5 Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life


26 February 2024


Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life

Inspirational quotes are, well, inspirational. But they usually don’t offer any great insights into the minds of the people they’re attributed to.

When they’re properly attributed at all. More often than not, quotes are apocryphal, which means they’re attributed to someone famous who didn’t actually say them (or, at least, wasn’t the first).

So let’s dispense with the inspirational quotes and go deeper. Let’s try our best to understand what actually makes successful people successful. Specifically, people who’ve founded and scaled successful businesses.

These Five Little-Known Founder Habits Are The Perfect Place To Begin

These Five Little-Known Founder Habits Are The Perfect Place To Begin

There are multiple five little-known founder habits that will be going to be perfect to begin a successful roadmap. Below I am going to discuss the five little-known habits that are a perfect place to begin. 

1. Staying Humble, No Matter How Far You Get

 Many entrepreneurs have humble origin stories. Throw an iPhone in Silicon Valley and you’ll probably hit someone who works for a company started in some guy’s garage.

What sets truly humble entrepreneurs apart from everyone else is what they do after hitting the big time. Founders like Steve Streit, who famously launched fintech pioneer Green Dot from his home, managed to stay down to earth after his company became a market leader. 

Truly humble founders also tend to know when to step back. Streit now lets others run Green Dot and devotes his time to philanthropy and early-stage investing. Many others, from Bill Gates to Craig Newmark, followed similar paths.

2. Never Being Afraid to Ask Questions

 There’s a fine line between projecting competence and being overconfident. The first is a good thing, on balance, for founders. The second is not.

What does this have to do with not being afraid to ask questions? Well, competent people are more than happy to ask questions they don’t know the answer to. That’s how they learn.

Overconfident people are scared of looking like they don’t know something, imagining it to be a sign of weakness. But the opposite is true — being so scared as to be unwilling to learn is a sign of weakness, and likely to hold you back from the success you might otherwise deserve.

3. Being Good at “Two Things” (Instead of One)

“Cross-disciplinary” capabilities are in high demand among founders (and their backers) these days. What this means is that investors and other stakeholders prefer leaders who are neither “a mile wide and an inch deep” nor “an inch wide and a mile deep.” People who can do at least two things very well — say, systems engineering and public communication, or marketing and supply chain management — tend to be better placed to lead growing teams.

4. Cutting Out the Business Jargon

 A word of advice: Don’t use terms like “cross-disciplinary.” Instead, say “being good at two things at once.” Sure, it’s more of a mouthful, but everyone understands what you’re talking about, and you don’t sound like a know-it-all. Even if your down-to-earth style turns off industry insiders, it’ll endear you to the broader market.

6. Building a Team That Reflects Your Audience

 Warren Buffett famously hires for “integrity first.” But integrity alone won’t get your team over the hump. Nor will competence alone, though it certainly helps.

The most resilient teams have a broad range of skills, perspectives, and influences, so much so that they can be said to accurately reflect the composition of their addressable markets. In a word, they’re as diverse — or nearly as diverse — as the broader public. Anyone who tells you “diversity” is a dirty word is selling something you don’t want to buy, or perhaps doesn’t understand the true meaning of “diversity.”

What’s Your Hidden Superpower?

What’s Your Hidden Superpower

 Self-promotional founders might exaggerate a bit and call these six little-discussed habits “superpowers.” If they make the difference between success and failure, well, that’s a reasonable position to take.

Let’s turn the conversation back to you. Thinking about your own strengths and weaknesses, your own routines and work habits, does anything you do (or feel you’re capable of) rise to the level of “superpower”? 

Probably so. The bigger challenge, once you’ve identified your own superpower, is to figure out how it translates to success in life and business. You’ve got the goods; now it’s time to use them.

What Are The 10 Habits Of Successful People?

What Are The 10 Habits Of Successful People

Did you know that some successful people want to be involved in cultivating certain habits? Below, I will discuss the ten habits of successful people that will help you become successful.

1. Organization

One of the most significant habits of successful people is organization. In this case, organization includes planning and setting priorities along with goals. After researching the fact, it has been seen that Addicted2Success.com’s founder, Joel Brown, says that he always used to follow his self-made to-do list. This helps him to become a successful person. 

