Credit Card Terms Everyone Should Know

Published on: 15 April 2023 Last Updated on: 13 May 2023
Credit Card Terms

Whether you are a new credit card holder or have been using it for a while, you must have come across some credit card jargon that is hard to decipher. For instance, if you decide to apply for a credit card online, you might need to understand the annual fee, interest rate, and other charges applicable to that card. Even though all credit cards work in the same way, they differ a lot in terms of the benefits and rewards they offer. So, to make it easier for you to understand the basic credit card terminology and choose the best one, here is a quick guide for you.

Annual Fee

Card companies may charge annual fees on credit cards. This might range from a few hundred to a few thousand depending on the benefits you can avail yourself of on the card. However, certain providers may waive the fee for the first year, while others, may offer credit cards that are free for a lifetime. So, depending upon the kind of benefits you seek, you may choose a lifetime free credit card or a card that has an annual fee but may waive it off on spending a certain amount.

Credit Limit

Credit Limit

This is the overall spending limit or credit line provided by the card issuer. There are several criteria such as your credit score, income, repayment history, as well as the length of your relationship with the bank that determines your credit card limit. Banks may sometimes offer you higher limits if you already have high limits on your existing cards along with a strong repayment history.

Additionally, when checking your credit card limit, there are further three terms that you must be aware of Total Credit Limit and Available Credit Limit.

  • Total Credit Limit: This is the credit limit granted by the bank when the card is issued. The total limit can also be increased when you request for the same or if you accept a limit increase offered by the provider.
  • Available Credit Limit: This is the credit limit that is available on one’s credit card at any one moment. In other terms, the available credit limit is the difference between the entire credit limit and the card’s current outstanding balance.
  • Cash Limit: Card issuers also offer a certain portion of your total credit limit as cash limit. This defines the amount of cash you can withdraw using your credit card. However, cash withdrawal from credit cards should be the last resort as cash withdrawal is not eligible for the interest-free period and even a small amount can escalate to a huge debt.

Billing Cycle

Billing Cycle

The billing cycle refers to the period between the closing of the previous statement and the new statement date. Your credit card provider compiles your statement at the end of your billing cycle, and you have until the due date to make the payment.

Due Date

This is the specified monthly date by which all outstanding payments must be made. To avoid late payment penalties and high-interest charges on unpaid dues, you must make the payment on or before the due date.

Total Amount Due And Minimum Amount Due

At the end of each billing cycle, a new statement is generated and it shows the dues that you owe on your card. Total amount due, as the name suggests, is the total sum that you owe to the issuer, and on making full payment, no charges will be applicable.

However, if you cannot afford to pay the total due, card providers give you the option to pay the minimum amount due to keep your card active and avoid late payment charges. It is usually 5% of the total due and also includes any active EMIs, additional fees, charges, etc. An important thing to note is that on making only the minimum payment, the rest of the outstanding balance starts attracting finance charges and new transactions become ineligible for the interest-free period as well. This is why you should always pay the total due and not just the minimum amount.

Finance Charges And APR

Interest rates on credit card balances are known as finance charges and APR is the annual percentage of interest. It is the rate of interest on all transactions from the date of the transaction until the cardholder’s balance is paid back in full. Note that interest on credit cards is compounded on a daily basis.

Being acquainted with these terms will ensure judicious use of the card and help you stay out of debt.


Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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home improvement loans

Home Sweet Home Improvement: How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans

