Best Paying Jobs In Consumer Durables


23 February 2023

Job & Career

best paying jobs in consumer durables

Get ready for a fulfilling, steady, as well as challenging career if you are looking for a job in the industry. Before you find out what are the best paying jobs in consumer durables, you will need to understand the characteristics, requirements, and eligibility of the industry.

In this article, we will discuss jobs in consumer durables and why consumer durables is a good career option. Furthermore, we will also talk about what a job in the industry requires an applicant to be. Read through to the end of the article to learn about the pay grade of jobs in consumer durables, as well as the best paying jobs in consumer durables.

Consumer Durables – Why Is It A Good Career Path?

Consumer Durables – Why Is It A Good Career Path?

Consumer durables mainly include products and goods that people use on a daily basis, and they have a long life. On the other hand, consumer non-durables are the ones that do not have a long life, and people need to consume them in less amount of time. Consumer durables include appliances, furniture, electronics, cleaning, culinary, motorized vehicles, and others.

Although a job in the industry might not appear quite profitable in the first instance, as you build your experience in the industry, you start getting paid really well. If you are a graduate or someone who wants to start a career, then a job in consumer durables can be an excellent option for you.

Why The Consumer Durables Industry Is A Great Career Option?

Why The Consumer Durables Industry Is A Great Career Option?

Although everyone has their own reasons for joining a particular job industry of their choice. However, the consumer durables industry is one of the best options if you want to do something interesting and you like working through diverse options. The following are the major reasons why you must consider working in the consumer durables industry:

1. Better Compensation

Although employees in every industry always seek better-paying jobs, there are still jobs in certain industries that do not have a good pay structure in return for the work. However, in the industry, there are many career options that come with a good salary structure. Hence, any job in the consumer durables industry is appealing to someone who wants a better salary structure from the start.

2. Ability To Work In Diverse Jobs

Ability To Work In Diverse Jobs

Since there is a variety of product options in consumer durables, there are diverse job options as well. Due to diverse job options, the opportunities for jobs have increased a lot in this industry. Furthermore, if you want to gain experience and skills after graduate school, a job in consumer durables is a great option. This is because of the fact that consumer durable products are available in large numbers, simple to use, and are greatly profitable as well.

3. Flexible Working Shifts

Flexible Working Shifts

If you do not like flexible working shifts and want a more scheduled job, then this industry is not a great option for you. However, by working according to flexible hours, you will be able to get more time for yourself. Employees working in the industry find flexible working schedules better.

What Are The Best Paying Jobs In Consumer Durables?

Below given are the best paying jobs in the consumer durables industry that you must aim for now:

1. Sales Manager

Sales Manager

In this job, you will need to supervise and manage the sales activities and the sales personnel. Apart from that, you will also need to focus on the sales activities of the corporation on a daily basis. You will also need to make a sales strategy and sales objectives and monitor their performance.

2. Retail Manager

Retail Manager

Retail managers have the responsibility to run and manage retail stores. Apart from managing the employees, you will need to keep a track of the inventories as well.

3. Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager

Here, you will need to promote the products and offers of the brand with the help of social media platforms. Furthermore, you will also be responsible for organizing campaigns, developing campaigns, and messaging people.

4. Finance Manager

Finance Manager

You will be concerned about the finance of the business if you work as a finance manager. You will need to make financial reports, create financial strategies, and monitor investment activities. In addition, you will be in charge of managing the company’s revenue and expenses.

5. Product Designer

Product Designer

If you are a product designer, you will have a lot of demand in the industry. The average salary of product designers is $100K. You will also need to monitor the entire designing process of the consumer durable products that the company you are working for. To design products, you will have to work with product managers and engineers.

Best Paying Jobs In Consumer Durables- Scale Of Payment

Best Paying Jobs In Consumer Durables- Scale Of Payment

The different jobs in consumer durables have different salaries since the responsibilities of the jobs are different in every case. A job in the industry will allow you to work in the area of your interest. Whether you are interested in household durability or you have more knowledge of technology and electronic appliances, you will still get decent pay if you have good knowledge of the sector that you are working in.

As a starter, you will get a decent pay of about $15,000. This is a great number for someone who is starting out in the consumer durables industry. As you rise through the ladder in the industry, once you become a marketing manager, you will be able to earn $143K on average. However, a business analyst in the industry earns an average salary of $78K in the USA.

Summing Up

In the field of consumer durables, you will be able to come across a wide range of opportunities, in addition to a large number of benefits. The reason behind this fact is that consumer durable products are available everywhere, and also, they are always in high demand. Apart from that, these products are easy to use and also have a high cost, which enables companies and workers to make a good profit.

