We’re What We Eat: How Eating Habits Affect Our Well-Being

Published on: 09 February 2023 Last Updated on: 27 February 2023

Eating is not just about dumping fuel into the tank so we can drive another twenty blocks. Multiple psychological and sociocultural factors also dictate how, why, when, and what we eat.

Varying eating habits around the world can have a significant effect on our well-being. This post aims to shine a light on some of these habits to examine them more closely.

Habit One: Is Breakfast The Most Important Meal Of The Day?

Breakfast The Most Important Meal Of The Day

Cereal manufacturers are keen on the idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Is it true?

According to researchers Tanya Zilberter and Eugene Yuri Zilberter, recommendations for breakfast eating behavior remain categorical but at the same time scientifically unsound health guidelines.

If we look at the science and ignore cereal marketing, there are many benefits to eating at the start of your day. The following scientific information is extracted from the materials provided by the National Library of Medicine:

  • Breakfast eaters tend to get more nutrients over the course of the day. They are also more likely to intake a wider range of nutrients.
  • Breakfast has been associated with improved weight control and health indicators of cardiometabolic risk. This applies to adults and children.
  • Studies have related breakfast eating to improvements in attention and better cognitive function, regardless of age.

Remember that breakfast means different things around the world. Eating a pain au raisin in Paris is not the same as eating bratwurst in Berlin. The nutritional value of a full English breakfast is not the same as a continental.

Attempting to run the first few hours on an empty tank is generally not as healthy as providing your body with some fuel. What’s important, however, is to start the day with food and supplement your nutritional intake during the day.

According to the researchers whose statement has opened this section, skipping breakfast is not necessarily a big deal. People need to consider the below points:

  1. how long they’ve been without food (if two people eat at midnight and one eats breakfast at 5 am and the other at 10 am, the different fast lengths will impact their bodies differently), and
  2. whether they make up the “lost” nutrients with their eating habits during the day.

However you do breakfast, take a holistic approach to diet. Consider what you eat over 24 hours.

Habit Two: What Are The Consequences Of Eating Before Bed?

Just as skipping breakfast is seriously frowned upon, eating late at night is typically considered a bad habit. Science suggests that eating late at night correlates with higher incidences of medical claims.

While Tanya Zilberter and Eugene Yuri Zilberter found that research on skipping breakfast and studies on eating late often fail to consider how long the participants fasted, they did find solid evidence regarding the potential risks of eating late, including the following eating behavior pathologies:

  • Elevated insulin and glucose levels, characteristic of metabolic syndrome;
  • Distortions of body image and mood disorders;
  • Implications on circadian rhythm.

Harvard agrees. Late-night eating is bad for health. A recent Harvard study found evidence that eating late may increase hunger, which can increase the risk of obesity.

If you suspect you’re about to see yourself in a statistic, you might be right. About forty percent of the US adult population is obese.

More study is required on the role late eating plays in calorie intake, calories burned, and molecular changes in fat tissue. Until that verdict comes in, it looks like avoiding late-night meals may reduce incidents of cancer, diabetes, and other conditions.

Habit Three: Is It Okay To Let Kids Eat In Front Of The TV?

Kids Eat In Front Of The TV

Eating in front of the television can lead to a lack of attention, which in turn can lead to missing cues regarding fullness. This habitual overeating could then cause obesity.

And there’s another interesting angle to consider regarding television, what we eat, and how we feed our children.

A fact-filled study into television viewing and unhealthy eating made the research-backed observation that television and food advertising influence children’s food preferences. Studies have demonstrated that child TV watchers are more likely to prefer unhealthy food in early adulthood than kids that didn’t watch television.

To help kids stay healthy and become adults who make healthy choices, monitor kids’ TV intake and defend them from unhealthy, unsolicited dietary influences on screen.

These tips may help you form your kid’s eating habits:

  • Kids’ food preferences develop by age three and tend to remain stable throughout childhood.
  • Repeated exposure increases the chance that your kids will start liking a new food.
  • Information that a new food tastes good will increase their willingness to try it.
  • Kids are less interested in hearing how nutritious things are.
  • The availability of food in the home will affect food consumption.
  • Your food access controls will influence consumption and food preferences.
  • If your diet is healthy, your kids will be more likely to eat healthily.
  • As kids reach middle school age and adolescence, external influences – including peers and the media – are likely to have a detrimental effect on their food choices.


We are what we eat. You knew that. Still, it’s worth delving into research to back it up. It’s easy to forget. Many of us have busy lives and take eating for granted, treating our bodies as if they weren’t some of the most sophisticated machinery on the planet.

While this post provides helpful information that may confirm your healthy eating habits or inspire you to eat differently, a health professional can help you put the best into your body to get the best out of your life.

Put your health in safe hands by visiting The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or Leadar websites to find a professional nutritionist who can help you, your loved one, or your team improve your health and performance.

Your eating habits have a massive effect on your well-being. Change how you eat to change your energy levels, your mood, your potential for health risks, and your life.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Mental Health Counseling

Exploring Mental Health Counseling: Issues Addressed

Mental health care has become an important aspect of healthcare today. There are several ways now that existing mental health issues can be minimized or eliminated, as the case may be. Every day, government officials, healthcare providers, private organizations, and individuals are taking up new responsibilities to promote mental health care. At the core of it is mental health counseling, which goes a long way in providing professional services to patients with mental issues affecting their lives. If you’re wondering what mental health counseling entails and the category of issues it can address, here’s what you need to know. What Is Mental Health Counseling? Mental health counseling comprises the services that trained professionals provide for clients who require help dealing with various issues affecting their lives. Professionals ranging from licensed counselors, psychologists, and nurses to social workers within the government, social services, or private spaces can provide these counseling services. The American Psychological Association provides that these issues can include personal challenges that cut through the behavioral, emotional, vocational, marital, educational, or rehabilitative spheres. When it comes to mental health counseling, there are various techniques available to provide these essential services. Among them, psychotherapy stands out as a major approach, concentrating on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health concerns through thorough research, assessment, and clinical intervention. Once a clinical diagnosis is established, the necessity for treatment becomes apparent. A mental health counselor is different from other categories of counselors. These counselors seek ways of providing holistic solutions that tackle the different challenges to mental health and work with a wide range of patients from day to day. Counselor Vs. Therapist It’s important to differentiate between these two terms, as they typically mean the same thing. The major difference between the two is the training, licensing, and treatment methods that they undergo. These elements will influence the type of experience the professionals have and the types of results they see. They are also similar in a number of ways, as they both use talk therapy when handling patient issues. However, talk therapy for therapists is more regulated than that for counselors. Although a master’s degree is not compulsory for mental health counselors, most employers tend to focus on candidates with graduate degrees and adequate experience. A mental health counseling online degree from American International College can equip you with the appropriate skills and guidance needed to navigate the sensitive situations in a mental health counseling role. Both categories are also required to be licensed to be able to practice. The Scope Of Practice Of Mental Health Counseling If you are considering a career in mental health counseling, you may also want to know its scope of practice. Mental health counselors typically work with clients to manage issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. This type of counselor also focuses on general therapy, ensuring that their patients can navigate a wide range of emotional and psychological issues. As a mental health counselor, you will assist individuals in dealing with their everyday challenges, such as handling stressful situations, communicating better, and improving their relationships. Mental health counselors use talk therapy as a major tool for handling situations. Talk therapy involves open and compassionate conversations that help clients better understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. All of these end goals are simply to promote personal growth and well-being. In addition to the requisite education and training, several jurisdictions require mental health counselors to pursue additional training to understand the administration of psychometric assessments and tests during practice. One important thing to note about mental health counselors is that they are usually ruled out of performing cognitive testing and can only perform specific assessments under strict conditions, such as under the supervision of a licensed clinical psychologist. Mental health is an essential aspect of our lives, and adequate attention should always be paid to it. For this reason, mental health counselors are important because they can help to bring relief when it becomes difficult to maintain our mental health on our own. Mental health counselors not only help people when they are experiencing general mental health issues, such as depression, eating disorders, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, bipolar disorder, dementia, and personality disorders, but they can also help a range of patients deal with several other conditions. Addiction And Substance Abuse Drinking too much alcohol, using illicit drugs, overusing prescribed medications, gambling addiction, and sex addiction are some of the major abuse and addiction problems that counselors can help individuals to manage. Adjusting To Major Life Changes Mental health counselors can also help patients navigate life changes such as a loss, a move, divorce, or recovery from a major illness. Dealing with these issues may take a toll on the mental health of those involved and without tell-tale signs sometimes. Stress And Trauma Counseling can help individuals who are experiencing stress related to work, relationships, or other life events. They can also help those who have experienced a traumatic event, such as physical or sexual assault, domestic violence, or natural disasters. Conclusion Mental health counseling can be a highly rewarding profession for anyone to pursue. Today, the need for clinical mental health counselors has risen drastically. If you are thinking of pursuing a career in this field, why not look into enrolling in a course such as a mental health counseling degree? Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms and Who Is At Risk?

