Comic Relief for College Students

Published on: 14 June 2016 Last Updated on: 16 July 2024
College student

Far from being a distraction to the overall learning process, the simple act of laughing is a great way to relieve the tension and stress that comes along with the whole college experience. A recent phenomenon has seen very popular comedians refuse to perform on college campuses due to the “safe space” culture that has taken hold, so where can students go to have a laugh? The internet, of course, and this short guide will discuss a few of the more popular college humor websites to visit and waste countless hours on.

Let’s just get this one out of the way fairly quickly. You probably already know about it, and it is almost certain that a bunch of your Facebook friends has sent you links to it, but it needs to be mentioned in this list anyway.

This website has been around for a while and has stood the test of time by continuing to produce funny and original articles from a variety or contributors. For example, while you are taking a break from studying or trying to get past a hangover, you could learn from pieces of wisdom such as “Why the laws of robotics would defeat Robocop”, and other gems including “Why we’ll definitely insult aliens when we meet them”. Okay, so you may not be getting any smarter by reading this website, but you will probably find something to laugh about.

Weird things can be funny, and that is what Oddee is all about. Have you ever been involved in a heated debate among friends over which Wikipedia page is the sexiest of all? Then have no fear, as you now have an answer in the form of “8 Sexiest Wikipedia Entries”. All of this and more of the mysteries of life come under the microscope in what usually ends up being a fun way to waste a bit of time while you wait for a bus or what have you.

Another giant in the fields of comedy and satire, The Onion brings you news stories that aren’t really real… but you could have sworn what you just read could have actually happened. Of course, you don’t need to be a college student to enjoy things like this, but the intelligence that goes into crafting these satirical news stories is something that you will surely appreciate.

If you’re really tired, stressed out, and you just want to sit back and have a laugh then perhaps the idea of reading funny articles does not appeal to you. That’s where the Funny Or Die website comes in, with plenty of videos that often feature famous celebrities. The topics are generally taken from current events, TV shows, and movies.

This is really just scratching the surface when it comes to the number of funny websites online that cater to the college-age crowd. If you’re still looking for another option after checking out these websites then just ask around in your circle of friends, or pay attention to what they’re posting on social media to see the newest funny stuff.

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Modular Classrooms

The Essential Reasons Why Modular Classrooms May be Your Best Option

If your school is growing and you need extra space in the quickest possible time, there is a convenient and inexpensive solution which may be the ideal option for you. Modular classrooms have become the epitome of the modern classroom, and for good reason. As a school, you need to make sure that you properly invest your money, and modular classrooms allow you to make that much-needed investment which can be used and utilised in the shortest time and which can give you good value for your resources as well. Besides, modular classrooms are attractive and functionally-designed, and they can even serve to inspire students since they are a more innovative, novel, and interesting setting for learning. Here are the essential reasons why modular classrooms may be your best option. Save time and effort: The truth is that when you are running and operating a school, time can be of the essence. You cannot waste time on a traditional construction and building project, which can take more than a few months. If you go for a modular classroom, you can have a building in a shorter period of time – and with less expense as well. Since the construction of a modular structure is done off-site, your school grounds will not experience any disruptions, and the work on the structure can move forward without being affected by other factors such as the weather. And more than this – if you need to expand your modular structure in the future, you can easily do so. Modular building expansions are also quite easy to do, and you can add more structures as needed. You can even modify the space when necessary without having to go through an extensive or time-consuming (and costly) design and construction process. What else you can save with a modular classroom compared to a traditional building: If you opt for a traditional building for your classroom, you would have to think about many different factors. For one, you have to think about the design and planning permission for the building or structure. Another aspect you have to consider is the preparation of the site as well as the groundwork for the site, and this all takes time and a lot of effort and expense. Moreover, you have to think about the actual construction of the building (and be prepared for a lot of delays), and you have to think about the final inspection and whatever fixes may be necessary if the building does not fit your standards and expectations. But with modular classrooms, you have more than a few benefits. The design and planning permission is often already included, and the groundwork for the site and the site preparation is not such a time-consuming endeavour, either. The assembly takes place off-site in a controlled environment, which means a faster production and building time, and you don’t even have to worry about other details such as the construction of the frame of the building and the manufacturing of other components, since all of these will be done for you by the modular construction specialist. Read Also: Transform Portals Of Learning Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education What You Should Know About Solar Energy For Schools: Benefits, Expectations, And More

Critical Thinking Help

How Can Critical Thinking Help In Your Daily Life?

