Why Texting Is Not A Good Idea When You Drive

Dangers of texting and driving for teens

“Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year

From accidents caused by texting while driving.”

– National Safety Council, USA (2018 Study)

Why Texting and Driving are Dangerous:

The rise of social media and the necessity of being connected 24×7 have given rise to many problems. One of the biggest of them all are the dangers associated with driving when you are texting.

Youngsters and especially teenagers are the biggest risk takers when it comes to these hazards. The use of WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram Chat all act as sources of distractions. According to a Study by the National Safety Council, nearly 400,000 dangerous accidents occur each year because of texting.

Teenagers and Texting on Roads:

The problem of texting while driving is not restricted to teenagers. However, they are affected by it the most. The fear of losing out to something interesting is so great that even though many acknowledge the dangers of driving and texting, they cannot stop.

Let us look at some numbers when it comes to dangers of texting and driving for teens

According to the American Automobile Association (AAA):

  • Over 95% of teenagers are aware of the risks associated with driving and texting. However, more than 35% were arrogant enough to say that they keep on doing it.
  • The number of teenagers involved in fatal accidents who had been using their mobile phones was over 21%.
  • Compared with their adult counterparts, teenagers were more likely to be involved in texting and driving accidents by 4x times.
  • If there are other occupants in the car, the probability of a texting and driving accident increase by 5x times.

How Counselling by Parents can Control this Dangerous Epidemic?

While teenagers are to be blamed for this reckless activity, many experts feel that their parents should impart this basic understanding of the dangers to them.

It is very important for parents to set a good example for their teenage children while using an automobile. Kids often pick up the habits of their elders. This includes the use of a cell phone while driving.

If you are a parent, you should avoid using cell phones while you are driving with your kids. Unless it is a very important call, or a text, or an email, you should not address it. Even if you have to, pull over to a safe side of the road, bring the car to an idle, and then engage on your cell phone.

This will make your kid understand from a very young age about good habits and practices. It is also a good idea to set some ground rules for your kids when it comes to driving. Teenagers are very safe when it comes to taking their rights away.

You can tell them that if they are caught using their cell phones while driving, they will not be allowed anywhere near the car for a month. The quantum of punishment can wary, but parents need to be tough, in order to protect their children.

Dangers of Texting and Driving: The Final Word

Due to the changed rules of society and social media, teenagers are already under a lot of stress. They have self-doubt issues, depression, and other pressures. All these play a role when it comes to their driving.

It is imperative for parents to talk to their kids and tell them that answering a text after five minutes would not change a thing. The need to be always updated to social happenings is not more important than their lives.

No one is invincible, and talking about statistics of the dangers will help them understand the problem better. If you are a parent, you need to start setting examples and ground rules for your children.

