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Workers' Compensation Attorney

5 Ways A Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help You In Your Case

In the workplace, anything can happen or can take place at any point in time. You need to prepare yourself mentally for that. Sometimes, an organization’s employer shows their reluctance to pay for the damage caused in the workplace. Your Workers' Compensation Attorney can help you receive your organization’s required claims. Your worker compensation lawyer has the experience and expertise to handle such cases with ease. They can guide you to receive the required compensatory claims that are essential for your future. Sometimes, increased pay to the employees can be the best solution to the worker as per the Forbes study’s directives. Different Ways Workers' Compensation Attorney Can Help You In Your Case    There are multiple ways your Workers' Compensation Attorney can help you in your case are numerous. Therefore, let’s explore how your lawyer can help you win the worker’s compensation case on your behalf. 1. Can Give You Right Advice   Your attorney can provide you the right advice whether you qualify for the compensation or not. You cannot consider things for granted. All the injuries that you suffer in the workplace may not be eligible for getting the compensation claim. There are cerin grounds under which you will not get the compensation  for your injury that has occurred in the workplace like If you are doing your job, but your injury is not caused by company property. If you have a pre-existing injury. You may not get the required compensation that you are expecting from your employer in these two scenarios. 2. An Attorney Can Claim Your File Properly  The worker’s compensation system is full of deadlines, and proper paperwork is required. You need not have to worry about the deadlines and paperwork that you need to complete on time. Your attorney can do it on your behalf. Unfortunately, some claims ate denied when they are not appropriately filed within the specified time limit. Your attorney can take care of this fact and ensure that your file must be submitted correctly with proper formalities. 3. Important Evidence Your Attorney Can Collect  Insufficient evidence of the court may result in the denial of the worker’s compensation claims. Your attorney can look into this matter properly and present the required medical evidence in the court that proves that this accident is the workplace’s sole cause. Your lawyer can talk with the medical experts and collect evidence from them regarding the proof of the injury caused in the workplace due to the employer’s negligence. Hence,  it can help you to get the required compensation from the court in time. 4. An Attorney Can Make A Favourable Negotiation Some workers’ comp attorney coral springs present who can help you negotiate in your favor in the court. They can help you to get the required justice in your turn from the court in the following ways like Your attorney will highlight the extent of your injuries and how it can impact your daily working abilities. The rating of your disability. They can highlight the fact of whether you have a partial or total disability. They can highlight the fact that your disability is permanent or temporary. The required amount of your previous wages that you need to claim. They can guide you regarding the cost of future and current medical treatments. 5. Represent You At The Time Of Trail Your attorney can represent your case at the time of trial. They have the experience to deal with the trials of the court regarding worker compensation. It will help you to develop your case in your favor. You need to understand one thing if you want to get your compensation on time, then you must seek the assistance of an experienced lawyer who can help you out. You cannot consider things casually here. Conclusion Hence, if you want to win your case and want to get the worker’s compensation claim amount, you must seek a lawyer who can help you perform these tasks in your favor with high efficiency. They have the experience and expertise to deal with this kind of case effectively. Ensure that you have selected a quality lawyer for your employee compensation case. Ensure that they have the knowledge and the experience in it. Read Alos: Staking Claim To Receive Suitable Compensation Injured At Work? Claim Your Compensation!


How Safe are Pedestrians in Georgia?