You might have heard the term “functioning alcoholic” and wondered what it even means. Then, you might be searching for the meaning of the term and what it means to be a functional alcoholic. Then, let’s throw some light on the meaning of functioning alcoholics for your better understanding.  We often relate alcoholism with people who are unable to function properly in their lives. This stereotype of alcoholic individuals seems to be not accurate. This is because several individuals who are alcoholics seem to function properly and deal with their daily tasks properly.  If this is the case, then why are these individuals living a regular life while being alcoholic? While other groups cannot function properly because they are constantly under influence.  Therefore, in this article, we not only discuss what is a functioning alcoholic but also how they differ from those with more visible signs of alcohol dependency.  Perception About Individuals Battling Addiction Your concept or perception of an alcoholic will change when you learn how a functioning alcoholic person works. They are capable of living or maintaining a normal life while battling alcohol addiction.  At one glance, you might not even know this person might have an addiction. Because they can do all their daily duties smoothly. Therefore, why was this term created, which means someone who is functioning even when dealing with addiction?  This challenges the common stereotype of an alcoholic person who lives an undisciplined and disheveled life. The term “functioning alcoholic” could be used to describe a person’s condition, but it is not officially recognized.  In the field of psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) doesn’t recognize this term officially. However, several professionals use this term to describe a specific alcoholic person’s condition.  So, understanding the phenomenon of the functioning alcoholic is important. Because it helps identify people who are going through this hardship. When you recognize a functional alcoholic, you can help them get the right treatment, which will get them better.  Functioning alcoholics often hide their struggles with addiction while maintaining a normal facade. So, it becomes harder for you to recognize them and get them correctly diagnosed. Therefore, you must read this article to know how to identify one. This is so you can help them get the right treatment for recovery.  What Is A Functioning Alcoholic?  A functioning alcoholic seems to live a normal life while dealing with alcohol addiction. These individuals, you will observe, can do all the regular tasks and maintain a lifestyle without alcohol overriding their lives.  Even if they are always under the influence, they can hold down a job and other obligations. Not only that, but they can also excel in some areas of their lives without alcohol overriding their entire life.   Therefore, it becomes hard for you to identify these individuals. Because they look perfectly normal from the outside while dealing with addiction.  These individuals know how to keep their professional and social lives separate from their addiction. You see, functional alcoholics are aware of their alcoholic addiction, which helps them hide it easily. They become skilled at hiding their shortcomings from the world.  However, this addiction of a functioning alcoholic does not affect anyone other than themselves. It does affect their own lives if kept unchecked in the long run. As they continue to hide their struggle with alcohol, it becomes much more troublesome as time goes on.  Functioning Alcoholics Live In The Grey Area Of Addiction  A functioning alcoholic lives in the grey area of addiction, where addiction coexists with competence. While they are functioning like a regular individual, they also hide their addiction from their friends, family, or colleagues.   So, they operate much more separately than an alcoholic consumed with addiction and a normal non-alcoholic.  So how will you recognize a functioning alcoholic when they are living just like any ordinary person? You see, functioning alcoholics often rationalize their drinking habits as rewards for their accomplishments.   So, if they can get their work done, they reward themselves. Again, if they do their duty towards their family, they will reward themselves with a drink.  Again, their coping mechanism for dealing with the stress of daily responsibilities is through alcohol. So, when they accomplish their responsibilities day-to-day, they reward themselves with alcohol.  But this facade of normalcy is fragile as they become more dependent on alcohol over time. As they start to deal with life problems with alcohol, this results in psychological issues.  Maintaining a long-term facade of alcohol addiction is not the only problem a functional alcoholic face but health problems, too.  High Functioning Alcoholism vs. Traditional Alcohol Use Disorder  Traditionally, you could identify an alcoholic person from their visible signs of dysfunction. These dysfunctional problems were frequent performance issues, relationship problems, and deteriorating health.  In contrast, high-functioning alcoholics may lead seemingly successful lives, masking their dependency behind a façade of competence. They may hold prestigious positions, maintain social connections, and even drink expensive wine without raising suspicion.  Despite their ability to keep up appearances, high-functioning alcoholics often deal with a significant internal struggle. They might spend considerable effort hiding the extent of their drinking from others and themselves.  This can involve elaborate routines to cover up the smell of alcohol and secret drinking sessions. Again, a functional alcoholic persistently worries about being discovered because of their addiction.  