Choosing The Right Financial Advisor

Published on: 25 July 2019 Last Updated on: 14 February 2022
Financial Advisor

There are plenty of financial advisors out there; you can never have trouble finding one. But, like buying any product, you need to find the right one. Deciding the type of advisor you should hire can be challenging. With poor research, you may end up losing a large sum of money from carelessness and ineptness. Thus, it is essential that you determine which advisor will help you meet your goals. The following are five steps to selecting the best financial advisor.

Choosing the Right Financial Advisor:

1. Know your financial needs:

There are various reasons why you would want to hire a financial advisor. For instance, you may need help in managing an inheritance, a retirement fund, or a loan. Financial advisors have diverse experience and expertise. Thus, not every advisor will be able to meet your needs.

This is why you need a financial adviser that can help you in every step of the way. Since the requirements of each individual are different, you need someone that can help create personalized investment solutions for you and your financial needs. Make sure to share and discuss your expectations from the adviser in advance.

Ensure you identify and rank your financial goals. You should be clear on the amount of capital you’re investing. Also, you should state your financial objectives and how much risk you are willing to sustain. It will help you select the right advisor.

2. Expertise:

Always go for certified financial advisors because the fact that they are licensed will help ensure you that the advisor you are about to hire is qualified and that they know exactly what to do and how to help you. Besides, credentials issued by independent bodies can be another evidence of qualification. Find a financial advisor in West Des Moines with a CFP (Certified Public Planner). It is the most significant credential. Its members must pass the tests administered by the CFBS. Moreover, find out whether he/she takes the annual courses required by the law.

3. Experience:

Experience is vital if you are to entrust this person with your dreams. Most financial advisors ventured in other fields before getting into a financial career. It equips them with knowledge about financial investments in different areas.

But you should remember that everyone has to start somewhere. Intelligence, responsibility, and passion can, in some cases, make up for the experience.

4. Cost:

Fees and commissions can end up making your investment, not so fruitful.  Discuss the advisor’s compensation before closing the deal. It will avoid any conflicts on payment. You need to study the record of the adviser and your anticipated future record. For example, if your stock portfolio is 8%. You agree that the advisor gets 4%. Then, your net return will be 4%.

5. Compatibility:

Your financial advisor should have a personality that makes you comfortable. If you do not like your advisor, you will find it so difficult to open up about your financial concerns. Find a financial advisor in West Des Moines who has the patience to answer your questions.

Face-face meeting is a great way to assess your advisor, giving you a better impression. Would you marry a person who you meet at an online dating service without a face-face meeting? The same case applies here; you should not give your financial future to a stranger.

Bottom Line:

Remember how much you worked hard to earn the capital. Pick the best advisor and protect your wealth. Also, ensure he/she has the expertise needed to provide the best advice.