Georgia is a great place for people who like to walk. Many cities and neighborhoods dedicate their roads to walking communities. Downtown Atlanta has walking paths for residents, employees, visitors, and customers. The Metro Atlanta area is also full of pedestrian-friendly parks. And let’s not forget that the rural parts of the Metro area have abundant hiking trails. All this makes Georgia seem very pedestrian-friendly. Not necessarily. While Georgia may encourage walking, pedestrians are only sometimes safe. How Safe are Pedestrians in Georgia? In 2019, Smart Growth America conducted an urban planning and development study. Atlanta was included in their research, including a portion dedicated to how pedestrian-friendly certain states are. How did Georgia rank? Put together by The Embry Law Firm, let’s look at some statistics: Overall, the state ranked as the 6th most dangerous state for pedestrians. The Metro Atlanta area ranked as the 25th most deadly region for pedestrians. From 2008 to 2017, 1,782 pedestrians were victims of hit and run by cars across the state. That accounts for 1.76 pedestrian deaths per 100,000 people (about the seating capacity of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum). The annual average number of pedestrian deaths in Georgia is 184. The national average is 1.55. From 2011 to 2015, pedestrian deaths increased by 58%. 78% of pedestrian injuries and fatalities occurred at “non-intersection” locations. 52% of pedestrian injuries and deaths occurred while the individual was waiting to cross a road. This data means that Georgia—and especially Metro Atlanta—may be friendly to pedestrians, but our state’s drivers are not. Is the State Trying to Protect Pedestrians? Knowing what we do about pedestrian accidents, injuries, and deaths across the state, we must consider whether our state leaders are taking action to reduce those numbers and save lives. The answer is that, yes, state leaders are working on initiatives that could reduce the number of pedestrian accidents and deaths. Georgia has adopted one major initiative called “Vision Zero.” This initiative comes from the idea that traffic fatalities can be reduced to zero through engineering, education, and enforcement (the 3 E’s). Vision Zero holds to the notion that humans make mistakes. Therefore, a road system is required to ensure these mistakes do not lead to severe injuries or death. Numerous countries and cities across the United States have adopted Vision Zero. Many have seen a dramatic improvement in their traffic fatality rates, including pedestrian deaths. One of Vision Zero's goals is to enhance road safety for everyone—drivers, bicyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians, and public transit users. What Can Pedestrians Do to Stay Safe? Pedestrians can do their part in the fight to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents and fatalities each year. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety recommends the following: Always walk on the sidewalk if possible. If there is no sidewalk, walk close to the left side of the street. When walking on the street, facing traffic. Always cross the road at a crosswalk if one is available. Stay in the street and attempt to dash in between traffic. Pedestrians are required to obey traffic signals. Look for signals that say “walk” or “don’t walk.” When walking near the street, wear bright clothing or use reflective gear. Encourage your children not to play in the street, even in quiet neighborhoods. You can’t control the actions of others, but as a pedestrian, you can take measures to keep yourself safe and out of harm’s way. Whether you are commuting to work in Atlantic Station or walking a trail along the Chattahoochee River, walking is a favorite pastime for Georgians. It is important, however, that all of us do our part—whether walking or driving—to protect ourselves and others around us. This is the best way to improve safety for all of Georgia. Just Moving to Georgia (Road Safety Guide) Georgia has reliable hours and an easy position. Therefore, you might end up here for your work purposes. However, when it comes to road safety, you need to be a little more careful with your approach. To begin with, you will have to be wary of road safety measures and how to protect yourself against rash driving. Now, here's a thing that you want to remember, and that's—crossing streets; Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections; if none are available, keep well on the road to be seen. Stand clear of vehicles in case they roll backward. Be Seen: Wear bright or reflective clothing if you are walking or biking in low lighting conditions, especially at night. Make eye contact with drivers in the vehicle waiting for you to cross in front of them. Avoid Distractions: Don’t use your phone or listen to music at a high volume while walking. Be aware of everything and everyone around you. Educate Children: It is not just about your safety, especially if you are relocating your family alongside the job. Teach children to follow road safety precautions while crossing the roads. Plan Safe Routes: Choose well-lit and less busy routes for walking. Know the normal traffic patterns around where you live. Final Note Whether you’re new to Georgia or you’ve lived here for some time, remember that safe walking can sometimes be your responsibility. We have a combination of urban and rural settings in which to enjoy walking, but because of that fact, we must be aware of some simple tips to keep ourselves safe. Yes, appreciate other drivers, but when in doubt, always come back to his rulebook! Read Also: 7 Ways Truck Accidents Differ from the Regular Car Crashes Denise Hamet Discusses Trends in Creative Transportation Strategies

