A Comprehensive Guide on How to Charge Your Car Battery

Published on: 13 May 2019 Last Updated on: 03 December 2021
Car Battery

Does your car’s battery always experience low battery power? For example, you have to buy something in convenience stores and bump you into a friend which you have enjoyed chatting with for hours, without even thinking that you forgot to turn off the lights of your car. Car battery can make things work properly in your favor.  Surprisingly, you will find out that you can no longer start the car.

Well, you don’t need to purchase another battery to replace that. Yes! You’ve read that right! Even if it is low on power, the way you charge it can save you from spending more! There are ways that you can charge your car’s battery for better performance. However, you need to consult or read the manual instructions given for your battery and for the battery’s charger.

Now if you’re still confused after reading the manuals, you don’t have to worry a thing! We’ve got you covered! We have compiled all the necessary things you to do when charging your car’s battery. You can check them out below!

What Are the Things to Consider Before Charging Your Car Battery?

There are a lot of things that you have to consider before you can start charging your car battery. These are essential for you not to damage anything from the battery or the charger.

Charging Your Car Battery

  • Check the battery terminals if they are free from corrosions.
  • If the battery is too dry, don’t charge it. You can just add water above the plates so that you charge them afterward.
  • It would be best that your battery is not connected to the electrical system of your vehicle, to reduce the risk of overvoltage. So, if it is possible, remove or disconnect the battery from your car.
  • You have to know well the battery’s positive and negative terminals to ensure that you are connecting the right charger leads.
  • Check the user manual of your battery and the battery’s charger for more instructions.

How to Charge Your Car Battery?

Car Battery

1. Determine the Type of Battery:

You have to be sure about the type of battery you have for your car. For example, if your car is powered with start or stop technology, then you will be needing a smart charger. Surely there are a lot of conventional car chargers available on the market today, but they can not cater to all types of batteries. So, it is better to check the type of your battery first to avoid further damage.

2. Check Your Battery:

Once you’ve already determined the type of battery you have, it is now time to check your battery if they are free from dirt or corrosion. Your battery should be cleaned right before you charge them.

3. Detach Your Car Battery:

As mentioned above, it is your choice if you want to attach or detach your car’s battery to your while charging. However, we recommend best to detach your battery after you’ve cleaned them. Just don’t forget the things that might be reset if you detach your car’s battery.

The number one rule in detaching your battery is that the negative terminal must be disconnect first and connected last when you have to attach them back. Furthermore, you can disconnect the battery by loosening the bolt of the clamp and connect them back by tightening the bolt. Don’t forget this rule to avoid terrible shocks.

4. Connect the Charger:

In connecting the charger to your car’s battery, it will now be easy to connect the car’s battery to the charger using the clamp from negative to negative and positive to positive. Once you connect to the charger, you will no longer have to do anything other than wait for the battery to become full. Other chargers have an automatic function of disconnecting your car’s battery when fully charged.

Furthermore, you can check out the manual of your car’s battery and charger to check the required hours needed for charging. You can even use a Scondar connector designed for a great flow of current charges. You need to be extra careful in connecting the plugs so that it won’t turn out wrong which can further damage your car’s battery.

5. Follow the Manufacturer Instructions:

Last on our list is the checking and following of the manual or instructions given by the manufacturers. In this way, you can have total peace of mind in connecting your batteries for safe charging.


Once you have a car, being expert and well-informed about car battery charging is very important! You only need to follow the comprehensive guide we have provided above on how to charge your car battery, and you will surely get back on the road well-prepared!

