What Is The Difference Between Scrum And Agile?

Published on: 16 February 2023 Last Updated on: 17 February 2023
What Is The Difference Between Scrum And Agile?

Every industry and every career has unique jargon and terminology that any outsider would need help understanding. Scrum and Agile are two terms that a project manager or someone who works closely with one will understand easily. So if you are planning on starting a career as a project manager, you must know about these standard terms and the difference between them.

Many individuals just beginning their careers in project management need to avoid mixing up Scrum and Agile. A huge part of becoming a competent project manager is understanding the terminology and the process of working with various tools, systems, and methodologies.

Creating a thorough project plan and implementing the right tools and techniques is essential for anyone in a project management role. So start by understanding Scrum vs. agile and what is effective in which type of project.

What Is Agile?

What Is Agile?

Agile is a vast methodology that is commonly used in project management processes. The project team follows an agile method to offer the best value to the clients efficiently. The process is iterative, making it easy to carry out changes in software development.

An Agile project is more manageable as the work is split into smaller tasks, and outcomes are tested regularly.

What Is Scrum?

Scrum is an Agile framework that helps in accomplishing tasks in manageable portions. Continuous improvement is the primary goal during a Scrum project. Even in the Scrum process, the project is constantly under analysis, and regular experimentations and feedback are done.

Additionally, Scrum enables individuals and teams to collaboratively and gradually generate value for the organization. The structuring helps understand the workflow and make better choices regarding the tools used.

Difference Between Agile And Scrum

Agile and Scrum rely on an iterative process, regular client involvement, and group decision-making, meaning it is easy to confuse them. If you want to differentiate the two, you must understand that the primary distinction is that Scrum is an Agile methodology.

This means that Scrum follows all the Agile principles, whereas Agile has many other methodologies similar to Scrum. However, you must also understand that where Agile does follow an iterative approach, it still delivers the full result at the end of a project. Scrum, on the other hand, divides work into smaller deliverables, and results can be expected at the end of each sprint.

Let us give you a better understanding of the differences between Agile and Scrum:

Agile Scrum
It is a relatively newer concept introduced in 2001 It has been around since the early 1990s
It is a philosophy under which many other methods are included It is part of the Agile framework
You will find easy alternatives like Waterfall Alternatives of Scrum include Kanban and Lean development
This iterative process results in the continuous delivery of the product This iterative process results in continuous improvement of the process
It is defined by 12 principles in the Agile Manifesto Is defined by 3 pillars in the Scrum guide

What Are The Other Agile Methodologies?

Scrum is only one part of the Agile methodology. There are other approaches you should equally be aware of. Besides Scrum, the two well-known project management techniques are Waterfall and Kanban.


Even though the Waterfall methodology is part of the Agile philosophy, it follows a different more linear approach. Working on a project with the Waterfall methodology, you cannot go back to the previous steps once you have completed them and moved on to the next ones.

Smaller projects with closer deadlines benefit greatly from the Waterfall approach as the team stays focused on smaller portions of the project and ensures that everything is executed perfectly.


Another Agile technique that varies from the regular Agile philosophy is the Kanban technique. A Kanban board is a tool used in this type of project management. A Kanban board aims to enhance the project management process through workflow visualization.

A Kanban board has various columns to add cards or tickets on which you can write your tasks and keep track of them throughout the project. Depending on the task’s stage, you can move the card around.

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Important Factors To Keep In Mind Before Choosing A Project Methodology

Important Factors To Keep In Mind Before Choosing A Project Methodology

If you were wondering whether you should opt for Agile or Scrum, you approached the situation the wrong way. Everyone wants to opt for the Agile method only some understand that Agile is just an umbrella term. Consider using these methodologies on your projects once you have a firm grasp.

Scrum is part of Agile, so the choice is between Scrum, Waterfall, and Kanban.

So these are the things you must take into consideration before choosing a project methodology:

  • The team you are working with and their abilities
  • Client’s expectations from the final product
  • The time you have to carry out the project before the deadline
  • The budget for the project
  • All the difficulties you might face during the project
  • The accessibility of tools you might require for the project

After considering all these factors, you’ll better understand what project management tools and methodologies are ideal for a project.


The amount of time it takes to produce deliverables is one of the critical distinctions between all the various Agile methodologies like Scrum, Waterfall, and Kanban. They also have different ways of planning tasks and marking what is finished.