Insurance Broking

UAE Insurance Authority Sets New Regulations for Insurance Broking

The UAE Insurance Authority has rolled out new draft regulations for insurance brokerage and online transactions. This draft has 13 chapters and 38 articles that explain insurance broking like governance, registration and licensing, the insurance broker and insurance company roles to the broker, insurance broker’s roles, solvency, mergers, financial reports and disclosures, supervisions, dispute settlements, and penalties. Who is an Insurance Broker? The new draft law defines an insurance broker as a juridical individual who intervenes in insurance or reinsurance activities between the insurance/reinsurance proposer and an insurance/reinsurance company and receives a commission from the insurance/reinsurance company. The provisions of the new draft apply to distribution channels, companies, and any other insurance-related business approved by the authority. These regulations focus on shielding policyholders and guarantee that they receive value for their money by purchasing various products. The New Insurance Law Provisions The new insurance law requires an insurance broker to adhere to these regulations for electronic transactions. Criteria for Insurance Brokerage Licensing A company must be established in the United Arab Emirates and registered based on the Commercial Companies Law. The company should own a share capital of AED 3 million or more. You need to pay AED 10 million or more and register with the UAE Commercial Law if you run a branch of a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company. You can consult a law firm in Dubai to help you with these procedures. It is mandatory to submit an unconditional Letter of Guarantee from a bank; this is paid on demand to the Insurance Authority chairman board of directors. This can be fully or partially liquidated to guarantee the broker’s settlement of transactions and obligations. You must obtain an insurance policy to cover your profession at a value of AED 2 million for UAE companies and a minimum of AED 3 million for a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company branch in the UAE. You must appoint the administrative and technical staff continually. You need convenient headquarters, software, and technical systems for your profession. It is also mandatory to have an internal control system to govern applications of laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars in adherence to the Insurance Authority regulations. The next step is to submit the agreement between you and the bank, pay the full fees, and comply with any extra regulations. The Insurance Authority approves or rejects the application within 20 working days. Technical and Administrative Staff The technical staff of an insurance broker has specific regulations. It is a requirement to appoint at least 1 General Manager, Internal Auditor, Operation Manager, and 1 qualified worker for each type of insurance. Below are the qualifications for the appointment of technical and administrative staff; A natural individual enjoying full capacity An individual of good conduct; never been sentenced for freedom restricting punishment in a moral decadency crime without rehabilitation. Pays his commercial debts even if not declared bankruptcy. You need to notify the Insurance Authority of appointments, transfers, terminations, or modifications within 60 days. Roles of the Insurance Broker You must make internal by-laws and submit a copy to the Insurance Authority Dubai offices within 3 months after obtaining a license. You must review and update the internal control system continually; this ensures that you have proper laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars. It is necessary to design an Operations Guide for periodical updates, risk management, and review it according to the rules. Create a professional code of conduct for the staff and supervise and plan their duties according to the Insurance Authority (AI). Collaborate with the internal controller to enable employees to perform their tasks and report any violations to the authority. You can only dismiss the internal controller by the board of management or board of directors’ decision; this happens if you notify the internal controller and IA of the dismissal at least 30 working days before the dismissal. Penalties The IA developed penalties so that insurance brokers do not violate the instructions, regulations, laws, and circulars.  If you violate any laws, you receive a warning that compels you to remove the infringement and ensure this does not happen in the future.  The IA might suspend you from practicing for a maximum period of 1 year. The Insurance Authority cancels licenses in the following incidences; Violating any license conditions Gross breach of your obligations Failure to renew your license (delay paying fines or failure to pay renewal fees) A final bank declaration associating you with bankruptcy The dissolution and liquidation of your practice Failure to practice your licensed profession within 6 months after obtaining the license If you obtained your license through false information. The insurance sector in the United Arab Emirates is expected to rise; this is why the Insurance Authority issued new regulations to govern insurance brokerage. Brokers have to adhere to set regulations or face penalties. Technical and administrative staff also has to meet various qualifications. This allows brokers to have a set of laws to refer to. Read Also: Insurance- Need of the time 5 Top Tips to Help You Hire The Perfect Attorney

Bail Bonds

The Basics of Bail Bonds System

If you’ve never used bail bondsman services before, you probably don’t know how it all works. You’ve most likely heard it on the news somewhere ‘the defendant was released from prison on an insert-amount dollar bail until trial next month’, or you’ve seen it on TV or in a movie. The point is, it always goes along the same lines. But how do bail bonds work? We reached out to bail bonding professionals at BailCo LLC for a crash course in bail bonds. Why is there a need for bails? Simply put, when someone’s arrested, they’re taken to a police station for booking, and the process includes having mug shots taken, fingerprinting, and giving a statement. Then that person is held in prison until they can have their day in court. Alternatively, a person can post bail and leave prison until their trial. However, bails are usually very steep, and the defendants usually cannot pay them themselves, or even with the help of friends. This is where bail bonding agencies come into play, to ensure that people don’t needlessly sit in jail. Ok, so what is the bail itself? Basically, bail is a contract, usually between the bail bonding agency and the court, on the behalf of the defendant. The defendant will be released from prison to await trial, provided that they give some insurance to the agency, in form of money, property, or bonds. The amount of money needed to post bail is set by the court. The court’s end of the agreement is to release the defendant, while the bail bonding agency’s end is to make sure that the defendant shows up for their court date. Since these bonds are usually not cheap, some courts accept payments of full bonds, but they also agree to only be paid 10% of the bond, as a down payment, in order to release the defendant. Should the defendant skip, the agency is accountable to pay the rest to the court? Since the agencies also have a lot of money on the line in this situation, they need a way of protecting themselves in case the defendant skips their day in court. The agencies can hire bounty hunters to track down the fugitive defendant. The USA is one of the last countries to still allow bounty hunting. How does the Bail Bonds system work? The bail bondsman puts up the bail set by the court, and the defendant is released. It is important to note that a fee of usually 10% must be paid to the bail bondsman in order to cover the expenses of the agency. If everything goes well, and the defendant shows up for the court date, the full amount of the bail is returned. Except for the money given to the agency as a fee. This is kept by the bail bonding agency, for services rendered. Can anyone just post bail? Well, no. Bails are usually not given to people who have been accused of committing severe crimes, especially those crimes of a violent nature. The courts prefer having those individuals in prison, to avoid any further criminal behavior. But most other people are offered this option. And of those, the overwhelming majority of them go for it. It is a difficult time in the defendant’s life, and staying in prison during all that time could be even more so. Feeling the support of one’s family really does mean a lot, and bail is here to provide it. Read Also: 6 Reasons to Contact a Lawyer before an Arrest in Knoxville Why Are Court Reporters Necessary? What You Can Expect from a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Personal Injury

Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home?

