Create Your Logo for Free with TurboLogo


17 August 2020

Dev & Design


Creating a logo with Turbologo can be the best solution if you do not have any experience to create a logo. Understandably, you might think it is going to be hard to create a simple logo for your small business or even for your presentation. For common people who do not have knowledge and experience about creating a logo digitally is nearly impossible. However, you can do it by using Turbologo and it will help you to create the logo at ease. You do not need to hire an expert to make a logo that you have in mind.

Turning Idea into Logo

The Turbologo will give you the facilities to make the logo that you want. You basically can create the logo based on the idea that you have. It is the best application that can help you to create a logo that matches with your taste and preference. Here are some benefits that you can get by using Turbologo.

It is Free!

This Turbologo is free! So, if you think creating a logo will cost you a lot of money, you should think otherwise. This Turbologo proves that you can be a logo creator even if you have no skill. You do not need to hire a design graphic to create a simple logo. There is no need to spend your money on a simple logo. By using this logo generator, you will create the logo on your own.

Simple and Easy to Make

The Turbologo provides easy functionalities that can be accessed by people with skill and also for those who do not have the skill as a logo maker. The simple system has a user-friendly interface that will guide you to understand how to create a logo you want step by step. It is a great way to try making your logo without any difficulties especially for a basic logo with a simple design.

Free Templates

If you do not have time to create your logo from the first start, you can easily stroll through the library to find the templates. There are endless templates with nice designs that you can choose to create your logo. It is easy and simple to create. You can easily create your logo in just a few minutes. Templates like this will ease you to get a logo without spending too much time on a logo.

It is nice to be creative and also the fact that it is free, you can start your small business without expenses. When it comes to business, you have to ensure that you don’t spend too much and focus on your income. This Turbologo also offers premium paid products if you want to have more features when needed.

With Turbologo the logo creator, you can have the original idea of your logo and it is simple to do. All you need to do is just search for Turbologo and follow the step-by-step tutorial to start creating your logo. Spend some time to try turning your ideas into the logo that you want. It will worth the effort as the logo represents your business and service.

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UX Design

Simplifying Finance: The Role Of UX Design In Financial Services

Exposure to financial services in this busy economic market is sky-high. However, not every financial service is up to the mark with its customer-centric approaches. In turn, FinTech is the next big thing in the financial world. Digital platforms are engaged in interacting and perceiving with the users. The innovative capabilities of FinTech applications largely determine user experience (UX). To make financial services more accessible and approachable to users, ux design financial services are far better than traditional complex financial services. The world of digital finance might seem intimidating to many for its complex terminology and lengthy processes. Moreover, a lack of customer-centricity is the main concern for many while dealing with the complex economic market. Simplifying finance is best possible through “Humanizing FinTech,” which is largely convinced with UX design. What is UX design? Well, at the core, the main terminology here is to define an intuitive design to embrace a better user experience and bridge the gap between financial services and users. Prominent Roles Of Ux Design In Financial Services The pivotal experience of financial service should be ecstatic for the users. It cannot be complex and boring. Financial aspects are already boring, and things need to be easy with digitalization. So, FinTech, through UX designs, can be more accessible and engaging for the users. Every financial sector is trying to solve the users' problems and manage the people's concern. Apart from that, a financial service cannot be vulnerable to its security aspects. However, the best part is that UX designs can provide you with a streamlined process to simplify financial services and engage better digital finance to ensure security while bridging the services gap with users. Bridge The Gap One of the main roles of UX design is to eliminate the gaps between user understanding and financial services. UX designers want users to understand the financial concepts and also become intuitive to the processes. What do you want? A boring spreadsheet? Or a colorful graph with pie charts? No one wants a boring data sheet that is complex to navigate and also not eye soothing. In contrast, UX designers help accomplish financial tasks quite easily for any user. For instance, transferring funds, managing insurance policies, and considering stocks are different financial services, but UX designs make it all easy for you to understand and navigate. No one wants to increase their learning curves while using financial services. Common people do not use complex financial data. They are unaware of the critical financial exposures but need to manage their finances instead. So, if you are using an app, you would like to get some attractive features that are easy to understand and ready to help you with colorful approaches. Well, demystifying complex financial data and presenting it easily to the users is the foremost priority of a UX designer. Focusing On User Trust And Security The role of UX design in financial applications is fostering customer loyalty and creating a positive user experience. However, gaining the audience's or users' trust in the FinTech industry is quite tough. Well, a streamlined process is the only solution to generate an intuitive design for a better user experience. However, it does mean anything to gain the trust of the users. If you want to trust them, you must focus on creating a better security process. For instance, if you use a biometric authentication process like facial recognition or fingerprint scanner, it can generate a better user experience. These are the ultimate solutions to present a user-friendly approach in advanced ways to engage people in a non-intrusive way. Reinforcing the trust of the people is best possible with UX designs like encrypted notifications and secure connections. So, it is time for you to foster user experience and gain their trust. Streamlining The Complex Financial Process The biggest role of UX design is to transform the traditional banking process into a digital landing platform. Well, what are the features of the traditional banking process? Lots of paperwork. Lack of transparency. Lengthy approval times. However, with digitalization, things are changing. Financial sectors are becoming more and more efficient in dealing with the instances of consumers and getting friendly. This is where digital landing platforms efficiently manage your concern with various features. Real-time updates. Time efficient services. Ensures transparency. The whole approach of UX design is to provide you better user experience by analyzing the streamlining process. So, now the loan approvals will be quick through digital applications, and you will also get the best seamless experience. Engaging User Satisfaction The difference between UX designers and graphic designers is that UX designers follow a user-focused and multidisciplinary approach. In contrast, Graphic designers maintain the curves with specialized pixel-focused consequences. Apart from that, emotional design, creative thinking, and prototyping are the common responsibilities of these designers. It is hard to believe that 90% of people stop using an app due to poor performance. So, a positive user experience with better quality and usability is expected. Enhanced user satisfaction with customization may increase the retention rate for a financial service. For instance, if you are using a banking app, you would like to check your account balance or transact money quickly. Now if it has an easy-to-use interface and you can work on it quickly, then you would like to keep the app on your phone. Digital financial services are difficult to avoid in this fast-paced world but also cumbersome to use in many cases. Finding a better UX-designed financial service is always a better resolution to avoid inconsistency and engage proximity. Read Also: Guide to Hiring a WordPress Developer 7 Advantages of Using Website Design Templates Why Prototype Design Is A Way To Make Your UX Design Perfect