Whatever the case, Agile, and Scrum are not two different things but part of the same family. Choosing Scrum as a project management methodology indirectly means choosing Agile.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Training Courses

SAP Hana Training Courses And Their Importance In IT Industry

We know that many online programs conduct various training courses in relation to almost every field. SAP HANA is also a business-related course which has the importance of its own. But before we discuss something about the SAP HANA training course, let us tell you about SAP HANA. Sap HANA is a database system which is an in-memory and column-oriented database which is relational too. The database is marketed and made both by SAP SE. It is an analytic appliance with high-performance. The primary function of the database is to act as a potential memory and store data and nit only store but to retrieve it too as commanded by the different applications. In addition to storing and retrieving data, SAP HANA functions in relation to advanced analytics. By advanced analytics, we mean things like spatial data processing, data search, text analytics, predictive analytics, data processing with the help of a graph, streaming analytics, etc. The database also serves as an application server including ETL capabilities. In computing language, ETL is commonly known as Extract, Transform, Load and this uses database warehousing and database usage especially. Courses Offered In Relation To SAP HANA : SAP HANA training includes various courses which an individual can seek like that of- preparing  easy installation and post-installation of the database system, its initialization, execution, and data recovery or more accurately data retrieval, sizing of the SAP system, its studio installation, SAP memory management, and its persistence as well, software packaging, also an interactive education program called SHINE. Individuals are given exposure to all these things and many more. Managing administrative tools, SAP tools, etc are some other things covered under this training. So, you should immediately enroll yourself as the training firms also provide a certificate for it. Some Additional Course To It : In addition to above, some more courses include- Starting and Stopping of SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) HANA, Configuring SAP HANA and SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products)HANA Table Administration Periodic Tasks management, Configuring Traces Working with Diagnosis Information and Diagnosis Files SQL Console, Backup and Recovery, Data Area Backup, Log Area Backup, Additional Backup Topics, Backup and Recovery using Storage Snapshot, Transporting Changes, Concept of Backup and Recovery. Database Copy Security OverviewAuthentication and AuthorizationEncryption and Auditing along with Maintaining Users and Authorization, User Management and types of Privileges attaining Information Sources for Administrators, SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) HANA Live Authorization Assistant, SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) HANA Scale-Out, Architecture and Technology, Backup and Recovery of MDC that is the acronym for Multitenant Database Container, High Availability and Disaster Tolerance As we know that in any business or a multi-national company we have huge amount of data that needs to be stored and if by chance we lose the data then we should have an option of data retrieving because a big business or a firm cannot afford data loss as this data is the record of several important things which would actually result in financial loss too. Hence this training course is really important. Read Also : 5 Signs Of A Winning Statement Of Purpose Admission Essay Tips NEET 2018 Notification Delayed: Is It Due To MCI Amendments? Benefits Of Using Technology To Ace Your Physics


Best Uses of Micro learning Based Training

Microlearning is a modern learning technique based on short nuggets of information, focused on meeting a specific learning outcome. In other words, the purpose of the learning process is to acquire a specific skill that you will use in the near future. The bite-sized format of the courses makes it easy to retain new information, and it allows even the busiest people to learn new skills in their own time. While this learning technique can be applied to any subject, it has proven itself particularly efficient in a few specific situations. For corporate training : Corporate learning is usually based on a formal training model. However, microlearning can successfully be used in corporate environments in order to reinforce or supplement the primary training. This learning method is very successful in agile environments, it has low costs, it is easy to update and it can be applied for both formal and informal training. It can also be a great tool for compliance training courses, such as Health, Safety, and Environment courses. For learning a new language : Nowadays, most, if not all, language learning apps are based on micro lessons. The most popular language-learning app and the one that makes the best use of the microlearning concept is Duolingo. Not only does Duolingo use micro-lessons for written content, but it also uses them for speaking, listening and translating exercises. This app also uses gamification as a way to motivate and engage learners. For retail training : The retail industry is having a hard time at the moment, as online stores have become a serious competition. Not only that, but modern customers are a lot more informed than they used to be, and store employees need to be properly trained to help these new, discerning customers. Microlearning can be a flexible and cost-efficient solution for training store employees and keep them up to date with daily changes. the app is one of the few learning applications that address the particular needs of the retail industry. While EdApp’s user-friendly format allows it to be used for any topic, retail training is one of the most popular app microlearning ideas. The main reason why EdApp is so efficient is due to its intuitive authoring tool, engaging gamification, and analytics tool that helps monitor and improve the learning experience. For developing soft skills : Personal development is a very popular topic at the moment, as more and more people realize that you need more than just hard technical skills in order to be successful. Since learning soft skills require more practice than theory, they can be easily learned with micro lessons. This way, the learners can learn new skills fast, and they have all the time in the world to practice them in real life before they move on to the next lessons. Communication and time management are the most sought after soft skills of the moment and there are numerous learning apps that address these particular skills. To supplement traditional education : While mobile learning seems to be the enemy of a traditional educational system, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Many learning apps can successfully be used in classrooms, and the ones that use micro lessons are particularly efficient in keeping the students engaged and motivated. As a teacher, you can use an app with an intuitive authoring tool such as EdApp in order to create your own bite-sized lessons, or you can use an existing learning app such as Duolingo or TED-Ed to make your teachings more relevant and more engaging. Read More : 4 Factors To Consider When Making A Great eLearning Course Benefits Of Using Technology To Ace Your Physics NEET 2018 Notification Delayed: Is It Due To MCI Amendments?

