Everything You Need to Know About Self-Parking Kiosks

Published on: 24 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
self-parking kiosks

Self-parking kiosks make managing carparks easier and better than the usual parking facility. The main advantage of parking kiosks for business owners is their ability to make the customer’s parking experience better. Long parking queues are eliminated, and payments are always secured. Additionally, modern self-parking kiosks like Aria are made interactive to address customer needs better.

Here’s everything you need to know about this amazing technology.

Offers Secured Way of Paying:

Self-parking kiosk systems vary from one manufacturer to another, but one thing remains the same—their level of security. These kiosks are made to provide secure payment solutions not just for the customers but for the business who owns the machine.

Payments can be made through a mobile application, via credit card, or by scanning the barcode on the ticket. Because most people are now leaning towards a cashless economy, it only makes sense to offer cashless payment options.

Here’s how credit card payments are processed:

  1. The customer selects the duration of stay.
  2. The customer inserts or swipes the credit card into the machine.
  3. The customer waits for the machine to dispense a parking ticket.
  4. The customer collects the parking ticket and places it on their dashboard so attendants can easily spot them.
  5. Customers who wish to cancel the transaction can do so by pressing cancel before the machine dispenses a parking ticket.

Here is how mobile payments are processed:

  1. A customer selects the duration of stay and chooses a mobile payment option.
  2. They wait for the machine to dispense the parking ticket.
  3. They can scan the barcode on their ticket using their smartphone.
  4. The barcode should direct the customer to the mobile application or to a website where they can pay for the parking fee or apply validations.

These steps may vary, but this is essentially how these payments are being processed.

Customer Service Ready:

A reliable self-parking kiosk should offer a system where businesses can manage parking customers. The system’s dashboard gives parking supervisors and attendants an overview of the parking traffic and how many tickets are dispensed. Moreover, the dashboard also generates reports when you need them.

Some self-parking kiosks have cameras and speakers installed into them so that attendants can quickly assist customers who encounter a problem. The system can also take a photo of the car for future references and security reasons.

Here are some other customer-service-related tasks you should be able to do on your dashboard:

  • Offer online reservations
  • Change parking rates
  • Open and close parking gates manually
  • Review transaction history
  • Customize data views
  • View other parking garages with self-parking kiosks

Gives You Important Data:

In this day and age, data is everything. When you have data, you have power over your business. You might be wondering as to what information a self-parking kiosk can provide. Data such as wait times, duration of stay, occupancy rate, and payment types can be gathered from these kiosks. These data can be correlated to customer behaviors.

For example, if you have a hotel business and have installed a kiosk in your parking garage, you can get the data as to when there is a high demand for customer parking. You can then use this historical data to create a more effective pricing strategy just like what you see with ride-sharing services who react based on the demand present.


These things aren’t just a large metal box hanging out in your parking garage. You can customize your kiosks so that it reflects your branding and shows your logo.

Having a customized kiosk will prevent confusion from your customers, especially if your parking facility is in a high-traffic location. Here are other things that you can customize:

  • Screen idle display – You can customize the idle display so that it uses your branding colors and shows your logo. This kind of customization helps increase brand awareness and reliability.
  • Advertisements – You can also place ads on the screen while the kiosk prints out the ticket. Customization like this helps you generate additional income.
  • Text and button sizes – Establishments who frequently cater to senior citizens or persons with disability will benefit significantly with this kind of customization. They can make the text sizes on the screen bigger and make the buttons easily understandable for their parking customers.


Parking is part of the overall customer journey, and if your customers’ parking experience is poor, they may have a bad impression of your establishment already even before actually doing business with you. It’s time to take your business to the digital age and start employing self-parking kiosks. They don’t just make parking more comfortable. They also help elevate the customer experience.