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Out Of Debt

Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt

Do you feel like debt is slowly ruining your life? If so, you should know you're not alone. Although the road to getting out of debt is a long one, it's not impossible to do so. We've put together a list of 8 tips for you to get started and live a debt-free life. Let's get started. 1. Find Out How Much You Owe : This is a step that you probably have avoided for some time because you fear to know the number. But if you are serious about getting out of debt, you must know exactly what you owe. Start by making a spreadsheet listing every single debt you have. It might also be helpful to specify if those debts are outstanding, so you know which ones need attention. Once you know exactly what you owe, you'll be able to see the bigger picture and not be blindsided by unknown debts. The spreadsheet will help you keep track of your progress, and you will feel more motivated watching the numbers go down. 2. Stop Adding More Debt : This might sound like an obvious step, but if you're trying to get out of debt, you shouldn't create new ones. While it might be difficult to avoid temptation, you must do so in order to pay off your debts. If you pay off your debts, only to use them again, you will never finish. Start paying for large purchases using cash, and not buy anything you cannot afford. This will keep you on track to paying off your debts faster. If having your credit cards around is too much temptation, try cutting them up or freezing them. That way you won't feel tempted to walk into a department store when you see a sale. 3. Try to Negotiate Lower Interests Rates : It's no secret credit cards come with really high interests rates, which makes it so difficult for people to pay them off. If you signed up to enjoy the introductory 0% APR and now you have to pay more interest than you can handle, it's time to renegotiate. It's possible to talk to your credit card company and try to negotiate a lower interest rate. You can start by calling and simply asking them to lower your interest rates. But before you call, you might want to have a strategy. Begin by calling your oldest credit card and using your loyalty to open up negotiations. Being a loyal card member might provide you with some extra benefits. Don't forget to always be polite. 4. Find Ways to Make More Money : We understand it might be difficult to pay off your debts when you're living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, this might be one of the reasons why you got into debt in the first place. In order to help speed up the process, it might be a good idea to start making more money. Try to get creative and find ways to earn more cash. Why not get a part-time job, talk to your boss about getting a raise, or find a side hustle. Then you can put that extra money into paying off your debt. 5. Focus on Building an Emergency Fund : You might want to put all of your efforts into paying all your debt, but it's also important to have a little saved up for a rainy day. Even though you need to pay off your debt, you also need to build your emergency fund, both are just as important. The reason is if an unexpected expense comes up, you will have enough saved up to cover it without needing to use your credit cards. Having money saved up will help with the process along so you stay on track. 6. Sell Items You Don't Need : If you want to look for other ways to make a dent in your debt, then look around your house. Sometimes we accumulate things of value without even knowing it. You might be able to get some extra cash by selling items you have laying around the house. You might be able to sell old broken gold jewelry and get some money out of it. You might also be able to also sell electronics, art, and furniture. There are many ways to sell your old stuff. You can have a garage sale, post on Craig's list, or even sell on eBay. 7. Create a Budget and Stick With It : If you want to have enough money to pay your bills and pay off your debt, you should make a budget. Creating a budget will help you allocate where all of your money goes, so you don't have to wonder where your money goes each month. If you stick to your budget, you'd be surprised how much you could have leftover at the end of the month. Any money left over will be used to put towards your debt. Having a budget will also be good practice for life after all your debts are paid off. Sticking to a budget will secure your financial future. 8. Decide which Debts to Start Paying First : Even if you want to pay off your debt, you might not know where to start. This could be a confusing process for many people. If you have student loans, car loans, mortgages, and credit card debt, you might want to start tackling your credit card debt. Credit cards have the highest interest rates out of all your other lenders. Once you're done paying off your credit cards, you can put that money towards paying off your other debts. You can start paying off the credit card with the highest interest rate and highest balance. Once you do, you can move on to the next. If you want to learn more about which debt to prioritize, request more info here. Getting out of Debt is Possible : Getting out of debt might seem like an impossible thing to do. However, it's not as difficult as you think. Get started by making a list of all your debts, create a budget, and even try to find ways to make more money. If you want to learn more finance tips, visit our blog. Read Also : Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation Dealing With A Debt Relief Officer For A Better Assistance Proper Management Of Tech Debt Is Necessary For Successful Business


Small Business Guide to Private Health Insurance Exchanges

When it comes to building a business, health insurance is often a concern. Entrepreneurs who venture off on their own sometimes leave a great health insurance plan behind when they do so. For many aspiring entrepreneurs, this risk is one of the main limitations that prevent them from pursuing their passion. There are complexities that small business owners with employees will face that will never be an issue for one-person organizations. Figuring out how to offer health insurance, and what’s required in this politically tumultuous time, can be confusing and overwhelming. That’s why so many small business owners are using a broker and a private health exchange. Using a Broker : First of all, let’s look at why so many small businesses choose to use a broker when it comes to health insurance. Researching options and trying to understand the insurance industry jargon can be an absolute nightmare. As a business owner, you wouldn’t tell clients seeking your expertise to handle their business themselves. People come to you because you’re an expert in your field. Why wouldn’t you do the same? A broker can do the research, and understand what is being offered. They can translate the industry language into something you can understand and process, and make recommendations based on your needs. They save you time and money, not only finding something that works for you but helping with the enrolment process. In a nutshell, health insurance procuration is something you can delegate while you focus on operating your business. What is a Private Exchange? When told to consider a private exchange program, small business owners often ask the same question: “how does a private exchange work?” Private exchanges are a flexible approach to group health insurance that allows employees to pick and choose aspects from various health plans to fit the allocated budget. Employers and small business owners get control over their contribution and, with a broker, find something that fits their budget upfront. Rather than being presented with one option, employees can choose from a wider range of plans. So if Jim in sales has different health coverage needs than Pam in reception, they can choose different plans that suit their individual requirements. If their needs extend beyond what you have budgeted for, they simply pay the difference in premiums themselves. When you use a broker to procure health insurance through a private exchange, you don’t have to deal with multiple bills from multiple providers. Rather, everything is consolidated and billed to you directly through the broker on one convenient invoice. Political and Business Considerations : There has been a lot of back and forth about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and President Trump’s proposed redactions and changes. Many of these changes won’t take place until late this year or early 2019. For now, the same Essential Health Benefits (EHBs) apply. These benefits include things like emergency services, ambulatory care, prescription drugs, prenatal and postnatal care, etc. While it is possible that changes are coming in the near future, for now, it is best to go with what you know. Working with a professional broker can help you navigate the murky waters and better explain how proposed changes will impact your small business, what you can do to prepare, and how things will work in the meantime. As a small business operator, a lawsuit resulting from not properly adhering to what is expected of you regarding insurance can break your business. Unlike other options, like Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) you still have complete control over other aspects of your business with a private exchange. Private exchanges are not only convenient for you and your employees but help you cover your assets. Read Also: How To Get Low-Cost Life Insurance For Seniors Tips To Lower Your Insurance Costs Fred Loya Insurance Company