You will see that the stress of maintaining a double life can be extremely problematic in the long run. In the long-term, this coping mechanism with alcohol can only affect negatively both physically and mentally.  Along with the stress of hiding their addiction to alcohol and dealing with life’s problems, a functioning alcoholic is bound to break down at some point. This will lead to their worst fear of revealing their true nature.  It’s this dual existence that differentiates high-functioning alcoholism from other overt alcohol use disorders. Other alcohol disorders are more visible due to their impact on an individual’s life.  Recognizing The Signs of Alcohol Abuse  There are significant risks to being a functional alcoholic despite its outward appearance. Because their pattern of drinking can be more than seven drinks per week. This leads to health risks in the long term. Again, continuous dependence on alcohol to deal with life can have adverse effects on the person’s psychology.  From binge drinking episodes to the inability to stop drinking despite its negative consequences, these are some of the recognized risks of alcohol addiction. They may also experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit or cut back on alcohol consumption.  Recognizing signs of a high-functioning alcoholic can be challenging as they are good at hiding their addiction. Therefore, it’s essential to identify these individuals, get them diagnosed correctly, and treat them properly.  It’s important to note that these behaviors can be subtle and easily overlooked, especially when the individual is still managing to fulfill their personal and professional obligations. Over time, you will see that the consequences of high-functioning alcoholism become visible.  Be it strained relationships, personality changes, mental health issues, and physical health problems related to alcohol abuse. You will start to see its effects on a functional alcoholic.  Risk Factors and Consequences  Certain factors can increase the likelihood of high-functioning alcoholism, including genetic predisposition, environmental influences, and untreated mental health issues.  While they may avoid some of the immediate consequences associated with traditional alcoholism, such as job loss or legal troubles, high-functioning alcoholics are still at risk for severe health problems, including certain cancers and mental health issues.  These health problems can include liver disease, heart disease, and neurological impairments that may not become evident until later in life. The psychological consequences are equally concerning, potentially leading to depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric disorders that can deteriorate the quality of life.  Moreover, high-functioning alcoholics may face social consequences over time, such as eroded trust in relationships, marital strife, and a gradual withdrawal from social activities as they prioritize alcohol over personal connections.  Despite maintaining a veneer of normalcy, the cumulative effect of these risk factors and consequences can lead to a tipping point where the individual’s ability to function at a high level is compromised.  It is crucial to recognize these long-term risks and understand that the lack of immediate, visible consequences does not diminish the urgency for intervention and treatment.  Seeking Support And Treatment For The High Functioning Alcoholic  Addressing high-functioning alcoholism requires a comprehensive approach involving medical professionals, support groups, and rehab centers in Los Angeles specializing in addiction medicine.  Loved ones play a crucial role in encouraging their family members or close relatives to seek help, but it’s essential to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Initiating this conversation can be delicate, as it often involves breaking through a wall of denial built up by the individual over time.  Friends and family need to be informed about the nature of high-functioning alcoholism, to offer non-judgmental support, and to avoid enabling behaviors that can perpetuate the addiction.  The process of seeking support often begins with an honest self-assessment or an intervention by concerned loved ones. This step is vital in helping the individual recognize the extent of their problem and its impact on their life and the lives of those around them.  Professional interventionists can be instrumental in this phase, providing the guidance needed to navigate what can be a highly charged situation. Once the individual acknowledges the need for help, the next step involves finding the right treatment program.  Treatment can range from outpatient therapy sessions to accommodate the individual’s work schedule. Or a more intensive inpatient program where you must take a temporary step back from daily responsibilities.  The treatment choice should be tailored to the individual’s specific circumstances, considering their level of addiction, personal responsibilities, and any co-occurring mental health conditions.  Throughout the recovery journey, ongoing support is essential for maintaining sobriety. Aftercare programs and sober living communities offer continued guidance and support, helping the individual to reintegrate into their daily life with new coping skills and a renewed focus on health and wellness.  Support And Treatment Facilities  Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous provide a vital lifeline for individuals struggling with alcohol use disorders, offering a sense of community and understanding.  These groups facilitate peer-to-peer support and shared experiences, creating a space where individuals can speak openly about their struggles without fear of judgment.  