A Comprehensive Guide to Law Firm Finance in 2021

Published on: 03 June 2021 Last Updated on: 03 January 2025
Law Firm Finance

Have you been practicing law for a while? Today, many lawyers are stepping into the entrepreneurship world to open their law firms. Indeed, practicing under experienced lawyers gives a lot of exposure but having autonomy at work is equally vital. You can choose clients and legal cases of your choice and practice in a particular area. Likewise, you can enjoy flexibility and freedom, make decisions, and set your priorities.

However, most lawyers don’t understand that starting a law firm is more than practicing law. Apart from legal responsibilities, you have to recruit people, market the law firm, and most importantly, manage finances. You have to document a long-term financial strategy to stay on top of your daily budget and earn profits. At the same time, you have to manage taxes, acquire funding, handle invoices, and much more.

To help you get started, here is a comprehensive guide to law firm finance in 2021.

1. Create a Long-Term Financial Strategy:

1. Create a Long-Term Financial Strategy:

As a law firm owner, you have to establish a vision for the firm’s future. Do you picture a multi-lawyer firm handing corporate clients? Or you want to step into litigation or criminal law? Having a clear idea of long-term goals will help in creating a well-defined financial strategy. You can start putting funds aside for expansion from the beginning.

Likewise, you have to keep up with numbers, forecasts, and budgets to manage the day-to-day cash flow. You have to ensure the business has enough funds to secure new clients and take cases to trial. After all, not every case settles. However, if you don’t have a knack for numbers, consider learning the ropes.

You can look for virtual programs such as MSF online to avoid the hassle of traveling to college. After all, online education gives students a lot of flexibility, motivating them to keep learning. As for your law firm, it will help in managing finances efficiently while practicing law.

2. Get Access to Funding:

2. Get Access to Funding:

Although you are stepping into a service business, you will need a hefty amount of capital and cash to start a law firm. From office rentals, conference rooms, stationary costs to staffing – you will come across a long list of expenses. Therefore, look for ways to obtain capital for your law firm. Here are some of the options you can explore.


Whenever starting a business, make sure a small chunk of the capital comes from personal savings. That way, you will keep working in the game because you won’t be liable to another person when things get tough.

Bank Loan:

You can start with a few thousand dollars, but more capital gives lawyers enough runway to make the business profitable. Hence, if your savings don’t seem sufficient, opt for a bank loan or open a credit line to raise capital.

Startup Incubators:

Today, many incubators connect new business owners with funding to get going. Often, they use their contacts with angel investors to fund new businesses or seek help from venture capitalists.

3. Manage Taxes:

3. Manage Taxes:

Most attorneys operating law firms aren’t aware of legal obligations. As a result, taxes hit them in surprising ways. You might get a call from Internal Revenue System (IRS) or a hefty fine for missing the deadline.

Similarly, many lawyers have difficulty categorizing deductibles. You might think everything is deductible, whereas your tax liability is higher than you predicted. These pitfalls not only halt business operations but are super pricey too.

Hence, consider bringing an experienced tax specialist on board. However, if you don’t have a budget for additional hiring, learn about the taxation policies yourself. It doesn’t mean you have to go back to school; instead, look for online programs. You can opt for an online LLM tax program and learn from the comfort of your home and office. It will help you plan for tax liability, closing doors for IRS audit, and incorrect tax deductions.

4. Streamline Invoicing & Payment System:

Usually, lawyers have different payment policies. When dealing with corporate clients, they charge a monthly fee and have separate legal charges for cases. On the other hand, they don’t charge when fighting for accident victims until the negligent party’s proven guilty. Despite having different payment policies, you must have an appropriate invoicing and payment system at the firm. You can leverage savvy software to automate the firm’s finances.

Moreover, record your income correctly. If you charge a retainer fee, treat it as an advance payment and track its spending on every case. Similarly, avoid recording any income in your financials until you have won the case. It will give you a realistic view of the firm’s financial position, making sure you are on the right track. Besides this, don’t forget to set flexible billing terms with the clients and discuss everything upfront to avoid issues later.