It's estimated that in 2018, Americans spent nearly $340 billion on home remodeling projects. Home improvement loans are one of the best ways to sort out the problem of home renovation. If you're planning to make some changes to your home, you may find that a home improvement loan is the only way you can get the job done. But finding a home improvement loans isn't easy, and sometimes it can be difficult to figure out how you can find the right loan, at the right price. Below you'll discover how you can find the best home improvement loans for your renovation project. Read on, and you'll discover how you can give your home a fresh look, without having to wreak havoc on your finances. Decide What You Want to Use the Loan For: Before taking out the loan, it's a good idea to think about how you're going to spend the money associated with the loan. In doing so, it becomes easy to work out how much you'll need to borrow. This then prevents you from over-borrowing and ending up with more debt than necessary. Now, if you don't know how much a particular home improvement project is going to cost, it's probably worth speaking to some contractors. If you can provide these contractors with an accurate representation of what you want to achieve, they should be able to give you a quote. If you can, try to speak to more than one contractor. This'll help develop a realistic average of what the project is going to cost. How Can You Fund the Home Improvement Project? There's more than one financial 'instrument' you can use to fund your home improvement project. For instance, there's the typical route of obtaining a home improvement loan. Now, home improvement loans can often sound like a good idea, but you'll find that such loans aren't always the best option. This often comes down to the fact home improvement loans tend to be unsecured, and this makes them a risky bet for lenders. This risk can also mean that the interest rates are going to be high. On top of this, you'll find lenders will offer relatively short repayment periods associated with these loans. The other option is to go for a personal loan. Again, this kind of loan is unsecured, and this can make such loans pricey. But, if you have good credit and a steady income, lenders might be willing to offer you a personal loan at a reasonable rate. One of the good things about a personal loan is that you may have a favorable payment term that gives you plenty of time to pay the money back. If you'd like to learn how you can find the best personal loans, check this out. There's also the option of funding your project using a credit card. Now, for many people, this should be considered as a last resort. This is because the interest rates on a credit card can be very high. But if you can find a credit card that offers 0% APR, this might be a worthwhile option. Speak to Many Lenders: Once you have a decent sense of how much the project is going to cost you, it's the time to approach some lenders. It's worth noting that some lenders will have different requirements to others. Often, you'll have to fill out an application, and the information you provide will determine whether you receive the loan. If you find your application is successful, you may have to approach another lender. You may also need to think about funding your project, using a different strategy. Manage Your Project Carefully: Once you receive your funds and begin remodeling, it's vital you manage your project carefully so that it doesn't go over budget. If this happens, you'll need to lend more money, and this can increase your debt burden. At the very least you need to keep a close eye on the contractors and ask them about their progress daily. Ask them to provide you with projected deadlines, and then check in with them to ensure they're going to meet these deadlines. It's essential you do this, as contractors often charge you a daily rate. If the project goes over schedule, you may end up needing to spend more than you budgeted for. Can You Reduce the Price of the Project? Before the project begins, you might want to ask your contractors if there's anything you can do to help lower the cost of the project. If you take certain cost-cutting measures, you may find that you don't need to use the entire loan. This then means you can repay the loan faster, thereby reducing the amount of money you spend on interest payments. Taking this step is important, as it can reduce the stress associated with having to find the 'perfect' home improvement loan. For instance, the contractors might say that things will work out cheaper if you source the materials needed for the project. You can then ask them what they need, and you can go to your local hardware store and order these items. You might also want to ask the contractor if there are any simple tasks that you can help them with. So, if you're looking to renovate a bedroom, there may be some closets that are 'built into' the room, of which you no longer want. If you take the time to remove these closets, the contractor doesn't need to spend their time on this task. This then lowers the amount of money they'll charge you as their workload is now reduced. Do You Know How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans?  If you want to give your home a fresh look, home improvement loans can help you get the job done, without having to spend all your savings. That said, you want to make sure you do everything you can to limit the amount of money you actually need to borrow. You also want to make sure you speak to a broad range of lenders so that you can find an affordably priced loan. Yes, it can be scary to borrow money for a home improvement project. But if you follow the tips in this post, you should be able to minimize your stress levels. Thinking about remodeling your kitchen? Check out this post to learn about the best countertops you can use. Read Also: Lining Up For A Loan – How To Secure A Good Loan 7 Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home Best Home Buying Tips For First Time Buyers Invest Real Estate In Detroit: 7 Things You Need To Know Before Buying Your First Investment


Tips for Breaking Into Finance and Banking

Many people with an interest in money find it quite rewarding (and profitable) to pursue a career in finance and banking. But not everyone gets there on the same path. For one thing, there are many careers in the industry, such as management, financial advising, auditing, and lending. So, depending on what field you want to pursue and where you hope to work, your career path may look a lot different than someone else’s. With that in mind, there are a few tips you need to know to help you break into almost any field within this sector. Majors are less important than you think: Many college students get hung up on narrowing down their major in college to match the specific career they currently want. But the truth is that while you do need a degree, the major can vary quite a bit. In fact, many people start out with a major in accounting and end up with economics degree jobs. Or they might start with a major in finance and end up in economics. Some people even break into the field with unrelated degrees, like psychology or communication. The point is that most managers in the money field know that the skills and knowledge you obtain from any area in business can translate to the others. You might start at the bottom: Not all fields are the same, but certain ones (such as banking) rely more on seniority than your level of education. In fact, many people in the banking industry started out years ago with very little education and worked their way up. Other fields also require working your way up, but they may not require you to start in the lowest positions available. Some sectors in finance and banking will allow you to work your way up very quickly or even start out in management or mid-management positions. Just remember to stay humble, learn all you can, and work hard on even the small jobs you’re given. Your resume needs to stand out: While this is true in any industry, employers in the finance and banking industry are looking for specific skills. And depending on where you live and work, your resume could find itself at the bottom of a very big pile. Aside from a simple, professional format, you need to use the right lingo to get your resume seen. Each industry has its own set of particular skill sets that make someone a quality candidate. And banking and finance are no different. In fact, because the applicant pool is so educationally diverse, your skill set may be the only thing that matters. The ability to communicate well, for example, is at the top of the list. Hiring managers also look for analytical ability, problem-solving skills, and capacity for innovation. Networking should be your priority: Networking isn’t just for business professionals looking for more client leads. It’s also one of the most effective ways to land your first job. About 70 percent of job seekers are hired by companies with which they have connections. And networking doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds: it’s simply connecting with people in the industry. You can do this by reaching out on social media to individuals or groups in the field you want to work in. You can amp up your LinkedIn profile to appear as an active job-seeker in the industry. You can take advantage of all the college events where professionals in your degree field will be meeting up. And you can simply ask people you know about their careers and connections in banking and finance. You’ll be surprised at how willing most people are to help you out. Read Also: 3 Must Know Accounting Tips To Help You Finance Correctly 8 Family Friendly Careers That Offer Great Pay And Work-Life Balance

