Detention Centers: How To Choose The Right Furniture For Inmates

Published on: 18 September 2023 Last Updated on: 19 September 2023

Corrections facilities cannot be too careful when it comes to choosing furnishings. Inmates can take a simple, everyday object and use it to do harm to themselves, others, or the facility. When choosing furnishings, a purchasing team must consider several factors.

Safety must always be the top concern when a person or entity goes to buy detention center furniture. The team must also take into account the durability of the furnishings. However. comfort should also be a consideration.

Checkout Prime Ways To Choose The Right Furniture For Inmates

Choose The Right Furniture For Inmates

The following tips will be of benefit when the time comes to make this investment in a facility.

1. Tamper-Proof Pieces

Correctional facilities need to have tamper-proof furnishings for several important reasons. These furnishings help maintain safety and order within the facility. If furnishings like beds, desks, or fixtures can be disassembled into potential weapons or contraband, it puts both inmates and staff at risk. Tamper-proof designs make it much harder for inmates to fashion shanks, shivs, or other dangerous items.

Tamper-proof furnishings reduce property damage within facilities. Inmates may try to vandalize or destroy furnishings out of boredom, frustration, or protest. Having sturdy, reinforced items makes this much harder to accomplish.

These furnishings save on costs over time. If furnishings frequently need to be repaired or replaced due to tampering or destruction, it creates unnecessary expenses for the correctional system. Investing in quality, tamper-proof items upfront saves money in the long run.

2. Furnishings That Are Easy to Clean

Correctional facilities house large populations of inmates in close quarters, which can facilitate the spread of germs and disease, as the world has learned during the global pandemic. The constant movement of people in and out of the facilities also increases exposure to outside germs. Therefore, cleanliness and sanitation are crucial in these environments.

All furnishings and surfaces need to be cleaned frequently and thoroughly to control infections. Upholstered furniture, rugs, and other porous materials trap germs and bodily fluids that are difficult to sanitize. These should be avoided. Instead, correctional facilities should opt for furnishings made of non-porous materials like metal, plastic, and vinyl that can be wiped down and disinfected regularly.

Seamless, one-piece construction is preferable over joints and crevices where bacteria can lurk. Furnishings and fixtures should also be scratch and tamper-resistant. The easier items are to clean and maintain, the higher the standard of hygiene that can be upheld in correctional facilities to protect inmates, staff, and visitors from illness.

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3. Ligature-Resistant Designs

The rate of suicide in jails and prisons is alarmingly high. It remains the leading cause of death in these facilities. A major contributing factor is the availability of anchor points that can be used for hanging. Things like exposed pipes, vents, door hinges, and handles can all provide an opportunity for self-harm if an inmate is experiencing a mental health crisis. This underscores the critical need for ligature-resistant designs in correctional facilities.

Specifically, the physical layout and infrastructure should aim to eliminate anchor points and anything that could be fashioned into a noose. This includes swapping out fixtures, covers, and hardware for specially designed suicide-resistant models. Cells should be constructed in a way that reduces ligature points.

Tear-resistant bedding and clothing could also mitigate risk. Taking these kinds of proactive measures through environmental design can go a long way in preventing suicides and saving lives behind bars. With the right ligature-resistant adaptations, correctional facilities can be safer for inmates struggling with mental illness.

These are just a few tips for choosing corrections furniture, but as every facility has unique needs, there may be other factors to consider. However, the above-mentioned tips apply to all facilities. Keep them in mind when choosing the right furnishings for a correctional facility to save time and money while safeguarding inmates and employees alike.

