Functionality – an important aspect of good web design: Sydney digital marketing services for your growth


22 September 2020

Dev & Design

web design

The success or failure of any website is determined by its usability, functionality, and visual design. Keeping webpage visitors engaged and stimulating them to interact is a leading task for designers and web developers. If the visual components are balanced and exist in harmony, it inspires confidence. Also, with great and user-friendly web design, Sydney business owners can easily gain the following goals:

  • win loyalty and establish clear communication with the target audience;
  • become the leader in the industry;
  • inform and inspire potential buyers;
  • increase profitability;
  • work with negative reviews, improving your promotion and advertising strategy;
  • enter new markets.

But the task of developing a highly-effective web resource doesn’t seem to be a straightforward one. Here are some valuable tips on building not just a web page that represents your business, but an indispensable tool to increase sales, overcome Australian competition, and grow your brand.

Top web design features Internet users value:

1. The first impression matters

Everything begins when a user enters your website. Thus, determining how users will interact with site content is just as important as taking care of the visual appeal of your pages. It’s all about a competent arrangement of colors, fonts, and elements on a page without unnecessary and distracting attention details. The key principle is to deliver only the needed information to the viewer. With the right visuals, you promote interactivity. With professionally written content, you will be able to highlight the features of your product or service. And by placing high-quality images, animations, infographics, and photos, you will fuel your overall marketing efforts. But remember, excessive visuals can harm your strategy, so apply graphics wisely.

2. Simple navigation enhances SEO

From a user point of view, the navigation of the site should be intuitive. Then visitors can easily find exactly what they need, and search engines can index your pages without obstacles. After all, a disoriented visitor will simply go to your business opponents. Usability significantly affects a site’s ability to rank higher in search results. If functionality and convenience won’t be ignored, visitors will have a good impression of the brand. Also, the ranking algorithms will definitely take into account these two crucial for SEO aspects.

3. Build trust through the color scheme

Pick colors that evoke the desired emotions in your visitors. For example, blue is associated with trustworthiness and professionalism, while red causes enthusiasm and joy. Beautiful and aesthetic pleasing web design with bold colors catch the minds and motivate for making instant purchases while weaker colors create contrast and strengthen the perception of the material.

4. Web design approach with mobile-first in mind. 

If you want your site to be a stable source of organic traffic, invest in content optimization. Unresponsive websites won’t be able to hold mobile users until they will be ready to buy. Losing traffic due to poor mobile-friendliness leads to a decrease in sales. Prioritize the mobile-first factor and you will reach the top.

5. Slow loading speed alienates

While slow sites kill conversions and your online reputation, faster sites obtain more clients, handling harsh competition environment.  

Seeking solutions to boost site functionality and retain more customers, you should rely only on proficient web design Australian services offered by web agencies like Shtudio. Delivering powerful web creations through digital innovative tools, you will get impressive online marketing solutions, and more than just a website.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Properly Handle