Margin Trading

Margin Trading Tips & Strategies For Beginners

You can profit from asset price fluctuations that you wouldn't be able to afford otherwise by using margin trading. Margin trading can increase your profits but also increase the risk and size of any potential losses. But, how can you make it work for you?  Are you trying to decode the actual margin of trading and increase your potential wins? This article will go in-depth on margin trading tips and strategies you can apply to your existing strategy to increase your potential wins and reduce your losses.  What Is Margin Trading? Margin trading is a typical type of asset trading that involves borrowing additional funds from a third party. As a result, traders who use margin accounts have more capital at their disposal.  As a result, individual traders are leveraging their positions. In essence, the margin of the trading strengthens trading positions, allowing traders to profit more from successful trades. Traders should be aware of two different types of margins. Your required margin is the amount of money you'll need to open a position. It is determined by the amount of leverage used, which is expressed as a leverage ratio. There are limits on how much your broker can lend you in a margin trade, which is determined by the actual size of your trading account or your overall maintenance margin. These all are the funds that you'll need in the right account to cover the possibility of a loss. By law, retail accounts are limited to maximum leverage of 30:1 to 2:1, depending on the asset type.To reduce risk, brokers need to maintain a suitable overall margin. If you don't have enough money to cover up the potential losses, you could be put on a margin call, in which case your broker will ask you to either top up your account or close your losing trades. You may face a margin closeout if your trading position continues to deteriorate. Margin Trading Strategies You are now familiar with margin trading and possibly how it works. How can you use it in your long and short positions?  What are the long and short positions of trading economics?  ● Long Positions A long position is one in which the trader expects the price to rise. Traders take a long position when they believe the market will rise in value. They bet that the price of a particular asset or the entire market will continue to rise in this manner. They profit from the increase in value and sell at a later date or time. You can magnify your wins by using leverage on the positions if your bias is that the current market move is up.  ● Short Position You're betting that the price will fall when you take a short position. In more detail, traders take a short position when they believe the market will decline. Put another way, you're betting against an asset rather than for it. Just as you did on your long position, you can magnify your positions to significantly increase your wins if the current position hits your targeted point.  As a trader, you have the liberty to trade only with your money. That means it is not mandatory to leverage your positions every time you trade a commodity. Tips On Margin Trading Strategies You should always strive to be strategic as a trader. Below are some strategies you can use to stay on top of your game. Overview: Keep Your CoolStart SlowMaintain A 100% Or Greater Maintenance MarginDon't Rush Into TradesSet Up Limit OrdersMonitor Your Open PositionsUse Stop-Loss Orders 1. Keep Your Cool It is easy to be all over the place as a beginner trader. However, it's critical to remain rational when it comes to margin trading. Do not engage in any trades for which you are not fully prepared.  Instead of relying on your emotions and adrenaline, use technical analysis and trading indicators. Alternatively, always make sure you have a plan and are trading the project; the money will come. 2. Start Slow Margin trading has a much higher potential for profit than regular trading. Higher profits, however, come with a higher risk.  So before going all in, consider starting with lower leverage, such as 1x or 2x. This method reduces the likelihood of automatic liquidation. 3. Maintain A 100% Or Greater Maintenance Margin Keep in mind that many traders will be going to start with low funds in their margin accounts, which can sometimes exaggerate the loss amount. If you keep the bare minimum in your account, margin calls are more likely. Maintain a small buffer in your account to ensure it can withstand minor market fluctuations. You don't want to end up in a situation where your broker is forced to sell your holdings at a loss with no chance of recouping your investment. You should ensure your account is adequately funded because no one wants their positions to be automatically closed. 4. Don't Rush Into Trades Instead of being spontaneous, plan your trades ahead of time and trade your plan. Also, when margin trading, try to be patient.  You will gain an advantage if you calculate the proper entry time—especially when compared to diving in with both feet. 5. Set Up Limit Orders Limit orders allow you to buy or sell assets at a set price or a better price. For the case of buying the limited orders, the order will only be filled within the limited price or a lower price.  On the other side, selling the limited orders will only be filled at a fixed price or a higher price. So when it comes to margin trading, limited orders can help you reduce risk. It feels like you have complete control of your trades! Yeah, that's right. 6. Monitor Your Open Positions Keep an eye on your trades and close them if they go against you, or set up automatic stop orders to close positions early. Using automatic stop orders is much more effective. 7. Use Stop-Loss Orders Stop losses automate your trading, and take the emotion out of your decision-making process.  For example, stop orders can help you avoid a margin call or a margin closeout by limiting your losses during a market sell-off. Wrapping It Up: Margin trading helps you grow your account and finances significantly only when traded strategically. If you like to earn money with margin trading, then along with the investments, you have to automate the whole system. As with automated systems, you can increase your profit-making chances. Additionals: Types of Bitcoin Trading with ParametersBest Crypto Trading Bots of 2020: You are UnawareMost Common Bitcoin Trading Blunders – You Must AvoidThe Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform