CAT 2018 tougher than 2017; Paper Analysis by CAT Topper Rickshesh Manchanda

Published on: 15 January 2019 Last Updated on: 10 September 2024
CAT 2018

The Common Admission Test (CAT 2018) was conducted by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta on November 25 at various test centers across India. As per the candidates, the overall level of difficulty of the entrance examination was rated moderate to difficult which could have a direct impact on CAT Result. However, there are mixed reactions of students. Some candidates felt that the questions in the Verbal Section were difficult whereas some said that this section was the easiest. Some find Quantitative Aptitude as difficult whereas for some it was the easiest section. As per experts, the second slot of CAT 2018 was on a similar pattern to that of the first slot. The VARC section of CAT 2018 slot II was pretty easy. However, for some students, the DILR section of the second slot was difficult in comparison to the first slot. Quantitative Aptitude remained the toughest of all the sections.

As per the statements were given by the CAT 2018 topper, Rickshesh Manchanda finds CAT 2018 tougher than the last year’s CAT. Rickshesh Manchanda has cracked two most competitive national level examinations i.e. JEE in 2014 and CAT in 2018. He said that he totally believes in self-study as it plays a significant role in one’s success.

Even though Rickshesh cracked CAT 2017 with 99.99 percentile, he appeared again for CAT in November 2018 and this year, he is among the top 11 candidates who scored 100 percentile in CAT 2018. Rickshesh is an alumnus of IIT-Delhi and is currently working with a bank in Pune, Maharashtra.

As per statements made by the CAT 2017 topper, he said that when he cracked CAT last year, he got a call from IIM-Calcutta. He needed some sort of work experience in order to boost his confidence, so he appeared for CAT again. Rickshesh found CAT 2018 tougher than 2017 and when he got 100 percentile, he got surprised.

He also said that the DILR section of CAT 2018 was pretty difficult and also the Quantitative Aptitude Section was not the easier one. In comparison to the previous year’s CAT paper, the questions in the Quantitative Aptitude section were really very difficult. Manchanda said that he was less confident about the English section. He improved this section just by reading books and periodicals for a period of one year. As he was working, so it was pretty difficult for him to maintain the right balance between his job and his CAT preparation. It is not an easy task to top this one of the toughest examinations while doing a job, but, Rickshesh succeeded in cracking this test.

In an interview, Rickshesh said that his basics were crystal clear and he was highly confident. But he also confessed that it was really very hard to find time to practice mock tests regularly. According to him, self-study is the only gateway to crack any competitive examination. It is also very important to revise the topics regularly and make a habit of making short notes of each and every topic that you study. He advised the CAT aspirants to keep revising all the important topics of CAT and appear for mock papers regularly in order to analyze their preparation.

As per Rickshesh, he was not an extraordinary student. He was an average student in studies. He scored an aggregate of 88.8% in Class 12 examination and in 2014, he managed to crack JEE. As he was brought up in a Business woman’s family, he always wanted to set up his own company. He always thinks about plans of starting his own business on recycling waste for the sake of the environment.

Candidates preparing for CAT 2019 must remember that they need to study very hard in order to get admission to top IIMs. The difficulty level of the CAT is increasing every year. So, students need to work pretty hard.

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How to Train Your Brain with Math?