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Atmospheric Temperature

Stage 4 Technologies Towards Lower Atmospheric Temperature

A Legislative Formulation The tier 4 final engine technology marks its emergence from the legislation regulating the off-road vehicles' exhaust emission passed by Japan, the European Union, and the USA in the year 1990, concerning the air quality index. The tier four engine technologies have been approved because of its SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) and EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) techniques. This legislation brought a revolutionary effect on the engine technology, which is environmentally friendly, and with lower atmospheric emissions leading to a lower atmospheric temperature. Tier Four/ Stage Four Emergence By the year 2014, a variety of engine technologies for off-road vehicles emerged, keeping up with the tier 4 final engine technology demands. This was the surge of evolution in engine technology. The year 2014 marked a rigorous implementation of tier four final engine technologies and with different phases, different innovations and engine designs came into being. NOx and PM Elimination Balancing out the atmospheric temperature was a major concern with an increase in the number of off-road vehicles. The SCR and EGR technique helped the industry to accomplish that requirement. The tier 4 final engine technology is designed by keeping in mind both the customer and environmental benefits. This, this exhaust emission regulation passed by these countries managed to make a change in the environmental conditions as well as health conditions as the  NOx and PMs percentage decreased by 99%. Nox contributes hugely to the increase in atmospheric temperature, but the Exhaust Gas Recirculation technology resolved this issue to a great extent. The air and environmental temperature regulation have become a matter of great concern because of the increasing global warming rate. The NOx not only increases the atmospheric temperature but also has terrible effects on our health, leading to life-threatening diseases such as diseases and cancer. So, the tier 4 final engine technologies curb bad and unpleasant odor caused due to black smoke and soot and also prevent lung irritation,  ground-level ozone, smog, and acid rains. SCR Turned More Efficient AdBlue is injected‌ ‌into‌ ‌the‌ ‌exhaust‌ ‌line along with the NOx in the catalytic converter. As a result, harmful products get converted into nitrogen and water compounds. The reason behind using this reactive technique is to increase the effectiveness of the SCR technique because it could not withstand one problem which was that the decrement in NOx level leads to an increment in the PM level and vice versa. This situation created a trade-off issue which the SCR technique succumbed to. A Perfect Fit for Tier Four Final Engine Technology The engines of off-road vehicles that had an output over 75 KW in the USA and 130 KW in the EU now use the tier four final engine technology which reduces exhaust emissions and increases fuel efficiency. EGR has contributed to the exhaust gas temperature optimization as well. The engine installation is easier with a relatively small size that produces less noise pollution. The SCR technology makes fuel efficiency better with a reduced maintenance cost, and the catalytic converter reduces the downtime cost and rejects lesser heat. Therefore, the tier four final engine technology is a blend of easy installation, cost reduction, reliability, C-EGR, and SCR with enhanced power outputs and of course, a lower atmospheric temperature. Read Also: 3 New Age Engineering & Construction Technology The Rapid Growth In The Global Industrial Automation Market And Its Career Opportunities

Website Downtime

The Beginners Guide To Dealing With Website Downtime

According to recent research, the average website is down for about three hours per month as a result of downtime to web hosting servers. The 99.9% uptime guarantee and refund policies offered by most to hosting provider, won't matter if you have lost traffic as a result of downtime. On average businesses can lose $10.6 million a year as a result of website downtime.  What Are The Major Causes Of Website Downtime?  Website downtime occur for reasons,some of them include:  Website code issues: poor programming can cause heavy loads on servers which leads to database error then eventually, makes the site unresponsive  Hacker attacks: a website can be brought down by attack from hackers in various ways - the server can be overloaded with DOS attacks, or malicious code is injected to steal security credentials - either way, the website owners are often forced to shut down the site in order to resolve the problem.  Data Centre issues: downtime can be caused by the hosting company itself. In this instance, uptime monitoring tools come in handy because they allow you to track the reliability of your web hosting company.  Increased traffic: increased traffic is probably one of the leading causes of website downtime. The only way to keep your site up and running even when there is a traffic surge is to engage the services of a reliable web hosting provider - a fully functional optimized website would be useless if your web host is unreliable.  How To Protect Your Website From Downtime  It's been established, website downtime can negatively impact an online business bottom line, therefore it is important to have protective measures in place to safeguard your business. Some of these methods include:  DNS management: is a service that automatically reroutes traffic from the affected server to a secondary server.  Backup recovery: setting up a secondary hosting account with a different hosting provider on a different server is a great backup option, that makes it easy for you to get your website online if your primary server experiences downtime  CDN: this network will basically store and deliver all cached content from your website and will protect it, in the occurrence of any short time downtime.  The combination of DNS management, a content delivery network (CDN) and a backup host- backup listing will go a long way in protecting your website from experiencing short or long-term downtime.  How To Avoid Prolonged Downtime With A Great Website Recovery Plan  Website downtime is unavoidable -site updates, extreme weather or equipment upgrade can cause website downtime. A website recovery plan and backup are are important to keep unplanned downtime from adversely affecting your business. Before setting up a website backup and recovery plan, you would need to put up - website monitoring systems in place to track website uptime. These monitoring tools provide vital information regarding website performance and availability.  With these tools, you can create a different test (checks on your website), to accurately narrow down the root cause of the problem and take adequate steps to correct it. These checks have to be set up outside of the basic HTTPS check the include-checking against known databases of virus and malware sources, record changes to DNS records and so on.  Set up a downtime page  The best time to set up a downtime page is when you still have access to your website. It comes in handy when there unplanned downtime or planned downtime. This page informs your visitor that you are on top of the situation. Putting up a 'service unavailable' or a 'website undergoing maintenance' message on a page is a great way to keep credibility and show that you have control of the situation.  How To Handle Website Downtime  1. Confirm site downtime: before taking any major step, you need to verify that your website is really down - that is, make sure it isn't a problem with your Internet connection or browser. To be extra certain, use a different computer to test out your website.  2. Find the cause: you should try to ascertain what caused the downtime -hardware issues, a programming error, expired domain or a DNS problem?  3. Get in touch with IT support: get in touch with the support of your web host and get assistance for the issue. if you choose a great web host, you should have ready support available.  4. Inform your website users about the downtime: it is imperative that your website visitors are not left in the dark. Put out messages on your social media account to keep your customers informed about what is going on and that your business is taking steps to address the problem. If it is a planned all downtime, it is good practice to send out a warning message detailing the date and time of site maintenance. 5. Check-in with IT: communicate regularly with IT and offer any information they may need regarding the web server or your website. You should also get an estimate of how long it would take for the problem to be solved.  6. Remain calm: this is tough to do but it is important to remember that website downtime can affect anyone and it is not the end of the world. Keeping calm is a great way to stay on top of the situation and resolve it quickly.  In Conclusion  A website is an integral part of a business's online success. Because of the great number of website downtime, it is imperative that downtime is dealt with swiftly to avoid long-term repercussions -loss of clients loyalty, the revenue.  Thankfully, major search engine websites like Google have put measures in place to help website owners mitigate SEO ranking damage by providing a way out. Read Also: What Makes A Good Mobile Website 7 Advantages Of Using Website Design Templates Winning Tactics To Build A Competitive Service Delivery Website

Cloud Computing

8 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing is Changing Education

Higher education may face a fall in the number of students enrolling during and after the pandemic. Many universities in the UAE and worldwide have taken a different approach to education. Most offer online learning, while others offer online and in-person learning. Most students will not wait for the end of the pandemic to start or continue their studies; they will study online from anywhere in the world. This will create stiff competition among universities because students don’t have to go to colleges closer to their homes; they can finally study in the best universities. Understanding Cloud Computing This is the delivery of computing services such as databases, servers, networking, software, storage, intelligence, and analytics over the cloud (the internet). Companies and other institutions don’t have to own data centers or computing resources; they only have to pay for the cloud services they use. This is affordable and effective when applied in higher education. Most students will prefer higher education institutions that offer excellent digital services to those with a more traditional approach to education. Cloud computing consulting will help the educational institution elevate the existing education system and deliver remote learning. How Cloud Computing is Changing Higher Education Cloud computing is not a new trend that universities have to keep up with; remote learning has always been around. This is about utilizing existing resources and technology to provide better and affordable education. Here are some ways cloud computing is changing higher education. 1. Textbooks are Expensive University textbooks can be quite expensive, and not all students can afford them, and the cost rises each year. Some students prefer not to buy textbooks because they have other essential expenses to pay. Cloud-based books, on the other hand, are an excellent solution to this issue. Digital resources are affordable; this allows most students who are not financially stable to access the same educational materials and resources as other learners. This makes it convenient to study at your dream university in Dubai. 2. Enhances Student Experience One of the reasons why you should study in a reputable university in Dubai is that it will utilize modern technology in all areas. Digital-based learning can review and improve individual student learning processes. It provides an in-depth summary of learning activities, transforms learning processes to accommodate every individual, and assesses students’ wellbeing. 3. Virtual Classes Cloud-based software makes it possible for higher institutions to organize virtual classrooms for their learners. This reduces most of the infrastructural costs. Teachers can also create courses and resources for students to use remotely. Virtual exams can reduce expenses and save time for both the teachers and students. 4. Accessibility Cloud computing is very useful because it makes learning easy and readily available for every student regardless of location or time. You can access resources, learning materials, applications, and course contents at any time. You can enroll in a university in Dubai and participate in group discussions and virtual classes. You are no longer limited by time and location. The good thing is that you can access these resources even on your Smartphone. 5. Updated Learning Materials College textbooks are expensive; this makes some students forego buying them while others use books with obsolete information. Cloud-based learning allows students to access relevant information and resources without much hassle. This makes learning enjoyable and convenient. Students excel in their studies and become productive members of society. 6. No More Expensive Hardware Cloud-based resources rely on web browsers and can run on any Smartphone and hand-held devices like tablets. Students and higher learning institutions don’t need to own laptops or computers to access resources. You can use a basic Smartphone to access learning materials. You don’t need to spend much on external storage devices; you can utilize avenues that provide free cloud-based storage. These platforms can safely store your data; higher education institutions that use this system use a VPN for security. 7. Diversity Cloud computing in higher education gives students many opportunities. This is beneficial for students who feel left out by the traditional education system. Learners can learn remotely or pursue studies abroad. Professionals who have no time for full-time classes can pursue virtual learning to upgrade their skills. 8. Real-Time Feedback Feedback is crucial in learning because it enables the instructor to see whether students understand the course. Students’ feedback is necessary; they can provide real-time feedback, allowing the institution and professors to make adjustments to cater to their needs. This shows learners that their voice is heard and appreciated, increasing student experience, which leads to smooth learning and better grades. Cloud computing can be used in various sectors, including higher education. Students and institutions benefit from this technology in many ways; it reduces expenses for both parties and is more convenient than the traditional education system. The goal is to utilize digital services to provide high-quality education to students. Institutions that have already adapted to this technology will continue to improve education for many students. Read also: Ten Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education 7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular Cloud Hosting: Top five reasons to take your business to the cloud