7 Things to Do When Driving In Bad Weather Conditions


05 April 2019


Driving In Bad Weather

Accidents can happen, including those on the road. Sometimes, car accidents are difficult, if not impossible, to avoid, and certain conditions can make it more likely that you will get into a collision. If the weather conditions are less than perfect, such as in windy or wet weather, it can make for a disastrous situation. However, there are always things you can do to avoid getting into a car accident. In general, there are seven things you should do when you are driving in bad weather conditions in Brisbane, Australia.

7 Things to Do When Driving In Bad Weather Conditions:

1. Slow Down:

First and foremost, you should always slow down when driving in bad weather. This is important even if your vehicle is equipped with all-wheel drive capabilities. At the very least, you should reduce your speed to around 10 miles below the posted speed limit. If the weather is particularly bad, you may want to reduce your speed to around 15 miles below the speed limit. Driving slower can greatly reduce your risk of getting into an accident. Even if you do have an accident, it will be far less severe.

2. Avoid Tailgating Other Vehicles:

You should always avoid tailgating other cars, to begin with, but this is that much more important when you’re driving in poor weather. When it’s raining and the roads are slick, it’s more difficult to slow down or stop when you need to when you are traveling too closely behind the car directly ahead of you. You should leave at least a good 100 yards or 4 seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you. If you are driving a larger vehicle, such as a caravan, truck or trailer, you should double those numbers to be safer.

3. Turn On Your Headlights:

Whether it is raining or it’s a foggy day, you should turn on your headlights and set them to your low beams. It’s easier to see with your low beams turned on. You should always avoid using your high beam headlights in bad weather conditions as it can make it more difficult to see and the light can simply reflect off the rain or fog. However, if you’re driving in foggy conditions, you can turn on your fog lights if you have them.

4. Avoid Driving Through Flooded Areas:

During the summers in Brisbane, there is more flooding. As a result, there are more areas on the road that will be flooded. To be safer on the road, you should avoid driving through any flooded areas. You may have difficulty gauging how deep the water is, which is extremely dangerous. If you drive in those areas and water gets into your engine, your vehicle will abruptly shut off. If you learn of any flooded areas before you get in your car, you should avoid driving in those areas. Find an alternate route if possible so you can completely avoid traveling on a flooded road.

5. Brake More Slowly:

When you are driving in bad weather, especially if the roads are wet with rain, it’s important to brake more slowly and carefully. If you brake too sharply or quickly, it can result in a disastrous situation. You can end up losing control of your vehicle and skidding out or even crashing. Gently tap on your brakes until you are able to come to a complete stop. You should also try to ease up on the gas pedal to slow down in slippery areas of the road and then tap your brakes to stop.

6. Avoid Hydroplaning:

Hydroplaning occurs when your tyres are not actually touching the surface of the road during heavy rainstorms. Instead, you are traveling over the surface of the water, which is a very dangerous driving situation. Usually, this happens when you are traveling at too fast speed in this type of weather or when your tyres are worn out and have too little tread depth. Hydroplaning can cause you to lose control of the steering wheel and prevent you from slowing down or stopping. If you find yourself hydroplaning, stay calm and lift your foot up from the gas pedal to slow down. As your speed decreases, your tyres will readjust so that they are again on the road’s surface. Be careful and steer carefully while slowly breaking as your speed slows down.

7. Avoid Side Roads:

Although it might be tempting to take side roads while you are driving in bad weather conditions, it can actually be more dangerous. Smaller side roads can be even worse when the rainfall is heavy. The main roads are safer and easier to travel through as city officials are more likely to concentrate on clearing them due to heavier traffic. There is also a greater likelihood that you can get help if your car suddenly stalls on a larger road. It is also better to drive in the middle lane on large roads as it keeps you away from the areas where there is more flooding.

Driving in Brisbane during bad weather conditions is certainly easier when you follow these important steps. If you do get into an accident and suffer injuries and car damage, you should immediately contact car crash lawyers in Brisbane to discuss your options for starting a claim to recover compensation for your medical expenses and other damages.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Will eBikes Save the Planet?