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Car Driving Safety Tips

7 Important Car Driving Safety Tips You Should Not Skip!

Are you following all the traffic rules while car driving? If no, then you must start doing it right away! No matter how advanced the technology becomes in lowering the chances of any mishappenings, still it takes place, and mostly due to the person's negligence. Whether it's because of ignoring safety rules or due to rash driving, the number will be going to increase if you are not careful. Thus, it is always a good idea to remind yourself about the safety rules from time to time if you want to boost your chances to stay safe on the road. So, make sure that you are careful enough to sustain yourself as well as other drivers and other people as safe as possible following these safety tips: Never Skip On Your Seat Belt: Wearing your Seat belt is something which is the essential step to stay safe if an accident occurs. It will not only save you from hitting you out from the sudden mishap but also severe injuries to your body. There would be higher chances of reducing injuries if you wear your seat belt every time. Keep all your documents with you! If you get involved in a car accident, you may need to hire an attorney! This is where your attorney will need those documents that are mandatory in the car accident lawsuit process to help you in the legal formalities. He will not only help you recover money from the insurance company, but also help you recover medical expenses, and in other legal procedures. Maintain the Standard Speed Limit: Who does not like to enjoy a fun ride with friends? Probably, everyone! But, this can be a life-threatening activity or can leave you with permanent disabilities. Thus, it plays a major role in controlling traffic accidents. Approximately 2 million drivers experience a permanent injury every year. So, next time, when you sit in your car, make sure that you maintain the standard speed. Follow Traffic Rules, Always! It is yet again one of the primary causes of encouraging road accidents that most people tend to avoid. Taking a risk when the signal is red can cause you as well as other people some serious injuries. Or, overtaking other's vehicle from the wrong side can damage your vehicle and devastating. So, above are just a few examples to remind you that following traffic rules is still crucial. Drink And Drive Is A Big No! First, you must know that drunk and drive is illegal. So, if you are drunk while driving, there are two things you may invite: First, it can lead to a car accident, as low blood alcohol levels result in intoxication, which reduces the reaction time. While higher alcohol levels result in loss of consciousness and create blurred vision. Second, you may have to pay a heavy fine, or even it can put you in jail. So, always remember to drive when you are well. Do Not Let Yourself Distract From Anything! Any kinds of distraction like eating food, using mobile phones, talking to others, etc. can be hazardous for you and others too. Moreover, doing so can divert your attention from the road, and your responding time becomes slow in critical situations. Be Extra Careful In the Rainy Season: A person is considered a better driver if he can drive correctly in all weather conditions. And, when it comes to the rainy season, you need to pay extra attention than regular driving. You should drive maintaining a proper distance, with lower speed limits, being careful in turns and slippery roads, etc. Follow these 6 tips and all of the safety rules of the road, and you will be on your way being an attentive and responsible driver! Read Also: 7 Things To Do When Driving In Bad Weather Conditions How Do Self-Driving Cars Really Compare To Human Drivers In Terms Of Safety?

insurance company

The perfect auto insurance company just for you

Car insurance is a requirement for anyone who, well, owns a car. But with a huge variety of insurance brands and companies offering different types of coverage in across the United States — some more affordable than others — finding the perfect automobile insurance company suited to your needs can seem daunting, especially if you’re trying to save money while also not skimping on great service. When searching for car insurance, it’s important to keep in mind that the most credible and trustworthy automobile insurance company for a friend or relative may not be a good match for you. And then, as if to complicate matters further, every state has its own minimum protection requirements. On top of all this, if you have financed your car, your lender also typically requires enough coverage to protect its collateral. It becomes much easier to get a clear rundown of the best car insurance companies when you look more closely at customer satisfaction and complaints in the form of transparent, crowd-sourced reviews. The research comes in many forms, after all. Here are a few pointers and guidelines to help get you started on the path to finding the car insurer that’s perfectly suited for you. Different Ways To Select Auto Insurance Company  1. Compare car insurance rates: As a general rule, don’t simply buy from the first car insurance company you come across. It’s absolutely necessary to compare the insurance rates of at least 4 to 5 companies (both large and small) before you make any final, binding commitments. If you’re busy like the rest of us and would prefer to save valuable time, take advantage of online services available to compare car insurance quotes from your top picks instantly. 2. Check Your Central or State Government’s Insurance Department Website: Each state government has an automobile and traffic insurance department responsible for regulating, moderating, controlling the car insurance companies within the state boundaries. Their websites can be a valuable source of information on complaint filings, licensing information, and many of them even make automobile insurance companies file insurance rates and other paperwork, making it public knowledge. In other words, you can see how regularly each insurance provider sends requests to the government to increase its rates, along with knowing the moments on which the states grant permissions, or rejects their requests. Clearsurance offers additional car insurance information for all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., taking much of the tedious grunt work out of discovering the top-rated companies, most popular insurers, and minimum car insurance requirements to be a legit and legal driver in your state. 3. Look into companies financial standings: It is important to remember that car and other automobile insurance companies are indeed financial institutions, so familiarizing yourself with their ratings by insurance and financial analysts is a great way to understand how strong the financial foundation of a company is. Put another way, you want to be sure the car insurance company you choose to cover your vehicle is not stretching its financial resources or covering or offering unrealistic figures just to be successful. Companies committing to extravagant figures in the industry is not unheard of. 4. Check out Real Customer Assessments and Reviews of Automobile Insurance companies: Your satisfaction with your car insurance company will stretch beyond simply financial details and transgress into other important considerations. Knowing and understanding what their existing clients think of them as a whole, in terms of service, affordability, relationships, credibility, is equally important. Be on the lookout for pointed information, like how easy it is to file an insurance claim, how easy (or difficult) it is to reach a representative of the company or the agent, and speak with them, and how long it takes to settle a claim of insurance once it is made. Customer service should never be underestimated as the great measuring tool that it is for determining the car or automobile insurance company best-suited to your needs! Clearsurance.com is the only crowdsourced website dedicated to providing a transparent, trusted look at today’s insurance market — thanks to over 125K consumer reviews. What better place to start your search? Read Also: Tips For Reducing Car Insurance Costs 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance Car Insurance For Electric Vehicles Explained