Treatment facilities offer residential treatment or outpatient tailored programs designed to address the unique needs of high-functioning alcoholics, providing medical supervision during the withdrawal process and equipping them with coping strategies for maintaining sobriety.  These facilities often employ a multidisciplinary approach, combining medical treatment, psychological counseling, and behavioral therapy to address the complex nature of addiction. The programs may include individual therapy sessions, group therapy, educational workshops on addiction, and relapse prevention planning.  In addition to traditional treatment methods, some facilities offer holistic therapies such as meditation, yoga, and art therapy, recognizing the importance of treating the whole person.  The Importance Of Mental Health Resources  Recognizing that alcoholism is not solely a physical dependency but also a mental health problem is crucial. Access to more mental health resources, including therapy and counseling, can help individuals address underlying issues contributing to their alcohol use and develop healthier coping mechanisms.  These resources are vital in treating the emotional and psychological aspects of alcoholism, which often include stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders that may co-occur with substance abuse.  By providing a supportive environment for open discussion about mental health, individuals can gain insights into the emotional triggers that lead to drinking and learn new strategies for managing these triggers.  Therapy can also assist in repairing relationships damaged by alcohol abuse, rebuilding trust, and improving communication skills. In addition, counseling can offer guidance on how to establish a balanced life. You can set achievable goals and create a supportive network that fosters their long-term recovery.  Treatment programs need to integrate mental health services as a core component of addiction recovery, called dual diagnosis treatment. This integration ensures that individuals receive a holistic approach to their treatment, addressing all facets of their well-being.  As society continues to destigmatize mental health issues, the hope is that more people will feel empowered to seek the help they need without fear of judgment or stigma.  Ultimately, enhancing the availability and accessibility of mental health resources is a critical step in supporting the recovery journey of functioning alcoholics. Their lasting sobriety helps improve their mental health issues.  High Functioning Alcoholics: Is There Such A Thing?  High-functioning alcoholics can often seem to have it all together, balancing significant responsibilities while battling their addiction in silence.  Despite heavy drinking, they are typically individuals who seem to lead productive lives. They often excel in their careers, maintain social relationships, and uphold daily routines.  This can make it difficult is difficult for others and sometimes even for the individuals themselves to recognize the problem, as their success often masks the underlying issues.  We can help individuals struggling with high-functioning alcoholism by raising awareness and providing support. This will help them regain control of their lives and improve their overall life.  How to Help a Colleague (...Who is Also Recovering)  Helping someone in recovery from alcoholism is as simple as learning the signs and subtly helping.    But remember they are on a journey, not at the destination. Part of that journey includes being open about their lives but not praying too much. A casual “How are you doing today?” can go a long way.   Be Responsible Yourself First!  Help your co-workers make healthy choices by creating a clean, responsible environment.   Don’t go to work events where the primary focus is drinking, and don’t invite them to join if you do.    Be mindful of their limits; never encourage or force them to drink more than they feel comfortable with.   If they make the choice to leave an event because others are drinking too heavily, offer to accompany them.   Find Alternative Activities  Encourage them to engage in healthy activities, even if it is during office breaks. You can go for a walk with them at lunch or get involved together in a wellness group at work.   Not only do these kinds of activities help alleviate stress, but they also give your colleague something positive to focus their energy on.   Plus, showing that you’re willing to invest in their well-being as professionally appropriate helps build a stronger working relationship between the two of you and gives them an added source of support while they recover.   Do not Get Too Personal  But still, you need to draw the line and not become too personal with them. You should only keep any conversations limited to work-related topics unless they would like to share them with you.   Be mindful of their personal space as well because, in the end, it is their own recovery.  Supporting a colleague in recovering from alcoholism requires empathy, respect, and understanding.   By being a supportive colleague, you help to not only nurture their recovery but also help foster an inclusive and compassionate workplace. Remember, it’s the little things that mean a lot.  Conclusion It’s crucial to understand that high-functioning alcoholism is a real and serious condition. When you acknowledge its existence, you take the first step towards addressing the unique challenges it presents.  With the right resources and support systems, you can improve functioning alcoholic individuals to live a life free from alcohol. You can find them the help they need to recover from alcohol dependency.  Therefore, you need to know about functional alcoholism and identify functional alcoholic individuals.    Read Also: How 12-Step Works As Addiction Recovery Support Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips To Find The Best Rehabilitation Center