The word critical can be described in other terms such as evaluating something or analysis of something. Technically what is critical to help thinking? – it is one's ability to or evaluate or to think clearly and rationally of certain logical ideas and to establish connections between them. It is kind of engaging yourself in reflective and independent thinking. Critical thinking helps you to empower yourself to do more and succeed. Practicing critical thinking means to step away from certain beliefs to indulge or to accommodate new ideas and knowledge into yourself. This skill is a versatile process. Critical thinking also had been a great subject of debate since the early period and still, it exists in the modern period.  Basically, Critical thinking requires your ability to find a solution or some reason for some problem. It is all about being an active learner than being a passive recipient of information. The problems are to be solved systematically not by instincts. BENEFITS OF BEING A CRITICAL THINKER Can establish logical connections. Recognize build, appraise arguments. Can easily recognize the errors in reasoning. Have the ability to approach systematically towards any problem Can provide Valid reasons. Tries to maintain consistency throughout. In all the arenas whether its a business or an essay writing, research, finance, and management, education or legal profession .we need to think outside the box. One needs to have a different perception or different ideas. One need to think in such a way that we can arrive at a solution efficiently. IMPORTANCE OF CRITICAL THINKING IN ECONOMY : The global knowledge economy is driven by information and technology and it changes quite rapidly. To cope up with the changes and that too efficiently one has to be quick to arrive at a conclusion. CRITICAL THINKING IMPROVES CREATIVE SKILLS TO A GREAT EXTENT : Sometimes critical thinking is not just about furnishing new ideas but how you are representing it to solve the given problem. CRITICAL THINKING IN SELF EVALUATION : For leading a proper and meaningful life we have to structure our lives accordingly. We need to understand, justify and reflect on our own ideas, values, and decided that we make or take. We all can think and can come to some conclusion but what if it is a fuzzy or full of flaws kind of thought? As a result, the conclusion or your answer for the given problem is not a correct one to apply. WAYS TO DEVELOP CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS Value objective reality – Thoughts can only be effective when it is based on reality. Broadminded – Being narrow and fickle-minded restricts one from being creative. Restricted in just a few ideas can lead nowhere in this field. So one has to be open-minded as well as bold. Cultivate intellectual curiosity – The world has so much to offer us that one’s curiosity can never end rather it can just increase. Curiosity is the broad thought of a mind to indulge yourself in reality and you are not afraid to face the unknown to grasp new knowledge. Learning is an adventure which you must set yourself in. Thoughtful consistency is a hallmark of careful and thorough thinking of certain conditions or situations. Practice empathy – until and unless you are aware of the situation or ever had not been in such a condition one should not pass any sort of judgment. A little empathy can facilitate a deeper insight into other’s behavior. The deeper you insight into yourself and others the final decision will be wiser. Critical thinking thus helps you analyze certain situations out of your comfort zone sometimes. Read Also : Online Services To Help Student

