7 Reasons Why Crypto Is The Best New Side Hustle For You

Published on: 04 February 2022 Last Updated on: 07 February 2025

Cryptocurrencies have been on the rise since 2015.

Although Crypto coins have had their ups and downs, they have maintained an upward trend over all these years.

If you are interested in making some passive income, just open an account on thebitqtapp.com/de, and get step-by-step guidance on Crypto trading.

Today, we will talk about why we think Crypto trading can be one of the best side hustles of 2022. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Why Cryptocurrency Is The Best Side Hustle For You?

Before telling you the benefits of Crypto trading, let us inform you that these perks may not always be applicable depending on how the market functions. But, most of the time, they will be present, so let’s have a look:

1: It Has Low Selling Fees

If you plan to sell Cryptocurrency on an online platform, you will have to pay a nominal fee. However, if you work with a Crypto mining expert, that professional will guide you when to sell the virtual coin.

You can even share your resources while selling the coin, and the selling fees are almost rounded up to zero if done correctly.

If you think the Crypto market is too volatile for you to handle, that’s an invalid consideration. Because when you see the price of Crypto coins is dropping, you can sell them right away without spending too much money.

2: It Has A Strong Firmware


Before mining Crypto coins, make sure you collect the right equipment. During the initial years, we know you could use any computer for mining these virtual currencies, but that’s a no-go now.

Your computer may become slow because the hardware in the Crypto world is too secure and too intensive for your old PC to handle.

It means you need to invest in some advanced computer hardware if you intend to choose Crypto as the best side hustle for you. But, instead of thinking of it as an investment, you can focus on the return.

The robust firmware of the Crypto world is what makes it so safe for you to trade in it.

3: It Does Not Consume Much Electricity

If Crypto trading had consumed too much electricity, we would not have recommended it because that would have been wrong from a sustainable point of view.

However, that’s not the case here. If your country has an affordable electricity price, trading Cryptocurrencies should not be that challenging.

Some countries stand in contrast to this philosophy, such as Germany, Denmark, or South Korea, because the price of electricity is much higher there.

On the other hand, the price is significantly low in countries like Serbia, Venezuela, Paraguay, etc. So, if you can carry your equipment there, trading Cryptocurrencies will be much more profitable to you.

4: You Get The Assistance Of Mining Experts

Since Cryptocurrency is a new field, you should never take the risk of mining alone. However, this field gives you the collaboration of mining experts so that you don’t take the risk alone.

It can make the mining process far more manageable, especially if you don’t know the rules of the Crypto industry.

Once you have a team of mining experts, your Crypto mining task will be done much faster and more efficiently. You can easily mine $10 every day. Now, imagine how much you can mine in a week, in a month, and a year.

5: Cloud Mining Is Possible

Do you know what cloud mining is? It means you get to purchase the Cryptocurrencies on someone else’s rig.

If you pay more, you will get more coins. However, there are other benefits when you sign up for cloud mining.

However, if you are already familiar with how the industry works, it may not be an excellent benefit for you.

On the other hand, if you need guidance on securely trading Cryptocurrencies, cloud mining is one of the best options. They will guide you through every step, but they might want a certain percentage of your earnings.

6: The Value Of Digital Currency Is Going Up


If you are afraid of the volatility of the Crypto market, you can be sure that the value of these virtual coins will go up in the coming future.

Of course, it may fluctuate a little, but that is true for any stock market.

The market is still in its infancy, and it has already managed to stay up in terms of market valuation, so imagine what the value will be in the coming years.

7: Huge Profit Margin

If you join the right Cryptocurrency pool, you will profit beyond your imagination.

You can add your electricity bills, graphic cards, and even your spare time as an investment and count the profit accordingly.

Just do the maths beforehand, and we are sure you will end up making a good return on your investment deals.

Closing Thoughts

Are you still here?

It means you have grasped the concept of Crypto trading well and figured out how it can be a profitable side business.

If you are convinced, make sure you start trading Cryptocurrencies right away. For further queries, ping us in the comment box below.

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Why Do Crypto Investors Need To Diversify,

Why Do Crypto Investors Need To Diversify, Too?

