Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work

Published on: 10 November 2018 Last Updated on: 26 July 2024
Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work

Holidays are a stressful time for all of us. You are pushed and pulled to the limits to get everything done before the festivities can begin. This constant stress can push you to the limits at work, especially as you try to juggle multiple tasks before the year comes to a close.

Project management is the ideal way to gain control over your work responsibilities. The ability to manage your projects judicially will help you prioritize and complete what needs to be done before the holidays start.

No matter what the task is at hand, you can use project management skills to advance the progress at work while reaping the rewards of your time off during the holiday season.

Define the Scope of Every Project You Are Handed:

For starters, you need to look at the full scope of every project that comes your way now as well as into the future. This means that you have to decide if you have the time or the resources to complete what the project will require.

It can be tempting to jump in head first without fully understanding what you are getting yourself into. You need to stop and think before you start and determine if the project is really possible. Saying no to projects that will cause you more headaches than necessary is all right. Don’t beat yourself up over it as you have looked at the full scope of the project at this point and decided that the parameters are beyond your control.

Go Digital with Your Business Operations:

One of the easiest ways to make your projects go off without a hitch during the holiday season is to adopt a digital system. Papers are messy. They get lost and are no way to operate in this day and age. Take the time to evaluate a platform that will do it all for you.

There is a myriad of apps available today that can delegate and prioritize everything that needs to be done each day. These automatic systems will give you the time you need to focus on more pressing tasks and help you to maximize your day without forgetting an important detail or nuance.

Business Operations

Utilize Your Team and All of Their Skills:

Now that you have a digital system in place and you have defined exactly what needs to be done for an upcoming project, you need to get your team onboard. Assess where each member of your department can help you the most. Utilize their skills to your advantage to get the project done before the holidays hit.

You need everyone’s help at this point in the year, and most employees will be grateful to lend the helping hand. Taking on all the responsibilities of the office is not a wise way to manage your time. Get the help you need and do not be afraid to delegate. You too want some time off this holiday season.

Create a Plan That Works and Fits Your Timeline:

With everyone at the ready to help you with your projects, you need to develop a strong plan that will fit the timeframe you have left for the year. Think about every step of the project and the amount of time it will take to complete it. Can it be done in the time you have available? If you answered with a resounding “yes” you are ready to move forward and commence the project.

If you are unsure that it can be done, don’t take the risk. You will only disappoint others and end up with an unsatisfied client. Be upfront about how long a project will take and establish a friendlier timeline that will work for everyone involved in the project.

Access the Risk and Execute:

By now you are gung-ho on getting your project going, but you need to heed a little caution to make sure that you have thought about all the risks that could potentially occur. You may wind up over budget or exceed the time capacity you have outlined. Think about these considerations before you execute the project, so you are prepared to handle anything that comes your way.

With a little bit of patience and some forethought, you can avoid pitfalls that many projects succumb to over the holidays. Knowing in advance what can go wrong will help you ready for any issues that could crop up. When you are sure, you have thought of everything move forward with the project execution.

Close Out Your Project Before the End of the Year:

Now’s the time to get moving on your project. Time is of the essence, but you have utilized your project management skills to make the most of the time available before the holiday season gets here. Do not stall or procrastinate on your projects as this will only cause you to worry as you try to relax and have some fun over the holiday season.

Using these tips can help you close out those pressing projects before the festivities start. You will be able to leave the office behind and find that the project management skills you have put in place now will help you in the coming year.

You can make a difference in how you complete your projects and reduce the stress that befalls many during the holidays. So, get moving on your projects now and get ready to enjoy the holidays without work hanging over your head.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Tone of Voice

Establishing Your Online Tone of Voice

It’s an important aspect of brand recognition but it’s surprising how often it gets neglected. We all respond to the tone of voice as it comes across in other people’s written and spoken content, yet most of us are not consciously aware of how we use it ourselves. How can we do better? How can you use this aspect of communication to make sure that your customers perceive your business in the way you want them to? What’s right for you? The first thing you will need to decide is what kind of voice fits your business best. To do this, you’ll need to think about the nature of the products or services you offer. If you’re selling legal services, for instance, you’ll want to sound educated and authoritative, so your language should be quite formal. However, you should ensure it isn’t too complex for the average person to follow. If you’re a plumber, you might prefer to sound friendly and approachable, using less formal language to make people feel at ease with letting you into their homes. Who are you speaking to? When establishing your tone of voice, you’ll also need to consider your target customer demographics. The rapid pace of language change today means that older and younger people use a lot of different words and sentence constructions and can genuinely struggle to understand each other. In most circumstances, you’ll be more respected if you use similar language to the people you’re trying to reach. A professional service like iguestblog can adapt with ease to these variations and observing how it’s done will help you to get it right when writing for yourself. Forging the right connections One of the great things about developing a distinctive tone of voice online is that it will help you to speak as a person, not just an anonymous agent of a blank-faced institution. You can even have a team voice, whereby you let your customers know that more than one of you is involved in activities like blogging or posting on social media, but you are recognized as sharing key character traits (even if, in reality, you’re very different). This helps to get across the idea that there’s a shared vision behind the business and it will help to build customer loyalty. Consistency Once you’ve established a voice for your business, it’s important to make sure that it remains consistent. If you’re making company videos, work on establishing a tone similar to the one in your written work and present any speakers in a way that complements that. The same should apply when you talk to the media and, if possible, when you answer the phone. Making people feel that they already know you, or at least know where they stand with you, builds trust and makes for much smoother customer relations. Getting your tone of voice right requires diligence and careful observation, but once you’ve established it, you’ll find that you can slip in and out of it as required, as if it were a uniform. Like a uniform, it will give your business a distinctive character that your customers will respect. Read Also: How to Ensure You Have the Perfect English to Enhance Your Blog What Type Of Inflatables Should You Opt For At Your Business Event

