Business potential of stock broking agencies in India

Published on: 21 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
stock broking

Over the last few years, quite a few stock brokers have been forced to shut shop due to weak business. This is true not only of broking but also of other businesses where automation has been taking its toll. To survive and thrive in the stock broking business you need to be able to extrapolate the key trends in stock broking and position yourself accordingly. How do you differentiate yourself as a stock broker? That is the only way you can realize the full potential of stock broking. Remember, each year Indian investors are investing more than $25 billion into equities either in direct equities or via equity and ELSS funds. That is a lot of money. How do you grab the most of this potential? There are five things that you need to be aware of.

The industry is getting divided into two segments:

In the broking industry, you either need to run with the hares or hunt with the hounds. The broking industry as a whole is getting stratified into the zero brokerage discount brokers and the full-service brokers. The room for the in-between brokers is increasingly reducing. If you want to be a discount broker then focus on an efficient offering at a very low cost. Alternatively, if you want to be at the full-service end then you need to be prepared to invest in research and technology. In the past, there was room for the median brokers who were somewhere between the full-service brokers and the discount brokers. With both these categories of brokers pushing their boundaries, the gap in between is getting squeezed. First, be clear on your positioning and your strategy should follow after that.

Be clear on the value proposition:

This is a logical corollary to the first point. What is your value proposition? Are you offering the lowest brokerage in the market? That is an advantage that is hard to sustain over longer periods of time and the model is always vulnerable to sudden changes in the market undertone. Secondly, are you offering the best advisory services in the business? This called multi-level skills in portfolio design, need understanding, portfolio customization, portfolio review etc. This is quite complicated and any advisory is always open to an opinion about success and failure. In a competitive market, this can work both ways. Lastly, is technology your USP? In the past, technology was just a tool, but that has changed. Today it is possible to look at broking as a software company and offering a robust trading model that is super efficient and intelligent.

Automate and employ technology intelligently:

If you look at how brokers are adding value to their customers, most of the value addition in the last few years is coming through technology. Thanks to broadband and the use of smartphones, it is possible to trade on the fly using your mobile app. Brokers are also employing artificial intelligence and machine learning to make machines increasingly think and strategize like humans. And then there is the all-powerful call to action. Here the customer is guided seamlessly through research, screening, and execution without really realizing that they are different parts of the trading system.

Engage the customer continuously through financial planning:

Broking is increasingly commoditized. That is more the case when you try to offer broking as a solution rather than as a service. For an investor, the solution is the creation of wealth in the long term. The solution could also be managing risk. The solution could also entail profiting from short-term trends. Most often brokers tend to confuse between the product and the solution. Focus on the solution in this industry. When you are in the financial services industry you always start with the financial goal in mind. Help the client identify long-term goals and then prepare a plan to reach these goals. As a broker you will find out how easily equity, mutual funds, and even bond sit prettily into this scheme of things. That is the best way to increase your customer engagement and improve your ROI per customer. It is just that in this case, the ROI flows naturally.

Provide a delivery platform that simple, elegant and actionable:

One of the critical success factors in the broking industry will be the variety and robustness of the delivery platform that you offer. If you offer more platforms like online, offline, mobile, call-n-trade, SMS trading, non-market trades etc, then your chances of engaging the customer meaningfully is much higher. Your delivery platform should also be seamless such that the movement between research ideas; advise, screening and execution should be smooth and with minimum clicks. That is when the clients can actually experience the value proposition.

The key issue here is that the opportunity in the broking industry is still huge. It is just that the nature of the opportunity is changing. As a broker, you need to position yourself in the bracket that reflects your core strengths the best. The rest will follow!

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how to buy ethereum on etoro