We all are quite aware of the phrase, “Never put all your eggs in a single basket.” They say it because in case anything happens with the basket, all your eggs will be wasted. So, instead of putting all your eggs in a single basket, divide them and put them in different baskets. In case you drop one basket, you will lose a few of the eggs. Still, you will have the others that you have kept in other baskets. This is one of the major and intelligent strategies when it comes to Crypto investments. As per the experienced Crypto investors, you should diversify your investment amount in different Cryptos in order to get a better return. The reason might be understandable to some of you. On the other hand, you might think that when Bitcoin is performing really well, it will be an intelligent choice to invest as much as you can particularly in Bitcoin. But experts never recommend that. Here we will discuss “why?” Why Do Crypto Investors Need To Diversify The main benefit of diversifying your Crypto investment is protecting them from risk. Yes, it is true that eliminating the risk of Crypto is nearly impossible. But when you diversify your Crypto assets, you are getting benefited from the passive income of stable coins. This means that you need to be smart about investing in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies. Buy Dogecoin in Canada as this is going to be the hottest new thing after Bitcoin and Ethereum in this industry. You are sure to generate a high return on your investment in the near future. Plus you are also reducing the impact of volatility in a single asset that will affect your portfolio as a whole. So, ultimately it is minimizing the risk of permanent loss, as in case any one of your assets crashes, the rest of your assets will be performing differently at that particular point in time. So, upto a certain level, you are minimizing your risk factors while diversifying your Crypto investments. As a result, you are increasing your chances of getting more returns over time. Top Crypto Diversification Strategies Now, you know why it is always advised to diversify your Crypto investment. Now we will also guide you with the process; that is how. However, crypto genisus is always there for guiding you on Crypto investment. Knowing these tactics will help you in making firmer decisions on Crypto investments and diversification of your Crypto portfolio. 1. Diversifying By Industry Just the way you invest in stocks from different sectors for protecting yourself in case one sector takes a hit. You also can apply that strategy here in your Crypto investment. Diversify your investment in Cryptos from different industries. Here is a list of some of the major industries with considerable Crypto projects. ●  Energy. ●  Supply chain. ●  Medicine. ●  Decentralized finance. ●  Finance. ●  Identity. ●  Data and analytics. ●  AI or Artificial Intelligence. Regional diversification, which means Crypto projects from different regions of the world, is also an excellent way of diversifying. 2. Diversifying The Type Of Cryptocurrency There are a huge number of options when it comes to Cryptocurrencies. So, instead of putting all your money in a single Cryptocurrency project, you can diversify your investment in several Cryptocurrencies. It does not mean you will just select a random coin and invest 20% of your total investment amount there. You have to consider some essential factors for selecting the right Cryptocurrency to invest in. 3. Time Diversification We hope you get this point from the very name itself. Time diversification implies “investing over time”. You might also have heard the term “dollar-cost averaging,” both of them are the same. Suppose you have $40,000 to invest. Instead of investing the whole amount at once, you can think of investing $1,000 to $4,000 on a monthly basis. This automatically lowers the risk of having to time perfectly the market for making the best return. Time the market is an effective strategy in the investment sector, but it also comes with its own risk. So, if you want to avoid the risk, you should think of time diversifying. Diversify Your Crypto Investment When you are strategizing your Crypto investment and developing a proper planning point-wise, do not forget to include diversification. As we have discussed in this article, it has the potential to offer you higher returns by lowering the investment risks upto a certain level. However, always remember, there is no strategy that will eliminate the risk of Crypto investment. More Resources: What is the Best Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange? Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets How To Become A Successful Cryptocurrency Trader In 5 Easy Steps

Bitcoin’s 10th Birthday

Bitcoin’s 10th Birthday: Does Satoshi Nakamoto’s White Paper Still Hold Relevance?