How to Properly Handle, Clean and Store Your Art

Art belongs on the wall, but sometimes circumstances will force you to move them. For example, if you’re temporarily moving away from your home or relocating to a home with less space to hang your artworks, you may have to store some of them. Additionally, if you’re a painter who doesn’t sell their art the minute it’s complete, you are likely going to have to store those artworks in your home or specialized storage facilities like Museo Vault. Art is delicate, and one innocent mistake could end up costing you dearly. That is why it’s important to know the basics of how to handle, clean and store your paintings. Everyone knows that paintings should be kept in a dark room, but choosing which one could play a huge role in their perseverance. In this article, we are going to walk you through the basics of properly handling, cleaning and storing your art in order to avoid causing them permanent damage. These tips will prevent various damage types like mold, scratches, cracks, and flaking. How to Properly Handle Your Art  Art is so delicate that it can even get damaged as you’re taking the picture off the wall or dusting the frame off. That is why you need to be extra careful what you wear around art, how you pick it up and hang it back. Handle One at a Time : Even if you’re in a hurry, never carry a stack of paintings, no matter if they are large or small. They could get scratched or dented if carried in bulks. When handling art, make sure to do it one painting at a time. If a painting is large, have two people handle it simultaneously. Wash Your Hands before Handling : Your hands need to be completely clean if you plan on handling art. Additionally, consider buying cotton gloves if you frequently have to handle art. Make sure the gloves are always washed. This precaution will help avoid leaving fingerprints both on the painting and the frame. Remove Any Jewelry : Rings and watches can scratch and damage your painting as you’re carrying it or taking it down from the wall. That’s why you need to remember to always remove any jewelry that could damage the painting before handling it. How to Properly Clean Your Art Like we mentioned, paintings are delicate so you have to take special care when cleaning them. Knowing which products to use to clean and dust the paintings in keeping them pristine for years to come. Dusting Your Paintings : Paintings hung on the walls are a dust magnet, and have to be cleaned regularly. But you can’t just use any old duster to do it. In order to avoid serious damage, use a soft artists’ brush made from natural hair. Keep the painting on a soft surface leaned down so the dust is pulled down as you brush it. Move the brush carefully and slowly in a single direction and make sure you’re not applying any pressure to it. When you’ve dusted off the entire picture, change the direction and go for a second pass. Never use stiff brushes, moist cloths or feather dusters when cleaning art. Cleaning Your Paintings : This should be common sense, but never ever use household cleaners or similar products on paintings. The chemicals in these products can completely ruin the painting. If there’s a need to clean the painting, consider hiring an expert. How to Properly Store Your Art Finally, proper art storage is the key to its preservation. This is also where art collectors are most likely to make a mistake due to the numerous factors that determine whether a location is suitable for art storage or not. Avoid Damp Rooms : Never store your art pieces in the basement, the attic or any room with an outside wall. These rooms are usually either too dry or too damp. Either of those could affect your paintings. However, if you’re out of options to make sure to invest in a good humidifier and an AC unit to keep the room temperature constant and humidity levels acceptable. Never Stack Paintings : If you don’t have enough space and have to stack the painting one over the other or against each other, make sure you use appropriate protection like padding. Painting racks are ideal if you need to store multiple paintings.

Photo Editing Software

The Best Photo Editing Software You Need to Know About

We all know the Photoshop tool, so much so that we call Photoshop retouching any photo editing. However there are many other photo software, but in this article, we are just highlighting the top 8 best photo editing software which you can use to edit your images without downloading the program. You can edit the image you want from any computer, and you will only need an Internet connection. But the best of all is that some are so simple that without any knowledge you can use them because they are very intuitive. How about? Has the bug bit you? Well, keep reading! So, let’s discuss more. Eight Best Online Photo Editing Software:  1. PicMonkey: I start with this one because it is the one I use the most, it will surely not be the best, but it is effortless to use, and if you do not know Photoshop or other similar programs, it will be beneficial. With it, you can also create collage, design cards or make up the face of a photograph. Some of their tools are paid, but you can do thousands of things without having to pay a penny. 2. Adobe Photoshop Express: Very similar to the original program allows working by layers, select elements. It requires more knowledge and practice, but everything is to put and learn. Besides, some necessary actions you can perform without problems. 3. Skylumluminar: Skylumluminar is the more professional photo software that offers many editing features. Its artificial intelligence feature differentiates it from any other photo software. Skylumluminar’s beautiful Interface offers a sleek canvas to enjoy and enhance your photography without additional distraction. It is a one-stop-shop for photo editing that can be used by itself or as a plugin in with other photo software too. 4. Pixlr It is a complete editor with three variants: Pixlr Editor: With an interface so similar to Photoshop Express that it seems that you are in it. It is complete and more professional, with a lot of tools and filters. You can also use keyboard shortcuts and even the right button. It happens to you like Photoshop, and it requires a bit more learning for more advanced editions. Pixlr Express: More basic and at the same time more intuitive, it is above all for quick touch-ups. It allows us to open photos from the PC, a URL or even from Webcam. You can also make collages with this program. Pixlr O-Matic: Much more comfortable to use, ideal for automatic retouching. A quick way to apply frames, filters, and effects. Of course, you will not find anything else, and you will not be able to select where to add them since they apply to the whole photograph. 5. Fotor: A very careful interface consists of five complete sections that will serve to edit, make collages, covers for your social networks, greeting cards and even "makeup." As the last option offers to merge an HDR image by uploading three photographs with different exposures. Read for more information in Fotor Review. The handling is very intuitive, you can add texts, and it offers a massive amount of creative filters, frames and clip art. And when you finish, you can share your image directly on social networks. 6. Phixr: The editor is quite complete, allows to focus, blur, adjust exposure levels and color, reduce noise and many other options as well as filters and effects. I find it somewhat uncomfortable to work, but the worst is that the photo takes a long time to load at the beginning and can despair a little. 7. Editor: It happens the same as the previous one. It takes to load the image, although not so much. The options are minimal because the settings such as saturation, temperature, and filter application are automatic, so you cannot choose the intensity or graduated. It is simple to use and also allows you to share the result directly on social networks. 8. Befunky: To edit and create collages. You can upload your photo from your computer, webcam or some social networks. The highlight is the number of filters, textures, and effects it offers, in addition to the frames. You can include your image in a lot of ways and even letters. It is effortless to use, and the changes are applied to the whole picture although you can choose the intensity or the size of the brush and they are displayed at the same time. Read Also: 5 Things To Take Into Account To Hire Custom Software Development Services Why You Trust Your Photographer?