Investing In The Future: Buying Ethereum Made Simple On eToro

Ethereum recently switched from a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism to a Proof-of-Stake one in an effort to increase network efficiency. It's frequently regarded as a solid cryptocurrency investment with future growth potential. We will guide you through the eToro Ethereum purchase process in this section. Want to know how to buy Ethereum on eToro? eToro is an exchange platform that streamlines the registration and asset purchase process into a few easy steps. You can easily purchase Ethereum on eToro rather than becoming bogged down on a confusing platform. Where To Buy Ethereum? Given that Ethereum is the second-largest digital asset by market capitalization, the top cryptocurrency exchanges support it. You must use caution, though, as the majority of cryptocurrency transactions are unregulated. Additionally, you must take into account storage costs, minimum account balances, investment fees, liquidity, and other crucial elements. The five Ethereum investment sites listed below are worthwhile to take into account when looking for places to invest. Buy Ethereum On Etoro If you're a total novice to cryptocurrency, Ethereum eToro is a good place to invest. In 2007, the user-friendly investing platform eToro was established. Novice investors use it because they want an easy-to-use, secure cryptocurrency-buying platform. eToro is a highly regulated platform that possesses four tier-1 licenses. Regulation from the FCA (UK), FINRA (US), ASIC (Australia), and CySEC (EU) is included in this. These respectable licensing authorities guarantee that eToro maintains customer funds in different bank accounts. In order to ensure that it conforms with anti-money laundering laws, eToro will confirm the identity of each and every registered user. On eToro, you must first register and create an account in order to purchase Ethereum. For its users, eToro streamlines and expedites the registration and account creation process. To create an account, you must first visit the official eToro website and click the "Join Now" button. You must input some personal information, such as your name, email address, and a strong password. Confirm and create the account after you make sure all of your information is accurate. You can now access your eToro account with the same username and password that you used to register. You must now use text messaging or email address verification to validate your account. It's crucial to confirm your identity with your identity card and address documentation, such as utility and bank statements. It is mandatory to verify your identity in order to adhere to KYC and AML regulations. Furthermore, on eToro, you are unable to trade assets without first confirming your identity. The next step requires you to make a deposit into your eToro account. There are several different payment options available on the eToro platform. They consist of card payments, internet payments, and bank transfers. How To Buy Ethereum On Etoro: eToro From The Inside? After choosing the "Deposit funds" option, you must choose the payment method you want to use to send money. The deposit amount and other payment information, such as your name and bank account number, must then be entered. To add money to your account, fill out all the information and validate the transaction. The "Watchlist" area of your eToro account dashboard is where you should next go. Use the search bar to look up Ethereum in that. Being one of the most well-known and the second-largest cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization, it is simple to locate. You now see a different page when you choose Ethereum. It displays all of the data about Ethereum, including historical information, market performance, and other data. To purchase Ethereum on eToro, click the "Buy" option and fill out the information. You must enter purchase information, such as the amount of money you want to spend on Ethereum, in the following step. Alternatively, you can decide how many Ether coins you want to purchase. Once these details are entered, select "Open trade" to proceed with Ethereum purchases. Make sure all the information is accurate and that you have authenticated your identity on the platform before proceeding. Ethereum is deposited into your account once you confirm the trade to purchase it on eToro. To view the Ethereum you have purchased on the platform, navigate to the "portfolio" area. Can You Lose Money When Investing? Sure. It is possible to lose more money than you initially invested, to lose money on a trade, or to use all of your capital to open positions and pay overnight fees. Negative Balance Protection comes gratis with the platform, nevertheless. This will just reset your equity to zero and absorb all of the losses that have been incurred automatically. This basically means that even though you might lose more than the amount you invested, you won't lose more than your capital or the total amount deposited into your account because of eToro's Negative Balance Protection policy. Ethereum is going through a lot of changes to increase the network's effectiveness and performance. One of the events that changed the network from PoW to PoS was the recent Merge. It seeks to reduce transaction fees and improve user experience as a result. Purchasing Ethereum is a smart way to capitalize on the network's expansion and future possibilities. You can increase your chances of making money during the next bull market by purchasing Ethereum on eToro! ETH Cross Pairs Now that you know how to buy Ethereum on eToro, if you wish to investigate investing in ETH-related cross-instruments can also access eToro.The availability and diversity of the currency and cryptocurrency cross that the platform offers are subject to change in response to market demands. There are no commodity crosses available for ETH. Currency CrossesCrypto CrossesAustralian Dollar (ETHAUD)Bitcoin (ETHBTC)Canadian Dollar (ETHCAD)EOS (ETHEOS)Swiss Franc (ETHCHF)Gram Coin (ETHGRAM)Euro (ETHEUR)Stellar Lumens (ETHXLM)British Pound (ETHGBP)Zcash (ZECETH)Japanese Yen (ETHJPY) New Zealand Dollar (ETHNZD)  If your account is under the jurisdiction of a financial authority that prohibits investing in certain crypto assets, you will not be able to trade these specific instruments. Check whether the buy and sell buttons can be clicked to see if your account is restricted. If these are deactivated, it indicates that these regulatory restrictions apply to your account. Wrapping Up eToro is a multi-asset platform that allows CFD trading in addition to stock and cryptocurrency investing. In this article, we have tried to give you an insider view of how to buy Ethereum on eToro. Please be aware that CFDs are instruments that carry a significant risk of losing money quickly because of liability. 77% of retail investor accounts experience financial losses when using this provider to trade CFDs. You should think about your understanding of CFDs and your ability to bear the significant risk of losing your money. Future outcomes cannot be predicted based on past performance. The trading history provided is not longer than five full years, so it might not be sufficient to make an informed investment decision. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a question below. We would love to hear from you! 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Freelance Work