For the Bitcoin enthusiasts asking how come Bitcoin was celebrating its 10th birthday when it was launched in 2008. Well, you are right about the fact that Bitcoin was launched in 2008, but it was not on the open-source network. It was 2010 when Satoshi Nakamoto gave the reign of Bitcoin to open source and disappeared in thin air. This is why 2010 was considered the unsaid official year when Bitcoin was introduced to the world. In this article, we revisit Satoshi Nakamoto’s original paperwork and see if it still holds any resemblance to the current Bitcoin industry. Bitcoin’s 10th Birthday - Satoshi Nakamoto Vision Previous attempts to make digital currency came close to fruition, but the projects never ended positively. Whenever people thought they had created a digital currency rivaling the fiat currency, one major problem keeps surfacing: the need for a trusted third-party platform. This is where Satoshi’s white paper solved the problem by distributing the process of maintaining a transparent network of the public ledger. The system is secure as long as an online miner does not control the mining operation by more than 50%. Was The Vision Accomplished? The white paper itself was not explicit about the goals. The main goal of creating a digital currency was to attain a secure form of online cash that doesn’t depend on a third party for any validation. This concept has already been demonstrated by the digital currency Bitcoin. The only question remains, to what extent will it be adopted? A clue to that question lay in the recent event when Venmo started accepting Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. Not only Venmo but also PayPal and Square have also announced plans to add features where the user can efficiently use these platforms to send and receive Cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, countries like South Africa are experimenting with applications and platforms like bitcoin code, which may help people who don’t have a bank account. Satoshi Nakamoto's Vision has been fulfilled to some extent, But will Bitcoin permanently replace fiat currency and become the first global currency? That is something we must wait and watch. Bitcoin: The Most Revolutionary Fintech Project In The World According to Nakamoto's vision, the external validation from an institutional organization can be replaced easily by a more innovative and safe Cryptographical approach. This means the sender and receiver will share a bond of trust in the cryptographic network. Unlike the concept that Bitcoin is a coin, the true definition of Bitcoin is the digital signature. Every time you receive a Bitcoin, it carries the signatures of its previous owners. These digital signatures prove that nobody can double-spend the same Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s 10th Birthday - The Next 10 Years Of Bitcoin In the past ten years, we have seen Bitcoin reaching meteoric heights and historic lows. The volatility of this digital currency has attracted the imagination of everyone, from investors and traders to hackers. Everyone is looking for ways to reap the benefits of the new industry. For instance, investors are trying to engage with the news industry to have the upper hand in the future, governmental organizations are trying their best to keep the citizens out of the adverse effect of Cryptocurrencies, and hackers are trying to use the loopholes to make money. In these ten years, Bitcoin has established itself as one of the top digital assets. In that light, the next ten years promise to be historic. This is primarily because of the changes which are expected to happen in the near future. Final Thoughts While Bitcoin has supposedly moved beyond the EARLY phase, there is a still larger picture to look at with the involvement of bigger names. Now that the popularity of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies is soaring high, it would be safe to imagine that it could create a climate for a more investment-centric look-in. But, then again it would take more than just a statue and a few announcements to solidify its position. What’s needed more today is the targeted approach to better understand Cryptocurrencies' concept, security issues, and investment-specific perks. Read Also: 5 Awesome Facts About CryptoCurrency Investors Agree: Gold And Silver Is The Way To Go How To Care For Your Eye In 5 Medically Proven Ways

Tips to Lower Your Insurance Costs

Tips to Lower Your Insurance Costs

Investing in life insurance can be an intimidating thought. It is safe to say that the younger and healthier you are, the lower your insurance costs will be. This is because a healthy person has a lower risk of dying as compared to a person with an unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, if you are thinking about life insurance here are a few tips that could help lower the cost of your insurance.    Stop Smoking A smoker has to pay a much insurance premium as compared to a non-smoker of the same age. In some cases, this can be as high as triple the premium. So, if you smoke or use any other tobacco-based products, now is the time to quit. You will be considered a non-smoker after you have quit smoking for at least 3 to 5 years.    Lose some Weight A number of health issues are caused by being overweight. Hence, insurance companies consider obese or heavy people a high risk and hence charge them a higher premium. Maintaining a healthy BMI can help you live a longer, healthier life by reducing your risk of heart diseases, blood pressure problems, etc.    Schedule an Early Physical A thorough medical examination is one of the prerequisites of most life insurance policies. Try and schedule this exam in the early part of the day or on a day when you are relaxed and well-rested. This is because studies show that testing for blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. have lower results in the morning as compared to in the latter half of the day after you have had a stressful day or eaten a heavy lunch.  Fasting for 24 hours before your physical could also help lower your cholesterol count.    Be Honest If you suffer from a preexisting condition it may be tempting to try and hide this information from your insurance agency. However, doing this could cause you a lot of trouble. In most cases, the insurance company will recognize your health condition during the review of your medical history and medical exam. Since you did not disclose this condition, you will then not have an opportunity to explain the situation.    Drive Carefully Along with your health records, an insurance agent might also ask for your driving record. While this may seem unconnected, it is not. According to many insurance agencies, a driver who frequently breaks traffic rules is likely to put himself or herself in a dangerous situation and hence is considered high risk. So, if you have more than the occasional ticket to your name, it may be wise to wait a few years before applying for insurance and drive more carefully in the meantime.    Keep an Eye on Insurance rates Like everything else, insurance policy rates also change from time to time. Thus, even if you have already bought a life insurance policy, it is important to review and compare policies every few years. Affordable Life USA has great rates on life insurance. Along with comparing quotes, you should also update your policy from time to time to reflect the changes in your personal situation.