Types of Insurance

Four Different Types of Insurance Everyone Needs

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of options for insurance on the market, all telling you that you must get a policy? Insurance is the best preventative measure you can take to help protect yourself against unexpected emergencies that could be very costly if you are not insured. Although insurance might seem like a nuisance when you do not need it, should you need it, you will be thankful that you are covered. Below are four different types of insurance policies you should have. Four Different Types of Insurance Everyone Needs: 1. Auto Insurance Not only is having auto insurance required by law, but it can also be very costly if you get into an accident. The types of auto insurance you can choose from include: Liability insurance covers the costs of property damage and injuries if you are responsible for the accident. Some states require that you purchase a minimum amount of coverage, so you should check with your state. Collision covers the cost of damage to your vehicle no matter who is at fault. Comprehensive insurance covers losses and costs that are not caused by an accident such as fire, vandalism, or theft. Insurance companies base their coverage quotes on your risk level and how likely you are to be subjected to theft. In general, the more coverage you want, the higher the cost. Did you know that a car tracker can possibly reduce auto insurance premiums? A car tracker uses technology to message you if there is any movement of your vehicle. Some systems can also send an alert directly to the police in real-time, making it easier for them to find your stolen car. Using a tracking system tells insurance carriers that you take security seriously by reducing the risk of theft. It also increases the chances of finding it quickly should it get stolen, incurring lower costs for the insurance company and potentially offering you lower premiums for coverage. 2. Life Insurance The best way to help protect your family’s financial security is to carry life insurance. Which type of insurance you choose will depend upon many factors, including your age, your unique needs, and how many family members are financially dependent on you. If you have a spouse, parents, or children who will face financial difficulty if you die, you should make taking out a life insurance policy a priority. Life insurance policies cover the costs associated with dying, such as mortuary and burial fees. It can also cover debts such as loans and mortgages and offset lost income. Purchasing life insurance can be difficult and confusing to figure out how much and what type of coverage you need. You should think about speaking with a professional who can explain the available options and help you choose a life insurance policy that best meets your needs. 3. Health Insurance The high cost of healthcare today makes getting health insurance necessary. Coverage ranges from doctors’ appointments to hospital visits. Even though health insurance can be expensive, not having it could potentially become an overbearing financial burden. Serious illnesses or injuries that result in a lengthy hospital stay can easily cost five-figures.  Every adult should have some form of health insurance, whether they get it from their employer or purchase their own. Most children are covered under one of their parent’s insurance plans. 4. Homeowners Insurance Homeowners insurance protects your possessions and home against theft or damage. Also, most mortgage companies require you to have this coverage to be eligible for a loan. Although homeowners insurance policies vary according to where you live, most typically cover repair damage caused by risks, including: Fire and smoke Theft Frozen plumbing Severe weather Water damage from heating or cooling systems, plumbing, and water heater Depending upon where you live, other types of insurance might be necessary. For example, if your home is in an area prone to flooding, it is highly recommended that you purchase flood insurance. There is a large variety of insurance policies with different coverage options, features, and prices. When shopping for insurance, do so carefully and make sure you understand the cost and coverage. Read Also: How to Get Low Cost Life Insurance for Seniors How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance Company? Self-employed Health Insurance: Best Types for Every Freelancer