The modern digital workforce has changed the way employees work or rather from where. The recent COVID-19 Pandemic has shown that working from a remote location isn't a luxury anymore. However, even when employees are based in a home office, it doesn't mean that accidents can't happen. So what happens if your staff member is on the clock and gets injured while working? Company Legal Responsibility The question is if one of your workers gets injured during work hours, is your company liable? According to law experts at, the short answer is yes. When working from home, employees are entitled to the same worker's comp benefits as their office-bound colleagues. As an employer, the fact that you have no control over your employee's remote workspace conditions is irrelevant. Any injuries must be reported to your insurer. A licensed adjuster will determine the coverage and benefit eligibility. As a business owner, you're responsible for providing a safe work environment. It's regardless if it's at your premises or a remote location. Criteria for Work-Related Claims Of course, no one expects you to take the employee's claims at face value. Some questions will help determine whether a home sustained injury was work-related. The three main things that workman's comp will want to know is: Were you as the employer benefiting from the employee's actions when they got hurt? Did the company require the individual to engage in the injury-causing activity? Did you give your permission for the off-site work in advance? If, for example, an employee is injured in the company's cafeteria while having lunch on-site, the workmen's compensation will cover those injuries because it benefits the employer. Having the individual on-site saves the organization time and keeps the person accessible should they be needed when on break. This analysis works the same for telecommuting employees. If a worker can reasonably explain how an injury is work-related, chances are they'll get the benefit of the doubt. Protecting Your Business You can protect your business by creating practices that may limit liability for home-based employees. Some recommended actions include: Creating a policy that outlines the company's expectations for remote staff. Develop a set of guidelines for a home office, which includes having a designated work area. Providing training related to setting up the correct safety measures with a focus on ergonomics. Establishing operational hours, meal times, and rest periods for remote workers. Having this in place will help determine whether a claimed injury occurred within the course of employment. Ensuring that you've got workers comp insurance that'll protect your business against lawsuits resulting from accidents. Final Thoughts Figuring out if an employee is entitled to compensation for an injury when working from home is difficult. As a business, you're responsible for providing your remote workers the same benefits as office-bound staff. If you want to establish if an injury was work-related, there are a series of questions that you can ask your employee. Ensure that you have the right policies and insurance coverage. It will protect your company from any lawsuits resulting from workplace accidents. Read More: Top 5 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys The Benefits of Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer Reasons For Hiring a Long Island Personal Injury Attorney Reasons for hiring any Personal Injury Attorney is Important 5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer

best lawyer

Tips To Choose The Best Lawyer In Your Country

Choosing the best lawyer can be overwhelming for someone who has never done it before. It is very important to hire a good lawyer, whether you are dealing with personal injury cases in your workplace or tax issues. Looking for a lawyer who you think would be the best fit for your case may be a bit overwhelming, especially if all of this is new to you. Do you need medical malpractice lawyers or those who specialize in estate planning? Knowing exactly what kind of lawyer you need would save you a lot of time, effort, and resources. You need an experienced lawyer who can eliminate all your stress by giving some valuable tips and strategies to overcome the crisis.  Moreover, there are various qualities that you need to consider before hiring a good lawyer, and this includes the experience of a lawyer, reputation, fees, referrals, and much more. Hiring an individual who is not worth the time and money can come back to haunt you. Thus, hiring a good lawyer is not as easy as it seems to be.  You need to research properly before hiring any lawyer to represent your case. The reputation of a lawyer matters a lot because if he/she does not have a good reputation, it can affect your case. Tips To Choose The Best Lawyer In Your Country The importance of hiring a good lawyer is already described above. Besides, choose a lawyer who has many referrals because you are going to give your entire case to the lawyer, and you cannot afford to make any mistake.  Therefore, here are the major tips for choosing the best lawyer in your country. 1. Ask About Fees Hiring an attorney who has years of experience can be very expensive for you if your budget to hire a lawyer is low. However, you must plan your budget first to determine how much money you are going to spend on a lawyer.  In the first meeting with a lawyer, ask about the fees, and clear all your doubts regarding the same if you have any. The fees of every lawyer vary, and everyone cannot afford the same lawyer to represent the case. 2. Look For Excellent Communication Skills Just finding a knowledgeable lawyer is not enough for your case. The lawyer must possess outstanding responsiveness and communication skills.  Before handling your case to the lawyer, observe his/her communication skills, and ask the lawyer how he/she is going to handle your case, and also the strategies that should be used to win the case.  3. Experience  Experienced lawyers are far better than those who are new in this field. It is because an experienced attorney knows better how to deal with every kind of situation and what should be the next step.  If you want to win the case at any cost, then seek a professional with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of law. However, the experienced lawyer can be expensive, but it is worth spending if the case is in a horrible state.  4. Make Sure They Have Strong Online Reviews Reviews of a particular lawyer also matter to some extent. If you a lawyer has good reviews and many positive reviews, you can proceed further and vice versa. On the other hand, if you want to find a good lawyer, you can visit the profiles of lawyers on all social media platforms. A good lawyer has a strong profile with good reviews and connections. The Bottom Line It is important to hire the right lawyer for the case. For example, if you are dealing with a criminal issue, then you have to hire a criminal defense attorney. This is an important consideration that you have to take before hiring a good lawyer. You can also research and read more about the lawyers before taking any steps to hire the best lawyer in your country. Thus, read the above instructions carefully, and if you have any doubts, you can mention them in the comment section below.  Read also: 3 Reasons Why You Might Need a Family Lawyer Reasons For Hiring a Long Island Personal Injury Attorney  