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A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having 3+ years of experience, Soumava also loves writing blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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Nursing Field

5 Biggest Challenges in The Nursing Field Aspirants Should Know

The healthcare profession is brimming with obstacles and challenges, and the recent pandemic has further added to them. Medical professionals work gruelingly long hours to ensure patient well-being and safety. However, most of these obstacles and challenges are typically seen in a particular sub-division of the healthcare field: the nursing field. Undoubtedly, the nursing profession is not for individuals who are faint of heart. Moreover, to succeed as a nurse and perform your duties with utmost efficiency, you must have the drive, passion, and knack for helping people in need. Some challenges plaguing the nursing field include difficulty acquiring further education, understaffing issues, and overtime work. Likewise, workplace stress and hazard are also growing concerns for medical workers. Whatever issues the nursing field faces, nurses remain a vital part of the world’s healthcare workforce. They put other’s needs first and dedicate their entire lives to helping their patients. For instance, the Covid-19 pandemic also made us realize how essential nurses are. However, before you start a career in the nursing field, knowing about all the challenges you'll face while working is vital. So, let’s determine some of the biggest challenges in the nursing field that aspirants should know. 1. Difficulty continuing education The healthcare industry requires individuals to remain up-to-date with the latest medical practices, techniques, and procedures. However, as nurses serve as the first point of physical contact for patients, these medical professionals also need to polish their soft skills. Therefore, expanding your knowledge base and honing soft skills are critical components of becoming a successful nurse in today’s competitive healthcare setting. And to do such a thing, they must invest time and money in continuing education and obtaining advanced nursing academic credentials. Unfortunately, acquiring further education while working as a nurse is no cakewalk. As these healthcare professionals work for long, grueling hours, sometimes 24-hour shifts, taking out time for studies can be challenging. However, if you’re a nurse striving to climb the ladder to success and seeking career advancement, eLearning can benefit you. You can enroll in masters of nursing online programs and study with ease while managing your workload. An online nursing degree will provide you with the flexibility and convenience of learning from home or even work. 2. Overtime issues Due to high employee turnover and understaffing, aspirants need to be aware of overtime before diving into the nursing profession. Many nurses state that healthcare facilities utilize overtime to counter the after-effects of understaffing. Unfortunately, this usually leads to overworked nurses, resulting in medical errors, treatment inaccuracies, inaccurate diagnoses, driving away aspiring candidates from the nursing field altogether. That said, medical facility owners and healthcare leaders must focus on overstaffing issues and try to solve them with a different approach. A viable way to do this is by hiring more competent nursing staff. In addition, they must encourage aspiring medical students to give nursing a go over other health-related careers. After all, nurses are frontline warriors, working at the heart and soul of every healthcare organization worldwide. 3. Understaffing issues Short staffing is amongst the most common issues in the nursing field. An AMN Healthcare survey shows that about seventy-two percent of healthcare leaders say that they are understaffed in the nursing department. Not to mention, this issue is growing with every passing day, especially since the pandemic struck. Furthermore, the BLS states that there will be a demand for one billion nurses around 2022 due to the rise in diseases and viruses, and most importantly, Covid-19. Staffing issues usually affect patient health and safety and drastically lower the quality of care at healthcare facilities. Moreover, it can also result in increased injury rates, fatigue, and work pressure. 4. Workplace stress Healthcare professionals such as nurses and doctors face work-related stress and burnout, primarily stemming from the unpredictable nature of their work. It mainly affects nurses dealing with high-volume urban departments, senior care, acute psychiatric services, and more. Not to mention, excessive workload and fatigue are ever-present in every healthcare workplace. And nurses bear their fair share of burnout issues, as discussed above. That said, such a thing shouldn’t put off aspiring candidates. ANA, OSHA, and other government organizations work tirelessly to control workplace stress through education, guidelines, and regulations. After all, nursing staff shouldn’t have to deal with burnout, whether it is because of their workload or job nature. 5. Workplace hazards Every workplace in every field has its fair share of hazards. However, the nursing profession, in particular, faces more than usual. Some potential hazards include exposure to pathogens, injuries, contracting viruses, and other germs. Not to mention, these healthcare professionals are at constant risk of hazards from patients carrying the deadliest viruses. The Covid-19 pandemic serves as an unfortunate reminder of how working in the healthcare sector can prove fatal. Many nurses and frontline warriors lost their lives battling the virus and serving the ailing. However, it explains why nursing is one of the most prestigious professions of our era. Nurses devote endless hours and put their lives at stake to ensure the well-being of their community and people. Conclusion Recognizing the obstacles and the challenges that the nursing field contains is the first step. However, the second, and probably the most important, is overcoming these challenges to ensure you advance in your nursing career. After all, nurses are crucial to every healthcare facility out there. There is no better way to help humankind than to take up the nursing profession. That said, you might find it challenging to overcome these obstacles initially. But if you remain persistent and focus on your end goal, you’ll reap countless rewards. Read Also: American Healthcare and its Woes How To Prevent Burnout As A Travel Nurse With These Simple Self-care Strategies

