How to Create & Source Your Company Uniforms

Published on: 25 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

Do you remember your first job? Did it require you to wear an itchy polyester shirt? Do you have fond memories of the branded baseball hat you wore at your high school job? Our previous work uniforms can send us into a nostalgic mode. After all, there’s so much associated with a uniform that just the thought of a company shirt is enough to bring back plenty of memories.

If you’re looking to source workwear for your employees, you don’t have to look too hard. Just click on the upcoming link and you can order the perfect custom t-shirt today, it’s really that simple. Do you know what you want your uniform to look like? Do you know how to get it printed? This article will outline the importance of a good uniform and what you should look for as you prepare your company gear.

How to Spot Quality Uniforms:

When you’re sourcing your bulk uniform orders from a reliable online provider, it’s important to source your garments from a company that offers ongoing support through every step of the purchasing process. With customer service representatives on standby to guide you through uploading your designs and tracking your shipment, you never have to be in the dark about your custom clothing.

What should you be looking for to tell if something is high quality? Well, if you’re making custom sweatshirts, custom work shirts, or looking for some of the best custom t-shirts Canada provides, you want to team up with a provider who is transparent about their customization procedures. Can they tell you about their screen printing and embroidery processes? Can they recommend products for your needs? Keep an eye out for good service, it’s a marker of good quality.

The Quality Effect:

Studies have shown that the quality of work clothing has a direct effect on the wearer and their productivity. A study known as the “enclothed cognition” study found that we tend to take on the quality and characteristics of our clothes. If you are dressed in high-quality workwear, you will perform your work to a similar quality. That makes a pretty good case for providing your employees with excellent clothing options.

Safety Wear:

Businesses come in all shapes and sizes. For those businesses whose workers are required to wear a certain level of safety wear, R&P Prints is still your premium solutions provider for bulk clothing orders. The safety wear options go far beyond your average custom t-shirts with garments that have the layers, durability, reflective elements, and UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) for your business needs.

Work with Your Staff

Have you considered what your staff might like to wear? Why not open up the floor to feedback and suggestions from the people who will be wearing the clothes the most? Maybe there’s a small detail you haven’t yet considered as an important part of your uniform but your employees can point out. They’ll feel valued and you’ll feel good knowing that their needs are being met. It’s a win-win!

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what is builder gel

What Is This Magic Product Salons Are Using? What is Builder Gel?