Criminal Defense Attorney

How To Find The Right Criminal Defense Attorney For Your Next Case?

Are you looking for a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney to help you in your legal case? Do you know how you can find out the best ones with the help of referrals, online research, and Legal Bar Councils? Have you tried looking at the yellow pages and classified ads only to turn up empty-handed and disappointed? Finding the right criminal defense attorney is not an easy task under any circumstances. The search is long and arduous and the end-results might not be satisfactory, let alone being successful. People feel that the first search result on Google will be the best lawyer. However, there is more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we are going to help individuals who are looking for the best criminal defense attorney to represent them. However, before we do, let us first look at why finding the right lawyer is so important. Why Hiring the Best Criminal Defense Attorney is Important? According to experts, there are a ton of ways you can get falsely convicted of a crime if you are not smart enough to defend yourself. From false eyewitnesses to fabricated forensic reports, if you are up against someone big and something to hide, they are going to use every trick in the book to hurt your cause. Most legal experts state that lawyering up with an experienced professional is important for success. Expert legal representation for criminal cases in Illinois guides you at every step and warns you in the event something goes wrong. He or she will also be able to network with authorities, gather evidence, and cross-question witnesses. Many people believe that if they are innocent, it would be an easy thing to prove. However, you need to be prepared for the worst eventualities and not let your guard down at any point in the trial. List of 4 Ways to Find the Right Criminal Defense Attorney 1. Referrals- Most of us even in this day and age start by looking for legal help with referrals. While many others might discredit this process, it is nevertheless important. However, rather than asking your friends and families, you should ask other lawyers. In other words, you might have contacted some other civil cases and taken help from a lawyer. If you're charged with a weapon crime in Florida, consult The Ladan Law Firm for legal advice. 2. Online Research- Online research does not simply mean typing the words- criminal defense attorney and waiting for the results to reflect. It also means doing more research and finding out about your search results from online reviews, checking credentials, and looking at the Legal Bar Council Certifications. This can help give you a better idea about your criminal lawyer. 3. Specialized Legal Websites- There is no one area, which has not been turned yet into an aggregator platform. Whether it is doctors, insurance agents, chefs, or servicemen, you have an aggregator platform for the same. You can see some of the topmost voted lawyers on platforms like Avvo and other sites. Most customers place reviews and place ratings on the various lawyers on the platform. 4. Check-in with the Local Bar Association- If you are someone who does not want to take help from the internet for your search, you can always go the good old-fashioned way. You can head up to the offices of your local Bar Association in your districts and check for someone who you think will best suit your criminal case. See the requisite experience and find out about other successful case histories. The Final Word If you have access to a well-experienced, qualified, and affordable criminal defense attorney, you will be able to navigate the toughest of cases. In this article, we have looked at the importance of hiring a criminal lawyer early and stated some ways how you can find the best ones to represent your case in a court of law. Read Also: The Basics of Criminal Appeals Law What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do?

General Trade License

How to Get a General Trade License Dubai

Dubai is one of the most admired cities for various types of businesses. Many entrepreneurs prefer trading in the UAE because of the tax-free environment. and due to the UAE's numerous Dubai visa types and easy application options, including online visa application systems, as well as many other types for entrepreneurs, investors, and businessmen. General trading is among the most profitable business ventures in Dubai. This is due to the huge local demand for various supplies because of the diverse cultures in the region. This includes essential items and even machinery. As an entrepreneur or an aspiring business person, you should know that all businesses in the UAE require a trading license. It’s necessary to understand the different types of licenses. A general trade license allows you to conduct all your business activities with a single license. General Trading License/Business in Dubai A general trading license is ideal if you’re looking to start a business in the UAE. This license covers multiple trading activities in the same or various industries. These activities include import, export, and other activities like trading in electronics, furniture, clothes, etc. You should also get a general trading license if you wish to venture into the wholesale business. This license allows you to trade in Dubai and other Emirates. However, you should understand regulations on specific products like pharmaceutical products, alcohol, and frozen goods. Many opportunities allow entrepreneurs to explore multiple businesses. There are 3 options for entrepreneurs to set up companies in Dubai; the Free Zones, Mainland, and Offshore. Steps to Get a General Trade License in Dubai The thought of conducting multiple tax-free businesses is very attractive to many individuals. However, you can’t do business in Dubai without a trading license. Below are the steps you need to follow to obtain your general trade license. Choose a Location You need to understand the different types of jurisdictions for business activities; these are the Offshore, Mainland, and Free Zones. There are 48 Free Zones in Dubai to choose from; they give you 100% ownership of your corporate and personal income. A Mainland business requires you to have a sponsor who will own 51% of the shares. An Offshore business operates in a different jurisdiction from its parent company which is usually in another country. Business Activities A general trading license allows you to conduct multiple businesses; you can choose up to 10 business activities. Apart from the restricted products like pharmaceuticals, guns, alcohol, and tobacco, you can trade in any other business. Choose a Trade Name One of the first steps is to choose an appropriate name for your company; this is one of the most important parts of your business. Choose a memorable, catchy name; it should help potential customers understand the type of business you run. You also have to follow name rules and regulations in the UAE. For instance, the name and the type of business should not contradict, you should not choose a name under copyright by another business in the UAE, it should not contain indecent or obscene words and should not offend the public, and you should not include God’s name or His attributes in English or Arabic. You can make your work easier by consulting a legal expert from a law firm in Dubai to guide you on how to choose a name. Apply for the License You need to apply for the license and submit various documents these include; A license application signed by the manager or legal representative Memorandum of association A copy of your passport 2 color passport photos with a white background A No Objection form from your employer (where applicable) Passports of all the partners Complete application form. You can consult your legal advisor from a law firm in Dubai if you’re not sure you’ve got the right documents. The Commercial Revenue Authority reviews and validates your documents; your business name is then included in the Commercial Registry. The Department of Economic Development forwards these documents to the Federal Ministry of Economy responsible for publication. After this, the ministry issues an approval letter. The next step is for the Department of Economic Development (DED) to issue you with a commercial registration certificate and original trade license. Your license expires after 1 year. Once renewed; the license is valid for 5 years. Choose a Business Premise You need an office and a warehouse; you need to store your goods. A Free Zone license has limitations on the location of warehouses to choose, while a Mainland license has more freedom. Some Free Zones are more flexible; for instance, IFZA allows entrepreneurs to operate in virtual offices. Consider the location of the warehouse and your office, size, security for your goods, utilities, storage environment, and climate control like having an AC for hot weather. General trade businesses are some of the most lucrative businesses to start in Dubai. You can trade include 10 activities and enjoy a tax-free lifestyle. However, every company in the UAE requires a license. It’s necessary to follow all the steps for the license application to save time and avoid issues. Read Also: 6 Steps to make Your Trade Show a Success Tips for Your Next Business Conference 7 Startup Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs

Car Accident

5 Things To Do Immediately After You Get Into A Car Accident

A car accident is never expected. When you are a part of a car accident, there are certain things that you need to do to make sure your rights are protected. The very first thing that you would need to do is to stop after getting into an accident. If you are thinking of running away from the accident scene, you are giving away your only way to stick with your rights. Even if you know that there is no damage taken or given, it is important to stop the car. Then again, don't apologize right away. This will show that you are taking all the blame upon yourself voluntarily. If you have a car, that means you have car insurance. In the car insurance policy, it is mentioned that the policy will stand only if you do not take responsibility for the accident. Hence, your apologizing will nullify the car insurance policy. What To Do At The Scene Of A Car Accident? You need to be careful while driving so that you do not fall victim to any car accident. However, once you are a part of the car accident, you need to prepare yourself with the question that needs to be answered to claim your car insurance. The best way to claim your car insurance policy will be to hire a Los Angeles car accident lawyer. They are professionals in handling this kind of work. Here is a checklist that will help you with the things needed to be taken care of after the car accident. 1. Determine The Extent Of Damage Caused By The Accident When a car accident happens, it is better to stop your car to see the damage's extent. If possible, do not move your car from the position. Let the police take the things from over here. Doing unnecessary things will only make the car accident more complex. 2. Protect The Scene A car accident scene can be quite confusing for the third parties and can even give rise to new accidents. So it is better to flare or barricade the accident scene to make people aware of the accident. In the case of a night accident, you need to have a flashlight at your disposal to signal nearby cars about the accident. 3. Contact Police It doesn't matter how big or small the accident is or how much damage you have accrued. It is always best to call the police. It is important to have a legal report at your disposal. This report might be helpful while filing a claim for car insurance. 4. Get The Facts About Your Car Accident This part is one of the most important things that almost every person knows. However, amidst all confusion, they tend to forget. It is important to get the names, addresses, and contact info of every person related to the car accident. You can even add a description of the car and its number. 5. Take Pictures Today smartphones have become quite common. If possible, you can take pictures of the damage you have accrued in the car accident. You can even take pictures of people involved in the accident, picture of the car, and number plate. However, make sure that you are not interrupting the police investigation. 6. Report The Accident Report your insurance policy about the car accident. There are insurance policies that prefer immediate reports. So make sure that you can report them back as soon as possible. There are certain medical claims as well that your policy might cover. However, being late with the report might backfire at you and nullify those claims. 7. Seek Medical Attention Car accidents can sometimes be brutal, so no matter how big or small your wound is, take immediate medical attention. In an accident with minor injuries, you can sustain long term spinal cord injuries. If you have suffered a loss of consciousness for even a couple of seconds, that means you have suffered a concussion. If left untreated, it can leave permanent damage. Protect Your Rights Perhaps the most important thing you can do after a car accident is to consult an attorney. Your attorney can protect you from false claims and make sure that the valuable evidence is not destroyed. Your attorney can also help you with your insurance claims and ensure that you get the best medical treatment.  Read Also: Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident that wasn’t My Fault? The Benefits of Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer What Steps Should I Take When Involved In Car Crash?

