traditional style and taste. They are also available in many different hues just like lilies, carnations, and roses. You can capitalize on these to present your spouse with the right flower color that matches their personality. Since Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, a bouquet of red tulips is a perfect choice since they are used to declare love in the Victorian language of flowers. Since they continue flourishing in water for long, they make great cut flowers. They are easy to identify, and therefore they also represent comfort. If you decide to order these lovely flowers from a flower delivery like CosmeaGardens, you will get them at affordable prices. No matter your Valentine’s Day budget, you’ll be able to show your affection. Conclusion  The beauty of using valentine flowers to show love and appreciation to your spouse is their symbolism, and you can also use them to complement other gifts. Although there are numerous flowers globally, these five types of flowers are popular floral gifts during Valentine's Day. You can settle for a single type of valentine flowers in one bouquet or you can also mix different flowers in a bouquet. Flower delivery services are reliable and if you decide to send flowers, seek floral services from CosmeaGardens.com. Read Also: Buy beautiful Flower Bouquets for precious Ones on-line Tips to make a flower bouquet for every occasion Send Flowers To Congratulate Your Dear Ones On Their Achievements

Collecting Things

All Ahoard! 5 Reasons to Consider Collecting Things as a Hobby

The average American home holds over 300,000 items. Thank goodness our home size tripled within the last 50 years. While we may have the space to keep everything, it doesn't mean most of it's worth keeping. However, some items are not only worth keeping, but they're also worth collecting. There's a huge difference between hoarding and collecting. Hoarding is a serious problem often associated with mental and physical health risks. Meanwhile, collecting things is considered a hobby with lots of positive side effects. 5 Reasons to Consider Collecting Things as a Hobby If you've ever considered starting your own cool collections, you're not alone. Keep reading to learn five reasons why getting involved with popular collections is the perfect hobby for you. 1. Collecting Things Improves Your Social Life: 3% of American adults suffer from a general anxiety disorder. That's 6.8 million of us who are stressed out. And that's not even including those with social anxiety. And the more we isolate ourselves, the worse the anxiety, especially social anxiety gets. That's why popular collectibles are such a great idea. You aren't the only person out there looking for fun things to collect. There are tons of others exactly like you who want to talk about their collections with others who share their passions. Since you already have something in common, it's easier to strike up conversations with others. You'll probably find you have a lot more in common with other collectors enabling you to make lifelong friendships. Works of Art Start Conversations: Also, collectibles are often considered works of art. They're not for storing away where no one can see them. Instead, collections are made to be displayed proudly so everyone can admire them. And it's a great way to start conversations with other people. Make sure you find the proper place and way to store your collectibles so they stay safe but can also easily be viewed. There's no point in collecting items that gather dust in your basement. 2. Collectible Items are Worth Money: While some popular collections such as Hummels lose their value over time, many of them increase in value. And some collectible items end up being worth some serious money such as Star Wars memorabilia. If you're looking to make an investment in something you can enjoy for a long time, collectibles are the way to go. Some of the more popular collectible items are things like stamps, games, and comic books. It's an exciting hobby to watch your collectibles increase in value year after year. Know the Value of Your Collection: Some people collect for the fun of collecting. Others do it as a way to make money such as collecting and selling scrap metals. Some collectibles fluctuate in price on an almost daily basis. Others grow in value over time. Look for collectibles that still have their original boxes. An easy way to keep track of the value of an item is to join a collecting club. But do additional online research before you decide to sell so you avoid being ripped off. For some ideas on best selling practices, click here to learn how to sell comics. 3. Enhances Your Historical Knowledge: If you are someone who loves history, then consider collecting items. Collectible items are a great and fun way to learn about history or even a specific period of time in history. Take coin collecting, for example. Coin collecting has been around as long as coins themselves. Each era of coins provides a wealth of information. Each coin tells you what language the country where it originated spoke when the coin was created. The coin also tells which metals the country of origin considered valuable, providing you with a lot of information about what people during that era held in high esteem. 4. Helps You Improve Your Organizational Skills: If you take your collection hobby seriously, you'll need to learn some organizational skills. Most hobby collections involve categorizing items. Categorizing items helps you and others recognize certain characteristics of your collectibles. Categorizing also helps identify breaks in patterns. This skill helps you recognize fakes when compared with real collectibles. And it can help you recognize when you've found something truly special. Transfer Organizing Skills to the Rest of Your Life: As you learn how to organize and categorize, you'll realize how beneficial these skills are to everything else in your life. And they're easily transferable skills. Organizational thinking is a necessary skill in today's world. Especially if you're in certain professions such as teachers, doctors or stockbrokers. You can use these skills to increase your productivity, reduce stress, and make smarter, healthier decisions in every area of your life. 5. Improves Your Health: Collecting is a hobby. Research shows that those who engage in hobbies are more averse to problems such as low blood pressure, depression, and even memory issues. Hobbies help people focus on something that brings them joy, which reduces their anxiety. And if you're scouring flea markets for the latest find, you'll get some exercise, too. Hobbies create joy in your life and give you a sense of purpose. How to Select Which Cool Collectibles to Focus on: There are tons of cool collectibles you can choose from. Start by taking a look around your home. You may have already started a collection without knowing it. If not, take a look at your friends and family's collections, see if you like what they're collecting. If so, ask them about it. Do Your Research Before You Purchase Anything: If not, take some time to do research on what's worth collecting. Then select something you're excited to learn more about. If you already know what you want to collect, start doing research. Learn the lingo used by those already collecting. Find out where the best spots are for finding new items to collect. Designate an Area to Keep Your Collectibles: Make sure you have a safe spot in your home or office to keep your collectibles. Make sure they're in a place where they're not exposed to elements, kids/pets or bugs/vermin. Don't Go Overboard: Collecting things is a great hobby, but don't go overboard. Create a budget to ensure you don't spend money you don't have on a collectible item. If you can't wait to get that latest cool collectible, we can help you avoid financial disaster. Click here to learn how to make money without getting a second job. Read Also: Six Tips For Crowdfunding Success  

Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life

5 Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life

Inspirational quotes are, well, inspirational. But they usually don’t offer any great insights into the minds of the people they’re attributed to. When they’re properly attributed at all. More often than not, quotes are apocryphal, which means they’re attributed to someone famous who didn’t actually say them (or, at least, wasn’t the first). So let’s dispense with the inspirational quotes and go deeper. Let’s try our best to understand what actually makes successful people successful. Specifically, people who’ve founded and scaled successful businesses. These Five Little-Known Founder Habits Are The Perfect Place To Begin There are multiple five little-known founder habits that will be going to be perfect to begin a successful roadmap. Below I am going to discuss the five little-known habits that are a perfect place to begin.  1. Staying Humble, No Matter How Far You Get  Many entrepreneurs have humble origin stories. Throw an iPhone in Silicon Valley and you’ll probably hit someone who works for a company started in some guy’s garage. What sets truly humble entrepreneurs apart from everyone else is what they do after hitting the big time. Founders like Steve Streit, who famously launched fintech pioneer Green Dot from his home, managed to stay down to earth after his company became a market leader.  Truly humble founders also tend to know when to step back. Streit now lets others run Green Dot and devotes his time to philanthropy and early-stage investing. Many others, from Bill Gates to Craig Newmark, followed similar paths. 2. Never Being Afraid to Ask Questions  There’s a fine line between projecting competence and being overconfident. The first is a good thing, on balance, for founders. The second is not. What does this have to do with not being afraid to ask questions? Well, competent people are more than happy to ask questions they don’t know the answer to. That’s how they learn. Overconfident people are scared of looking like they don’t know something, imagining it to be a sign of weakness. But the opposite is true — being so scared as to be unwilling to learn is a sign of weakness, and likely to hold you back from the success you might otherwise deserve. 3. Being Good at “Two Things” (Instead of One) “Cross-disciplinary” capabilities are in high demand among founders (and their backers) these days. What this means is that investors and other stakeholders prefer leaders who are neither “a mile wide and an inch deep” nor “an inch wide and a mile deep.” People who can do at least two things very well — say, systems engineering and public communication, or marketing and supply chain management — tend to be better placed to lead growing teams. 4. Cutting Out the Business Jargon  A word of advice: Don’t use terms like “cross-disciplinary.” Instead, say “being good at two things at once.” Sure, it’s more of a mouthful, but everyone understands what you’re talking about, and you don’t sound like a know-it-all. Even if your down-to-earth style turns off industry insiders, it’ll endear you to the broader market. 6. Building a Team That Reflects Your Audience  Warren Buffett famously hires for “integrity first.” But integrity alone won’t get your team over the hump. Nor will competence alone, though it certainly helps. The most resilient teams have a broad range of skills, perspectives, and influences, so much so that they can be said to accurately reflect the composition of their addressable markets. In a word, they’re as diverse — or nearly as diverse — as the broader public. Anyone who tells you “diversity” is a dirty word is selling something you don’t want to buy, or perhaps doesn’t understand the true meaning of “diversity.” What’s Your Hidden Superpower?  Self-promotional founders might exaggerate a bit and call these six little-discussed habits “superpowers.” If they make the difference between success and failure, well, that’s a reasonable position to take. Let’s turn the conversation back to you. Thinking about your own strengths and weaknesses, your own routines and work habits, does anything you do (or feel you’re capable of) rise to the level of “superpower”?  