What is builder gel? It could be your whole personality right now. I mean, that’s the prime function of beauty, though. Most importantly, it can change your nails big time. I just felt everyone should get to know more about it. So, here I am with the details!  Firstly, it is a magic product, no doubt. Most licensed nail teachers and professional salon experts say this viscose polish strengthens your nails. The nails can grow without breaking. In technical terms, we call this- building your apex. Some refer to builder gel extensions as adding structure or creating structured overlays.  What is an apex? You now know what builder gel is. But what is an apex? In the terminology of nail care, the apex is the highest point of nail extensions. It is added to your nail to give it strength and balance it simultaneously.  To understand an apex better, you can think of it as the arch or dream curve of the nail. It is the thickest segment of your nail and the most challenging part of your nail palette. Once you get the apex right, you can pull off any of the nail designs 2024. How Do You Apply Builder Gel? Don't confuse it with the application of nail polish. Firstly, we apply nail polish in vertical strokes. However, builder gel is much more viscose. Hence, we use horizontal strokes while applying it.  As a result, the policy expands across the whole nail. There are three types of builder gel. These are hard, medium, and soft gels. If you’re using the hard gel, then use a separate brush for the same.  Let's clarify another confusion here. Some builder gels need you to apply a base coat first and then apply the gel on the top. However, builder gels manufactured by brands like Halo need nothing.  Once applied correctly, the hard gel helps you keep your manicure safe for a long span. However, some experts say using a rubber-based base coat is always better. It helps you to achieve the correct adhesion and take good care of your nails.  Why does builder gel lift? There are many reasons why the builder gel coating can lift from the nail top. Firstly, you must know that it is not as flexible as the natural nail. Therefore, the gel coat may lift at any time. The same may happen when you don’t apply a base coat to make the natural nail more adhesive.  Generally, we call the lifting of gel- “pocket lifting.” The center of the enhanced nail lifts away from your natural nail. Well, we understand that the builder gel coat may ward off any time.  But we apply it to give our nails strength, shape, and safety. So, we must know why the nail coating comes off. Otherwise, our builder gel treatments would be in vain. Here are some of the main reasons I’ve noticed over the years:  Inaccurate nail preparation You can’t achieve proper adhesion if you don’t remove your ail cuticle debris; moreover, not buffing the surface properly leads to the same outcome. Therefore, I suggest using a hydrator properly and avoiding such outcomes especially if you’re into French manicure acrylic nail ideas. Imperfect application I’ve always suggested visiting experienced nail experts. They know the proper application techniques. Frail treatments like builder gel applications may go wrong if you don’t know the accurate application technique.  However, the exact flaws that amateurs make are not properly curing the portions between the layers. The process takes time and patience.  Poor products  Are you using cheap or non-compatible gel primer? Even poor topcoats can also cause poor adhesion. Hence, the builder gel coat can be lifted easily.  Quality of natural nails  Often, your nails are naturally damaged. Some of the people have fragile natural nail layers. In that case, the nail additions can easily ward off. So, you must apply a good hard gel and a base coat of the right consistency. The same is also important for ombre nail designs 2024. Poor Curing Quality Did you use weak UV to cure the gel? It may be one reason your builder gel came off before time. When you don’t apply the UV for long, it makes the polymerization process weaker. As a result, it leads to easy lifting.  Benefits of Using Builder Gel There are many benefits to using builder gels. By now, you know what builder gel is and its uses. Now, it is time to find out what are the most expected benefits of the builder gel application: a. strengthening natural nails if your nails are skinny and weak  b. The nails can grow long, giving your fingers a premium finish  c. The thickness of your nails also improves when you apply a builder gel finish  d. Lastly, the builder gel nails become more durable. It can resist weathering, especially during severe winters.  Builder gels make your nails chip-resistant and much longer lasting. However, you have to make the application right. Remember the tricks I mentioned, and you can enjoy builder gel nails for a long time.  Application Process The application process is easy. It suits even beginners well. I suggest just following the steps below and having a safe and durable coat of builder gel. Start with preparing your nails for application. Do that by cleaning your nails and removing any existing polish or debris. After that, you have to do your nail buffing clinically.  Start with buffing the surface gently. After that, ensure you’ve achieved the right rough texture to help the gel sediment on your nails.  Thirdly, you have to apply builder gel. This is the most critical stop that we were all looking for. First, use only a thin layer of gel on each nail.  Remember, the gel is much thicker than regular nail paint or nail polish. So, don’t use the builder gel in very high concentrations. At the same time, know about the proper application strokes.  When you apply builder gel, the strokes go horizontally. However, the nail polish strokes are vertical. Lastly, use a sculpting form to extend it evenly across the edges, too.  Done the primary step? Now, think about increasing the life of your builder gel nails. You must cure your nails with a UV/LED lamp. It will harden the builder gel layer. To finish off, cover the tips of your nails with a short nail polish layer.  Always remember you must use a clean brush to remove the remains of the polishes applied beforehand. There might be small traces of polish inside the cuticles. Or on the sidewalls. So, use the brush well. Clean up and then layer the builder gel.  Maintenance and Removal Maintaining a builder gel is not challenging. Shrug off the terrors experts may be giving you. You can now easily keep your builder gel nails with some simple tricks:  1. don’t use any harsh chemicals on the nails.  2. Most importantly, don’t soak your nails in water for a prolonged time. It is enough to ward off adhesion. At least avoid doing that for the first 3 days after application.  3. Don’t forget cuticle oil. You must regularly apply cuticle oil to keep the nails hydrated for a long time. In the meantime, the same also keeps your nails healthy. At the same time, cuticle oil can help avoid hangnails or dry and choppy nails. Most importantly, it helps you to avoid cracked cuticles, too.  The removal of the builder gel coat is equally easy. Just soak the nails in an acetone remover. However, you can also remove the layer manually with a nail file and a cuticle pusher. This is, in fact, a gentler method. Hence it helps you to keep the health of your natural nails intact. Read Also: Fashion Style Every Modern Woman Must Know Types of Fashion Designing Courses You Should Know