Car Crash

What Steps Should I Take When Involved In Car Crash?

Accidents are unfortunate, and when they happen, the effects are beyond our control. When you are involved in a vehicle or car crash, you will most likely experience strong emotions such as panic, shock, dizziness, and sometimes rage at the fault driver who caused the accident. Despite these natural responses, the most crucial thing you can do is to keep calm so that you can document the events accurately. If you are involved in a car crash in New Port Richey, FL, there are several steps you can take to handle the aftermath of the accident successfully. What Steps Should I Take When Involved In Car Crash: 1. Check for injuries Accidents can result in external, internal, and psychological injuries. If you or anyone else involved is hurt, call 911 immediately for an ambulance and police. Emergency personnel will be able to assess severe problems and check for internal injuries. 2. Secure the scene and move to a safer area When a car crash happens, it may block the movement of other vehicles on the road. As a rule, you should put up accident alerts such as a reflective emergency triangle,  flares, or keep your flashers on to notify approaching drivers of the accident. Additionally, keep your distance from the car crash scene by moving into a safer area so you are not exposed to ongoing traffic. 3. Document the car crash information On arrival at the car crash scene, the police will officially document the accident and record statements of parties involved and any eyewitnesses. Give the police factual information and do not guess or speculate anything. If you are not sure about anything, say precisely that rather than giving out incorrect information. The police will want to record if you are injured. If you are, tell the police and medical personnel. If you feel okay, it is better to say you are not sure since you may have internal injuries that can manifest hours or days after the accident and may even be fatal. Moreover, check that the information the other driver and people involved are giving is correct. There is also additional important information that you should obtain, if possible such as the other driver and witnesses' contacts if they are willing to share with you. Take pictures of the car crash and the scene, record the police report number, the police's name, number, and the time of the accident. You can record audio or write down the information. That information will be useful to your insurer and for court evidence in case of a claim. 4. Notify your insurance company Notify your car insurer about the accident and send them the information via email or any other channel as soon as possible. Also, check if your medical insurance covers accidents so that you know the way forward. 5. Get medical attention As earlier mentioned, you may be injured even if you feel okay, so seek medical attention immediately. For instance, if you felt dizzy after the crash, you may have suffered a head concussion. Get a full medical examination. 6. Protect your rights by filing a claim After that, protect your rights by contacting a personal injury attorney who will advise you accordingly on how you will file the claim. An attorney will assess the accident records, statements, and determine compensation steps. These simple steps will help you successfully deal with the aftermath of a car crash. Read Also: Know What To Do When You Get In An Accident How to Properly Handle a Motorcycle Accident Procedures To Opt After Bicycle Crash