Rago Fabrication Website

Seen the Rago Fabrication Website Guides & Videos?

I’ve got a 4Runner and I ordered an antenna mount for my new CB radio from the Rago Fabrication website. It took a couple of days to arrive and I was struck when I opened the packaging that the product itself was nice and robust and of high quality. I got to the weekend and I had a spare afternoon to try and install myself - as I wanted to save on the cost of having it professionally done. The problem is that I couldn’t quite work out how it bolted onto my Toyota, so I kinda thought “that was that” and that I should start calling around for a company to put it on for me. However, before I made that booking, I went back to the Rago Fabrication website to see if there was any help I could get. I was very pleasantly surprised. An Extensive Range of Install Guides & Videos: Most commercial websites out there will have some kind of FAQs section or an email address you can contact for post-sales support and whilst Rago’s site had one too, it also had much, much more. I don’t mind telling you that it blew my mind a little. I quickly found a video guide that detailed exactly how to fit my antenna mount in minute detail, so I was able to finish the fitting job myself and save quite a few dollars into the bargain. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the Rago Fabrication website over-delivered and then some! After I finished what I had to do for my vehicle, I went back again to see what else they had. I found video after video after guide after guide for customers to use for a wide range of products. It seemed that whatever product they sold, there was a way for those less technically minded to take care of their own installation. In fact, I found out that they have an entire YouTube channel dedicated to helping their customers. You can see it yourself by clicking this link. I Think Customer Service Really Matters: The quality of any merchandise you buy online is important - of course, it is. However, what also matters to people like me (and I think I speak for a lot of people) is great service. What these guides and videos have done for me as a customer is ensured that I go back again because I know I’ll be looked after. When a company takes this much care in providing these ‘how-to guides, it makes you realize that they’re going to be conscientious in lots of other areas too, like offering the best products. I Know Where I’m Going Next Time! I’m going to be upgrading and enhancing my 4Runner more over the next couple of years - as it’s a fun and enjoyable thing to do. What I know is that I’m going to be going back to the Rago Fabrication website again, as I now know what to expect - exactly what I need. Where you go is your prerogative, but if they don’t offer all of this great after-service, then I think you know where to go. Read Also: 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design 5 Key Signs of Genuine Kundali Software Tips to Choose the Best Inventory Management Software Why Contract Management Software Is Essential for Your Tech Company