Getting Ripped with Calisthenics

Have you ever experienced hard-hitting or heavy breathing in any of your workouts? Then, you need to try calisthenics. It ‘s a great body exercise strategy when you want to get that full, well-muscled, and a lean physique which is usually a preserve for the Hollywood actors and athletes. Calisthenics is one of the underrated workouts in the world of fitness yet it is such a rewarding one when done rightly. Continue reading and learn some of the calisthenics moves that will give you a fulfilling experience Overhead squats: Ensure your legs are nearly shoulder-width and squat as low as you can while raising your hands above your heads. Then keep you’re your knees and feet facing forward. Lean your torso forward and squat as low as you can, and be careful not to overdo it. Keep the torso upright and let your arms fall forward. Stand straight without any movement of the body or arms, exhale, keep your feet and knees facing forward; repeat that ten times. Inclined pull-ups: With a sturdy horizontal bar, like the one on a smith machine. Set the bar between two to three feet high. Get your shoulders apart, grab the bar and crawl under it so that your chest is below it. Ensure your hips and feet are widths apart. Pull yourself up, tighten your buttocks, and exhale. Try as much as you can to push your chest until it touches the bar. For great results, get the best bodyweight tools to get ripped from an experienced and reputable shop. Ball push-ups: On top of the stability ball, push your shins and the tops on top of the stability ball.  Lower your body until your chest almost touches the ground while tightening your buttocks. Don’t, move the body or the ball, repeat up to 12 steps and as you push yourself back up, exhale. This exercise is better performed with other people and do them without rest for more than twenty minutes. Crunches: There are few variations of these that you can apply and get the best out of calisthenics. Keep your knees at 90 degrees as you lie on your back. Get your hands behind your head or by your sides. Make sure there is an alignment of your spine and the head. Then using your abs, lift your torso slowly and then slowly, return to your position. Ball crunches: With a Swiss ball, your range of motion is extended and there you create a degree of instability and that effect helps your abs to work harder. As you lie on the ball, ensure your shoulder blades are held firmly against the ball. Try rising as you keep your abs contracted and then slowly go back to your starting position. Knee Raises: Using a bar to hang on, tilt your pelvis and then engage the abs without relying on your hips. Raise your knees as high as you can as you hang on the bar. Hold the bar for as long as you can. To get the best out of calisthenics, you should try a mix of the many styles, utilizing the many types of equipment there is. That will help in ensuring your muscles get the best of workouts. Find the best workout tools to get ripped here. Read Also: 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness 7 Simple Exercises That Can Relieve Back Pain In No Time