Global warming is a worldwide problem that results from pollution and excess emission of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide. Therefore, different countries have come up with ways on how to deal with this problem. However, it is important for other people to play a part in conserving the environment and doing the right thing. Using electric bicycles is one of the ways you can save the planet. What are the environmental benefits of using eBikes? Zero emissions : An eBike relies on pedal power combined with an electric motor to reduce emissions. eBikes are highly recommended because they run on clean energy that would not harm the environment. Unlike diesel or gas that give off different amounts of carbon, an eBike won’t emit any gas. According to research, you can reduce your carbon footprint by using an eBike to run errands, cruise along with friends and commute to work. They have long-lasting batteries : The batteries of eBikes last for years before they are replaced. This means that, if you own an e-bike, you will reduce waste thus saving the planet. In addition, eBike batteries are mainly made from, unlike other batteries that contain lead. As a result, after replacing the batteries and throwing them away, they will not affect other living things and the environment because lithium is not poisonous. Lead is a heavy metal and when exposed to living things it has carcinogenic effects. Most cars and trucks use lead batteries and hence they have numerous effects on the environment. eBikes can be charged after peak hours : After using your bike for a while, you will have to charge it to continue using it in the future. Since the battery lasts long, you will have plenty of time in the evening to charge it. When you charge after peak hours, you will use the excess power generated by the power company and you won’t cause any blackouts and brownouts. Furthermore, you will not strain the power grid and thus save energy. Saving energy is one of the ways you can make this planet a better place. The bikes can be charged using sustainable energy : You can use wind or solar power to charge the battery of your bike. This is quite helpful because you don’t have to rely on electricity or other forms of energy only. Sustainable energy is mainly renewable and has no effects on the planet whatsoever. As more people are adopting this form of energy, being able to charge your bike using sustainable energy is an advantage. Some sources of energy e.g. generators rely on fuel to generate energy and this has a negative impact on the environment because of the gases emitted. This is not the case with renewable sources of energy such as water, geothermal and wind. eBikes causes less wear and tear on the roads : Besides polluting the air with their exhaust, automobiles destroy roadways because they are heavy and probably they are carrying the heavy road. When the roads break down and require repairs, heavy machinery is used to patch the roads. The heavy machinery gives off emissions which result in global warming. If you start using an eBike, it is not only lightweight but also easy to use on the roads. This will result in less wear and tear, reduce emissions and expensive repairs on the roads. eBikes have no air pollution : Air pollution refers to the production of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Some of the gases produced include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen (IV) oxide. Some of these gases are acidic and when they are emitted, they can cause acid rain. Acid rain has a number of side effects on plants, animals, and structures. Therefore, reducing the emission of these gases from automobiles, factories, and industries is one of the ways to curb this problem. Also, when chlorofluorocarbons are released to the atmosphere, they accumulate on the upper layers of the atmosphere preventing the rays of the sun from escaping. This results in global warming which changes weather and climate in different places cause tsunamis, melting snow, etc. One of the problems in major cities and towns is air pollution in the form of smog. Smog has varying effects depending on its intensity but causing respiratory problems to man is the main side effect. It is evident that there are a number of ways we can save the planet when using an eBike. However, everyone must be willing to cooperate to make it a success. Finally, awareness is quite important because some people might not know the benefits of using eBikes. Read Also : How To Choose The Right Motorcycle Tires For The Motorcycle


Which Type Of Forklift Your Industry Need: Have A Look At Them!

 If your construction industry or storage facility requires moving heavy loads and equipment, you need useful equipment, and forklifts can be the one. Let us begin with the most standard question of them all what is a forklift? Forklifts are powerful machines that are used to carry heavy loads, equipment, and other things from one place to another. The builders in large industries and warehouses use forklifts to lift heavy objects. You can call them the staples of industries as they do every task that human employees cannot do. Type Of Forklift Your Industry Need The following are the most used types of forklifts: Standard Forklift: You cannot compete with the classic version of any equipment and forklifts are no exception. They are heavy loading machines that come with a simple design but have the capacity for heavy loads. These machines look like a small golf truck featuring twin forks in the front and a ladder behind. Besides, they can be used for lifting and placing materials and other paddles. Further, classic models come with various versions and different usage. There are some, which need manual processing, while others depend on electricity for the power source. Electrical Forklifts: Some Of The Most Common Electrical Forklifts Are: Electric Motor Rider Truck: These forklifts either contain pneumatic tires or cushions that easily lift the truck and can be used in warehouses. While the cushion tires are ideal for indoor use, the pneumatic tires can be used in dry, outdoors.  These machines feature industrial batteries and rely on a transistor motor controller to control the travel. Moreover, they are versatile and make the best machines to be used in storage houses and leading industries. Electrical Motor Narrow Aisle Truck: These machines come with special features to maximize the space consumed by the truck and to improve the efficiency and speed in the industry. Since they have a narrow aisle, these machines are used to maximize the use of storage space. Electric Motor Hand Truck: These are the hand-controlled forklifts with the controls at the steering tiller and the operator in front of the truck. the control is mounted on top, with the operator helping in the movement of the tiller to steer the machine. Industrial Used Forklift: These machines can be used as a forklift, along with performing the function of a ‘Telehandler’. Most people are also popular with the capacity forklift name. While the industrial forklifts are not used for rugged and difficult terrain, they can easily load that is not at the ground level. however, you should know how to operate these machines like a pro. So, find out where to get forklift certification, and operate an industrial forklift with perfection.  Pallet Jack Machines: These machines are compact in size and come with a small footprint. The reason pallet jack makes the best machine to accommodate in any size of the industry. The jack is steered with a tiller-like machine that acts as a pump handle and helps in raising the jack. The small handle on the tiller helps to release the hydraulic fluid, making the forks get lower. The front wheels at the end of the forks are placed on the levers, which are attached to the jack cylinder. The other more common types of pallet forklift machines or trucks are: Powder Manual Rough Terrain Telehandler: Telehandler is also called telescopic forklifts that look like both crane and forklift. The twin forks are attached to the machine and help in moving the pallets from the ground. In this article, we have tried to cover the most common as well as the most functional forklifts in the industry. Depending on your requirement, you can use one to increase productivity and efficiency. Read Also: Top 10 Best Sewing Machines For Beginners 12 Secret Methods Of Chi Machines Domination Lifting And Rigging Equipment—Your Hardware Guide Contemplating An Aluminium Ute Canopy For Your Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle?