We are always using our brain for the most part of our life, but we don’t do much to keep it in good shape. Your brains need a lot of training and stimulation. There are a lot of things you can do to improve your working memory. But many people are not focused on taking the time to train their brain. There are a lot of great apps, games, and exercises that you can use to improve your brain performance and math skills at the same time. This type of memory training can lead to improvement in mathematical capacities and even help you with your college homework. For accellerated math students, K-12, most turn to math summer camps to stay sharp and avoid the summer slide. Read also: Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017 Here are seven steps to help you improve your brain’s function with math Visualise the problem and practice a lot To improve your memory, practice visualisation skills to support visual-spatial working memory. This is very important if want to be good in math. When you visualise what you hear, you boost weak verbal working memory. Create a picture in mind to represent the information you just heard or read. Then draw that picture and explain it. The idea is to describe the picture you have in mind. It will give you the chance to create a mental image of who, where, what, when, size, colour, shape, texture, and mood. Also, repeated practice can help reduce the strain that may be involved in working memory capacity. Strategies such as memorising multiplication tables help to improve your working memory and math skills. Over-learning or memorising a certain task allows individuals to work something out, which enables them to free up some memory space. During this process, make sure you take breaks to regain focus and not drift away from the main task. Repeated practice help an individual to retain information, and even stretch their memory capacities. Use playing cards There are so many games I can play that involves math to improve my brain performance and help do my homework. Games such as Crazy Eights, Concentration, Uno, and Memory require memory and use of sets, numbers and mathematical concepts. When you play these game, you get to learn to hold information when making any decision. Simple card games such as Go Fish require the players to recall what cards are likely to be in the opponent’s hands. Other complex cards such as Pinochle require good memory skills that involve counting and estimation to win. Playing complex games will help train your brain to be better. Paper writing service Mathematics is one of the most challenging subjects in school. If you don’t know the formula to a certain problem, there is no answer, and this can feel like a punishment. This is more common in Geometry, a branch of mathematics which is a quite complex and require special skills and knowledge to solve problems. Read also: 5 Tips For Getting A Cheap Essay Writing Service Online If you feel frustrated in solving the math problems at hand, you can seek Geometry homework help from a paper writing service like They can help you understand curves, visualize dimensions, calculate angles, determine congruence, and much more. Multiply numbers without a calculator If you’re doing simple math like addition and subtraction at the grocery, avoid using a calculator and do some quick mental math. Start by multiplying two numbers at a time, then work your way up to three, and so on. Remember, math is a skill that can be easily forgotten if not done frequently. This will improve your organizational memory, visualization, and problem-solving skills with time. If you get stuck, you can seek math homework help from writing services. Complete puzzles and play video games Mental challenging puzzles such as Sudoku, Crossword puzzles, and other word puzzles are perfect ways to train your brain. Your brain needs to be subjected to challenges to make progress. When the brain realizes that it’s good at something, it stops putting in the effort. So completing puzzles will help the brain remain active and you will not talk of homework help math again. Read also: Rock The Ball – A Challenging Brain Teaser Puzzles are available online. It’s not like a couple of years ago where you could only find Crossword puzzles in magazines or newspapers. Even more, you get to choose from hundreds and thousands of puzzles on the internet. These games will increase your ability to recognize patterns and process thoughts and ideas quickly. Also, some people say that video games can make your brain mush. But not all video games are like that. Many games are designed to engage your mind, improve your memory, boost mental speed, develop logic, and boost creativity.  Look for entertaining brain games such as chess, word games, memory games, and many others and keep the mind engaged. Write often instead of typing Many people love keyboards because they’re much more efficient to get the words on the page than using hand to write something. But if you want to acquire new knowledge, you may want to ditch the laptop and practice typing what you want by hand. This is important because, the reticular activating system (RAS), which is the brain’s filtering system processes what you’re focusing on at the moment. When you write, the RAS becomes active and you alert the brain that it’s time to pay attention to the task at hand. It is an effective way to train your brain especially when solving math problems. Intelligence is not achieved overnight. But, it can be achieved by training your brain and helping it function at a more efficient level. The secret is to change your daily activities and take new challenges to help stimulate your brain. Solving math problems is a challenge that can help you do that Read also: 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health

children learning

7 steps if an emergency happened: keep your kid aware

While children can be quick when it comes to learning how to speak, which the theory of monogenesis explores, including how to do certain things around the house by way of imitation, keeping watch over them all day long isn’t going to easy.  For example, you wouldn’t know a child has been hurt until he or she comes crying. It is also not easy for they are in danger unless they speak about it. The most difficult part is when your baby is yet to utter words that make sense and you wonder whether a paper writing agency like EWriting Service could be of help in providing the necessary training at a kindergarten level. However, as soon as kids begin speaking, in which case, they can engage in little conversations, teaching them becomes a little easy, albeit, you must take the baby steps with them. 1. Parents are the first teachers : From infantry to adolescence, parents are important anchors in the development of a child.  From teaching them how to pronounce certain words, how to dress, how to hold a fork/spoon to showing them where the ease themselves, parenthood is as noble as teaching. It means before your baby becomes a teenager, and start learning about the good-bad world, shaping their world-view, building their confidence and raising their level of awareness is a task that rests on the shoulders of a guardian. 2. Teaching kids how to cope with emergencies : Now, given that guardians play a significant role in helping a child interact with the surrounding, and that kids find it easy to confide in people who raise them, teaching them how to handle emergency situations should be one of the life lessons with which they should be equipped.  Thus, the following tips should make it easy for every dad or moms out there create awareness in their young ones about dangers like fire and abuse. 3. Tell them about different types of emergencies : Do not sit near walls or use electric appliances during rainfall are one way of conducting one’s self during thunderstorms and even earthquakes.  However, letting your child know that these natural phenomena may lead to emergency situations will make all the difference in their preparedness and trigger-response. 4. Draw up an emergency plan together : Emergency plans may look simple, but they help save lives when disaster strikes.  The next point explains why you should not scare your kid when training them how to cope in situations of emergencies. However, assembling kits together is going to be a huge leap forward. 5. Do not spook them out : For adults, dealing with every day emergency situations may have become normal, but what about kids who know nothing about emergency exits and alarm bells?  The point here is that training young ones on how to cope with fire breakouts isn’t suppose to make them hyper-alert to anything burning such that they will be quickly looking around for an extinguisher.  Conduct fire drills once a month, and explain under what circumstances they should look for the emergency door to safety. 6. 9-1-1 Dial : As soon as your toddler is able to move around the house, and speak, conversing with them about emergencies should include how to dial 9-1-1.  But first, tell about the number, and situations under which they should dial it.  Also, tell them the kind of information to relay to a response team. And even if you decide to get practical here, avoid acting scary. 7. Controlled and slow breathing : There are situations that are best handled by self. For example, when you feel stressed and unable to continue doing some work at the office, taking a nature walk often helps.  What about a child who doesn’t know how to handle situations that require first aid without the involvement of a second or third party? Teach your kid to take slow, deep and controlled breaths whenever they are under duress because until then, making a conscious decision isn't going to be feasible. In a nutshell, parents must, if and when necessary, teach their children how to react to emergencies, and when it is time to lend a helping hand.  Let them know that feeling anxious is normal, but staying positive is going to help them cope with whatever nature of urgency they will face. It is like asking for dissertation editing help when there is so much so that one cannot cope with everything at the same time. Read Also : Tips On Cheap Paper Writing Assignments Tips On Cheap Assignment Writing Services Hiring How Can Critical Thinking Help In Your Daily Life?