Probably so. The bigger challenge, once you’ve identified your own superpower, is to figure out how it translates to success in life and business. You’ve got the goods; now it’s time to use them. What Are The 10 Habits Of Successful People? Did you know that some successful people want to be involved in cultivating certain habits? Below, I will discuss the ten habits of successful people that will help you become successful. 1. Organization One of the most significant habits of successful people is organization. In this case, organization includes planning and setting priorities along with goals. After researching the fact, it has been seen that Addicted2Success.com’s founder, Joel Brown, says that he always used to follow his self-made to-do list. This helps him to become a successful person.  2. Taking Action Did you know that success comes from taking Action? Ultimately, taking Action is one of the most significant habits of almost every successful person. It means a person who dreams of achieving success and goals always has calculated plans. In this case, they also consistently implement their calculated plans. After that, they can see the future’s bright and prosperous light, which usually fills with joyful motivation and omnipotence.  3. Relaxation When this is about relaxation, then it means not just taking naps. But this points to meditating for long hours by closing your eyes. This helps you to become successful in an easier manner. After all, meditation is a big medicine to get your life back; even this can turn your messy thoughts into something streamlined. This will help you think properly, make plans, and move ahead to move right.  4. Personal Care If you have plans to be passionate about any significant domain, then it will not happen. In this case, always remember that taking care of yourself and keeping yourself clean is also part of achieving success. It is a fact that almost every successful person somehow takes care of their health. This can be done in any way, such as exercising regularly, practicing self-care, eating healthy foods, maintaining a good routine, etc.  5. Positive Attitude What do you mean by positive habits? Well, this could be anything, right!! In this case, by becoming humble, expressing properly, talking with others politely, and so on. You always have to showcase your positive habits in your workplace. In this way, you can become successful. Not only that, but this is the easiest way to get courage.  6. Networking Building a network would be an essential part of life. Some successful people always want to add value in exchanging their lives. Networking is mainly known as the value of teamwork and collaboration.  7. Frugality Frugality is one of the most essential habits for being thrifty. This can happen with anything, such as resources and money. This is another habit that will help you learn economics by avoiding multiple wastages. This would automatically give results in this type of efficiency.  8. Rising Early Did you know that you won’t be able to succeed without rising early? In this case, a late-morning person can’t get that success compared to an early-rising person. This habit will repeatedly help you to achieve success. This is one of the most remarkable and notable successes among other habits.  9. Sharing  Sharing is another way to become a successful person. Successful people will always have the habit of believing in their success and passions. This would help them to accumulate wealth, especially for themselves.  10. Reading Books will help you to enhance your knowledge. After all, knowledge transfer and garnering knowledge are also notable habits of a successful person.  In Conclusion I have discussed 5 Little-Known Founder Habits to Advance Your Career & Personal Life and ten Habits of a Successful Person. Building a good habit is a practice of becoming rich. This old proverb, “failure is the pillar of success,” means you must face failure to reach a thriving destination. Otherwise, it won’t be possible to become a successful person.  I hope you liked this article! Learn More About: The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives Books & Self Development – How Words Can Help Motivate Yourself The Lifeline Of Hope: Exploring The Power Of Life Supports Counseling