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Uber Accidents

10 Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States

With the rapid growth of rideshares, the number of Uber accidents is also increasing in the United States. Statistics say that in the year 2019, Uber will have completed around 6.9 billion trips. With the increasing market share of over 12 million rides in the year, the number of severe accidents is also increasing. Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States What possible reasons work behind the increasing number of Uber accidents? Here are the major causes of Uber accidents in the United States of America. Knowing these will help you to check when you are thinking about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash. If you want to know more on How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash, you can view website. 1. Speeding While Driving Speeding is not only a cause for Uber accidents but also for overall accidents in the USA. Uber drivers get paid on the basis of how many rides they have completed. Now, isn’t it obvious they will mostly want to overspeeding for completing more rides in a day? As a result of this, accidents happen. 2. Inattentive Drivers Recruiting inattentive drivers is another reason, which works behind the increasing number of Uber accidents. In order to get the job of an Uber driver, you just need to have a driving license and at least experience. They do not check one’s driving skills and end up recruiting some inattentive drivers, who become the reason for Uber accidents. 3. DUI Or Drunk And Driving Drinking under the influence is a common road accident cause in the United States of America. Sometimes, Uber drivers also break the rules and run and drive or drive under the influence of alcohol, narcotics. We all are aware of how dangerous drunk driving can be for drivers of any age group. 4. Driver Fatigue Prolonged duty hours make the drivers tired. They became tired and sleepy. Driver fatigue is really dangerous and causes some deadly road accidents. Sometimes it is about a fraction of a second, the driver feels drowsy and closes his eyes for a second, and the accident happens. 5. Tailgating Most of the Uber drivers have a tendency to drive too close to the vehicle in front of them. Eventually, in some cases, it becomes one of the reasons for the increasing number of accidents. So, always ask your driver to maintain a safe distance if he is tailgating with another vehicle. 6. Acts Of Nature Acts of nature are something where humans do not have any control. What we can do is avoid driving during tough natural circumstances, such as torrential rain, sleet, ice, or high winds. All of these can cause devastating road crashes. This is where you probably can not think about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash. 7. Vehicle Maintenance Failure Safe driving is not enough to reduce the number of Uber accidents. Maintaining the health of the vehicle is also important. So, before riding a vehicle, if you feel that the vehicle is looking too old, you can deny the ride. Every part of the car should be in proper working condition for having a safe ride. 8. Unsafe Lane Change The drivers should follow all the traffic rules and norms. Unsafe or sudden lane changes often cause ugly car crashes. It is always advised to maintain the proper lane when one is driving, and there are no considerations for Uber drivers and you when you are in a hurry. 9. Road Rage Never get your Uber driver involved in road rage. Road rage comes with a lot of other accident causes like overspeeding, unsafe lane change. So, stay away from any kind of road rage and drive safely. 10.Running Red Lights And Stop Signs When there is a red stop sign, you should stop there. It does not matter how important the interview is for you or how long it is taking to go home. Always press the brake when you are in the driver’s seat of an Uber or any other car. Know About The Riders’ Insurance When you are in an Uber cab, and the cab is involved in an accident, you should know about the rider’s insurance. When you are hurt, the company has a rider policy to offer you the necessary amount. Read Also: What to Do When You’re Involved in a Car Accident in Albany How To Find Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You 5 Types of Damages You Can Claim After a Car Accident Lyft vs Uber: What’s the Difference Between the Ridesharing Giants?

Car Washing

Washing Your Car: 7 Dos and Don’ts

There are many benefits to washing your car on your own. For one, it will save you money. For another, automatic car washes may actually cause some tiny damages to your car that you may not notice immediately; car wash employees may also not be as careful as you when washing your car. Washing your car on your own also allows you to give your vehicle a once-over that may reveal small problems, which you can then resolve ASAP. The problem with DIY car washing is that many people are used to some practices that may actually be damaging to your car. To help you become a car-washing pro, here are some do’s and don’ts that you have to keep in mind. Do A Pre-Wash Shower : This is an important step, since this dislodges stubborn dirt, mud, sand, and other debris, giving you an overall easier time washing. Loosening these particles will also prevent scratches on the paint job since you don’t have to “dig” before you can get them off. Do: Use the Right Soap : Dish detergents are formulated to strip grease from your plates and cookware. Laundry detergents are meant to loosen dirt and stains from fabrics. So why do some people think that it is okay to use these soaps on cars? The chemicals in these detergents are harsh enough to strip off the wax of your car and may even damage the paint. There are specially formulated car soaps/shampoos -- these are the ONLY things that you should use to lather up and wash your car. Do: Wipe with Microfiber Cloths : Sponges and other clothes are made of fabrics that may be too abrasive to your car’s paint. Make sure to use microfiber towels for your car for both soapings up and drying your car after a thorough rinse. Microfiber cloths are designed to lift dirt away from the surface, so they don’t scratch while you are scrubbing. They are also much more absorbent compared to other fabrics, so you will be able to dry your car much faster. Make sure to use separate cloths for washing and drying. Do: Dry Everything Completely : Make sure that you dry everything, down to the last nooks and crannies. These include door hinges and handles, windshield wipers, side mirrors, and the underside of the hood. Incomplete drying can cause condensation, rust, and gunk build-up, which can result in both superficial and mechanical damage to your car. You can use microfiber towels to dry many of these parts; for tight corners and spaces, there are squeeze blowers you can use to remove water. Don’t: Wash Under the Sun : Properly cleaning your car means keeping it wet throughout the process, drying it only when it has been rinsed completely. This won’t be possible if you wash your car under direct sunlight since it will heat up the metal and cause the water and soap to dry quickly and leave spots on the body, windshield, and windows. Wash your car in the shade or during the early evening to prevent this from happening. You should also wait for your car to cool down first before washing it. Don’t: Apply Products Directly : Don’t apply any kind of product directly onto your car. The rule is to always dilute first (if the instructions say so), then apply it onto a cloth, and only then should you're applying it on your car. Microfiber cloths are again ideal for this purpose. You should also use overlapping circular motions when applying wax or polish to make sure you cover every inch of the car. Don’t: Use Just One Bucket : Using just one bucket of water is like putting the dirt back on to your car, which ruins the purpose of cleaning it in the first place. Use two buckets: one for soapy water and the other for rinsing your washcloth before dipping it into the soapy water again. Following these tips will not only make washing your car a breeze, but you will also make sure that your car looks as good as new for as long as you can. Read Also : 5 Signs Your Car Needs A Tune-Up How To Choose The Best And Most Reliable Carpool Service