Personal Career Development

8 Useful Tips for Personal Career Development

Technological advances are opening up more opportunities for professional development. No matter how old you are, it is important to not stop learning and instead of finding a new way to sharpen your skills. Keep reading to learn some useful tips from professionals in how to take advantage of available resources and achieve your goals in the career path 1. Be flexible in your career path: When making a plan for your future, always be flexible in your thinking. In fact, modern society allows us to explore various jobs during their lifetime. This means you don’t have to follow a single position but can make a switch to other areas. Just make sure to go for a field that you can find many opportunities to develop and find happiness when working. 2. Be ready to work with different people: Most of us often choose to work with those who have the same points of view. However, having someone who thinks and do differently can be useful in helping you develop and improve your capability. Being exposed to oppositions can be a great chance to stay out of your comfort zone and learn new things in your corporate life. 3. Make use of social media: These days, technology is an indispensable part of our life. Thus, you should make use of available resources for your development plan. Make sure you are consistent in these platforms to build your reputation with a unique personality. Try to open your social network and make a lot of friends. Be nice and helpful to everyone and potential clients or jobs will come to you anytime. 4. Have a mentor: Finding a mentor is probably one of the most effective ways to ensure you are on the right career path. With a lot of experience, he or she can teach you valuable lessons in both personal and professional life to grow. You can ask colleagues or friends to choose the right one. Another benefit is that a mentor can give you another perspective on every aspect to help broaden your horizon. 5. Enjoy your leisure time: Do not only focus on your professional career. Instead, it is better to spend your time on social activities and your hobbies. This will help you develop many essential skills which can be useful for your work. For example, participating in charity work can be a good way to develop your leadership skill. In some cases, if your passion is important enough, it can turn into your full-time job. After all, everybody wants to do something they like and make a living from it. 6. Step out of the comfort zone: One of the best things to develop yourself is to step out of your comfort zone and try to learn a new thing each year. Since the greatest growth will be the result of fear or discomfort, it is a good idea to make you feel stressed about what you do. For example, if you are afraid of digital tasks, then include them as a part of your plan to develop technical skills. You will be soon surprised at the benefits of this approach in your personal and professional life. 7. Consider online work: Virtual tasks are very flexible. This makes them a great option for those people who also want to be flexible in their schedule such as travelers or parents who cannot go to the office every day. So if you are in these situations, it is better to consider work because it will open up many opportunities to develop yourself as well as earn a lot of money right at the comfort of your home. Many people are not willing to take these positions because they want a stable salary. However, many freelancers can get a fixed contract with some companies. The key is doing research. 8. Find a person to complement each other: Another way to improve your capability is to find someone in your company who has opposite personality traits and try to be a perfect couple in work. Try to support and give him or her what you have so that both can grow together. As a result, when your boss is promoted, your chance will also be better. A typical example is the combination of an extrovert and an introvert. In this case, the synergy is powerful to ensure good cooperation between the two. Constant learning is the key to career development no matter which point you are in your life. Set your personal goal and try to learn new things each year. You will be amazed at the results. If you are looking for a high-quality writing service for academic or business purposes, Essays Match is an authentic writing service to choose. With many talented writers and experts, we can guarantee to deliver the highest-quality essays for your projects. Read Also: Fast-Track Your Career: 7 Things You Should Know About Executive Coaching Seeking A Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers To Check Out You Need To Know The Pros And Cons Of A New Career In Real Estate 10 Easy Ways For Students To Improve Their Writing Skills