Online Learning

The Positive Sides Of Online Learning

Since the start of the pandemic, a lot of changes have been made to the lives of people all around the world in general, but one specific change that has been made that has greatly impacted the lives of the young people in the world today is the changes made to education. When the first wave of the pandemic hit and lockdown policies were placed on the cities of the world, schools were forced to close their doors and move to an online space. There is a lot to say about virtual learning in general, as this isn’t a new idea that was created during the pandemic, however, we will be sticking to the basic pros and cons of online learning during the pandemic mainly from the students’ perspective.  1. Safety  The main reason why schools moved online during the height of the pandemic is that COVID-19 was spreading at a dangerously rapid pace. Lockdown policies, curfews, and travel bans were all put in place for this very reason. The dangers of this coronavirus were so serious that truly, the safest place to be was locked down in your home. Schools had to make this change to move online for the safety of the students, the teachers, and their families. The move to an online platform helped slow the spread of the virus and ultimately, while there were plenty of pitfalls and a learning curve, was the safest thing to do for the wellbeing of everyone within the education system. 2. Comfort It is no secret that when the change was made to move online, many students were initially happy as they were able to go to school directly from their bedrooms. It is a lot easier to get to class on time when all you have to do is log in. During this time, students didn’t have to wake up hours before their first class to get ready and commute to school, they could wake up three minutes before class and log in if they wanted to. In addition, you could go to school in your pajamas or anything really if you chose to. There was no need to spend loads of time choosing an outfit, doing your hair, putting on makeup, and so on every single morning. You could very literally roll out of bed (or stay in bed) and turn on your laptop to go to school. Adding to the comforts of online school, you could grab a snack, drink, or go to the bathroom whenever you wanted without having to ask for your teacher’s permission. Ironically, there were a lot of freedoms that students experienced when it came to school during the lockdown. 3. Affordability Most students probably didn’t directly experience this, however, it is important to mention as it greatly affected their parents/guardians. By staying at home, the parents no longer had to pay the transportation fees of their commuting children (whether it was gas for the car or bus passes). In addition to the transportation fees that come along with sending your children to school, moving their education online allows parents to save on other costs such as lunch money, going out with friends after school, snacks or extra pocket money, etc. The children would just eat at home and stay at home so there wouldn’t be any outstanding expenditures necessary. 4. Open-Book Exams Probably the biggest perk that all students can agree to when it came to online learning is the opportunity to do all of your assignments with the help of your notes and the internet. Most exams, even on a university level, were open-book during online learning as educators knew that most students would look to their notes or the internet for help. This way, passing classes and getting good grades was a lot easier than having to memorize the materials and write them down in a classroom with a given time limit. The trouble is that now that most schools are readjusted to face-to-face learning, many students have trouble with going back to really studying the materials. 5. Creativity  One major takeaway about the lockdown experience throughout the pandemic is the creativity that came out of it. Being locked down for months at a time without being able to leave the house will get to you. Human beings are social creatures needing to connect with others. During the first lockdown, people were forced to stay isolated for months on end and the only way we could connect was through social media. People came up with a lot of creative projects and trends to participate in as well as showing off their unique skills and talents to connect with others. This burst of creativity extended to the classroom as well. Due to all teaching being done online, teachers needed to get creative with the materials as well as the work itself in order to keep the focus of the students. There were a lot more online projects, whether it was using tools such as YouTube and other social media platforms, or creating video projects. These new mediums of learning aren’t normally teacher-related jobs, making most teachers go through their own learning curve in how to deal with this pandemic. In the end, students were able to interact with an entirely new style of learning rather than just reading, writing, and memorization. 6. Open Communication The pandemic, and especially lockdown, was a very lonely time for a lot of people. There were a lot of spikes in depression rates and brought a lot of attention to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression. The world of psychology changed by moving online as well and there was a lot more open conversation on mental health and the importance of peer relations. Specifically, schools were also bringing these issues to the forefront and began a focus on self-assessment. Many schools had emails go out and seminars you could take where you could connect with those who are going through feelings of loneliness. School communities became more tight-knit as you would only interact with your class and the same teachers virtually every day, and that would be the only human interaction most people got during the lockdown. Open communication into how people are doing, feeling, and going through was welcomed and thriving during online learning, creating a healthier environment for both students and teachers.  7. Resilience  The last thing to mention is the incredible resilience both students and teachers went through during this time. Moving the entire school system online basically overnight was not an easy thing to do and go through. A lot of people (shoutout to all seniors who graduated during lockdown) missed out on a lot of fun events that normally come with being in school (graduation, prom, sports, plays, etc.). There was a lot of hardship; the world was taken over by a violently spreading deadly virus and our entire lives were confined to our homes. This was a moment in time that will make the history books one day and those that went through this only came out stronger on the other side of it.  Read Also: Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education 3 Ways Parents Can Safeguard their Household’s Online Safety The Many Benefits of Online Education Here Are the Benefits Of Continuous Learning