Do Self-Driving Cars

How Do Self-Driving Cars Really Compare To Human Drivers

Although a lot of comparisons have been made between self-driving vehicles and human drivers, not all of those comparisons have been fair or accurate. One study found that distracted driving accounted for approximately 4 million accidents each year. That is almost half of the 11 million crashes that take place on an annual basis. Unfortunately, the problem only seems to be getting worse as distractions like texting become more and more common. Researchers recently analyzed a group of 28 studies, comparing the data. According to their findings, texting or looking at a phone while driving can have numerous adverse effects, ranging from limiting the ability of the driver to detect stimuli, to decreasing reaction times, causing a loss of control over the vehicle, and increasing the rate of collisions. Based on this information, some researchers even believe that texting while driving is more dangerous than operating a vehicle at the legal limit for alcohol or while under the influence of marijuana. The problem isn't only limited to teenagers. Older adults are every bit as likely to be guilty of texting while driving. They are also far more likely to talk on their phones while driving. One of the primary arguments used by proponents of self-driving cars is that they eliminate distracted driving. This, in turn, could possibly decrease the number of crashes, limiting the number of deaths and injuries that occur on an annual basis. In actuality, however, comparisons between self-driving vehicles in human drivers don't necessarily bear that out. According to studies, over 90% of the automobile accidents that occur in the United States are caused by driver error. In theory, stopping these accidents could reduce the new for the Trevino Law Firm in Corpus Christi, but also, save the lives of the same number of people as were killed in Vietnam within just two years of the technology being introduced. As someone who researches human factors, I don't find that information adequate for evaluating whether or not automated vehicles would be better at avoiding crashes than humans. The only way to tell for sure is by evaluating how many times drivers avoid collisions. What are the actual odds of getting in a collision for a human driver? Of course, this is extremely hard to measure. For instance, say that you were trying to determine how many times you avoided bumping into people in the hall. To figure that out, you need to not only look at the amount of time that you spent walking down the hallway but also the number of people that were present. When a non-event occurs, it is usually overlooked or easily forgotten. However, to make a fair comparison between self-driving vehicles and human drivers, researchers need to gather statistics about the number of non-collisions that occur in both situations. Comparing Statistics Equally Accident statistics relating to human drivers are drawn from a number of different driving conditions. For instance, some statistics come from people driving when it is raining out while others come from people driving on dirt roads. The bulk of the data on self-driving vehicles, on the other hand, has been gathered from states in the western part of the country. Typically, these cars are only analyzed when the weather is good. The data itself is primarily recorded when the vehicles are driving on highways with multiple lanes in a single direction. In these types of situations, the primary tasks that the car has to accomplish include staying in its own lane and avoiding tailgating the vehicle in front of it. These types of tasks are relatively easy for automated vehicles. Of course, humans are also quite good at accomplishing these tasks. Until more data is gathered from other parts of the country and on different types of roads, however, it is difficult to make a fair comparison. In fact, it will most likely be a long time before a self-driving vehicle has the opportunity to drive as many miles on an annual basis as a typical human driver. One of the advantages of automated vehicles is that they don't succumb to human problems such as tiredness, anger, or drunkenness. At the same time, however, they lack the reasoning skills to deal with unexpected or confusing situations. They also can't really anticipate potentially dangerous situations that may be coming further down the road as a human driver could. Instead, they operate at the moment. Automated systems have a hard time distinguishing between different types of objects. A group of people waiting at a bus stop might look almost the same as an empty cornfield. If a vehicle is facing an emergency situation, most drivers take the course of action that will minimize damage to both themselves and the people around them. A self-driving vehicle doesn't have the ability to analyze the situation and decide on the best course of action. Instead, they only react in one way, which may not necessarily be the best way. Technological Advancements Create Fresh Complications Most people are on board with the idea of pursuing driverless technology, simply because there is the potential for it to reduce the number of accidents that occur. It would be amazing if these vehicles were able to stop car accidents altogether, eliminating deaths and injuries on the road. Of course, some people love getting behind the wheel and driving their vehicles. In that case, they may feel disappointed not to be able to drive their car. Of course, the new technology doesn't always result in better outcomes. All that you have to do is look at the aviation industry for examples. When new technology is introduced, the number of negative events usually increases temporarily. This may discourage people from fully embracing self-driving technology if this also occurs with automated vehicles. When comparing human drivers and self-driving vehicles, it is important to use caution. It is going to be a long time before all of the cars on the road are replaced by automated vehicles. In the meantime, self-driving cars and human drivers will have to interact with one another. How this will play out remains to be seen. If you want to honestly compare driverless technology and human drivers, you need to make sure that those comparisons are being made accurately and under the same circumstances. Comparing two different sets of data from different driving conditions won't give an accurate picture of how the technology performs in comparison to traditional vehicles. As with any major technological shift, it is important to proceed slowly and to use caution to avoid unexpected problems along the way.