Feminist Jewelry

A Beginner’s Guide To Feminist Jewelry In 2021 By Leading Experts

When it comes to understanding feminism, we should start by understanding the history behind it all. You see not quite long ago, women even in advanced western developed and democratic countries were denied voting rights. In the UK, women could not initiate divorce proceedings. If they tried to argue for their rights as human beings, they would get beaten up or sexually exploited to keep their mouth shut. While cases of exploitation still abound, the fight led by feminism has led to developments in inequality between men and women. In this article, we look at one interesting topic of discussion that has come up in recent times- Feminist Jewelry. We speak to leading experts from Vogue to the Huff Post to try and understand what feminist jewelry is all about. Before we go to the jewelry bit, let us first try to look at the concept of Feminism itself. We will then proceed to understand the relationship between feminism and jewelry. Feminism: Meaning and Definition Many people and groups misinterpret feminism as the domination of women over men. This is a gross misinterpretation. In reality, feminism stands for the fight to guarantee equal rights for both men and women in different societal roles. These societal roles are both in the real of personal as well as the professional domain. Feminism then in the modern world is all about ‘freedom’. The freedom to take any partner with or without marriage, the freedom to practice or not practice a particular profession, and the freedom to have or not have kids. While you might read the above and think that this is all but natural, women have to struggle for countless decades and even centuries to reach where they were. While Sheryl Sandberg, Angela Merkel, or Indra Nooyi are leading the biggest companies and nations, their path was laid down by their ancestors decades ago. Feminism and Jewelry: The Connection between the two Again, to understand the modern connection and relationship between feminism and jewelry, we have to take help from history. In the ancient period, chastity, barrenness, simplicity, and virginity were concepts associated with good character women. Jewelry was seen as something that courtesans and lose women would flaunt. This was because wearing jewelry could draw the attention of the male gaze to the neck, wrist, and face of the woman. This was something that was considered to being overtly sexual. Good character women were supposedly prohibited from wearing jewelry for the fear of attracting the sexual male gaze. However, women that owned jewelry would fault it as a symbol of their economic prosperity and value. They took great pride in showcasing heavy diamonds and considering them to be status symbols that showed their freedom and strength. The earliest markers of feminism were sown during the period. This is why jewelry has always been intrinsically tied to the struggle and movement of feminism historically. Almost all historical traditions have showcased jewelry wearing women as lose and of questionable character. List of 5 Important Things Feminist Jewelry helps Women with In this section, we look at five important markers that have come to be associated with feminist jewelry in 2021. 1. The Freedom of Expression- For women, jewelry is a medium of expression. Just like your normal clothes or your watch can say a lot about who you are, jewelry too can have the same effect. This is why you see terms like ‘Boss Lady’, ‘Fearless’, ‘Queen’, ‘Slay’, and others being used in feminist jewelry. For women, this becomes a tool for expressing who they are and what they feel. 2. Sign of Financial Independence- The obvious that comes with owning and flaunting expensive jewelry is that ‘I can afford it.’ This means that financial freedom and independence are important in feminism. The struggle to earn livelihoods and get equal pay for equal work is one of the foundations of the feminist movement. Somebody independent has a strong personality in the world. 3. Drives home the point- I am a Woman- While wearing jewelry has picked up in men, the same is nowhere close to the use by women. Women understand jewelry. They equate jewelry as being something of a performance. The weight it has on the body, the sound it makes, is all something that women love. The fight for feminism is entrenched in the fact that it is centered around women. 4. A Conversation Starter in more ways than one- Every single time a woman does something different and away from the norm, someone or the other will try to point it out. Wearing feminist jewelry that is statement pieces can become a great conversation started to educate someone on what feminism is all about. Almost all of us have some or the other wrong notions about feminism. 5. Support to Feminist Artists and Companies- There are a very definite set of individuals and companies that create feminist jewelry. Like the movement, they have dared to walk against the tide of things. By buying such statement pieces from these individual artists and companies, the struggle around espousing feminism to the world continues. Supporting one another is the key to strengthening the movement. The Bottom Line: Women are crossing every male-dominated bastion and performing at the highest levels. Whether it is the sciences, technology, or the corporate world, they are proving their worth in the best possible fashion. Read Also: Hottest Trends In Diamond Jewelry How to Choose the Right Jewelry for Any Outfit Style Spot: Meghan Markle’s Jewelry Game  