Car shopping

How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver?

For most parents, buying a car for their teenager is a necessity to encourage independence and free up your schedule from having to drive them everywhere. Guess what? Your child feels the same. Upon receiving their driving license, they cannot wait to put those skills to good use. If your teen is not persistently nagging you for a set of wheels, count yourself lucky! Pondering what type of car to buy can become an arduous task and may often lead to frustration. Selecting the perfect car model to gift your teenager is further complicated with varying tastes. You, being the parent, wish to find an economical car that is safe to drive. If you are planning to buy a car for your teen, you have probably encountered different opinions that left you a tad confused. In this article, we aim to share insights on how to shop for a car with your teen driver. 1. Prepare A Budget While buying a car for your teen is an adventure, do not get carried away by expensive models at your local dealership. Start by deciding how much money is available to spend. Think about other pressing needs in the future while allocating the family budget. Remember, college tuition is right around the corner. Discuss the final budget with your teen and explain the argument behind it. Talk about the various options that can fit your budget. Old cars are cheaper, while new vehicles may not need much maintenance. Understandably, your teen may be upset if they expected a fancy ride only to have the budget slashed by half. Reason with them and reach a compromise. 2. Safety Features When choosing between different car models, safety should be the top of the list of concerns. You want your child to be safe as they drive to school or their summer job at the local fast-food joint. Inspect the car to ensure it has updated safety features such as electronic stability control and front and side airbags. Even the best-trained drivers can get into a fender bender in traffic or worse, a car wreck on the highway. Naturally, you fear more for your teen as they are new to driving and you want to be sure they are safe while on the road. Request the dealer to give you the car safety report that indicates what happens in the event of an accident. Do not forget to purchase sound insurance over. Compare different options and select wisely. 3. Other Features Once you have the handle on safety, you can get down to the fun part. Your teen is likely to suggest a car with modern interiors and high-quality sound. If you are buying an old car, they may not have advanced features that your child desires such as door speakers for bass. No worries, you can install quality door speakers at an affordable price. This upgrade is bound to make your teen happy! 4. Establish Ground Rules As you may have observed, teenagers are prone to distractions even while doing mundane tasks like watering the plants, washing the family dog or even putting cereal in a bowl. Do not fault them; their frontal lobes are still developing. Driving a car is not a mundane task. Each time you get behind the wheel, you stand the risk of getting involved in minor or major accidents. Your newly minted teen driver needs to understand that owning and operating an automobile calls for a high sense of responsibility at all times. Make it crystal clear that they are not allowed to take calls, read or respond to messages or any social media. All this can wait till they get to their destination safely. Agree on what time they need to get home by and the consequences of failing to adhere to stipulated curfews. As difficult as it may sound, your teen could easily be drinking behind your back. Add this to the column of DONT'S! Drunken driving will not only earn them a DUI and probably ruin their chances of getting into a good college; it can cause permanent damage or worse. Conclusion Buying a car for your teen can be difficult with the different choices available. Make a list of possible models they are interested in and investigate each model. Bring your teen to the dealership, so that they can get firsthand information from a car expert. Be open to making a few adjustments like installing door speakers for bass, so your teen can enjoy his favorite jams. Read More: Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liability Will Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Error? Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe In A Car Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey