HybridBlock: Why Binance Is Investing In Crypto-Fiat Trading

Published on: 28 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Binance is currently known as one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange firms in the world. Changpeng Zhao heads the company, and he recently unveiled that the company will be focusing on a shift to trade cryptocurrencies for fiat money. According to Zhao, this move would make it possible for investors to perform an increased number in trading volume, an increased number of participants in the market, higher liquidity, and more speculators. He said that it would also boost the trading industry, and more people will be drawn to the world of cryptocurrency which will bring positive effects to the industry.

Changpeng Zhao’s idea was lauded by financial experts around the world, saying that his plans for the future of cryptocurrency exchange are one of the most plausible given the factors that affect the market today. Zhao has been a veteran in the financial industry, and he previously established several companies; one of them is Fusion Systems which was founded in 2005 and presently headquartered in Shanghai. It became his stepping stone to know more about trading and how the financial world works. As cryptocurrency started to develop and to draw in more investors, Zhao decided to learn more about this new mechanism in the financial industry. He chose to join Blockchain.info in 2013 to develop his skills in dealing with cryptocurrencies, and he successfully learned new tips and tricks on how to become successful by trading cryptocurrencies. He, later on, founded several other companies that relied on blockchain technology, and in 2017, he decided to establish Binance.

Initially establishing the company’s headquarters in China, Changpeng Zhao decided to move it in Japan after the government started pressuring him. He later opened offices in Taiwan, while at the same time looking at how his company grew tremendously. In 2018, Zhao expressed his idea of moving his company to Malta after he received several warning letters from the government of Japan and Taiwan. They are telling him that his company is not registered, and there can be legal consequences if he did not abide by the country’s financial rules and regulations. Despite these warnings, Binance continues to grow, and in 2018, it managed to gain a market capitalization worth more than $1.3 billion. It is more successful than traditional banks, and Zhao stated that the future is bright for their company as he sees that cryptocurrency will further increase in value.

Changpeng Zhao stated that after his company completed its transfer to Malta, he will enable their users to convert the digital tokens that they have in their wallets into various fiat currencies. He also added that Malta is one of the few countries on Earth that are supportive of cryptocurrency traders, just like him. He wanted to transfer his operations in Malta because he said that there would be fewer legal problems in the small European island state. The government of Malta is working hard to persuade cryptocurrency giants to transfer their operations to the tiny Mediterranean Island. Malta wants to become known as the Blockchain Island, and they are developing new legislation that would encourage cryptocurrency traders to transfer their operations.

One of the most important advantages of the idea proposed by Zhao would be the generation of new cryptocurrency traders and the balance to the world economy that it would bring. If the participants in the market increased, it would signal a rise in the demand for more cryptocurrencies, and it would transform the whole industry into one that could easily surpass traditional companies that are not keeping up with technology. Zhao wants to change how the world looks at the global economy, and he stated that his idea could become a reality.

According to Zhao, fiat money is one of the best materials to be traded for cryptocurrency because it has a designated value given by the government. He is optimistic about the effects of his decision on the future of trading, and he believes that more people will become aware of its advantages. He continues to inspire a lot of people because of his perseverance to create new mechanisms that would innovate the financial sector. The experts who are working with the largest financial companies are saying that Binance have really shaken up the competition in the industry, and they are hoping for more people like Changpeng Zhao to come out and increase the competition in the sector. Read more about Changpeng Zhao and Binance at the HybridBlock Blog.

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Most Common Merchant Account Issues Explained

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