Remote Working

Remote Working In 2022: 5 Must-Have Tools—You Need To Know

In recent days, remote working is a common thing all over the world. Thanks to the technology and the pandemic for that. Although sometimes it is pretty hard to manage all the work with the co-workers while staying at home. And without using some remote working tools, it is next to impossible. We need some best technology for working remotely. We require tools that will help us in communicating, video conferencing, or online chatting. So, let's check out the top 5 useful apps that you must use to get the benefit of working remotely. Remote Work In 2022: 5 Must-Have Tools: From online chatting to project management or record streaming video—in recent days, some tools are necessary to work from home. 1. Tools for communication Online chatting tools are now an integral part of many companies and the people working remotely. These apps help communicate with the entire team by sending a simple message. They are a good replacement for in-house emails. »Slack—is one of the most-used apps that has started to gain popularity among remote workers. The simple setup and useful features make it a must-have app in the corporate sector. Features include direct messaging, document sharing, screen sharing, and voice calls. »Workplace—is another collaborative software tool by Facebook. And one of the most expensive and competitive apps in the chatting industry. Features include instant messaging, instant translation, online group work, and video conferencing. It can also integrate with the apps like Zoom and Google drive. »Google Hangouts—Yes, this one is also on the list. The best thing about this app is its superb network connectivity—you don't need to worry about if you are in a cafe or at home. It is the best tool for making videos or sending voice calls via desktop or mobile with other google users. 2. Remote working tools for video conferencing A face-to-face conversation is a must when you have to work from home. And undoubtedly, some video conferencing apps should be on your device—if you work with a team or with the customers for some business purpose. »Zoom—I guess you know about this app already and must have used it for your work. This user-friendly app comes with excellent audio and video quality. The screen sharing feature, large meeting capacity, and the recording option make it a beneficial tool during the pandemic. Moreover, it consumes low data in comparison to other video conferencing tools. »Skype—talking about video conferencing apps and not mentioning Skype is impossible, right? Skype is the first and most famous video calling app in the market. Use it for group calls and sending messages, and all come with using fewer data. And the best part? Good quality virtual meetings are free of cost. »Cisco Webex—is a popular video conferencing tool and reliable one that is used by governments and big companies across the world. It is user-friendly and free of cost. Moreover, one can host and join any meeting via laptop, mobile, or tablet for having cross-device compatibility. 3. File storage apps You will find plenty of file storage apps available on the market. These tools are essential for your personal use, working with any company, or for business purposes as well. »Google Drive—is the perfect choice for people using Google Workspace regularly. It will automatically save your content on Google docs or sheets. What's more? Google Drive is one of the most used apps in androids and tablets—super easy for storing your documents in the cloud. »Dropbox—is not just an app for cloud storage, but it contains some other features also. It can integrate with other tools also, such as Slack and Zoom. It also comes with monitoring or tracking features that will be helpful for the admin to keep an eye on the documents. »Microsoft Onedrive—all Microsoft users—is a must-include storage app for you. With the subscription to Microsoft 365—you will get a huge storage space of about 1 TB, with no extra charge. 4. Remote working apps for project management Working from home is difficult when it's all about organizing your work properly. But don't worry. Some management tools are there for you to track your work. All you have to do this keep an eye on the online dashboards. It will manage all your work, like the projects assigned to you, the status of your work, and tasks related to your project. »Trello—is a lightweight, user-friendly, and simple project monitoring app for all remote workers. In Trello, there are lists, cards, and boards. Cards are nothing but the tasks you need to do divided into lists. And the projects are performed on the Kanban board. »Proofhub—is a famous tool that can help organize, plan and keep an eye on the tasks. Features contain workflows, discussions, calendars, Gantt charts, and task lists. It is a great app for freelancers as well as companies to work with clients. 5. Employee recognition software If you are an employer, you might know about these tools. These tools help the companies to operate recognition-based activities. These apps are useful for creating a good environment where people appreciate others' quality and efforts. »Vantage Circle—is a beneficial app that enhances employee engagement. It features peer recognition, including awards and appreciation for the employees. In a word, this app is for recognizing the strength and efforts of the worker who works remotely. »Blueboard—is a unique platform that will help you give rewards and recognition to workers. And these rewards are unique, surprising, and full of fun experiences. It can be trekking, scuba diving, kitesurfing, or in-home activities. Related Resource: How to Keep Remote Employees Productive in 2022 Bottom line Remote working is a new normal for most of us. After the pandemic, corporate sectors, IT companies, and many big companies have started growing interest in these apps. And they have initiated employing people to work remotely. Using the tools for your work is essential to manage the task properly. Most apps come with the free trial version, and some are free of cost. So, try them out and select the ones ideal for your work. Read Also: 5 Of the Highest Paid Remote Jobs What No One Tells You About Working Remotely 8 Tried and Tested Secrets of a Productive Home Office 5 Ways to Get a Better Work-Life Balance for Remote Employees