bootstrap templates

Bootstrap Templates and Allied Tools to Make Your Web Presence Easy and Instant

It is no secret among online business marketers and website builders that the Bootstrap templates and themes could be their first option in terms of building a web presence. There are many reasons why people tend to use handy Bootstrap templates as: Primarily, most of the designers tend to use this as boilerplate. Bootstrap is out there with us for long, and people are so familiar with it. Many find it much riskier to switch to other options unknown to them. Bootstrap is time-tested, and it also found to be valid. It is a tool, which is time-tested and can also pave a strong foundation for websites. An endless collection of classic Bootstrap templates now helps you construct any type of website you want. It also has high flexibility and rich features, so irrespective of a regular blog or portfolio site, you can get it all here. The community around Bootstrap is so immense and extensive. This constantly expanding expert community will give you plenty of choices and unrelenting support for any issues. Most importantly, Bootstrap is a freemium product and also boasts of its high quality. You will come across countless free templates of Bootstrap, which won’t disappoint you at all. All these could act as a quick fix to your web development problems from time to time. In addition, they will also give you the apt solutions on which you can build safely. Some important things you need to know about Bootstrap 4 themes As we have already seen, Bootstrap is a very powerful but freemium CSS framework with an impressive selection of jQuery plugins, components, layouts, and UI/UX elements. The primary thing about Bootstrap is that it can be availed for free by the users. Now, the extreme popularity of Bootstrap has also urged web developers and designers from across the globe to land on this platform and uses it as a top choice in their projects. If you are also planning to use framework or workflow tools in your web projects, one should always make a note about the updated version of Bootstrap. The latest update is Bootstrap 4, which comes with a custom set of tools and features for the users to benefit from. The new version Bootstrap will certainly help the developers to create business websites flawlessly with ease. A few key things to remember while using Bootstrap You should know that there are different types of Bootstrap 4 themes and templates available out there, both official and third party. So, if you consider using one, always make sure that you do a thorough baseline analysis to identify the best theme for your purpose. In fact, with an abundance of choices, it will always be difficult for a customer to feel overwhelmed about the choice and get confused. This will be more so in case of the beginners who don't have an idea about how to make use of the best Bootstrap 4 template for their purpose. If you are among one of those amateurs who are confused about Bootstrap 4 templates, here we will discuss a few handy things which will help you out in making the right choice. When to consider using a Bootstrap template? The ones who are into website design or the developers who are applying the CSS, as well as a markup of Bootstrap, would have some basic default designs handy. Many don't want to customize Bootstrap, which also isn't ideal as it will make your site look similar to many others out there. So, the best move is to take any of the Bootstrap templates which are useful for you and then customize it to match your needs as well as to look unique. When it comes to choosing a default template, the design may not seem to be very appealing because the providers tend to make those pretty simple with some basic features embedded. So, to bring a professional look to the website, you should try to work further on it and customize it. For this, designers need to pay attention to the CSS framework to make the end product more stylish. There are many tools to help you customize the Bootstrap templates. Tools to customize Bootstrap themes It is so easy to create Bootstrap templates and themes, but it may be confusing if you don't use the right tools. In the case of beginners, it could be somewhat difficult until they get a good grip on it through practice. Adding to it, they also need to pay close attention to the fine details to set things right, which is time-consuming. Fortunately, many tools are there to help these novice Bootstrap web builders to create customized Bootstrap templates quickly and easily. Let's explore some such tools. Sublime Text This tool has a fair number of features to help web development. On using this tool, you can get quick access to many quick windows for the project code. Adding to it, you can also see the codes which you have written on the panel. Anvil The same group of developers had developed both Anil and Hammer, and you use both these tools independently. Anvil could work the best for the localhost servers, which could further let you preview the themes and choose the best for your purpose. Hammer As we said above, Hammer could be used in combination with Anvil or independently. It is a Mac-based development tool that comes with a handful of features to develop Bootstrap themes and static sites. With this tool, you can ensure that you make use of various HTML in the standard templates for further customization. Hammer could also be used to compile the languages like CoffeeScript, SASS, JavaScript, Markdown into CSS, and HTML, etc. SASS If you are planning to create a template of design a full-fledged website, then you may know that the Bootstrap 4 framework is built primarily on the SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets). In simpler terms, SASS is a wonderful scripting language that could be interpreted to CSS. You should also note that SASS is a scripting language used in almost every case. There are many other tools too to be used for customization of Bootstrap as Grunt, Harp, Bootply,, Bootstrap Starter Kit, etc. which could be handy for the developers and designers. All this help to pay attention to the crucial elements of Bootstrap customization and help you build the most relevant and user-friendly websites. Read Also: Adrian Rubin Tells How To Bootstrap Business In The Photography Niche Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business