office space

Necessary Spaces to Include in Building Your Office

Building your office space can be a tricky project if you’re starting. Moving to a business district means that you’ll be near other companies. You need to develop your image while at the same time making sure that you’re on par with how your neighbours present themselves. Taking a close look at their office spaces can give you a good idea of how to layout a workspace. What they emphasise and develop are necessities when it comes to having an office. Reception area: Keeping a reception area is not just for face value. The first impression is lasting after all, and the same thing can be said when it comes to businesses. A reception area would enable you to have a consistent log of your workers, guests, and clients. The essentials for your reception area are soft chairs, preferably a long sofa, and a coffee table with magazines with subjects of interest to your industry or essential items such as calling cards ready for onlookers to take. Conference room: A conference room is a necessity, especially if you’ll be dealing with business partners. With technological advancements making interconnectivity more accessible, it’s no longer an uncommon event to have a meeting in a conference room with multiple business shareholders.  Working in a collaborative setup means that it won’t just be enough for you to represent yourself as the face of the company, you would also need to give your staff the chance to pitch in and give their opinions on business operations. Along with a conference table and seats, having a projector screen or a TV display stand to hold a mobile television screen can be a simple and practical solution in creating a conference room. Work area: Your work area depends on your brand as a company. Sometimes the most optimal workspaces are quiet to allow your staff to concentrate on dealing with clients through the phone if necessary. Other work practices involve allowing your employees to listen to music that they are into to improve their performance. Whichever the case, the ambience that you want to establish in a workspace should provide them with a personal space to have as their own. Having an area to themselves can be quickly done through panels built as cubicles so that they can concentrate on individual tasks. An alternative is having shared desks between staff members so that it’s easier for them to ask questions and give opinions on their assignments. Lounge area:         Though your workspace needs a business-vibe to be efficient, you also need to give them avenues to relax. A kitchen area for eating pre-made snacks or a shared fridge where they can keep their drinks is a great way to make them feel at home even when in the workplace. A lounge doesn’t need to be too fancy, a couple of sofas and a TV could work well. Giving your workers a chance to sit down and chat about work without working at their stations can help build individual motivation and company camaraderie. Read Also: Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space Office Spaces – Which One Is Right For Your Business?

New Shopping Center Site

How to Select a New Shopping Center Site

If the next goal of your retail construction business is to build a shopping center at a strategic location, the first key step is to find the right site where it’s economically, geographically and environmentally viable to build a shopping mall. The planning and construction of a shopping center are way different from that of local markets or of store clusters. The selection of land itself is a lengthy process, from shortlisting possible locations to getting government approvals to begin construction. The location, the scale of the project and the size of the shopping mall are key determinants in the site selection process. Moreover, when a developer chooses a site for a shopping mall, it must be a place that will receive high footfall, will have ample parking space, should be convenient to visit and should house the brands that can pull traffic. A shopping center is, therefore, a full package that doesn’t just offer products that people would like to purchase, but also an ambiance that will make the experience comfortable, hassle-free and weatherproof for visitors. If you’re an investor, developer or builder scouting locations to build a new shopping center, here are a few key factors that should guide your decision. Base your decision on stringent selection criteria : Building a new shopping center is a big investment and should get you maximum ROI in record time. However, reality often differs widely from projections made during the planning phase. Therefore, site selection for a shopping mall must be done after taking into account several key parameters such as accessibility, availability of local transport, road infrastructure around the location, traffic around the site, size and construction-readiness of the site, and scope of expansion. Other key factors that should drive your site selection research are the topography of the area, the shape of the land, and survey-backed data regarding potential footfall and present and future competition. Lastly, the catchment area should be studied in-depth to understand the demographics and spending habits of the population expected to be your future customers. Be prepared to face the challenges in site selection : Sometimes, finding a site for a new retail project takes only a few weeks, and at other times the process may stretch into months. The key challenges faced by builders and developers in finding an ideal location include land acquisition cost (land near the city center or in prime locations tends to be way more expensive than in other areas); availability of land for commercial projects near densely populated areas; getting the required environmental clearances and government approvals; and, lastly, the public infrastructure around the site. A site that meets only some of these selection challenges may not be worth pursuing, as the success of a shopping center will depend on the footfall it attracts, which itself depends on several factors. So shopping plaza location should be finalized only if it will give its investors and retailers a handsome return on investment. Use technology to find the best sites : The most successful global retail chains rely on technology to help them find suitable locations for opening new stores worldwide. Using massive amounts of big data and cutting-edge mapping systems, companies are using technology to find profitable sites across the world. Expansion and investment decisions are increasingly being taken based on location- and demographics-based data provided by specialty software programs and applications. If so far you’ve relied on physical research to scout locations for retail projects along with limited use of technology, it’s time to go all out into the fantastic realm of big data and digital mapping software to build your next retail success story. Contact a digital map provider, such as to get a detailed map of the town or district or street you’ve shortlisted as an ideal site for your next retail construction project. The various types of digital mapping services available with Promap offer invaluable and in-depth information that is employed by developers and architects for site identification, risk analysis, feasibility, planning application, and environmental and geological analysis of a location before proceeding to the planning and design phases. Lastly, market research is a key aspect of retail construction as it helps developers derive accurate projections in terms of present and long-term viability of the project. Once the site is selected, a detailed demand/supply study must be carried out, taking into account the lifestyle and spending power of the catchment area. This will help you determine which retail businesses are more likely to drive traffic to the shopping center. Read Also : Top Tips For Making Business Purchases Explore Some Interesting Marketing Trends For Your Business In 2018 Relocating Your Business To Downtown Toronto? Read This First 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business The Business Networking Benefits Of Co-Working Spaces