How Business Owners Can Better Utilize Freelance Work

Small businesses don’t always have a ton of cash or room to make costly mistakes, so every penny, every asset, every minute, counts. Often, small businesses will turn to freelancers for certain projects where they need expert help, but that can also take a hit on your bank account, so ensuring the freelancer does good work is crucial. Sometimes though, the freelance work falls short, leaving the small business low on funds with a deliverable that is unusable. So how do you avoid that? Let’s talk about a better way of finding freelance workers for your business. Revenue Sharing Model Each freelancer can be paid differently. Some are paid upfront or given equity, others are paid a percentage of the final revenue, and some are paid when the job gets done. Here’s the best thing a small business that is low on upstart funds can do when it comes to hiring a freelancer: Adopt a revenue-sharing model. What that means is the freelancer gets paid when you do. They’ll complete the project, deliver all final assets to the business owner, but they’ll only get paid if and when you start making money. There will be a percentage that is agreed upon by both parties before the project begins, and if your business starts bringing in revenue, you’ll then pay off the percentage owed to the freelancer. If your business never makes money, you do not have to pay the freelancer a dime. Why is this a good idea? First of all, it decreases the risk for the business by waiting to pay the freelancer until there is secure revenue coming in. Second, with this idea in mind, freelancers can do some of their best work. They aren’t just getting paid to finish a job, there’s a higher expectation of their work. They understand that if their work is mediocre, there’s a lower chance of them getting paid. It’s in their best interest to do the best work they can, not only to help you as a business owner but to help themselves as well. Develop a Relationship Far too often, businesses pay freelancers for work only to be unsatisfied with the end product. Many times this is due to a lack of communication on one or both sides. To ensure that you are getting quality service delivered from a freelance worker, it’s important to have an understanding relationship. Here are a few tips on how to accomplish that: Describe Your Communication Style If you’re not sure what your communication style is, it’s not a bad idea to find out or develop a system that works for you. Some people have very blunt ways of communicating while others are timider. Talking about your preferred communication style with the freelancer you hired will help to avoid conflict, assumptions, and hard feelings. Explain Your Needs Don’t be afraid to express where there are gaps in understanding. The freelancer is there to be an expert in an area that you may not be familiar with. It’s okay to say things like, “I’m not sure I understand that, could you explain how that works?” The more you can understand the process, the better you’ll be able to communicate and get an end product you’re happy with. Do Your Part If you feel there are gaps in understanding, take a step back, and see if there is anything you might have left out in communication with the freelancer. Sometimes we get in our own bubble and assume other people understand what we are talking about when in reality we need to explain certain things in more depth. Good Luck! Some of these tips may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how often business owners fail to communicate well with the freelancers they hire. If you can adopt these practices into your business model, your freelancers’ work will improve significantly and you won’t have to worry about an unfortunate loss of precious funds. Read also: 5 Office Organization Tips Every New Business Owners Must Know The significance of face-to-face networking for freelancers Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use a Coworking Space 5 Most lucrative home-based business opportunities

Pharmaceutical Company

How To Start A Pharmaceutical Company

When making your own company, there are several challenges that you will encounter. From the manufacturing to the distribution, you will face challenges that can affect the growth of the company within a competitive market. In this article, we will be looking into how you can start the perfect pharmaceutical company. Discover The Niche In The Market One of the first steps to making a successful pharmaceutical company is to discover the niche in the market. Whether this is for distribution method to supermarkets, or running an online pharmacy, there are several ways that you can make your pharmaceutical company stand out as a result. By taking the time to plan this beforehand, you are likely to make a company that can stand out from the competition and provides a service for your customers. Consider The Upfront Costs In addition to this, it is important to consider the upfront costs. When creating a business of any kind, there are several upfront costs such as office spaces, manufacturing costs, and several other elements such as pharmaceutical distribution methods. This is because you need to consider the costs for this as will ensure that you are as successful as possible in your business venture. With this in mind, there are several elements to consider in order to work with your finances as this will ensure that your business starts off right and ensures financial stability as a result. Establish Your Branding When you have considered your niche in the market as well as the upfront costs, you should also consider establishing your branding. Whether this is the logo or online marketing for your business and the website, it is important to ensure that the marketing is consistent. When you establish the branding, it is important that the logos, ad copy, and locations of adverts in the right place. This is important as this will aid you in growing your business and the visibility online regardless of whether you are distributing to supermarkets, selling the medication yourself, or manufacturing them yourself as this will help to boost your branding. Research And Development The final step for you to consider is the research and development aspect of the business. Not only will you need to consider the research, but you will need to look into the development of PPE or medication. Whether you are manufacturing this yourself or you are relying on business and working in the distribution process, this can help to make the most out of the research as a result and ensure that your business is as successful as possible. In addition to this, you can ensure that the development of your business is always at the forefront of the business to make sure they can develop as technology changes. With this in mind, there are several elements to consider before you make your own pharmaceutical company. This will ensure that you have a successful business that can provide your customers with exactly what they need. Read Also: How to choose the right online pharmacy Where Do Healthcare Companies Buy TVs In Bulk? Five things to consider before starting a Business When Should You Turn to a Pharmacist Instead of a GP?