Different Types of Lawsuits you should know about

The legal sector is jam-packed with countless lawsuits. Some lawsuits are common but the general public is not aware of them. Most of the time, people do not know about their legal rights, and they let go of a situation. Many of these lawsuits might require going to courts, while others can be handled by an experienced lawyer. Mentioned-below is lawsuits you should know about: Different types of lawsuits you should know about: 1. Medical Negligence Medical negligence occurs when a patient is harmed or becomes sick due to carelessness concerning clinical faculty. In this claim, your attorney will decide whether there was a breach in standard care, the danger of injury because of the actions of staff, and gather proof. These claims can be complicated, and it is important to have a clinical malpractice lawyer on your side. 2. Product Liability Lawsuits Damaged items, for example, toys, machines, vehicle seats, brakes, air sacks, etc., can cause injuries that may qualify as a case for product liability damages. Regardless of whether the imperfection happened in the design, assembling, maintenance, or during repair, you could recover money-related remuneration to help take care of your medical bills. Like different kinds of injuries, a product liability attorney can make the cycle a lot simpler. Paraquat Lawsuit is similar in the sense that paraquat is a harmful chemical that can cause Parkinson’s disease. You can file a lawsuit if you have ever been in contact with such products containing this chemical. 3. Accident lawsuits Car crash lawsuits are one of the most famous personal injury claims. Regardless of whether it is a minor accident, or include drivers, travelers, and pedestrians, a car accident lawsuit can be filed. Managing the insurance agency can add to the pressure so it might be ideal to hire an accomplished Atlanta Car Accident Attorney who can assist you with getting a proper settlement. 4. Workers' Compensation Laborers' compensation benefits are given when workers are hurt at work. Managers are lawfully answerable for keeping a safe workplace for their workers, and even though you can't record a claim against an employer, recruiting a lawyer can assist you with getting the benefits. This may incorporate pay, time off work, and guaranteeing your position doesn’t end because of your physical injury. 5. Discrimination Discrimination claims may not only be documented by workers of an organization, but also by clients, providers, patients, sellers, and others who have an association with the business on the off chance that they were dealt with unreasonably because of race, color, religion, age, handicap, and different factors. 6. Dog Bite Lawsuits Around 5 million dog bite accidents happen each year in the U.S., and around 800,000 of those occurrences require clinical care. While laws with respect to dog bite differ from state to state, most of the time the proprietor of the dog is liable for any wounds caused by the dog. As a rule, dog bite victims are reluctant to look for a lawyer in light of the fact that the dog was a pet of a friend, relative, or neighbor. In any case, an accomplished lawyer can help moderate the pressure and continue with a claim in a manner that fulfills all parties involved. Read Also: What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do? Here’s What You Do After Being Involved in an Accident at Work How To Settle Claims In Case Of A Personal Injury Incident?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

What You Can Expect from a Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you are charged with a crime, it’s really a struggling situation to deal with the case. It is a serious concern, and you shouldn’t take it casually. If you don’t take the right steps on time, you may have to stay behind bars or pay hefty penalties. Even if you have some understanding of the legal system and have the intellectual ability, but it does not act in your favor when you are accused of a crime. In such situations, you should find the best possible criminal defense lawyer in your locality, hence make sure to do proper research and then communicate with the lawyer clearly. If you are looking for a criminal defense law firm in San Francisco, CA, you should know what you can expect from them. What They Can Do for You: Apart from collecting information from you and the witnesses, the criminal defense lawyer can help you in many ways that you may not do yourself. They try to contact clients with emails, phones, meetings, reading evidence, etc. Here is what you can expect from a criminal defense lawyer. Make You Understand About the Legal System Explain You About Possible Consequences Plea Bargaining Communicating With Witnesses Dealing With Investigators and Experts Negotiate Case Outcomes Sentencing Do you understand each of the above terms and are able to deal with them? Well, you may have knowledge about these terms, but an experienced and qualified defense lawyer can help you to deal with it in a better way. Now take a look at each of these terms and understand them properly, Read more:  What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do? 1. Make You Understand About the Legal System The criminal legal system is really complicated, and many people are not aware of it. But a criminal defense lawyer in Miami can make you understand the law system. If you don’t know anything about the rules and regulations and deal with the case yourself, you may have to face serious consequences. You can ask about different theories and rules to the criminal defense lawyer and he/she will help you understand them. 2. Explain You About Possible Consequences You can also know about the possible consequence of the case. This informations will help you get prepared for the situations in advance and you can become confident to deal with the case. 3. Communicating With Witnesses Most of the time, witnesses may not feel safe ad comfortable sharing the information with you. Again, you might not able to collect the true information from the witness. But the defense lawyers are trained and experienced to collect the evidence or useful information from them. 4. Dealing With Investigators and Experts Dealing with the investigators and expert witnesses is not easy. An experienced defense lawyer can deal with them on your behalf. 5. Plea Bargaining The criminal defense lawyer may help you to negotiate a “plea bargain” with the prosecutor. It can reduce the sentences or some charges against you. Most of the time prosecutors don’t want to bargain with a defendant directly, but they can deal with a defense lawyer. 6. Negotiate Case Outcomes The defense lawyers can also help you to negotiate case outcomes with the jury. As the lawyers are qualified and experienced, they know what are the possible outcomes during a proceeding. So the lawyer remains objective to deal with the outcomes and make a favorable decision about the plea bargain. 7. Sentencing Last but not least, if you are proven guilty, the criminal defense lawyer may be negotiating your sentence and reduce or change it. Conclusion Now you can see that a criminal defense lawyer can help you and fight for you to deal with the case easily. They work towards improving your chances of winning the case and provide you favorable decisions from the court. Read Also: The Basics of Criminal Appeals Law Why You Should Never Try to Defend Yourself in Court 7 Characteristics of a Great Lawyer that can Help Win your Legal Battle