2. Taking Action

Did you know that success comes from taking Action? Ultimately, taking Action is one of the most significant habits of almost every successful person. It means a person who dreams of achieving success and goals always has calculated plans. In this case, they also consistently implement their calculated plans. After that, they can see the future’s bright and prosperous light, which usually fills with joyful motivation and omnipotence. 

3. Relaxation

When this is about relaxation, then it means not just taking naps. But this points to meditating for long hours by closing your eyes. This helps you to become successful in an easier manner. After all, meditation is a big medicine to get your life back; even this can turn your messy thoughts into something streamlined. This will help you think properly, make plans, and move ahead to move right. 

4. Personal Care

If you have plans to be passionate about any significant domain, then it will not happen. In this case, always remember that taking care of yourself and keeping yourself clean is also part of achieving success. It is a fact that almost every successful person somehow takes care of their health. This can be done in any way, such as exercising regularly, practicing self-care, eating healthy foods, maintaining a good routine, etc. 

5. Positive Attitude

What do you mean by positive habits? Well, this could be anything, right!! In this case, by becoming humble, expressing properly, talking with others politely, and so on. You always have to showcase your positive habits in your workplace. In this way, you can become successful. Not only that, but this is the easiest way to get courage. 

6. Networking

Building a network would be an essential part of life. Some successful people always want to add value in exchanging their lives. Networking is mainly known as the value of teamwork and collaboration. 

7. Frugality

Frugality is one of the most essential habits for being thrifty. This can happen with anything, such as resources and money. This is another habit that will help you learn economics by avoiding multiple wastages. This would automatically give results in this type of efficiency. 

8. Rising Early

Did you know that you won’t be able to succeed without rising early? In this case, a late-morning person can’t get that success compared to an early-rising person. This habit will repeatedly help you to achieve success. This is one of the most remarkable and notable successes among other habits. 

9. Sharing 

Sharing is another way to become a successful person. Successful people will always have the habit of believing in their success and passions. This would help them to accumulate wealth, especially for themselves. 

10. Reading

Books will help you to enhance your knowledge. After all, knowledge transfer and garnering knowledge are also notable habits of a successful person. 

In Conclusion

I have discussed 5 Little-Known Founder Habits to Advance Your Career & Personal Life and ten Habits of a Successful Person. Building a good habit is a practice of becoming rich. This old proverb, “failure is the pillar of success,” means you must face failure to reach a thriving destination. Otherwise, it won’t be possible to become a successful person. 

I hope you liked this article!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Benefits of Meditation