non toxic pens

How To Find Quality Non Toxic Pens?

There are numerous factors that affect dyne levels. If you are not achieving proper dyne levels then you should start with knowing your dyne level of the material before treating. It is important to know the starting and ending treatment levels. You should look for quality dyne pens that offer a fast, simple and safe way of testing surface energy. Dyne pens used to come with toxic solutions like formamide, which were not completely safe. However, today, you can easily find excellent quality non toxic pens that make your operation safer and easier. You can also buy non toxic pens that give easy to read results on a different range of surfaces. These non toxic pens are manufactured to show surface treatment levels on polymer-based substrates. They allow you to ensure that the material is treated in a perfect way before applying adhesives, coatings, inks or paints. General Guidelines For Using Dyne Pens: Avoid using the excessive solution as it will turn out to be a false reading. Usually, quality dyne pens have a shelf life of six to twelve months. Every pen comes with a rating for the minimum dyne level, which is determined by the ink. When there is a requirement of surface energy testing, it should be done right after treatment such as RF gas, chemical plasma, air plasma, and flame plasma. Treated surfaces are prone to get affected by environmental factors like humidity and temperature. So it should be properly used at the right time. One should strictly avoid touching or contaminating the surface to be tested. Unclean surfaces of test level areas should be cleaned as there are high chances of such surfaces losing their wettability. Avoid using outdated and contaminated pens. Use the pens at room temperature and store them the same way. Repeated ink exposure to air will surely change the dyne levels. If you want to avoid this then use only perfectly sealed dyne pens. It is also important to ensure that the inks should not get exposure to direct light, so when you are not using it, keep them closed. Keep the pressure consistent. If the pressure is inconsistent or excessive then there is a risk of getting false dyne level reading. There is no need to stick with poor quality products as it is not good enough for your operations. One should always opt for the advanced equipment available in the market to make the whole operation simpler and safer. Moreover, dyne pens are also known as non-toxic pens. These pens eliminate any long quality-checking process as you can tell if the surface is ready for printing or coating by testing the wetness of the surface! Benefits of Dyne Pens: No Scrap Business There are many businesses where you need to worry about the waste and damage that occurred due to the production and testing of the products. But that is not the case with the Dyne Pens, as there are no chances of scrap or waste. That is because while testing the Dyne Pens have no scraps or damages occurring as it could be reproduced with the changes. Immediate Results With Dyne Pens, you can receive instant results because you need to draw is 3 parallel lines and it comes immediately. While if the beads are formed or begin to shrink then you must try drawing lines with non toxic other pens. Based on the results, you need to figure out the substrate level of the surface. Easy to Use Using Dyne Pen is not rocket science, all you need to do is 3 lines and you will get results within 3 seconds. While you can ask any person who is well-versed with Polypropylene and Polyethylene treatments to perform the tests and evaluate results without any equipment or machines. Read Also: Put Your Pen To Paper With Ease 7 Tips For Writing A Perfect Cover Letter