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Third Party Lab Testing

Making the Best from Third Party Lab Testing

Venturing into the hemp market? Like other niches, there is no doubt that your goal is optimizing profit and growing your enterprise. However, the cannabis niche is a bit tricky because it is pretty new, resulting in an influx of poor-quality products. Although the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018 opened the door for all, it is now apparent that you cannot simply trust the products because they are labeled the "best." To be sure of identifying the best cannabis products, you need to move one step ahead and use third party lab testing. These are accredited independent labs that are allowed to help people test the content of their products. While testing the cannabis products is the primary goal for most traders in the cannabis niche, we will tell you how to use lab testing to enhance your competitive advantage. Use the 3rd Party Lab Tests to Check the Cannabinoid Profile One of the key issues that the FDA has noted with cannabis products is that some of them have false information on their labels. In one of the recent cases, the FDA reported that some cannabis products had CBD levels lower than manufacturers had indicated on labels. Because the bulk of clients looking for cannabis products intend to get their therapeutic benefits, you do not want to sell them products with wrong info. Third-party lab tests help you to check the cannabinoid profile, which shows the different cannabinoids and their quantities in a sample. When you notice a product with false information, it implies that a supplier or manufacturer cannot be trusted, so keep looking. Check for the Presence of Harmful Components According to the FDA, every product being released into the market should be carefully produced and proven to be harmless to the user. However, some cannabis products contain products that can be dangerous to the human body. For example, if a cannabis product contains heavy metals, your clients are at risk of suffering from serious cell-structure damage. Other harmful components that can be found in a cannabis product include bio-contaminants, pesticides, and organic solvents. When you subject your hemp product to third party lab testing, the results will show whether there are dangerous components that can harm users. If the harmful components are in qualities that are higher than what is legally allowed, the best idea is not stocking that product. Instead, keep checking until you identify the hemp products that are safe. Tell Clients about the Tests in Your Profile When you take your products for testing by independent laboratories, make sure to tell your targeted clients. This will help you to stand out because clients will be sure that they are buying high-quality cannabis products. They will also refer to others, meaning that your sales and profits are likely to grow. The emerging cannabis market has proven to be challenging for traders because not all products available for sale can be trusted. However, you can use third-party laboratory testing to ensure you stock high-quality products and strengthen your brand. Read Also: What is Cannabis Oil and how does CBD Oil Work? The Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace using Drug Test Cups

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5 ways employee perks can dramatically enhance your personal life

According to this research from Clutch, 53% of workers who experience employee perks say the perks give them a better quality of life and an improved relationship with their employer. Such additional benefits can help enhance your job satisfaction as well as your personal life. Here are a few of the most popular employee perks and what they can do for you Financial Well-being Companies want the best people working for them, but with a competitive job market, attracting the best isn’t always about the paycheque. Platforms such as LifeWorks offer financial perks and savings for employees on all kinds of events, from cinema tickets to holidays or even buying a house. Financial security is a worry for a lot of workers, and so being able to save money here and there will significantly help to reduce that stress and allow you to save your pennies for a rainy day. Gym Membership Gym memberships are a popular employee perk. Sitting at a desk for too long can bring a host of negative long-term health issues, so it’s important to be exercising as often as possible. Accessibility to a work gym membership or exercise classes allows you to be active whenever you wish, rather than feeling as though you have to go consistently to make it worth your money. Regular exercise will significantly enhance all aspects of your life, improving your health and wellbeing as well as boosting your productivity and attitude towards work. Flexible Working Hours Flexibility is becoming quite a sought-after employee perk for the modern worker. Trying to balance personal and professional responsibilities can be overwhelming, so having the option to work from home where necessary allows you to keep these responsibilities under control. The offer of a flexible schedule will further demonstrate trust from your employer, creating a sense of value and respect that a salary never could, and ultimately enhancing your quality of life. Employee Appreciation Gifts In recent years, there has been growing literature which supports that business organizations that offer appreciation gifts for employees see a rise in retention rates as well as productivity. You can reward your employees by gifting them different items that can be useful for them both in terms of their work, as well as in their personal lives. These can include food items, COVID-19 care packages, gadgets as well as gift cards for online and in-store purchases. This will show that as a business you care about all the hard work that your employees are putting into the business. Performance Bonuses As an employee, you’re more likely to stay in a job where you feel you are trusted and provided with a sense of ownership over your work. Taking ownership over a task and subsequently being rewarded for its outcome is a real morale booster. Receiving a monetary reward for your success doesn’t only help you out financially, but it also creates a feeling of pride - it is something that you have earned and deserve. This helps the employer too, producing engaged employees who are excited and motivated to work for their business. Office Perks Offices can often be pretty drab and dreary environments, and so having perks that create a happy workplace makes space feel more fun and allows you to relieve the stress of the day. Some of the most common office-based perks include a relaxed dress code, games, and free drinks and snacks. A more casual environment will help maintain relationships among colleagues, boost productivity and make the working day more fun - all things that will subsequently have a positive impact on your personal life. Read Also: Why In-Company Training Results in Better Employees Things to Consider When Sourcing Employees for Manufacturing Plants 7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas For 2021 3 Steps to Hire the Perfect Employee


What should be there in an ICO Whitepaper? Expert Take

There are a lot of people showing interest in ICOs. Nowadays many startup companies are looking for crowdfunding. ICO is a popular way to perform it. It is important to know how to start an ICO. Its guidelines have already been established and one of the required documents is the white paper. Let’s first understand the white paper. What is a White Paper? White Paper is a fundamental document for any company launching ICO. This document determines the blockchain technology.  It contains a detailed description of the architect and user interaction. The document also has information such as anticipated growth, market cap, and technical details such as terms and conditions required for the use of tokens.  It also contains the team information, advisors involved, and links to their past projects and Linked In profiles.  Without a proper white paper, investors cannot be invited. You should include the entire prerequisite for the investment so that investors know everything. Read also: Substantial Tips On How To Invest Your Money Responsibly Now let see what all things should be there in an ICO whitepaper for the investors to look at before investing in the company. 1. Problem Always start your white paper with the problem as every company starts out with it. You can include current or future problems.  Your white paper should have a detailed explanation of this particular problem along with the difficulty coming with it. 2. Propose Solution This has a direct relation to the problem mentioned in the first step. You have to provide step by step detailed solution and the ways to tackle the problem in the first step. In this section, you also have to provide all the solutions to the most common questions investors might ask. 3. Product In this section, you will be explaining your product.  As you have provided a solution to the problem and the product is your solution so try to talk about it as much as you can. You will have to explain here the tech specs of the launching product, infrastructure and how will you going to develop this in the long run. You can clearly mention the detailed plan of funds as this directly correlates to the policies of the company.  Try to provide the bonus if you have one. This way your investors have the full knowledge of ideas you’re trying to convey. When they understand your solution in a better way, they will try to purchase the funds.  This section is extremely important and you have to be realistic about your goals to get the benefits.  Providing wrong or less information can harm your reputation as a company. So be truthful and make sure you provide every detail of information as you can for the transparency purpose. 4. The Team This is a second vital aspect of your white paper.  You need to introduce your team and the faces behind this project.  A good team can bring a lot of investors to your project. It is better to have the team with prior experience. You can include all the details of their past experience in the Linked In profile.  You can also showcase the profile of your team to attract the investors to your project. If your team is impressive then people will like to invest the funds for your company. 5. Commercialization This section is related to everything economics. It will decide how your product affects the economy. Marketing the product is crucial as people wish to know how their investment is growing in the future. You should include the roadmap as people who invested want to know how their money is utilized for the development.  You must discuss how you will market your project to the public. If you have plans to advertise then you should clearly mention it in this section. You must showcase the value investors get by investing. If they come to know that you aren’t providing any value then they will not invest in the project. 6. Token Issue In this section, you will be distributing tokens. You should mention everything from bonuses, offers, and bounty rewards here.  You should hire someone to promote your offering to your social media accounts. Talk about every detail of the token in this section. Remember not to leave any blank information as investors want to hear all the details from you and hate if it comes from other sources. Final words You should disclose every bit of information in your whitepaper if you want your ICO to be successful. If you have some technical details then never hesitate to include the secondary document.  Remember not to add any false or modified information. If your investors come to know that you are sugar coating and don’t know about certain facts then you will lose a lot of potential investors. Create your white paper including all the necessary data along with the information mentioned in this post and earn profits for your company.