Is Equity Release Worth It?

Published on: 13 November 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
loan equity

You might be having second thoughts on whether or not to get an equity release loan. On the one hand, you want to use the money for a significant transaction. On the other hand, you are afraid that the interest rate will be too high over the years, and it could result in the drastic reduction of your property’s value. If it is your only property, and you have nothing else to leave your children, you want them to enjoy its full value.

How to make a decision

It is understandable if you are having a hard time choosing. To help you decide, think about where you wish to use your money. If you are paying hospital bills and other emergency expenses, and you have no other choice, proceed with your plan. It is reasonable for you to take it. You are also making the right move if you intend to use the money for home improvements. You will be staying in your property until you die, so it does not hurt to invest in home improvements. Besides, it could help boost the value of your property.

On the other hand, if you are thinking of using the money to invest or start a business, it is a bad idea. You are at an age where you can’t wait to see where your money goes, or if it will someday grow. You need to enjoy your money at this point since you worked hard your entire life.

It is also reasonable to use the money if you wish to travel the world. It might not be reasonable if you were young, but at this age, do whatever you want to satisfy your desires. You might not have this opportunity someday, so while you still have it, make the most of it.

Check the details

 Aside from how you want to use the money you borrow, you also need to check if the terms and conditions are fair enough. There are equity release schemes that are reasonable, while others seem to take advantage of your age. You can seek help from a consultant to tell you the details you don’t understand. The information online might not be good enough for you to make a sound decision in the end.

Look at the repayment scheme, and if there is a fee if you complete the payment earlier. You also need to look at the steps involved once you die, and your family needs to pay back the loan. If it is too difficult for them, and you think they will not receive a significant amount, you might as well look for other options.

Should you get one?

After consultation and research, you can decide whether or not you will take the loan. You already have the necessary information at this point to choose. When choosing, think not only of what you need now but in the long run. Think of how it will affect your family, but it does no harm to be selfish and think about its impact on you.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Invest In Cryptocurrency

How To Invest In Cryptocurrency Without Buying Any?

I hope I don’t need to explain what is cryptocurrency now, you are already well aware of that. Cryptocurrency is not that straight forward you know. You need to have some exposure to it and then you could go on to invest in it. Well, if you are going to follow Warren Buffet’s remark that one must not invest in something which is hard to understand- it might not work here I tell you. Just have a look at the performance of Cryptocurrency. The prices of Bitcoin in the year 2020 March covered a massive long jump from $5000 to $60000 by April 2022. Therefore it's not wise to avoid Crypto! But how to invest in Cryptocurrency without buying it directly? You could buy bitcoin with credit card. So let's begin… How Do You Invest In Cryptocurrency Without Buying? Cryptocurrencies had been a dream run from 2020 to 2021. In November 2021, while cryptocurrencies were at the top of the price charts, the Crypto Winter reversed a majority of the registered gains that year. The simplest way to expose to crypto investment instead of buying crypto itself is by purchasing stocks within the company.  This is not that easy and might take some of your time. So what's the problem? There are some ways through which you could go on to procure exposure to Cryptocurrency without investing in it.  1: Investing In Companies With Crypto Interests You could go on to maintain a balanced portfolio by identifying the companies that have interests in Crypto rather than buying the shares in a Crypto company.  This will be beneficial to you. This is because it will not only allow you to invest in the companies where you see there is potential, but also it will allow you to keep your investment permeated within the broader fund.   For example, if you invest in Vanguard, you could go on to use the holding search of the sites to trace all the Vanguard funds that constitute a specific organization.  Here are some of the examples of business organizations that add Bitcoin to their business.  Microstrategy(MSTR).  Bitfarms (BITF). Marathon Digital Holdings.  Galaxy Digital (BRPFF).  2: Invest In Cryptocurrency-Related Business  You could also consider investing in Crypto-related businesses. For example, there is Marathon Digital Holding which creates the largest Bitcoin mining company in North America.  There is another suitable option and that is Riot Blockchain (RIOT). This will help provide you with the required exposure as well as cryptocurrency news that will give you the required knowledge base.  3: Investing In Crypto Infrastructure  Do invest in the companies that have stakes in the Cryptocurrency industry. This is just like Gold…you could either go on to invest in Gold itself as well as in the infrastructure that surrounds Gold.  Thinking of Miners?..the material required for mining activity?... That's the Blockchain Technology instead of energy and oil I tell you. So it's safer. There are a handful of public companies that are presently handling Blockchain, so you may think of investing there.  4: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) ETFs are like some container of stocks but their function is like that of Equities and Mutual Funds.  If you go on to purchase a unit of an ETF it will provide you with the required exposure to investing in Cryptocurrencies. Within the ETFs, there are diverse industries. And all you have to do is to pick one industry. Well, you could take ETFs with Blockchain firms. Some of the good etf Blockchain Options you have: 1. BLCN- This holds Accenture and Coinbase. 2. LEGR (Process ETF and the First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactions)- The holdings include Fujitsu and NVIDIA. 3. BLOK (Transformational Data Sharing ETF)- Well, this is by far the biggest Blockchain ETF with Holdings and they include Microstrategy, Square, and Paypal).  5: Be Cautious If You Are Investing Directly  Mind that you are not experienced enough and you are going to invest in Cryptocurrency directly! Well, you ought to be cautious. There are a few ways through which the risk could be lessened. There are some credits that go on to offer rewards on Cryptocurrency. You don't have to have to invest your hard-earned dollars in it!  Another way you could mitigate the risk is to invest in Stablecoin. They are a bit similar to the traditional Cryptocurrency but they are backed by real-world assets. This acts to significantly drop the value. Bottom Line Investing in individual stocks could carry similar risks as an investment in cryptocurrency. Do you think that you are going to get away with this kind of shadow practice? Let me tell you that not these stocks or specialized ETFs are a form of guarantee. There is the ambiance of volatility and it is akin to what can be seen in the Crypto markets.  For more updates on topics related to cryptocurrency prices, stay tuned to our website. Have any queries? Let’s talk in the comment area below.    Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Crypto Is The Best New Side Hustle For You Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets What is the Best Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange? 5 Best New Cryptocurrencies To Buy in 2022