Choosing the Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

  Although there's no foolproof way to protect your car from being stolen, you can certainly reduce the chances of it becoming a target without spending more than you can afford. Outlined below are a few tips and tricks on how to keep your beloved motorcar protected. Use A Mechanical Immobilizer: A mechanical immobilizer is designed to restrict movement or access to the vehicle. Unlike most anti-theft devices that remain hidden, this device is highly visible, hence an excellent choice for deterring amateur car thieves. The police recommend using one of these alongside other anti-theft devices to keep car thieves at bay. 1. Steering-Wheel Lock: This is the least expensive anti-theft device you can invest in. As the name suggests, the steering-wheel lock makes it impossible to drive the car, hence one must unlock it to be able to navigate. 'The Club' is a good example. 2. Tire Lock: Having a tire lock in place can help deter thieves from targeting your car. Tire locks, however, require time to put on and off, which is why you may want to try other options if you use the car daily. Electronic Immobilizer: Most modern cars today come with built-in microchips and transponders capable of sending a signal to the built-in anti-theft system. Trying to start the car without its keys and fobs simply mean the engine will not start.  Most car thieves will avoid vehicles equipped with electronic immobilizers. Have a 'Kill Switch' installed: This device is normally installed in the engine's electrical system.  As the name suggests, it sends a signal that turns the engine off when activated. Although most modern cars have this anti-theft feature installed, you can have one installed on your vehicle for as little as $10.  The most expensive option goes at $200. The Master Lock Starter Sentry is a good example (and popular model) of a kill switch capable of disabling the ignition system, as well as the fuel wirelessly.  The best kill switches disable all other functions of the car until the signal is deactivated through a series of tasks. Install a Car Alarm: Car alarms are considered the most effective visual anti-theft devices there is today. The alarm is however only activated should one attempt to gain entry to the car forcefully, perimeter breach, sudden movement, or the breaking of glass. The system works with several sensors that pick up the slightest sign of forced entry or breach sounding an alarm at over 120 DBS. This alerts the driver immediately and anyone else within a hearing distance. Consider VIN Etching: All vehicles have a 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) mostly printed on the dashboard, registration, and insurance cards. 'Branding' all parts of the car with its VIN Number can help deter car thieves from targeting your car. This is particularly useful if you can have all windows and glass parts imprinted with the VIN. Most car thieves will avoid vehicles with their VINs etched on all visible parts. This is mostly because disposing of parts with VIN exposed is considerably much more laborious and costly. Have a Vehicle Tracking System Installed: Although an expensive anti-theft device/feature, a vehicle tracking system not only deters thieves from stealing your car but also provides real-time data on the car's location should it be stolen. These systems use GPS (Global Positioning Systems) to pinpoint the car's exact location for easier retrieval. One of the advantages of investing in a vehicle tracker is that the system can be integrated with other anti-theft features to keep the car protected. You, however, need to subscribe to this service to get real-time updates on your vehicle whenever you need it. You can contact an automotive locksmith Houston Tx for immediate services. Read More : 5 Ways Camera Monitoring System Will Enhance Vehicle Safety There Is A Pothole Problem In America – How To Protect Your Car From Damage?