Five Benefits of Meditation That Will Change Your Life

Meditating has been a life-changing experience for me in many, many ways. It’s my first best addiction, second best being the use of marijuana. For a long time, I used marijuana to treat my stress and depression because it is a psychoactive drug and it has the capability to cure our mental problems such as stress and depression to a significant degree if it is used in its raw form, read this article here. However, meditation has acted as a game-changer. I no longer roll a joint when I'm stressed, I sit in the designated corner of my room for fifteen minutes, and everything changes completely. The problems seem to disappear, and I encounter this wonderful peace which replaces the feeling of unsettlement. Let me briefly tell you about the few ways in which meditation can alter your whole life. 1. Instant Dose of Happiness: My first ever meditation practice was guided and my yoga instructor helped me with it. Before I even hit the point of feeling serene and in peace, I felt happiness. It was as if a dark cloud has left the sky and it’s sunny everywhere. But it wasn’t just something I felt; there is a medical explanation for this phenomenon. Our left prefrontal cortex is active whenever we are feeling happy. But when everything is going downhill, you can safely assume that this part of your brain is dormant. Meditation can make it active, and positive emotion can flow through your body by the simple act of mindfulness. It also aids with decreasing activity in the right prefrontal cortex which encourages negative thoughts and emotions. Regular meditation can make you mindful of your day-to-day routine which can be especially beneficial for inducing positive thinking patterns. 2. Your Lifestyle Will Change: Another major change that you're bound to notice is that you'll start living a healthier life. Meditation can change your life in many ways, for example, it can fix your sleep cycle. You won't suffer from diseases like sleep apnea and insomnia anymore. You can meditate and do yoga side-by-side, so in a way; you can start working out because of meditation. Meditation promotes positive thoughts in our brain, as I have explained already. So you're likely to give up bad habits like smoking cigarettes and pot etc. It helped me get rid of pot addiction; I can vouch for the rehabilitating effect of this activity. You might as well start eating healthier meals if you practice meditation regularly. 3. It Helps Battle Anxiety & Stress: It is especially useful when you have to combat anxiety and stress. It might as well save you a trip to the psychiatrist. Regular meditation can turn you into a happier individual because it aims to reprogram your whole thought process. So, if you are suffering from anxious thoughts meditation can help you combat these thoughts very effectively. The most devastating of all effects that anxiety can have on your brain is reducing the size of your hippocampus, which is responsible for keeping your memory sharp. But here's the deal, meditation has the capability of reversing any damage that has been done to your brain, and it can even fortify your brain to combat anxiety in the future. Those who meditate regularly are less likely to be anxious. Does this explain the peaceful lives of shamans to you?   4. Age Gracefully: Meditation can lead to graceful aging. Aging is a process that every individual has to go through, and while it seems unlikely that sitting straight for minutes, even hours, it could slow down the process of aging. You can find more than enough evidence of this fact now. Meditation has the ability to slow down the aging of cells of your body. Let me explain to you the whole process. When we stress out or suffer from diseases like diabetes type 2 and dementia etc. the length of our telomeres which are the DNA caps reduces. If this process continues, the chromosomes division process could be inhibited because they no longer have any protection from these telomeres. On a cellular level, your body has now started dying. Since practicing meditation can keep your stress and other chronic illnesses at bay, you are sure to keep increasing the age of your cells thereby ensuring a long and healthy life for yourself.   5. It Helps Your EQ: Just like IQ, your emotional intelligence is measured by the Emotional Quotient, and trust me, you might survive this world without a high IQ, but success without emotional intelligence is a tough call. Since meditating more often can lead you to develop a better awareness of your surroundings, you would be able to read the emotions of others. This will give you an edge over the others, and you can succeed at many things in life by having a higher emotional intelligence level.   Read Also: 1. Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle. 2. 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Stress And Start Living A Peaceful Life.


Friendships Up in Smoke? 6 Ways Addiction Affects Relationships

If you’ve suffered from long-term substance abuse disorders, you likely understand how damaging drug and alcohol dependency can be to your close relationships. People who abuse substances often behave erratically and irresponsibly, leaving loved ones in the wake of drug-induced rage, mania, and recklessness. Unfortunately, addiction frequently severs relational ties, leaving addicts alone and susceptible to further drug use. Though it can be challenging to remedy broken relationships, you can perform damage control by making amends and extending an olive branch to those negatively affected. One of the critical steps in rehabilitation is reaching out to those you’ve hurt, apologizing, and attempting to rebuild the trust you’ve broken. If you’re unsure whether your friends and family are at their wit’s end, read on for six ways addiction can affect your close relationships. Behaving dishonestly One of the most difficult relational obstacles to overcome when living with a substance abuse disorder is dishonesty. Unfortunately, many addicts rely on secrecy and deception to conceal their drug and alcohol use and absolve themselves from judgment. Chances are your addiction is tied up in shame and guilt, and keeping the severity of the situation concealed can feel like the only option. However, once your loved ones notice unusual behavior or catch you in a lie, they may feel hurt and upset at your dishonesty, negatively affecting your relationship. Isolating yourself People with substance abuse disorders often begin isolating themselves from friends, family, and partners, pushing people away to continue their drug and alcohol use. Sadly, long-term use can significantly impact your emotional states, turning you into a completely different person when inebriated. Though every addict copes with dependency in unique ways, many find their priorities lie in getting their next fix, disregarding those around them to keep their habit alive. Emotional dysregulation A common symptom of addiction is emotional dysregulation, which can significantly impact your close relationships as you experience outbursts and engage in reckless behavior. Unfortunately, your friends and family often receive the brunt of your mood swings and callousness, leaving many loved ones feeling resentful and unwilling to continue the relationship. Losing trust As people fall deeper and deeper into substance abuse, the trail of lies, deception, and betrayal they leave behind can be long and winding. Unfortunately, broken trust is difficult to remedy, and many people engaging with addicts find themselves frustrated and disheartened by deceitful behavior. Though you can rebuild bonds by taking actionable, rehabilitative steps, like apologizing sincerely and committing to sobriety, distrust can reinstate the bond present in once strong relationships. Abusive behaviors Unfortunately, drug and alcohol dependency and abusive behaviors often go hand in hand. Though many addicts find treatment before stuping to toxic behaviors, others blame their behavior on substance use, punishing those around them through emotional and physical violence. Drugs and alcohol prompt irrational behavior and can ignite fights quickly as anger builds into rage and resentment. Sadly, those living amongst heavily addicted individuals often experience mistreatment and trauma during outbursts and drug-induced mania. Additionally, frustrated family members can also act out, punishing the addict in unhelpful, abusive ways. Wrapping up Addiction and substance abuse disorders can significantly affect your interpersonal relationships as you engage in erratic, potentially dangerous behaviors. That said, by getting help from a professional treatment center and taking actionable steps toward recovery, you can attempt to rebuild broken connections and trust. Read Also: Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective? How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Available Treatment Options for Cocaine Addiction The Benefits Of Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Over Other Choices

Beach Hacks

Beach Hacks That Will Maximize Fun and Reduce Aggravation

Vacation days at the beach areas should always be fun and stress-free. Losing vulnerable items, sunburned kids, and sand all over your beach items, but to name a few, can ruin your beach day. To ensure that you achieve the most of your day, assuming everything goes out as planned, try out these beach hacks that will maximize fun and reduce aggravation. 1. Pack your beach bag the previous night There is nothing worse than delaying your beach trip simply because you are looking for every item that you may need for the beach. Ensure that you put everything in place the night before; to save time. You may be lucky to be among the first beachgoers, allowing you to pick a good spot on the beach. 2. Don’t forget a good beach umbrella A good beach umbrella is one of the few items you don't realize how much you need until you go without it. Beach umbrellas shield you from extreme sun rays, provide a cool shade and add extra style to your beach excursion. Choose a beach umbrella that you can afford and suits your every need. 3. Make use of a mesh bag To avoid bringing beach sand home with you, you can use a mesh bag to carry your kid’s toys and beach gear. As you return the toys and beach gears in the mesh bag after use, excess sand falls out on the beach rather than in your car or your house. 4. Bring along a fitted sheet To prevent filling your beach towel with sand, use a fitted sheet that prevents blowing sand from invading your space. Lay your fitted sheets upside down, place a heavy object on the four corners to act as anchors, then pull the sheet up and stretch tightly. 5. Hide and protect valuable items Valuable items like keys, money, and phones must be kept safe from theft, getting lost, and damaged. Use the "diaper trick" when you want to go swimming. You can wrap your valuables in a diaper then, fold the diaper as if it's dirty. You can store your phone in a plastic bag or a pool pouch to prevent damage from sand and water. Also, you can tie your keys around a wine cork or a floating chain, especially if you are swimming with them to prevent sinking into the water. 6. Pack baby powder There is no fun in wiping wet sand off yourself at the end of your beach day. However, you can use some baby powder to remove sand from parts of your body where sand is still sticking. First, you need to air dry as soon as you get out of the water, then apply baby powder. Baby powder absorbs excess moisture on your skin, making it easier to brush off the sand. 7. Start your day on a heavy breakfast You may carry food to the beach but end up throwing it away because it’s filled with sand. To avoid this, ensure that you eat a heavy breakfast before heading out. You can pack some drinks and light snacks instead of something more substantial. 8. Carry an inflatable kiddie pool For those parents with newly mobile babies, you can bring a small inflatable kiddie pool to the beach. If you are not careful, babies can move just enough to get away from you, making your day less enjoyable. You can put your baby into the inflated pool with some toys to keep them contained and still entertained. 9. Bring along a couple of balloons At the beach, ears get blocked and need to be cleared. To do this, blow a balloon to clear your ears. It is also easy for the little ones to grasp this concept. 10. Avoid carrying heavy stuff to the beach Instead of carrying a heavy chair down to the beach, upgrade it to a foldable chair that can also be carried like a bag pack. This opens up another hand to carry other things rather than making trips to and from the beach. To maximize summer fun, use these simple hacks to enjoy your day at the beach. Make sure to carry an inflatable kiddie pool for your baby, if you have one, so that you may also get the most out of your fun in the sun. Bonus: Try out reading our exclusive guide on top expensive beachfront homes. Read Also: 10 Beach Vacation Packages That Will Let You Unwind Without Breaking 5 Best Beaches and Beachfront Attractions in Santa Cruz, CA