Ecommerce Software Development Trends

Ecommerce Software Development Trends

In the past year, eCommerce has expanded from being something that would guarantee convenience to become somewhat of a necessity. In fact, according to experts, it has been one of the major avenues that have kept the global economy going. When the pandemic hit and lockdowns ensued, policymakers quickly realized that Ecommerce could be a major way for enabling people to access resources. Even before the pandemic hit, Ecommerce commerce was growing at staggering double-digit growth rates. According to UNCTAD, global Ecommerce has hit 25 trillion in 2018! For businesses, this means an exciting new opportunity. You can either take your physical brick-and-mortar store online or you can simply start an eCommerce platform and become an aggregator. In this resource article, we are going to focus on the best Ecommerce software development trends for businesses. List of 5 Major Ecommerce Software Development Trends 1. The Rise of Ecommerce Platforms-   Retail software development has benefitted from the emergence of easy and simple eCommerce platforms. You do not need to spend a ton of money to start your own venture. You can easily choose between great platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, Joomla, and BigCommerce. This has made it easier for people with lower investments to get into business in a short time. 2. The Growth of PWAs to boost Ecommerce- Ecommerce is all about the app experience. The rise of smartphones and internet technologies have made it possible to create immersive shopping experiences in apps. However, just like the last point, small businesses cannot afford to break the bank in terms of custom app building. Enter PWAs or Progressive Web Apps. These mimic the website experience like an app. 3. Voice Search Influencing Ecommerce- Look around you. There is a huge proliferation in the number of smart devices we are using to communicate with the internet. From home assistants like Alexa to connected Car technology and Google Assist on our phones, we are speaking to search engines and allowing them to help us. Ecommerce web development should take into account the role of voice search. 4. Social Media and Omnichannel Ecommerce Sales- You would have heard your friends or relatives bragging about how they got a great lamp from Facebook’s Marketplace. In fact, for experts, this is the next logical step in the evolution of eCommerce. As a business that is looking to get into this field, you must focus on omnichannel eCommerce sales and marketing. This can open up entirely new avenues for sales. 5. The Impact of Augmented Reality on Ecommerce- Tech innovators and software developers are now looking at ways and means of creating as realistic an eCommerce buying experience as possible. This is why Augmented Reality or AR is going to become the next big thing in eCommerce software development. People want to see how they would look if they would be able to have a virtual try for the products they buy. The Ecommerce Software Development Support System: What is it? While the above technologies are some of the biggest trends in the eCommerce software development ecosystem, there is more that meets the eye. Every developer or entrepreneur who has started an Ecommerce venture knows one thing for sure- it is all about the experience. To support this, there are three major verticals that you need to take into consideration. In this section, we are going to list them down- The Cloud Support- When you are hosting an Ecommerce website you are handling tons of data and details that not only need lightning-fast processing speeds but also guarantee a safe and secure environment. This is where the Cloud becomes important when it comes to creating a good user experience for the platform. Payment Solutions Providers- The growth of Ecommerce happened around the same time when the Fintech industry started booming. The better the payment solutions providers, the easier and comfortable will be the user experience. As a business, you will have to pick the ones that can benefit the business to the greatest possible extent. Mobile Commerce- Do you think that the Ecommerce industry would have taken off in the way it did if smartphones did not exist? Probably not. This is why mobile or M-commerce has become such an integral part of Ecommerce software development. Mobile responsiveness, experiences, and speed are what make a good platform great. The Bottom Line: There is a reason why the advent of new technology is taking Ecommerce software development to new heights. In this article, we have tried to look at some technologies that are redefining the Ecommerce ecosystem. We have also looked at technologies that are considered as the bare foundations that help in setting up an Ecommerce platform that is solid in terms of UI and UX. If you have any other questions that you want us to answer, drop them in the comments section below.