Great Teacher

5 Tips To Be A Great Teacher In 2023

There are always new things to learn in the field of education, and 2023 will be no exception. By following the tips we have collected, you can ensure that you'll be ready for whatever comes next. Find Ways To Make Your Lessons Engaging And Interactive To make lessons engaging and interactive, there are a number of strategies teachers can use. For example, breaking the class into small groups and giving each group different tasks or activities to do that contribute to the lesson topic. This way, it gives the students more space and freedom to discuss information while allowing the teacher to easily monitor and guide conversations. Additionally, giving fun on-topic worksheet activities or handouts that require critical thinking can add another layer of interactivity and give students an opportunity to show their understanding. Even using digital tools like the worksheet maker StoryboardThat to review material can encourage student involvement while still staying within a lesson topic. Regardless of the methods employed, it is important for teachers to create an environment of collaboration where students feel accepted and supported in their learning process.  Get To Know Your Students And Their Learning Styles Creating a positive learning environment and fostering a strong relationship with students is essential for any educator. An effective way to do this is to take the time to get to know your students and better understand their individual learning styles. Not only will this allow you to tailor your instruction for each student, but it can also contribute to increased involvement and motivation in the classroom. A simple icebreaker or homework assignment wherein students are encouraged to share about themselves can go a long way to getting to know your students better and taking that first step toward creating an engaging classroom setting. Encourage Creativity In Your Classroom Developing creativity in the classroom doesn't need to be a daunting task. It is a process that can be broken down into simple steps: Build an environment suitable for creative thinking by providing research materials, offering suggestion prompts and emphasizing divergent thinking skills. Consider incorporating creative activities into your lesson plans such as giving students time for free drawing or having them create worksheets for future classes. Develop mechanisms for recognition so that students understand the value of their work and feel encouraged to be creative and express themselves freely. By implementing these practices you can foster an atmosphere of growth and acceptance in your classroom and nurture students’ creativity in productive ways. Be Patient With Your Students And Help Them Reach Their Potential Teaching can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and there is no greater joy than when you see your students reach their potential. However, during this journey patience and understanding are key. Every student learns in a different way, so it is important to give everyone the time they need to get the most out of their learning experience and develop into successful learners. By offering kind words of encouragement, providing guidance, and adapting lessons to each learner's individual needs, teachers can create an environment designed to foster growth that both encourages students and boosts their self-worth. Through patient instruction and engagement with each learner's goals, teachers have the power to change lives and ignite potential. Be A Lifelong Learner As educators, it is our responsibility to ensure that we are providing the best teaching experience for our students. One way to do this is by becoming lifelong learners and staying up-to-date on new teaching methods and educational research. By taking advanced classes or workshops, reading current relevant articles, or attending conferences, we can continue to develop our knowledge and skills as educators. This helps us think critically about the strategies we use in the classroom while gaining valuable perspectives from professionals in the field. Additionally, when exposed to research-based strategies and practices, we have a better understanding of how various approaches impact student learning. This allows us to become more intentional and effective when implementing educational plans for our classrooms. Final Say Let’s review the main points of this blog post – getting to know your students, making lessons engaging, encouraging creativity, being patient, and continuing your own education. If you can take these ideas and implement them in your classroom, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an effective educator. Of course, it takes time and effort to become a great teacher, but it’s definitely worth it when you see your students thriving in their learning. Read Also: 5 Awesome Gadgets For Your Office Your Guide In Buying Kid-Friendly Gadgets Top 5 Electronics Gadgets To Buy From Amazon US