Savings Goals

Make Your Savings Goals Come True with Gold

What are your investment goals? Some of the most common savings and investment goals people have are retirement, education funds for children, saving to buy a home, starting a business, switching to a more satisfying but lower paying career, getting married, or even going on a vacation. These are all great reasons to save and invest, and they all come with different investment strategies, timelines, and risk tolerance. None of them are mutually exclusive. In fact, you should probably be balancing a few of these investment goals at the same time. Whatever your other savings goals, retirement should always be on your mind, and that means long-term growth with a balanced portfolio. While goals such as buying a house or going on vacation may have much shorter timelines, retirement offers an opportunity to grow your savings to new heights through compound interest and balancing high-growth, high-risk investments with low-risk alternatives. Invest in Low-Risk Assets like Gold: One low-risk asset you should consider buying is gold. Many investors consider it superior to other low-risk assets like treasury deposits or money market deposit accounts. There are a few qualities that make gold a better investment: Inflation-proof; since 1971, the value of a dollar has gone from 1/40 of an ounce to 1/1300 of an ounce, while the gold-housing ratio (the relative value between gold and real estate) is about the same. Highly desirable when inflation is higher than interest rates. Performs well when stocks do poorly, helping you offset losses. Highly liquid and you can sell easily even when stocks are considered toxic. Here’s how you can get started investing in gold today. Buy Gold Online: Buy gold online for a cost-efficient way to add it to your portfolio. The prices will be lower than a physical shop, and shops today are often in the business of selling more collectible coins. Get straight to the punch by buying coins and bars that were made for the modern investor – straightforward, predictable costs and no-nonsense products. Bullion vs. Paper: Gold bullion is your safest bet for investing. You have maximum control and minimum third-party risks. Paper or ETFs place your money and your trust in management and trading practices that aren’t easy to understand, such as lending and futures trading. Gold bullion is by far the more secure option. Buy Gold Bars or Coins: Now that you’ve limited your options to physical gold bullion, there is still a lot to choose from. Gold bars and coins are more cost-effective products. All forms will have premiums over spot prices. It costs mints labor and machining to create bars and coins, and companies face expenses such as shipping, storage, and insurance, which they recoup through premiums. Gold bars have less production value than coins, so they are an excellent way to save and buy at something closer to spot prices. Gold can help you meet your investment goals. Allocating a portion of your portfolio to gold means you have a highly liquid, inflation proof asset you can depend on whenever you need it, whatever the market looks like. Read Also: Investors Agree: Gold And Silver Is The Way To Go Cut Risks And Guarantee Gains: Why Real Gold Is Attractive


What Is NFT Art And How Does It Work

At its core, an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content, often an artwork, using blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, NFTs are not interchangeable; each NFT has a distinct digital signature, making it unique and non-fungible.  NFT art refers to digital artworks bought, sold, and traded as NFTs. These can range from digital paintings, animations, music, videos, and more. The art is usually digital, but the NFTs can also represent ownership of physical artwork.  How Does NFT Art Work?  Creation and Minting: Artists create digital art and then "mint" these works as NFTs on various platforms or blockchains like Ethereum. Minting involves creating a new block, validating information, and recording the art as a transaction in the blockchain.  Ownership and Authenticity: Once minted, the NFT's metadata (including the artist's signature, the artwork's details, and ownership history) is securely stored in the blockchain. This ensures the authenticity and provenance of the artwork, making it easy to verify its originality and ownership.  Buying and Selling: NFT art can be purchased on numerous online marketplaces. Transactions are usually made using cryptocurrencies. When an NFT is bought, the ownership is transferred to the buyer, and this transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing a permanent record of the sale.  Royalties: One of the revolutionary aspects of NFTs is the ability for artists to receive royalties automatically. Artists can program in a royalty system to receive a percentage of sales whenever their art is sold to a new owner.  Benefits of NFT Art  Provenance and Authenticity: NFTs provide a secure and transparent way to prove the authenticity and ownership of artwork.  Global Market Access: Artists can reach a global audience, and buyers can purchase from anywhere.  Royalties: Artists can benefit financially from secondary sales of their work.  Innovative Art Forms: NFTs have encouraged new digital art and creativity forms.  Criticisms and Challenges  Environmental Concerns: The energy consumption of blockchain technology and NFT transactions has raised environmental concerns.  Market Volatility: The NFT market can be volatile, with prices fluctuating dramatically.  Copyright and Plagiarism Issues: There have been instances of art being tokenized without the creator's permission.  Future of NFT Art  The world of NFT art is still in its infancy, and its potential is vast. As technology evolves and more artists and collectors embrace NFTs, we may see new forms of art, innovative uses, and solutions to current challenges. Despite the controversies and growing pains, NFT art is paving the way for a new digital creativity and ownership era.  NFT art represents a significant shift in how we perceive and handle digital ownership and art. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs provide a secure and transparent method to buy, sell, and collect digital art. While there are challenges to address, the NFT space's potential for growth and innovation is immense, making it an exciting frontier in the art world. As with any emerging technology, artists, collectors, and enthusiasts need to stay informed and engaged with the evolving landscape of NFT art.  Read Also: How The NFT Market Is Developing In 2021 Is there a Place for Bitcoin in the Fashion World? Creating Successful Mobile Games: What You Need to Know