a casual look

5 Simple Tips for Men to Level up a Casual Look

It's difficult to draw clear lines between what counts as a casual look and what doesn't. Most people are describing it as"business clothing" when they want to describe the suit. But when a suit has a Grey-pink suit with yellow pinstripes? This is tough to be a business clothing. This isn't the kind of thing you'd wear in a boardroom. Depending on your career, your casual wardrobe may be finer or less dressy than your work wardrobe, or it may consist of the same items. 5 Tips To Style The Casual Look For Men Unfortunately, this liberation can be frightening. Most men then adopt a default “uniform” as a casual look: khakis and a button-down shirt for more formal occasions, and jeans and a t-shirt for more relaxed situations. So, if you're looking for some casual style leveling up ideas for guys who want to look great outside of a suit and tie, you've come to the right place. Here are five styling tips for men to rock a casual look. 1.Layering One of the most notable common dress flaws is when the t-shirt and jeans or dress shirt with khakis style is that it is complete at first glance. Nobody's attention will be held because there is nothing to hold it with. They're finished once they've taken in your trousers and shirt. Adding components to an outfit is what layering is all about. Layers include a blazer, a cardigan, a hat, a scarf, and even a casually slung messenger bag with a wallet. Visual complexity is the outcome of adding elements beyond the shirt and pants. People's eyes linger longer since there's more to take in.  As a result, add a few extra pieces for achieving a casual look. For example, you can team up with Jackets or blue blazers. Both are fantastic, Fangyuan lightweight jacket, denim, or leather jackets are exceptionally good combinations; you should have at least one of each. Then, depending on your style and preferences, go where they lead you. 2.Emphasize The Accents What exactly is an accent for a casual look? Anything that isn't the outfit's huge, body-covering pieces. Trousers, shirts, and jackets aren't considered accents; however, depending on how you wear them, virtually anything else can be. Small changes to your fundamental accents can elevate an ensemble from uniform to unique. Replace your boring brown dress shoes with a pair of vividly colored canvas shoes or a loafer with a brass buckle. A colored web belt can be substituted for a leather belt. Add a unique watch or a nice piece of male jewelry.  This does necessitate some restraint. There shouldn't be just one accent in your attire. You've gone overboard if all anyone remembers is your neon-yellow ammunition belt. However, in a world when most guys are wearing the most neutral option available, some color, detail, and originality will set you apart from the pack. 3.Tailor The Fit We normally associate tailoring with professional attire, but leisure apparel can benefit from some personalization as well. You don't have to invest in bespoke construction for all of your casual clothes (though it is a great way to get a one-of-a-kind jacket or blazer tailored exactly how you want it), but a few fit adjustments should be required for the majority of your wardrobe items. Trousers should be hemmed to break neatly at the cuff, with the cuff lying softly on top of your shoes. To avoid a droopy look between your legs or in the butt, the crotch should be kept as near as possible without losing comfort.  Shirts are also worth tailoring for a casual look, especially if you're slim and most shirts are too big for you. A baggy shirt tucked in creates a horrible "muffin top" of cloth spilling out over your belt and an untucked baggy shirt billows like a sail (also bad). Short-sleeved shirts with too-large armholes should also be avoided, as they make you appear skinny and weaker than you are. 4.Switch Up Jeans For Chinos  The jeans are excellent, but they all look the same, and they aren't the only legwear choice. Invest in one or two pairs of chinos to add some diversity to your wardrobe. Simply adding one pair to your wardrobe multiplies the number of outfits you can put together. You may triple that number by adding one more. One basic pair in camel or grey comes highly recommended. Also, get one colored pair to mix things up a little. Because it's uncommon for males to wear color below the waist, it sticks out. 5.Match Things Up  Mix things up a little. Invest in shirts that can be worn alone or that are uncommon under a jacket, such as a long-sleeved t-shirt rather than a collared shirt. Blazer-style jackets can be replaced with cardigans or casual coats. And so forth.  Don't be hesitant to go to stores you've never considered before and try on styles that aren't exactly what you'd wear daily. You might be surprised by what you like to wear. You will not blend in if you start dressed properly. You may appear a little overdressed in some settings. And that's perfectly acceptable. You can be as dressy as you like as long as you're not wearing business clothing in a non-business context. It only needs to be obvious that it's your style.  Conclusion Whether you begin by tailoring your clothes, purchasing new shoes, or adorning your wrists, the possibilities are endless. Simply begin someplace. Take the next step to achieve a casual look after you've taken the first, and the next, and the next. And before you know it, you'll be staring in the mirror and seeing a guy who looks exactly like you, only better-dressed. 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