5. Prepare Budgets, Reports, & KPIs:

Having a budget is imperative for your law firm’s financial success. You have to estimate your expenses and the revenue you expect to earn. It will give you a solid idea of how much you should work to make the business profitable. Likewise, you have to prepare financials to catch a glimpse of profitability.

Well, to begin effective financial reporting, you have to start with the bookkeeping basics. You have to record all financial transactions and maintain a separate account for every client.

After this, you can prepare an income statement and balance sheet to determine the law firm’s equity. Also, create a cash flow statement to understand how much cash goes out and comes into the business. All these financials will be a brilliant source of insights about your law firm. You can spot trends, overcome weaknesses, and capitalize on your strengths to make the business more profitable.

Final Thoughts:

Every successful law firm considers numbers and data first. You have to create an excellent financial plan with a growth vision to make your law firm successful. Similarly, you have to manage cash flow, follow a detailed billing process, and raise sufficient capital. As you progress forward, a strong financial position will unfold new growth opportunities. You can tap into new practice areas, offer more services, and expand your team.

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Life Insurance Policy

How To Easily Sell Your Life Insurance Policy

Signing up for life insurance is usually a great idea. It financially shields your spouse and children in the event of your untimely demise. Also, it’s a win-win situation, at least on most occasions. Your loved ones are financially secure, and you can rest easy knowing they’ll be fine even if you’re not there. That said, as time progresses and you inevitably age, priorities might shift. You may feel like you don’t want to keep paying for a life insurance policy. For instance, your kids may have finished their education, secured good jobs, and are living pretty stable lives. Or you may find yourself in the middle of an emergency and are simply strapped for cash. Whatever the case, selling your policy is usually better than resigning yourself. It denotes the value the insurer wants to compensate you. With a life settlement, the term used for selling life insurance – you can secure a much bigger payment. But how do you go about it? Here are the general steps to selling a life insurance policy. Tips To Sell Your  Life Insurance Policy Easily  As always, selling a life insurance policy has always been a challenge. But with some of the core strategies, you can get the best deal by selling your life insurance. So let us discuss some of the most important tips through which you can manage it here.  1. Find A Good Life Settlement Company The first step to setting the ball rolling is selecting your buyer. Now, usually, there are three ways to sell your life insurance. The first is to an individual such as yourself. However, this isn’t only difficult to navigate but also makes you vulnerable to all kinds of bottlenecks. So, you only want to consider the other two. That is an asset management company or life settlement broker. An asset management company, or institutional investor, is a large company that specializes in life settlement investment. So, you essentially sell your policy to them. A broker, as the name suggests, helps you find an investor, usually an institutional investor, to buy your policy. And they act as an intermediary, negotiating the deal. That said, if you are looking for a good buyer, visit this site. 2. The Life Settlement Company Must Be licensed The company that buys your life insurance policies is called the life settlement.  It must be licensed with the different state departments of Insurance. It will help you avoid any kind of scams. Talk to them and verify their licenses. It must be one of the important steps to sell your insurance coverage. 3. Submit All the Necessary Documents & Information Once you have found your buyer, either directly or through a broker, the next step is to submit all the required documentation. These include your policy documents and medical records. Now, in the majority of cases, you don’t need to submit your policy-related documents yourself. Rather, you provide authorization to the company you are selling to so that they can get them from your insurance provider. With everything in order, the underwriting process begins. It is at this stage that your life expectancy, as well as the value of your policy, are estimated. 4. Choose The Best Offer The next step is the offer negotiation. Basically, the interested buyer, or buyers, submit their offer to you, and you decide whether it is good enough for you. In many cases, the broker will present the best offers only. Depending on what you are looking for, you can go with the offer presented, or you can forfeit it. That said, life settlements are typically more than the surrender value, which means you will get more money selling your policy to a third party than resigning to what your insurance is ready to pay. 4. Price Based On Policy Value  In general, life settlement companies are mainly interested in high-value policies rather than older ones. Ensure that you have at least a $100,000 life insurance policy. Also, the settlement companies pay you more if you have some health condition leading to a low life expectancy. This kind of policy status earns more if you are selling it to them. 5. Receive Your Lump Sum Payment Finally, you sign over your policy to the buyer and, in exchange, get the agreed amount as payment. This payment is paid in full, in one lump sum. Once this step is done, you are no longer responsible for premium payments. And when you die, the buyer collects the death benefits. 6. Finding The Reputable Brokers When trying to find the right broker, you must look out for the most reputable brokers. The best process is to talk with not one but multiple brokers.  Not only this, but you must also look for multiple brokers with multiple offers.  Looking for the best quote can only help you get the best offers on sales of your insurance.  Reputable Brokers offer you what they have to offer, and nothing is mesmerizing. Hence, play safe and do not run after the offers. How Much Will I Get from Selling My Life Insurance Policy? The lump sum cash you get from selling your life insurance policy in a life settlement will be a lot higher than its face value, often four or more times the cash surrender value of your policy. Even so, the precise among typically depends on several factors, including: Your insurance policy’s premiums Death benefits Life expectancy Therefore, the life settlement company will consider all these to determine your specific payout. Want To Sell A Life Insurance Policy? Seek Advice From A Reputable Life Settlements Company The last thing you want is to sell a life insurance policy you have been paying premiums for over a long time for an unfair price in the market. For this reason, you need to find a good life settlement buyer for your policy. Besides advising on your settlement, a life settlement company will help you sell it for a competitive price. Read Also:  How to Get Low-Cost Life Insurance for Seniors Some Kinds of Death are Not Covered by Term Life Insurance How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems?

Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention

Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention To Cryptocurrencies In 2021

Today, the Crypto market has a greater opportunity compared to the other markets of the world. It can make things easier and effective for you if you invest in the best crypto asset. Here, the scope of the earning is more, in comparison to other modes of investments. You have to channelize your thought process. Prepare the strategy that sounds great for your investment. Today, the Crypto assets are more valuable than anything else in the global market scenario. Being an entrepreneur you should consider the trending opportunities you have in front of you. Why Entrepreneurs Must Pay Attention To Cryptocurrency There are many reasons behind paying more attention towards Cryptocurrency. Proper planning and application of the correct strategy can make things easier for your business. You have to understand the ways that can work well for you. 1. Changes In Regulation The governmental bodies of many countries across the world are now relaxing their strict regulations over Cryptocurrency transactions. This factor has influenced the rate of transactions in Cryptocurrency. So, as an entrepreneur when you are getting the chance to utilize the potential of Cryptocurrencies and that too within the governmental rules and regulations, you should take advantage of that. Cross-checking the bitcoin profit app can make things easier and effective for you. Banking and financial regulators of many countries are now showing their interest in Crypto investing. 2. Hike In Prices There has been a considerable hike in Cryptocurrency prices in the global market. This is another dominating factor that has influenced its high investment rate. Proper application of the business strategies and the timing can make things in your favour. There are some Cryptocurrencies whose prices are hiking at an alarming rate. People are more accustomed to making use of these Cryptocurrencies for their transaction process. Being an entrepreneur if you have a high-value Cryptocurrency with you it can help you to combat your business deficiencies effectively. 3. Showing Stable Growth Starting from 2020, there are many Cryptocurrency which are showing a steady market growth rate. It is one of the most effective means to increase the business profitability rate according to the global market scenario. The reality here is that in the upcoming years, many Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Etherium are also showing positive growth trends in the global market scenario. If you invest your money in these Cryptocurrencies, you can gain more profitability for your business. 4. Greater Returns   Whenever you make your investments in any Cryptocurrency then chances are there that they are vulnerable to greater market risk. The main reason behind it is the market volatility rate. It can make or break your business if you are not careful enough while investing. You need to ensure one thing that your business must have enough working capital to manage its daily affairs. Bitcoin investment or investment in other Cryptocurrency can ensure better liquidity in the long run. Effective planning can make things easier for you. 5. Safer Transactions   The application of Blockchain Technology can make your process of transactions safer and easier. No hacker can track your transaction process. It can make you feel much more secure as an entrepreneur. Proper application of the Cryptocurrency investments can make your life easier in the Cryptomarket. The chances of hacking and data breach are less when you invest your money in the Cryptocurrency. Effective and efficient monitoring of the Crypto assets can make your life easier. You need to respond quickly as per the growing market trend to develop your business. Crypto assets can provide you with the safe haven that you deserve for your business growth in the long run. Conclusion An efficient entrepreneur will always focus on the market trend. The entire investment plan of Cryptocurrency revolves around the current market scenario. It can help your business to multiply in a short time frame and can help your business to grow at a faster pace. Proper application of the correct business tactics is enough to grow in this market.

Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation plans for your debt relief

Debt consolidation is a financial strategy that merges several financial bills into one debt that gets paid off through a management program or loan. Debt consolidation is useful when the debt is of high interest like the credit card. It needs to reduce your monthly repayments by lowering the rate of interest on all your bills, which makes it easy to pay the debt off. The option of debt relief untangles the mess that consumers face each month when they are struggling to keep up with several bills from various card companies and different deadlines. In its place, there is a single payment to one source each month. It also saves money at the end of the day. There exist two primary forms of debt consolidation – signing up for a debt management program or taking up a loan. It is up to you to decide on the method that fits your situation. You can also call this credit consolidation or bill consolidation. Consolidating debt should help get you out of debt very fast and improve your credit score. How does it work? It works by lowering the rate of interest and reducing monthly payments to a price that is affordable on debts that are unsecured like credit cards. The leading step towards debt consolidation plans is calculating the total money you pay for your cards monthly and common interests paid on the cards. It provides a baseline for purposes of comparison. You will then have to look at the budget and add spending on basic utilities like transport, housing, and food. How much money are you left with? For many individuals, there is always enough left to handle the budget and help them pay their debts. However, motivation and effective budgeting are never evident when individuals fall behind on bills. And this is where debt management programs or debt consolidation loans step in. All of them need one payment monthly and gives you time to track the progress of removing debt. Will some calculations and research inform you if a debt management program or loan will be of more help in paying the debt? Using a loan to do Debt Consolidation: The standard method of doing debt consolidation involves getting a loan from the bank, online lenders, or credit unions. The loan has to be large enough to clear the unsecured debt at once. The loan gets paid with monthly installments at the negotiated interest with the lender. The period of repayment is usually five years, but the amount of benefits charged is the crucial element. The lender will take a close look at your credit score while determining the interest rate charged for the loan. In case you are falling behind with your debts, it is likely that the credit score will tumble. In case the debt consolidation interest is not lower than the average benefits you are paying on credit cards, then the loan will not be doing you any good. There are other alternatives to loans like personal loans or equity loans, but none of them will help if the rate you are paying is long and does not make sense. Consolidating Debt without a Loan: There is a possibility of combining debt and reduce installments without another loan. Agencies that do non-profit counseling provide debt consolidation via debt management programs that do not require you to take credit. In that place, the non-profit agencies work with companies of cards to reduce interest rates and lower monthly repayments to a level that is affordable. The consumer will send payments to the counseling agency that then distributes the funds to agreed creditors. The agency may tell the firm to waive over-the-limit and late fees. This solution is not quick. Programs of debt management take up to five years to manage the debt. If you miss one payment, they may revoke the arranged concessions on the monthly fee and interest rates. Read Also: Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation